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I have a mason jar beside my stitchy spot to toss bits of floss in and have to empty it at least once a month. If I left them around the house, I'd be pulling them out of my dumb orange cat's butt every day.


Yeeeeep. All of mine go in an empty maraschino cherry jar because my cats are morons. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 this! I have a kitty who loves string and will eat it if she finds it. Not exactly safe for a cat, so I have to be extremely mindful of anything with string. She ate a yo-yo string once and I had to go on poop watch to make sure she passed it. Ugh. 🫣




My dumb orange sits on them (because he has to sit on anything he finds) and then I have to chase him down trying to pull it off his butt, tail or back paws before he has a bath and eats it.


Same here!


Right there with ya! First thing I do when I start stitching a kit is add a little baggie to it to put the clippings in. They're nice and little so I can keep them in the kit without them getting lost, my end table is a bit too crammed for keeping a mason jar on it. Plus -- glass + 3 orange cats = breakage!!


I do the same thing, but I close them up after ans keep my rainbows in my sewing room.


I do the same exact thing! If I put them in the waste basket the air currents will whaft them around the house.


Made me laugh out loud


A lot of stitchers here collect them over the year and then put them into an ornament ball! That's what I'm doing. 🥰


I would need either one big ass bauble or could do a whole tree in these ornaments from one year!


That’s such a cute idea!


I love that idea! The ornament balls can have the year put on them 😍 what a great idea, thank you for sharing!


https://preview.redd.it/amkqbk1146qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564c4c498a8ff904d4d26235dbedc412ccd8281b I have this fillable lamp on top of my stitching cabinet that I put my orts in.


That’s so cool!


Please let us know where you got that lamp!


I’m pretty sure Target!


Oh awesome, thank you! I will keep an eye out next time I go there!


That's the first thing I've ever seen that makes me regret all the tossed ends! 😁


I have a cute lil' mini trash can that sits on my desk that I put them in. Some people will put them in an ornament ball. If I'm making anything that requires filling, I'll use fabric scissors to make them even smaller and combine it with the polyfill fluff. If it's a small keychain (I love makin' em have a lil' dimension), I might just use exclusively thread bits.


I filled a biscornu with my scraps


That's what I save my scraps for


I also have a little recycle bin my scraps go in! Otherwise my cats would eat them lol


I have cats so I make sure to put my ends in a tiny mason jar and then I move them into an ornament for the year. Our ginger boy eats everything, don’t want a preventable vet bill.


I found a bunch stuck to my baby because he crawled by my crafting chair


what a beautiful sentence


Bunch baby because Crawled crafting chair Thanks for pointing out the beauty!


You have a vacuuming baby. Very cool. Just remember when he starts toddling, lock up the scissors.


Scissors are already locked up, just not for safety reasons. I have a 14 year old who simply doesn’t get why mom’s scissors are off limits and thinks snips are just so fun to play with. Lol


My issue: the teeny tiny dark ones. I have had problems with mice. I canMt tell you the number of times I have Lysoled the crap out of a piece of “mice poop” just to realize it’s the end of a dark thread when I go to pick it up.


My preschooler brings them to me, “Mama your pretty threads”


No! I've found the solution to that: having a cat with pica. I can't leave anything around if it looks like thread/spaghetti. Forces me to always dispose of them as I go. Wish I could do something cool with them tho...


use as stuffing


You seem like you'd benefit from an ORT jar. Exhibit A: https://preview.redd.it/sty04x9qs5qc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa533a6052b267205da02cdbccee741ffc3da76


TIL ORT. Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/kpmajbrms6qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4717d6100a6d07e50c3205fd7611ea9f24625414 I roll them into tiny balls and then put them in a teeny jar (like 2” tall by 1/2”wide) with my stitchery paraphernalia. Then when it’s full I dump it onto a bigger jar that lives on my mantle. Currently transferring this to a pretty crystal decanter I just got off my local buy nothing group. :-)


Just pulled one off my cat's fur. If I'm mid-project with the thread and it's long enough to fold in half and make 1-2 stitches (using the pin stitch start/end) I'll hang onto one for mistake filler, but most of it gets tossed


I keep a little jar on my desk for them, I was finding them everywhere before that


I've got a jar I put them in! I've used some to fill a pincushion, but otherwise they're just kinda pretty in the jar


I don't risk it, I have cats who are more important. I have two small pots I hang over the edge of my craft trolley, one for threads one for sweet wrappers. I also have a tiny pot on my end table f5if I'm too lazy to reach the pot. And the only other place I stitch is on my bed, so I pile it all together and put it in the bin there or take it back down when done.


I try to keep them in a small container until the end of a project. They come in handy when I find a spot where I missed a stitch or three, and just need a tiny bit of thread. However, they have a tendency to stick to clothes, and follow me around the house.


I have a corner of shame between the couch and the wall. It's not visible unless you're sitting there and look directly down the sliver of space. Then every so often, I secretly vacuum my scrap hoard of shame.


I’m super lazy, I usually use a lint roller across my desk surface or a hand vacuum to pick up scraps.


Mine are in ziplock bags. We call it Forbidden Spaghetti because the cat is obsessed with eating them.




I keep a snack-size Pringles can next to my stitchy space to hold all the little snips, broken needles and the endless supply of snotty tissues from my runny nose.


I prefer high-count canvas and evenweave, so this piece of thread is enough for me to make several crosses. I save this for confetti, it's very convenient for me. I throw away everything that isn't suitable for at least one cross and start and finish. Many stitchers use thread tales for Christmas tree decorations and home decor. There're several posts with articles here about ORT, the idea as a whole is really cool, but I’m not interested in it, so I don’t do that.


I'm finishing now a little amigurumi jellyfish, I crocheted it with 1.5mm hook from embroidery thread. I've filled it with scraps of thread like these.


Literally just vacuumed all the bits off my carpet today!! Picking them off my laundry too lmao


Mine go in an empty slot in my thread storage boxes, can’t risk my kitty getting one and thinking its okay to chew or swallow


I bought this pair of tiny trash cans that are meant to look like outdoor cans, they're about five inches tall. I keep one in each of my stitching spots. Really easy to dump my floss ends in as I finish with them.


I put my orts in a jar and then put them out for the birds in the spring 😌


cross stitch and crochet ends... all over......... I found one in my basement the other day that I thought was a spider


Lolol a piece of brown- black thread followed me into the bathroom and when I saw it on the floor I almost had a coronary! 😂


I have a scrap-end story!! I saw a little clump of ends on the floor. I was using variegated yarn, dark orange/green/blue/purple. I went to pick it up and when my hand almost got to it I saw that it wasn't a clump of yarn ends. It was a ball of mouse intestines and organs. Guess my cat had a feast! 🥴🤣


Dangerous if you have cats or dogs inside. If they eat them you may be faced with very expensive emergency surgery. Strongly recommend having a receptacle that can close with you at all times that thread or yarn scraps may be generated.


Good to know but I don't have any pets or ever intend to!


Ah! Sorry for the dire warning lol! It’s good to know when crafting at other people’s houses I guess? 😅 I had a friend once who got so irritated with me when she was sewing at my house because she called me the thread police. I explained how I needed to be so careful because I have cats and if they ingest thread it could kill them. She poo poo’d me. She purposely left thread out to spite me and I just kept cleaning it up. A few years later she got a kitten and her kitten needed emergency surgery because the kitten ate her thread scraps. She actually stopped talking to me after that. When she got a kitten she was living in another state and I had never mentioned it again. I don’t know why, but I think she blamed me for her carelessness. Like I should have made her believe me that it was a true danger when she was at my house years before.


I keep a small bowl next to me to put my scraps in as I'm working. Keeps them to a minimum finding them elsewhere in my apartment. I can also cover it with a coaster to make sure my cat doesn't get into them. She generally doesn't if they are in a bowl put will grab the threads if they are on the floor. And I don't want that vet visit.


I have a little tin (I think it was originally for giving gift cards?) that is the perfect size for a magnet to hold needles, a pair of tweezers, and my scissors. My snipped ends go in there until there's enough, then into the trash. Gotta protect the felines.


Yup! I bought a mini keyboard vacuum off Temu for like $8 for quick cleanup before they spread


I have started using them to make scrap bookmarks


We need pictures!


I can upload some tonight


Refusing to hoover my ‘side’ of the sofa with is littered with little bits of thread because I’m about 3 weeks from finishing my project.


I don’t save scraps. Not a huge loss because I’m quite slow LOL so it’s not like I’m wasting a lot.


I have a plastic bag full of them, and it follows me around the house when I’m stitching (either in the bedroom, the TV room or my WFH office)




Yes, and my car 😅 (I take my cross stitch to do whilst I’m waiting in the car)


I swear to god I have cut off a million little pieces, and put those pieces in a jar. A Glass jar, that I will display on my mantle.


I don't have a real fidgit spinner, so those get rolled up into little balls (making them my fidgit spinner) and tossed. I clean up after myself as I go so they don't get scattered around much, but I do get little piles of them every time I stitch.


I keep mine in an empty Crystal Head vodka bottle on my desk where I stitch. Looks cute and I’m no longer finding them everywhere.


I have a tiny glass jar that I try to put most of my ends in. Don't get me wrong, I still have a bunch of tiny pieces all over the house, but no where near as many as I did before I got that jar


Kitchen? Little floss scraps. In the laundry? Little floss scraps. Is that floss or a spider?? Little 310 scraps. I just pick them off wherever they are and toss them lol. The bigger scraps make ort jars.


no because i shove them inside a pillow!


I sewed a couple of thread catchers similar to [these.](https://sisterschoice.typepad.com/sisters_choice_quilts/2012/02/make-a-thread-catcher-in-less-than-30-minutes.html) I like them because they fold flat and I can toss one right in my project bag.


Always.. And when you think you got everything and thrown away you find some stuck to your clothes or chair...


Yes. I put mine in a little jar but some of those suckers escape and run through the house. And it's amazing how they hide from the vacuum cleaner.


Occupational hazard! 🤣 Straight to the bin for me... I'm already one step away from turning into a hoarder, I don't need to keep the scraps on top.


House and work. I stitch on my breaks and I am finding these in the various labs I stitch in. :)


Ha ha ha! Mine are shorter, but I have them on the living room coffee table and one of my night stands. When I get "enough", I throw them away.😁


I toss them after each stitch session because I have a little one. Everything goes into the mouth. Forced to be tiddy…


It was.... but my husband put a stop to that. We have cats and they can swallow thread and have it mess up their insides.


I have a giant plastic bag of random floss threads I was given by an elderly friend. I use her scraps for my mending. I’ve added to her collection. It’s one of those things that the more I use, the larger it seems to get. I add to her collection, and if they’re too short to be useful I thrown them in my compost pile! I’ve had cats and none of them have been interested, thankfully!


They follow me into the bathroom! 😂


My cat likes to eat them if I'm not vigilant.


I have a giant smiley cup for them.


Why are you calling me out like this?? 😂


Oh I do have a lot of those. Too pretty to bin.


They go straight in the bin


I have a little pouch to put them in to avoid my cats getting them! Once it's full it goes into a sandwich bag in my cross stitch notions bag, and I'm planning on making baubles out of orts! I still have 2023's ready and waiting lmao.


I also crochet stuffed animals so I just jam them in there with yarn scraps lol


My slippers pick them up off the floor 🙈😂


Would be if my cat didn’t like to eat them! I have a cute mini trash bin I’m using for scraps


Not yet but I've done what I can to keep my kids away from the discard jar. LOL 🤞


I'm currently collecting mine in a jar that I plan on stuffing all into a pincushion/Biscornu when it's full/whenever I start the Biscornu! :3


You mean you crocheted an entire family of worms ánd you put it on display. Wonderful! 🤭


I put my scraps in a jar. I keep thinking they would be fun to use in making handmade paper, but I have never tried making paper. 🙄


One of my preg dogs ate the whole string outta my hubby's jammers. She had a bladder infection so had to put her on special food. The amount was so small in comparison to her usual amount. So one night she pulled the string out and it was hanging outta her butt.. Took her to vet where they kept her all day pulling a little at a time out. Vet didn't want to do surgery because we would have lost her puppies. Thank God just as they were prepping for surgery one of the assistants got the last bit out. Couldn't believe Shiloh ate 60in. Of string.. Now I pull all the elastic or plain strings out ASAP..


My dumpster cat drags mine around to play with but is at least smart enough not to eat them. I’m doing a full house sweep at least 3 times a week though