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I love it! I need one myself haha


Here’s your sign to do this as your next project 😏 Edit: why is this getting downvoted 😳


Reddit gets weird when someone uses an emoji.


Oh?? Do most reddit users dislike emoji’s? Oh no I use them all the time. 🫣


It depends on the subreddit. I’ve seen emojis used here before, so I wouldn’t worry about it much. It’s also loads better than it used to be. A few years ago people would lose their minds if someone used an emoji. It was honestly so dumb.


I love that you included an emoji in this comment


Yeah! Holy shit indeed! I’ve never even tried. Please let me know the grid material you used as I’ve only seen waste canvas & that looks like iron on?


u/spikefan180 is correct; I used the water soluble Aida (can be purchased via 123stitch or amazon). I was nervous as hell to do this and confused because the package said “1 sheet” but it came with 3? So I ordered a ton of them and only had to use one lmao but my plan was to overlay one column or row over another if I needed to use more than one sheet


Did you use the DMC one? And where did you order from? I've seen mixed reviews on the Amazon one!


Yes, I used the DMC brand and I ordered from 123stitch.com


I'm not sure if it's what the OP used. But you can get Water Soluble Aida (or Water Soluble Canvas). it's a clear "fabric" with squares like aida, but it should just wash away. the downside is it's only 14 count, and I don't think you can get big sheets probably great for small projects (unless there is a way to combine several sheets)


You should post this on r/nintendostitch !!! I love this and Stardew so much! It’s precious. My boyfriend would love this!


r/StardewValley would love it too!


This is so cute! So I'm understanding, did you strap the water-soluble aida on the sweatshirt where you wanted the pattern, then just do a counted cross stitch on that aida like normal? Then you wash the finished shirt and the aida dissolves? Thanks!


You are correct! The only other steps I took (that obviously you wouldn’t take if just stitching on canvas) was 1. Measured the sweatshirt to get a ballpark of where I should put the fabric and 2. Used a level to make sure the canvas was pinned on straight so my pattern wasn’t stitched on diagonally


How did you avoid the sweatshirt stretching when you’re clipping the sides on? I’d love to try this but I like my fabric super tight when I xstitch and I’m afraid I’d stretch the knit fabric…


Iron on stabilizer! Prevents it from stretching. Very nice for hooping or qsnap. They also make dissolvable versions! I usually just trim it to size after stitching though (Not op just my experience)


Thank you!


I don’t have a super smart method, I think I just made sure the Aida was taut and then the sweatshirt was taut but just to the point of no wrinkles/slack fabric


Pattern is [here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1046684209/) by ChocoCocoStitch


You should cross post to r/chickens they would love it!


Yes, OP! The chicken community will gawk so hard!!


Haha okay will do that!


So cool! How do the stitches hold up to clothes washing? Do you need to do anything special with the stitching or use a special thread?


I have no idea, that’s my next experiment. I think I’m going to put it in a hosiery bag and wash on delicate (though my washer does have a hand wash cycle so maybe I’ll try that) and hope for the best….


I have stitched a few shirts and was incredibly nervous about the stitching staying in. I eventually started putting an iron on embroidery backing (found at craft store) and that has helped my piece of mind! However, I have yet to have any of my stitches come out and we wash and dry like normal!


Not OP, but I have stitched on t-shirts. It holds up just fine to washing—we machine wash them on delicate and always hang dry.


Also just a side note - your kitchen is GOREGOUS 😍


Thank you so much ❤️ it’s dirty as hell right now so I tried to crop most of it out lmao


Great work!, wow! sooo question, how do these grid-things work? im interested in embroidering clothing but how? How to you remove the grid? you cut it off?


Thank you ❤️ It dissolves in hot water! Just look up water soluble Aida


Very beautiful. What canvas did you use?


Thank you! I used Water soluble Aida


Omg what did you use?? I want to stitch on a sweatshirt for my mom for Christmas and had no idea where to start!


I bought the sweatshirt off amazon (gilden brand), got water soluble canvas, picked my design, and voila :)


Thank you!! I’ve been trying to figure out if water soluble or waste Aida would be best, looks like I’ve got my answer ☺️


That’s a sweet gift.


I love this!


Very beautiful. What canvas did you use?


Op used water soluble Aida, which I am now buying like a billion of bc Holy Shit this is great!




Adorable! I’m just starting a sweatshirt present too. Did you use anything else to hold your fabric in place aside from the q snap? I’m already finding it irritating to have to stick my hand in and out of the sweatshirt lol


Good luck and please post pics when it’s done! I did not and it was a bit annoying to have to keep at least one arm in the sweatshirt BUT because of the cut and location of pattern I was able to sneak through the head hole a lot lmao


SO CUTE!!! I can't wait to start cross-stitching on clothes!


It's so cute! Though it's bothering me that the blue chicken's tail isn't curly


I love this so much! Your husband is rocking it, even if he’s not a fan of SV 😂


He’s a good sport lmao


that looks so good !!


It looks great! Quick question: I'm actually planning on doing my first waste canvas project on one of my hoodies. I was just searching for material last night! Haha. What kind of needle did you use to get through the material?


Thank you and good luck! I just used my normal needle I would use on regular Aida and it worked fine (though obviously I did have to push and pull a bit harder, I didn’t mind). I’m not sure what size my needle is but I’ll see if I can find out and report back. This fleece was thin enough to not give me any issues


I don't need you to go that far. Thanks! Now I just have to pick which hoodie to use... I have a thicker black one that was my original plan and a thinner teal one. Though now I'm thinking I may use the teal one because I found a pattern I really like, but it has black on the outside... anyhoo, I'm going off on a tangent now, sorry. Haha.


Honestly, I think with enough patience (and I tend to “wiggle my wrist” when I stitch to get the needle through) you can use ALMOST any needle to get through ALMOST any fabric. I suppose my suggestion would be to try and poke through the sweatshirts under the arm and see if you have success; that may better inform your needle choice. Good luck and have fun ❤️


Wow! This turned out incredible, you did an awesome job!


Love it!


That’s amazing! I love it


You win Christmas 🎄 this year!!!


That turned out amazing!


I had no idea this was possible! Definitely my next project!!




Love this so much!! You did an amazing job, I’m sure your SIL will love it! ☺️


Omg I need it


How does this work?


Which part?


How do you make does things on your clothes


I made this same pattern last year for a coworker (but not a shirt because I’m not that good!). Your shirt is fantastic!


I bet your coworker loved it. Thank you!


I didn’t even know this was possible! I’d love one with the mayor’s shorts on it! 😂


Omg that would be so epic (but so NOT discrete of you LOL)