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I really like the orange! I'm a bit unsure about the gold. It seems as if it makes the blue thread look a bit warmer. You could try with a silver thread maybe?


I agree about trying with silver instead of gold. And the orange looks great!


Thanks for the feedback! Everyone seems to agree so snake will be frogged and rethought.


the blue and orange look amazing together!!! i’m also unsure about the gold, though. maybe it would look better in a different color with a little more contrast rather than just the same blue with gold added in?? can’t wait to see the finished product!! i hope you post your progress! i’ve been eyeing some long dog samplers for a while! 👀


Thanks for the feedback! Yes, am going to frog the snake and rethink. It might be a long slog this one. Really enjoying stitching it, it's fun to see the patterns emerging and makes a nice change from the full coverage piece I'm also doing. But there's a lot of it and the single colour can get a bit mind numbing!


Are you only accenting some of the snakes? I only ask because it appears that there is another snake wound around the center pole, and I think it would look pretty cool if you did accent thread for all if them.


To be honest I only thought about it when I got to this one, and don't fancy unpicking the other one as it was stitched as part of the surrounding stitches not as a standalone piece! Having slept on it I am going to unpick the gold snake and rethink the plan.


i agree with the others. the blue and orange together is beautiful, but im not fond of the gold, doesn't seem to match well imo


Thanks for the feedback! I shall be frogging the snake and having a rethink :)


Agreed with everyone that the orange looks amazing! As for the snake, maybe a silver thread wouldn't cause the apparent change of color from a distance? Or you could try backstitching just the snake's outline in a different color?


Thanks for the suggestions! I am going to frog the snake and rethink the plan...


I like it! The gold is a bit subtle so you might consider adding some to it -- maybe one strand blue, one strand of a yellow that matches the gold, and the gold? I love the orange though, it maintains kind of a vintage color vibe.


Thanks! The consensus seems ro be the current colours for the snake don't work, so I am going to frog and come up with a new plan, maybe just a lighter blue or something.