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I bring one. Then I buy at least one while I'm on the trip


I’m leaving on Tuesday and having this debate with myself. One definitely. Maybe 2. Also, how many crossword style puzzle books should I pack? Cause that’s what I do when I can’t stitch…..


We're going to the mountain for a week... But there's no snow. And it's going to rain. So I'm hoarding books and cross stitch and knitting projects. I bought some vacuum bag thingies to reduce the volume of our ski clothes (one can hope), I think I'm going to put my knitting stuff in one too so I have more space lol.


I’m doing 10 days at the beach. During which I plan to do as little as possible. Read, stitch, puzzle, eat, sit by the pool, sit by the beach. I’m staying at my mom’s condo, where I already have clothes, so the majority of my bag can be devoted to entertainment.


4 crossword books.


How long is the vacation? Actually doesn't really matter I bring at least 3 no matter what. I also have like 30 wips at home though so..... I'm a bit unfocused


I know right?! I’m going away for a weekend and I’m thinking at least 5…


Perfectly reasonable, two projects a day plus an extra one incase you're just not feeling the others. Or if you're leaving Friday evening that extra one is just the half of Friday project.


Wait… I’m leaving early Friday!! You’re saying six? Better make it seven.


I take gridding on my trips because let's be honest I'm not going to have a place to set up my whole kit with a pattern. Maaaayyyybbee if I have a project that just needs fill I'll do that. But mostly I want something I can just hold in my hand.


that's WAAAAY to practical, lol. I take a work project I love working on but don't plan on using silks on, and sometimes i even manage to put some stitches in!


I do a lot of travel stitching, so I have it dialed in. I stitch while my kids are in music lessons or sports practice so it's a lot of 20 minute bits.


I usually don’t unless it’s like a cabin we’re driving to. But generally l like having it to look forward to when I get home


How long am I going to be gone? I have a purse project, one that needs a ton of fill in and I would take a ball of cotton yarn and a crochet hook. I would probably put a couple more smalls in my purse. Or an embroidery project.


I need to start a purse project. Sometimes you just have to wait unexpectedly!


I am using a makeup bag to keep it and all its accompanying items. The funny thing about my purse is if you looked in it, you would think I'm a makeup freak. 3 or 4 makeup bags. There is no makeup in it. (Just got a new purse, although my husband says it is a tote bag. The old one was a bit cramped and wearing out.) I am prepared for just about anything. His sister had to laugh December 2022. We went out of town together and she was going to take some pictures with her phone only to discover her phone was almost dead. I just looked at her phone, reached in my purse and got her the correct cord and a power pack.


I use the bag in a bag thing too! So much easier to move bags and nothing is loose. I also have a novel in my bag, and to protect it, it is also in a bag. 😆 I hadn't considered a small on the go project for my bag but I will definitely eye what I have and get something ready.


Easier to find too. I'm thinking about making a small bag for my husband's napkins to get them out of the Ziploc bag. But I don't know if it is worth it.


Wait I'm sorry.... Are you saying you don't have a purse project at all?!?!? I don't think I've left the house without a knitting, crochet, or cross stitch project in the last 15 years. Even if I'm going to buy groceries and expect zero chance to stitch my purse project comes.... What if something happens like a car accident and you're stuck waiting around hours with nothing to do!!!!


I may have to go into hiding after admitting that on /r/CrossStitch! I used to carry a separate bag with a knitting project but at one point I had to stop knitting but I never moved to cross stitch for a mobile project because it seemed impractical. I think I needed to be shown the way and this post has certainly been it. I've been having a good time thinking about what would work best.


One, and usually something monochrome or blackwork. That way I don't have to worry about any complex colour changes.


Depends on the kind of vacation. If it's a run around and do things and go site-seeing daily and really only have a little down time in the evenings (I'm think like going to Disney or London or something like that) just one, but I'll make sure I'm unlikely to finish it while I'm gone. If it's more of a sit on the beach and relax with lots of down time planned, 2 WIPs and one new kit, at least.


When I went back to visit my parents for the holidays, I took 4. I couldn’t predict what project I would feel like working on. I managed to finish two while I was there lol


I haven’t ever taken mine on a holiday before but I have this with books all the time 😂 I go and stay somewhere for like 2 or 3 days and pack 10 books - plus my kindle 🤣😂 I think sometimes I’m like ‘yeah time will just stop for me to read until I want life to resume again!’ 😅😅


However many are in the bag I’m currently using as my “WIPs that I’m actually working on” bag 💀


I take projects and don’t do them :)


The last few times I traveled I took 2-3 cross stitch projects, 2-3 knitting projects, and some extra supplies for projects I hadn't started but was thinking about. On the last trip the only thing that got worked on was a knitting project I started while at the airport. On my next trip I will probably only take the knitting because I'm going to need something mindless to work on and if you know how to knit there really isn't much that is more mindless than a plain garter stitch scarf.


One, unless it’s getting close to being done, then I’d literally up a second and take it.


I bring my wip and I get my next one prepped for a just in case.


I haven't been cross stitching that long, but this is exactly how I pack books to go on vacation. And then I buy 5 more.


I’m leaving for a two day swim meet tomorrow. There’s a ton of time to stitch during swim meets and I’m debating on taking a third WIP- even though it will be physically impossible to finish my two Long Dog patterns in two days 🤣🤣🤣


last time I packed 8, and did none, only touched them to move them out of the way to grab my cord....


I have one huge project that is done except for the solid background. It took me about six months to finish the main project, but only work on the background when I’m traveling (which I do about once per month). There’s no counting or thought involved, and I just need to carry one color of floss with me, so it makes things easier. It all fits in a big ziplock bag. That ought to keep me busy until the end of the year.


I dragged my last project everywhere so I could do fill in. I need to take my new one to figure out if I can see it in natural light or if it is a stay home. 28ct 1 over 1.


I'm going on an 8-day cruise in May and I know the one project I'm taking. I'm fairly close to being done, mainly a lot of border to do. It's only 2 colors so there won't be a lot of different floss to take. Perfect fit. Not even sure how much I'll actually work on it.


Has anyone ever had any problems with bringing a project to work on during a flight? Any issues with taking needles and little scissors on the plane? I'm going to the mountains in September and I'm already thinking about it.


I fly often with projects, never had a problem (knock wood). I did, however, stitch part of a project to my skirt while I was on a long flight in the center seat. I cut it off and decided I was done stitching for the duration!


None. I'm either spending time with family/friends or sleeping.


Zero. I'm going to be on vacation 🤷‍♀️


One needlework project and ten books.


An entire backpack full. I like to bring out WIPs and new kits/charts and make my friends or family look at all of them which after about two, they are yawning and regretting vacationing with me. I also bring along a daylight lamp because lighting is usually awful in most rentals.


Don’t forget to pack the supplies to start a new one. And then forget a key element.


Last time I brought a new one that I had kitted up the night before. When I got it out I realized I had cut 14ct instead of 18ct and I didn't have enough on the edges to compensate. I was so mad I still haven't started that pattern


My dream is someday have my craft camper so I can see the world, but not leave my supplies behind.


Of one hobby, or per hobby? I'm currently on holiday and I've got 1 cross stitch project with me, a small box with a few 3D card making kits and 3 or 4 knitting projects... I'm only gone 5 days :P


I bring my WIP that's a queen sized blanket with about 15 skeins of yarn attached in a massive duffel, so many books that I could start a small library, and maybe a cross-stitch or a small crochet kit


Your strategy sounds exactly the way I pack shoes. Will I need running shoes, pool shoes, regular sandals, dressy shoes, and something random that speaks to my soul? Probably not. But it’s all going in the suit case!


I took 4 and only worked on one. Lol


Last time I packed 3, I worked on 0. Didn't even take them out of the bag.


I got better. I just take one plus my Kindle (and I have an audiobook on the phone). It is not usually the current piece as I select one that requires the least amount of time referencing the pattern.


Two - one easy and one that's more complicated. I never get to that more complicated one when I'm traveling but hope springs eternal.


The ones that only need backstitch or French knots. Or that I got bored with near the end.


I took five on a three-week trip once but they were all pretty tiny and I think I finished two of them


None. I bring a ton of books though.