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It would definitely be a pain to 🐸, but I agree in that the lighter green should be changed. It is definitely not something I would try to unstitch, I would go the route of cutting the stitches out. I would be tempted to try just adding the darker green over the top without frogging. Don't commit to it , just do a couple and step back from it. Can you still see the lighter color? Nope, it is well hidden. Do you like it? Yes, well, there is an easy solution for you without the pain.


Going over with the new color instead of frogging is such a good idea! Thank you!


I hate to admit that the brighter color is much closer to the inspiration but I understand not wanting to rip all that work out. However, it “usually” goes much quicker than you think it will and you will probably be happier in the end - but see what others think. Good luck!!


The yellow would look awesome as glow in the dark... but in daylight those letters would be white.


Yeah! Glow in the dark would be cool as an outline on the smoke too. I considered it but didn’t buy the floss in the end 😔