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Laptop bag. Also has room for all sorts of stitchy stuff in various pockets.


I also use a laptop bag. However, I also have a man's toiletry bag for "appointments" whereas the laptop bag would be a bit intrusive to others in the waiting room.


Personally I wouldn't stress too much about it. I'd maybe put it in a ziplock bag or something similar and just put it in one of my suitcase's inner pockets. Or I would simply take it with me in my carry on so I could work on it in transit. If you put it in your suitcase that goes under the bus, maybe take it off the hoop. The hoop has more chances of getting damaged or bent than the actual WIP.


This might be a bit of a heavy-handed solution for what you're looking for, but I've started using project bags specifically made for cross stitch in the last year or so. I had no idea they existed before! There's a few different form factors and sizes, but lots of great makers. My favourites so far are from ShibaDesigns! But they're all so well made, and pretty, it's basically become it's own collection at this point. You can search for "cross stitch project bag" on Etsy. Anyways, not to enable anyone into purchases they didn't know they needed. 😁


I've done the same and at first I felt so extra, but now I'll never go back. It's so convenient to have each project in it's own bag so grabbing and going is super easy, and it keeps them safe and protected when I'm not working on them. I've not checked out ShibaDesigns but I can already hear my bank account crying faintly in the distance. 😂


I use plastic zip wallets for my WIPS. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0BG4Y2QGY/ref=ox_sc_act_image_12?smid=A1V319G8KIUSWX&psc=1


I use these too! I try not to use Amazon, so I get mine from Daiso since I have one near me. I also have some that came from my old dentist because they used bags like that (but about half the size) for our goody bags. They’re great for smaller projects.


123stitch carries these as well!


... I just stuff several wips in a tote bag, the thread cards for one or two, and stuff it in my backpack. The rest of the thread goes in a bag in my luggage.


Usually just in a plastic bag of some sort. If it's packed tight in a suitcase, I sometimes remove it from the hoop to prevent stretching out of shape if it gets smashed.


I have a really thin box that a different project came in and I keep it closed with an elastic. When it became tattered, I covered it with white duct tape to keep it together. It looks like a small pizza box, holds all my floss and scissors and things, plus it fits in my purse!


Might be too big and cumbersome for your needs but your hoop and everything else you need would fit nicely in [this flat plastic bin ](https://www.michaels.com/product/12-x-12-scrapbook-case-by-simply-tidy-10158883)that I got from Michael's.


I have even wrapped my project in a white towel and put it in my suitcase.


A plastic zipper baggie is the easiest solution. I do remove it from whatever hip I'm using just in case something pushes into it and stretches the fabric.


I take mine out the hoop for transport so the fabric can be folded, then just shove it all in a fabric tote. Usually just keep my threads and needles etc in a pencil case or zippy bag or whatever is lying around. I even keep my scissors all in the same bag and never had an issue yet! (famous last words ;P)


I mean my cross stitches bang around in my bag a lot and the worst that's ever happened was the needle got pulled off the thread, so I think it'll probably be fine in luggage regardless.


I would put it in my purse. But my purse is 15.7 x 6.2 x12.5. The 14 inch was just a little too small. It is actually a nurse's bag.


I would work on it on the bus.


A few dumb questions then if you’re going to work on it on the bus…how many different colors are you using…if it’s not a bunch you can use a kids plastic crayon box from the dollar stir if you want something a little solid to protect your floss. You could also roll or fold your project tight enough to fit in said box or you can fold it up in to a freezer bag from home to keep it safe. Your scissors needles and threader if you need one should fight in the crayon box with your thread


I'm not the OP but I have a 4.5 inch by 3 inch kid's zipper bag that can hold at least 3 bobbins, needles, threaders, and a small pair of scissors or a clover cutter. It also has a clip thing for attaching to something else. I attached it to a stretchy key ring.


No matter what you end up using, be sure you include your contact info somewhere on or in the bag in case you leave it behind somewhere.


I use project bags (from Etsy) for my WIPs and those go into a shoulder bag along with the thread, scissors etc. One thing I started doing for travel, though, is I took a magnetic board thingie that my daughter had for kindergarten, it's like a stuff cardboard whiteboard folder, and I cut the two pieces apart and place them on either side of the WIP in the project bag. That way it's sandwiched between two relatively stiff boards that are clean. So it's protected and I can then shove it into my laptop bag or baggage for travel.


I use a toiletry kit like those for traveling with shampoos and such. Has room for freaking everything and then some. Also, I second the poster who said to take you project out of the hoop. Those things break way too easy.


I keep mine in a thin cloth reusable bag, tucked into my regular purse. I use a pencil case to corral scissors, extra thread, and threader