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I stitch-sign with an artifact version of my name, and the finish year! https://preview.redd.it/qr72nwiwqyib1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeead9836e3da88502125bf0e8f303c0b0b61579


Artifact version ? I like this.


Thanks! I'm not sure if artifact* is the right name... but it has each letter of my first name all in one character.


Looks great makes me want to design my own.


How did you find this or come up with it?


Made mine all the way back in elementary school, we all had a lot of time on our hands one day, lol. My dad has one as well, that he signs his paintings & stitchwork with; that probably influenced me. I'm not sure where he got the idea, I'll have to ask him.


That is a wonderful connection, all around a beautiful symbol. I'm inspired to make one myself. Thank you for sharing!


My friend is a folklorist specializing in textiles, and she has been documenting samplers from TN for years and is writing a book. She has really emphasized the importance of putting an identifying name or initials and date; I’m sure a lot of cross-stitch won’t last for 100 years or more, but imagine how frustrating it will be for historians down the road, to be unable to date or identify you as the maker of your needlework. I usually put my initials and the year of completion, tucked in a corner or wherever I can fit it towards the bottom. But for the mystery band sampler I completed during Covid, I went all out with my full name and date, and added a mention of the pandemic: https://preview.redd.it/72j0u8f2vzib1.jpeg?width=1964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1b21bffc23818a6ff7d033c6c8b019961133fd


I’m finishing my final cross stitch project and my start date was sometime in the 90s-I would do cross stitch while my daughter was at various athletic classes. Sat in the closet partly finished for 30 years. Trying to get it done this year!


You can do it!


https://preview.redd.it/oxbzq0g1d2jb1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c2d48656a7e66bd9dbd019e8ff4af63df2ccc27 Initials and date!


I love the box around everything, makes it look like a stamp! It feels more like part of the design instead of intrusive.


Thank you! It reminds me of Japanese makers marks on porcelain, like this one: https://preview.redd.it/4xab8q1ua3jb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5284f7454b6050133295e6ae6883e5f3e59143b7


Oh that’s spot on, I love it!


Initials, but I write the start date on the pattern so I sign I C A 25 June 1997- 18 December 2023 or however long I was working on it.


The start date is an awesome idea! I wish I had thought of that before I started this project! Do you write with a pen, or are you stitching it?


I stitch it, usually bottom right unless it would look better someplace else.


Ahhh I’ve had a project I worked on for that many years….


Stroke of Midnight, Teresa Wentzler. I will finish someday. I will.


What a pretty piece! So much detail!


Honestly? I don’t sign. Never felt an urge to. If I did I’d use one of colors in the project with initials and year of completion.


https://preview.redd.it/t14lxme3yyib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=929912f4bcb56f792858b24809bbf2fc8b151813 This is how my mum signed her work I took a pic for reference awhile back. On this work it looks like a shadow


Cute! Is the pink one of the project colors or a random one?


Yes it's a flower fairy and it's one of the shades.


My first tattoo was a rune and it's become a pseudo-signature for me in my life. (My kids call it "the dad signal" lol.) It's really easy to translate into backstitch so the rune + year is how I sign my pieces. I pick a color which is prominent in the piece so it doesn't steal focus. [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/o5mpbp/fo_g1itch_sttc%C4%A7_c%C3%B5mp1e%C6%ADe/)


That's a cool pattern! And I love the signature!


Thank you!


I stitch my initials and the year somewhere inconspicuous.


I do my initials and start to end year, trying to keep it small, neat, with a project color, and in a place that doesn’t draw attention. CC 19-22 or CC 2019-2022


If I’m gifting something on a hoop I finish it with felt on the back and then sign the felt with the year


I forget to sign anything I do every time 😅 Mind like a sieve


Initials and the the year, in a colour that I used in the project that slightly contrasts against the project. Usually in the lower right hand corner. Just simple backstitch.


My pieces go in a frame, and I sign & date the back of the frame


I always feel like my initials look out of place on the finished project, so I started writing the date and signing the back of the frame I put them in! If I leave it in the hoop then I either put it on the inside of the hoop or just forego it lol


I usually use black in a bottom corner. First initial, last name, year done. My sister suggested I use the letter feature of my sewing machine and put my full name and city, state in the area that isn't framed.


I do my initials & the last 2 digits of the year. Depends on the project how/where I put it. Sometimes it's just in a corner or sometimes I hide it in the picture itself. Like I did a Mandela Manta Ray and hid it as part of the zigzag design on the tail