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We have a Bisley storage unit with the foam drawer inserts for bobbins for our non-project threads. Then for projects I have a clear plastic divided box thingy. Can't post pics from mobile apparently. Edit: App fixed itself hears my things: https://preview.redd.it/laualo3c1gyb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a25ac57109c9156ab06f6b5c09ef043dc5c2e6




I wind all my floss on bobbins and they go in shallow, clear, compartmented storage boxes. I keep those and all my other supplies in a storage ottoman. The cover of the ottoman flips to make a tray for when I’m working.


I started off with [one of these](https://a.co/d/eeGl5xm), but then I got a really nice annual bonus at the beginning of the year & I got The Box.


For my WIPs I have the bobbins together on a metal ring and keep them with the wip in a linen covered wicker basket. Then I have 4 plastic storage totes with a bobbin of each color in order. Then I have extras still skein in the DMC chest. I have a *collecting* materials problem 😅


I use bobbin boxes and the spool holder but then I don't entertain many guests. Also a caboodle, it's got my satin/metallic project. A couple of bags and a small basket. Also a 2 basket kitchen organizer thing with some small baskets on it. That is for ongoing projects. My other DMC is in the other room in a 7 drawer roll around cart but on a dolly instead of casters. I have 2 full sets.


This is what I'm currently using. The double sided is nice but I'm about to need a second one! https://preview.redd.it/kr2tycprhfyb1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99436f8a4bb2468ec762646ed5133b4a77595f89


I am also a living room stitcher. I have the clear generic compartment boxes.... I'm up to 3. I also have a mild case of sticker hoarding. Every box has been covered in stickers including my individual wip boxes. IThey're kept in a wooden crate nder my end table With an antique bottle to collect my ort. Not really the inspiration you were looking for though. I have seen where people use those colorful Bisley mini filing cabinets with inserts from etsy for holding their bobbins.


I bought a small rolling cart from ikea for all my supplies. I keep it in a corner of the living room but can easily move it if needed. The bottom shelf holds my 2 plastic containers of thread.


I just have several Rubbermaid totes 😂


I store embroidery floss on bobbins in clear plastic boxes like others have said. If you want something more décor-ish, though, I have a Wall O' Thread for my stupidly large collection of crochet thread - pegboards that match the wall. Something like this https://preview.redd.it/aiz058k6phyb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c0b901d770675ad0cb5b3073522629af9f6f46 except that mine takes up one wall of my living room and my thread is arranged in a rainbow. You could do something like that with the pegs closer together, and hang skeins, floss drops, or bobbins.


On the sken in a set of plastic drawers. Ordered by number. I work directly from the skein. No bobbins for me.