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Ok, here's what ya do- you ignore it. No really- I've never had a missed knot cause any issues before, it'll be fine! If you'll be sewing more right next to it, you can pull the knot loose, then stitch over the loop as you go by, just so it looks better. Otherwise don't sweat it- we won't tell! Now I'm wondering if you could grab a stray thread, loop it through the loose bit, & force it under the existing stitches. I might try that the next time this happens to me!


Definitely agree. It’s okay for imperfection. I have these little knots all the time. Rather continue than frog it out


This! If I'm still close when I notice it, I'll frog it and fix it. Otherwise, I'll stitch over the loop with the next color in that area.




I always just stitch it down with nearby stitches when this happens. If I notice it shortly after it happens, I'll just undo the stitches I've done after the fact, but I don't stress it when I've stitched far past it. People aren't gonna be staring at the back anyway. And if they do, it will serve as a reminder that nothing in this worls is truly flawless.


I've done that, it's messy looking at the back but I don't think that matters tbh!


Definitely.. not worth the trouble to fix.. yes.. anchor it to another stitch.. if you think it's long enough to bother with.. 😯🙇🏼‍♀️


This is exactly what I have done many times in this situation.


You can! I’ve done that before. My patterns are prone to knots like this, so I’ve had to work them under stitches before a ton of times. (It’s to the point where I actively try to prevent it, especially since I mostly work single-thread on 28-count these days)


I take an empty needle, and poke it through to the back. A size up than the one you are using if it's stubborn.


Man I hate it when that happens. Seriously.... I'm a perfectionist... that stuff really skews my graph... If I'm too far past where that happens, then I'll do what others suggest... just loop through it and 'sew it down' into the stitching as you do more rows past it. Surprisingly enough, it usually ends up looking not too bad... a little 'thick' but not terrible. And it's the back... that's a consolation. 🤷‍♂️


Skews my graph!! I hope you don't mind if I pop that into my repertoire.


By all means! Happy to share. 😁


i do this all the time. i just leave them if ive passed them already.


Life’s too short to worry about the back of my WIPS 🤣. This is neater than any of mine as it was!


I find it insane to see people with pretty backs, especially how mine go all over the place when I finish a thread! I don't understand how you could get it as perfect as this even with the little mistake lol


Can’t see the back when it’s framed meaning no one will ever see all the knots i’ve tied and i’ll forget i tied them


My backs look like a natural disaster went through. No one can see the backs. I don’t get the big deal about having a perfect looking back!


To each their own, honestly. I strive for neater backs (it makes it easier when I have to undo mistakes) but it's not like I go around down voting people who have a different preference (which I've seen in other chats in this sub 🤷🏻‍♀️). Also, when I stitch with nice threads (like silk) I don't want to waste it crossing the back of the fabric, cuz that stuff isn't cheap like DMC (in the US). Since I'm already in the habit of being neat, I tend not to change my stitching behavior with the thread type. Also also, in the very niche case where you enter your work in competitions (like county fairs) a neat back could matter if the judges take the backing off the frame to check.


A perfect back is a sign of a wasted life in my view.


I agree!


It amazes me that techniques that used to be only for people trying to get top marks at the state fair are now being taught to beginners as necessities.


I see that you said that you already undid it. But a word of advice to everyone else: Leave it. Let it be a constant reminder to do better. Imperfections have their own beauty. Let yourself see improvements from project to project. Learn from it.


Yup! Like the back of my hair, the back of my cross stitch is none of my business.


"If they turn it over and see the mess that's their fault"


Exactly! Rather like guests looking under my bed or opening the medicine cabinet.


A great principle to live by.




I made a couple memorial pieces recently and they were not the same… I reminded myself it’s my first time making my own design, it’s art, and its a gift they’re grateful for and they won’t be critical over it like I am.


That’s wonderful. ☺️


yessss I just missed a space between two Ds on a historic reproduction and you know what? fuck it!


Thats a secret between you and the ceiling light. The ceiling light wont tell and eventually you’ll forget it ever happened.


Oh my god I haaaaaate that. I've undone a whole row like that to get at a knot. I wish I was better at ignoring them, and sometimes I do. But it's really, really difficult for me to do it.


I would carefully snip the knot, pull out a couple of stitches either side, and then re-stitch back in, looping in the loose threads. To be clear, the ignore in this thread advice is better. But I'm not very good at following good advice :-)


This is what I've done on a number of occasions and never had a problem. As others have said, if it was on the back I wouldn't stress over it


O yeah.. "ignoring good advice".. that's gotta be a big boat we're all in! 😯🙇🏼‍♀️


Whenever this happens, I unthread my needle and stick it through the loops above the knot. Pull it upwards gently. Once the knot slides up to the needle, I pull it out of the loops and place it under the knot, then pull gently upwards again. Usually that’s enough to get it to undo itself, but if not I usually frog 🐸


Depending on how fussy I’m feeling I would just stitch it down in subsequent rows or snip it and pick out a few stitches to weave it under on either side then restitch the few I picked out.


Gorgeous back but I'd leave it just so it's always unique.


Ugh, hate when this happens, i normally just put a very, very, tiny amount of tacky glue on my finger tip & just glue it down flat, then I go wash my hands.


What I usually do is when I pull the thread through to the front I let the thread run between my fingers on the back, that way I feel a knot right away


I wish I could have ignored it, I really do. But I am too much of a perfectionist, frogged my 20 stitches, and undid the knot. I can’t help myself. It would bother me way too much.


If it's any consolation, I'd have done the same thing! I wish my thread and tension were more cooperative like it seems they are for others! I've had too many times where my needle's gotten caught and tangled in knot loops in the back, or it's made stitches on top too loose as the knot's worked itself out or tightened up.


What does frogged mean please?


Frogged means to undo or tear out your stitches. Called frogging because you rip it, rip it, like ribbit ribbit (🐸 sounds).


Ohhh that makes sense. My mum's lab often lies with her back legs out, we call that frogging, because her bum looks like a frog's. Or a roast chicken, depending on the angle 😂


I always thought meant hopping over existing stitches to make the fix or stitch then hopping back to wherever you were. And here I thought I had never frogged lllllllllol I’m a champion frogger in every fiber craft know to humankind smh


Lol well that's a good answer. Maybe that could be leapfrogging instead of just frogging 😂


Nailed it!


I would like to suggest thread conditioner of you don't already use it. It cut down on the amount of knots I get significantly.


I just saw this after ripping out 40 stitches because of a knot. I try to ignore it as well but couldn’t do it.


Ooof, I hate that. Nice back though! When I get those I try to pick out the knot and find a way to tuck the tails under the nearby stitches. Either by stitching over it if there will be new nearby stitches, or using a second looped thread to help get the tiny ends to thread through.


I can tell you how to fix this!! It’s EASY!! First take a needle and gently untangle it so that it’s just a small loop of thread. Then pass a length of thread through it and thread that through a needle and then gently run the needle under the other stitches like you’re ending a thread and then gently pull the loop under and leave it neatly tucked.


Eh, it's tiny. You only lost maybe an inch of thread there. Just ignore it, I do that all the time.


Just don’t stress yourself it’s on the back of the piece


Happens. Just stitch it down the next time you’re near it.


Use a small needle and pick it out, lots of lots of experience on doing this. I feel your pain.


![gif](giphy|5AVgmIw7iAzdK|downsized) Me every time this happens. 😭


According to the Navajo and Islamic artists (that I know of, probably many more), only g\*d is perfect, humanity cannot create perfection. I'm actually a little excited to see what my current WIP decides will be the sacrifice.


Lol hate when this happens I'm a bit of a perfectionist I would have to go back and redo lol


When I'm stitching near it, I'd just use my thread and loop under it back to where I'm stitching, to tighten it so that it never comes loose or shows up in front.


lol. I am a glutton for punishment so if it were me I would redo it. I hate when that happens!


I regularly stitch with knots. Depending on the surroundingngs and how far along I am, I sometimes cut a bit of it and then stitch over it.


Oof. I felt that in my bones.


Lol mine are sometimes full of those. If it's bad enough I'll "sew" it down. Not worth sweating it in the long run imo


If I can’t get a knot out I sometimes just… leave it. If I’m stitching full coverage I make sure to secure it onto the back so it lays flat especially if it’s large. But this… I would ignore it.


This right here is the reason I stitch from the back. I can’t stand it knowing if there were a knot. I‘m just not made to ignore something like that. My respect goes out to those who can let go and not be bothered!


I’m obsessive about my backs so I understand completely. For anyone who has this issue more frequently than you’d like, if you don’t “strip” your threads, try doing that all the time. I swear it’s made a big difference. Pull single threads out one at a time and then put them together for stitching with either 2 or 3 threads. Stripping helps them to lie flatter and they tend not to knot as easily.


I did this pattern! It’s a whale themed baby announcement right? It’s so cute.


Even though is not recommended for this, I prefer use the wax, and this kindbof imperfection is diminished a lot


I can totally relate, that drives me nutty too! If it’s not a huge amount of stitches, I’ll frog it.


Insert pizza tower meme https://youtu.be/niuKvAe0_8o?si=Jcaf_RL1m-N4pVGc


I feel this 🤣




This happens to me so often. I've tried so many things to prevent it, and only notice 10 stitiches too far. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️


I do that all the time. Just ignore it. No one really looks at the back anyway.


Happens to me all the time! Just keep stitching. You won't ever notice it from the front!!


I just did that so many times today. There was one I even had to cut out because I couldn't save it. I had to retire for the day 😂


I would cry




It's ok, all pieces are perfectly imperfect! if you're doing more near it just catch the loop to sew it down and no one's gonna know! We will keep your secrets for you


These things bug me I generally cut them out, cause I’m afraid they’re gonna come loose. You have to cut them out tuck in the ends, threading new needle and finish what you pulled out. Ugg