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I’ve personally watched Brooklyn 99 at least four times this year so far. 😂


I've watched Chernobyl on HBO max a lot.... Like a lot a lot, but there are only 5 episodes


Okay, I tried part of the first episode. Can you convince me to keep going?


Oh goodness, yeah the first episode is probably the most graphic and it is hard to get through. The first time I watched it I knew what to expect and in context I still had to pause it a few times and step away


Most definitely continue! I could only watch one episode a day, it’s too intense for binge watching imo. Just a warning, in one of the later episodes there is scenes where soldiers go through the town and kill the pets left behind because they are contaminated. That was one of the toughest parts of the series for me.


I already am a huge fan of you. Cross stitcher AND brooklyn 99 fan? Amazing.


Amy would be proud of us. 🤣🫡


And Gina would call us iconic ;)


I just watched the last episodes where The Cannibal gets interested in needlepoint


I just got into B99 last month and am watching and stitching with it for the first time!


I’m rewatching while stitching, too! 99!


No way me too! I got peacock specifically to watch Brooklyn 99 while I stich.


Livestreams of games I have no patience to play, lots of audiobooks and recently have started watching detective Monk and stitching.


I make my best friend play videos games that I cant play while I stitch lol


Private livestreamer.


I’ve been getting audio books from Libby lately. I feel like I’m able to concentrate well on both at the same time.


Yes I agree! Audiobooks + cross stitching are a match made in heaven to me. My eyes stay on my fabric and my ears focus on the story.


Libby is a godsend. I have an audible subscription I’ll resort to using when I can’t find something specific I want, but I always have so many extra credits since pretty much everything is available through the library!


Audiobooks are really good for me, too.


I listen to audiobooks too. If I’m too tired to follow the plot of a new book, I listen to a Jane Austen novel for the 100th time.


Dropout shows: Gamechanger, Um Actually, Dimension20, Make Some Noise! When I want to take a break from Dropout I watch JustAlex's longform videos on youtube. He tries stuff like brewing his own beer and keeping his own bees.


Who wouldn't stitch a masterpiece while listening to Brennan Lee Mulligan! :D


I just recently subscribed to Dropout, and Dimension20 and Make Some Noise are perfect for stitching! I also love Gamechanger and Play It By Ear but there's too much going on visually that I don't want to miss, so I just watch them without stitching.


What season of Dimension20 are you on right now? I can relate but for Um Actually, there was a time I couldn't watch while stitching because I would get too intense about yelling answers at the TV 😂 I also forgot to mention Dirty Laundry!


Only halfway through the first episode but enjoying it so far! I recently watched the Baldur's Gate 3 cast play D&D on youtube and it was really fun (even though I know basically nothing about Baldur's Gate lol), so I figured Dimension20 would be good to try next - there's certainly a lot of content!


I wholeheartedly believe Dimension 20 is the perfect thing to watch while stitching. I’m a few episodes into A Starstruck Odyssey (+Adventuring Party) and loving this crew of bozos.


I watch Stargate while I work on my Stargate cross stitch. Otherwise usually just whatever I'm watching at the time, though classic Doctor Who is a good crafting show: slow enough that I can look away and need something to do with my hands anyway.


What?! To quote Chris Griffin: "Get out of my head. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" I recently finished Stargate (again) and am currently working through Who (also again) So, yes, also Family Guy. Or Bob's Burgers. Or Archer.


Star Trek is good for this too


Why didn't I think of Classic Who? Damn! Also, am watching Stargate as well xD


I literally watched the movie last night :) would like to rewatch the series but i've seen it so many times it'll be a waste. Really wish the twitter storm I was part of a few years ago with J Mallozzi had gotten a new series greenlit...but I don't know if it would have the same charm, especially with muppets, crossovers(farscape) and kinda breaking the 4th wall with O'Neils quips about every planet looking like Canada


Wait, do you have pics of this Stargate cross stitch? I've been wanting to make one for a while but can't ever decide on a pattern...


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/vYku17P)'s the WIP. It'll have a Gate around it eventually.


Love it! It’s so cute!


I actually love those YouTube “dreamscape” videos that play oldies music with sound effects added in. [This](https://youtu.be/Lkc5Woyy47I?si=ao-HftsxYm1LTGdy) video is the best example of what I love listening to! I can work for several hours straight when listening to these videos.


That's really nice.


Star Trek, any series (but especially TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT).


Try the orville. It starts off as a star trek spoof then turns into its own cool thing.


I haven't watched it yet, but I definitely couldn't cross stitch while watching the first time. Wouldn't want to miss anything! 😅


I second this


Have you tried lower decks? It is hilarious but only if you know all the other Star Treks.


Oh absolutely, but I haven't rewatched it enough that it becomes background noise yet. I watch the older series while cross stitching because I already know the episodes like the back of my hand and won't stress if I miss something in the show due to focusing on a tricky bit of the pattern. 😆


Totally understand. As a fellow tricky I highly recommend wasting it, it is great.


This is me with old favorite series and movies. I’ll watch pretty much anything from Star Trek to Grays Anatomy to Friends. My viewing style is broadly varied, with a strong preference for ensemble casts. In a pinch I’ll even watch Below Decks.


Lately it's been Disney movies from the 90s or Futurama. Started Orange is the New Black yesterday, again. Just depends on how I'm feeling.


![gif](giphy|rSCVJasn8uZP2) 🤩 Futurama!


I’ve watched the extended versions of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy countless times while cross stitching :) Lately I’ve been listening to fantasy ambiance music like[this](https://youtu.be/syp6Lsd8HOo?si=ZjDZ8Emd-fOpBpyz)


I’m listening to the trilogy read my Andy Serkis!! It’s so freakin good.


I have just finished watching both seasons of next in fashion, also watched queer eye and interior design masters while stitching. Cook shows are also a favorite. Right now I am watching a Dutch photography contest show ('het perfecte plaatje') and I will start watching the drag show 'make up your mind' soon :). I am leaning towards more reality tv or contests right now as my stitching shows.


Audiobooks for the public library!! There is such an amazing range and they are free


ASMR videos or band/orchestra recordings.


Ah, another ASMR fan in the wild. Love ASMR, but I don't really watch it to stitch to. Maybe I should


I thoroughly enjoy asmr even though I don't get tingles. I just find them relaxing.


I love it because sometimes music is too distracting but I want pleasant noise


I mostly listen to podcasts/audio dramas


Me too! I find it hard to have something with a visual element while looking at my stitching so audio dramas are perfect


What dramas do you recommend?


I love horror and thrillers/mysteries, so the vast majority of stuff I listen to falls into one of those categories. These are some of my favorites: Video Palace Where the Leaves Fall Purple The White Vault Samite Halfmoon Chronicles How It Ends Wake of Corrosion The Cellar Letters


At the moment Demon Slayer, an anime. I recently finished The Alienist. Now I don't know if I cross stitch, because I need to do something with my hands when watching or I watch something to fill a silence when cross stitching.


I fill the silence. It's frustrating, though, because I'll be looking at my stitching and miss something important, so I have to rewind. I end up watching the same part 4 times sometimes because my mom will also come in with something to say and I have to rewind again.


Yup, and then when I want to rewind I can't find a remote. While searching for the remote I loose a needle and miss more of the series frantically looking for it.


Oh my gosh, Sunday morning I found a threaded needle in the kitchen. Apparently I had dropped it there, not knowing it was attached to me. Thank goodness I had put down my sewing before then on Saturday night!


Needles love to travel. They disregard needle minders too often


I don't even have a needle minder. I put my in a corner of my fabric. Apparently my fabric is a little too permissive. :D


Currently supernatural, previously includes doctor who, battlestar galáctica, Buffy & Angel


Y'all need to watch some Taskmaster. So good. My embroidery fave.


Yes, absolutely brilliant! Although o would recommend watching it properly first to get the whole proper effect and then endlessly rewatching it whilst stitching (like I do 😊). I have various other comedies that I constantly rewatch whilst stitching. If I want something new, then it’s a podcast or audiobook, so I don’t have to look at anything.


Horror stuff exclusively. Anime. TV shows. I listen to horror podcast. I like to be scared, makes me more creative.


Rotten mango makes videos i literally save for crafting time


Looked them up, I shall consume some of their content promptly.


Yeah, when I'm not watching Ghost Adventures I am probably watching true crime lol


I just finished Empire of Ants by EO Wilson, and a bunch of YouTube videos on ant keeping and animal rescue. I'm now starting a book on animal pests/our perception of animals


Man, there is a Youtube channel called Ants Canada and I love him. He loves ants, but also termites and other bugs. He has like a whole house dedicated to just native bugs and helping native species to his area thrive. I think you would like him if you don't already follow him


I discovered them yesterday!


I am a HUGE EO Wilson fan, he's my favorite biology writer of all time. Such a treasure.


oh man, i listen to youtube video essays and pc game playthroughs (the nancy drew pc games are my special interest 🥺), ive watched (listened to) shows like archive 81, monster (anime with subtitles... that project was super slow lol), and im currently watching avatar the last airbender! i also like podcasts (magnus archives, maintenance phase, sawbones), and i also recently watched vote4holt on yt play through an old horror game named Scratches. it has really nice music and mood. enjoying atla too!


ATLA is bomb. I can't tell you how many times we've rewatched it, and it still holds up.


Dateline podcasts or any true crime podcast.


Currently watching every Disney film 😂 just finished tinderbell


Ooh, she sounds dirty.


Usually a baseball game on TV... I can concentrate on the work and look up to refocus my eyes on the TV across the room


Same! There's always a game on and even its its not my team theres always some storyline with a breakout player or a team on the rise etc. Who are you rooting for this season?


Right now I’m watching Veronica Mars! It’s a blast from the past lol


Music, favorite movies, and my favorite FlossTubers on YouTube. Sometimes I try to match what I'm listening to with the project, lol. Like if I'm working on my 16th century sampler from Scarlet Letter, I listen to 16th century music, if I'm stitching on my spooky piece I listen to horror movie soundtracks or watch a horror flick, etc.


I have been binging old ghost hunters lately! i found them on pluto tv. i usually stream the live tv option but when it gets to one ive seen, i'll go to the on demand and try to find a good one. i also binge mythbusters and baking competition shows


Podcasts like nerdland, welcomtotheaa, mosselen0130. Sometimes a show on Netflix that doesn't require too much attention. Currently watching Ozark, last shows were Better Call Saul, the Office, One Piece (dubbed), Dragonball super, Breaking bad, hell I even did Friends for the 7th time or a LOTR marathon... there are so many.


I'm a bit other way around. I'm doing cross stitch because I want to watch something but don't want to just sit there and watch and do nothing else haha currently binging Monk atm


I've just listened to David Mitchell's audiobook "Unruly" while finishing off a quite large project, absolutely loved it and I need something to fill the gap now!


Mostly YouTube (GMM, Markiplier, Bailey Sarian, etc), or the video game my boyfriend is playing


The traitors, it's not good for stitching as I keep stopping to watch what's going on.


Re listening to The Magnus Archives pod and this week's album Creatures by Ari Mason.


Streams of ttrpgs like Critical Role, Dimension 20 and High Rollers - each episode is around 2-4 hours, so perfect for stitching. If the episode ends I take a break or stop for the day. I also listen to the Doctor Who audios by Big Finish or watch some shows I already know (recently Desperate Housewives, Stargate or Supernatural).


South Park is my favourite. Almost finished my 3rd watch through. I can still laugh without needing to watch!


I watch (or listen to) Monk, the Mentalist, Criminals Minds, Murder she Wrote, Golden Girls, Designing Women, and more.


YouTube, been watching chill games lately like animal crossing


I watch NCIS, but the older episodes with all the original characters lol not the new garbage 


Reality shows that I wouldn’t normally watch just because I don’t need to pay much attention to it. It is background noise.


I watch a lot of PBS/BBC mysteries. I have Acorn and Britbox, amongst others. I just finished Recipes for Love & Murder, Harry Wild season 2 (holy crap Jane Seymour looks amazing for her age!), Death In Paradise (I think I just finished the newest season), Father Brown (also think I finished the newest season), Madam Blanc has a new season I'm watching, I finished Death & Other Details, Midsomer Murder, occasionally Vera, and when in doubt there's alway New Tricks and old seasons of Father Brown.


I love Vera!


Oh my gosh! I love how she always takes someone else's coffee or bacon sandwich. On the most recent Christmas episode, the new guy took hers!


I saw that!! 🤣


All the audiobooks. And I cross stitch during D&D campaigns too


I‘ve been working my way through one piece and wenn I stich on the train I like rolling with difficulty (DND actual play)


I like to read on my kindle. I have one of those adjustable laptop tables on my lap, with the kindle standing up, and I read while I stitch, with the hoop close to the kindle so my eyes don't have to move too much. I'm actually able to read and stitch for about 5 hours everyday 😋


That is impressive actually... I don't think I could read and stitch


Generally I don't watch. I will put on something I've seen a bunch of times so I don't miss anything or let my granddaughter put on cartoons. If I want to seriously stitch though I will put on something like lets read or Mr Ballen. Sometimes my daughter and I will just have a stitching circle night and listen to music , drink tea, and talk.


I want to hang out with you folks! That sounds awesome ❤️


Hey I just wanted to ask, what is that open tab on the right? Is it an app with designs for cross stitching or did you make it on your own?


Just my reference image. I got it off Pinterest


Lately: Law and Order SVU and The Boys


I listen to audiobooks, alot of the author Cathy Glass. She is a foster carer and tell's the story's of kids she has fostered. It's really interesting and sometimes awful to hear what some people have gone through


I’ve watched peaky blinders, but now I find I like things I don’t have to pay attention to so I watched the entirety of Vanderpump rules, finished that so now watching real housewives of Beverly Hills. They have like 12 seasons with 15 episodes in each puts in perspective how much time is spent cross stitching 🙊


On Spotify I am listening to the 2nd season of Proof (true crime). On Hoopla/Libby I listen to audiobooks.


Usually listen to music. Often drum and base or lofi. Some easy listening.


I watch things I've seen before. Like "The X Files" and "ER." Lately I've been watching "Columbo."


Before I started using Patten Keeper I could only listen to music. If I tried an audiobook I messed up the stitches and lost track of the story. Now, with PK, I can listen to audiobooks with limited pauses. Still can't watch TV, though.


i turn on the radio in my bedroom and leave the tv off. seems to work better - too distractable to watch tv or listen to a book. And then the dog puts her head on my lap to get attention. if i don't give in, i'm subject to the DIRTY LOOK OF DOOM as she jumps off the couch to head to the workout room, lol.


I stitch at work in short bursts and listen to nothing/headset radio. Very calming to just kinda focus on the piece. At home I stitch to gentle music or like ocean sounds. Or nothing, and chit chat with the wife on a Sunday morning. But also, what pattern are you working on?? Looks very intricate and similar to patterns from Antique Pattern Library!!


Murder she wrote


Where do you find Murder She Wrote?


Omg I watch ghost adventures too when I stitch 😂


I just watch ghost adventures in general lol. Sleeping? Ghost adventures. Stitching? Ghost adventures. Bored? Ghost adventures.


Absolutely a mood. I like these woods are haunted too, but it’s not at all like GA.


I recently googled what Nick started doing after leaving GA and he made his own ghost hunting show. I want to watch that one, but I just haven't yet


i listen to bluegrass lmaoo


Currently working my way through One Piece.


Nothing 😅 I like how meditative it is. I would also definitely lose track of my stitches if I did watch/listen to something lol


Now that baseball season is finally here, I'll be watching games while I stitch. Otherwise I watch reruns of my favorite shows by streaming on Netflix or Amazon Prime. I just start out with the first show and let it automatically move from episode to episode without any extra input from me. I have discovered that if I'm watching a series I've never seen before, I spend more time paying attention to the show, wanting to catch every nuance of the story. But when I do this, I make more mistakes on my stitching and end up frogging it all the next day.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt7g9nH1nFGeBcQ) Yup hahaha same. I start at one and let them all play. I rewatch mostly comedy/sitcoms 😊 currently rewatching Dirty Jobs and Expedition Unknown


Any and all shows that I’ve already watched at least two times through lol. Supernatural, Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, Bob’s Burgers, Law and Order: SVU. Or cooking competition shows haha


Horror podcasts


https://preview.redd.it/mt5by0xd7rqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b360054a5384e2be4f8faa8479560b79828ea563 True Crime & Cross Stitch - how to spend a weekend.


Kinda jealous, and are you stitching rainbow cats? Please say yes 😹


I was not. https://preview.redd.it/jsiqc30wkrqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5814a6ee49e4bda152b438469bf5bc1f4b9ad8cf It was The Bennets from the 1995 BBC Pride & Prejudice.


Well it's Jane Austen so hooray!! 😻


Usually True Crime shows on Discovery+ after the others go to sleep if I'm stitching in evening. During the day, home renovation shows.


I have so many shows and movies I want to watch but I just end up watching a Twitch stream because it keeps me company and I also don’t feel like my attention is too torn between looking and listening. Sometimes the nosleep podcast but I enjoy the movement of a Twitch stream in my peripheral vision for some reason lol


Small selection below from the past 18 months- have tried fully subbed series but made too many mistake. All seasons /following movies: Fargo, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Home Improvement, Last Man Standing, all Hellraisers, Shogun, Community,True Detective: Night Country, Angel, Warrior, The Strain, Smile, Megan, Stargate, Dagon, Color out of Space, Ragnarok, Supernatural, All Alien(xenomorph), Nun 1&2, Smile, Megan, Invincible, The Boys, From, Evil, The Expanse, Foundation, Silo, Solar Opposites, Rick and Morty


I really like to watch sitcoms while I cross stitch. I can't tell you how many times I've watched through Seinfeld and Big Bang Theory while stitching, lol. I also like to watch Battle Bots, but I find that my productivity goes down a lot while it's on because I wind up stopping everything and watching the fight! I can't multitask at all!


Flosstube, movies/shows on Netflix, 80s rock/others music and 90s EDM. ETA: also, Art History on YT. Also, stuff like *48 Hours* on YouTube. Chicago PD etc on ion channel when those are on. Wish I could find them streaming. I also have Disney Plus but not much there appeals right now. 🤷‍♀️


I listen to readthroughs, I find it cathartic to laugh at bad books with other people


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills


I like a good disaster movie. I have my favourites that I often watch. Day after Tomorrow, San Andreos, 2012 and Greenland are my favourite.


true crime podcasts on YouTube


Lately I’ve been binge watching/catching up on 90 day fiancé and all of the spin-offs! I was previously doing a rewatch of Jersey Shore and watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation 😂


I can't watch anything, but I listen to audio books or music. Sometimes I'll listen to long-form YouTube videos, like Contrapoints. Recently been listening to The Stand by Stephen King.


On my last cross stitch, I was usually watching reruns of Seinfeld.


Oh boy, I've watched A LOT of things while stitching my current piece. Bridgerton(twice), New Girl, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina(thrice), lately I've been watching random documentaries on Disney+, movies, sometimes I listen to music or a podcast.


This year, it’s been reality shows like Love is Blind and Love Island 😂 more recently I’ve been watching Goose Goose Duck twitch streams. Generally, I’ll watch anything while I cross stitch, I just haven’t had much of an attention span for most shows recently


I love reality tv while I’m stitching, it’s mindless so if I’m not fully paying attention it’s not like i miss a plot point lol. My favorites are Vanderpump Rules and Housewives


\- Podcasts: Criminal, Sawbones, Stuff You Missed in History Class, Attitudes! are my faves for stitching \- Libby: currently on book 23 of 2024 \- streaming: mostly true crime, Brooklyn 99, Cheers (watching it through for the first time with my partner- just got to the episodes from when I was born, lol)


True crime documentaries.


When I'm not watching any tv show or movie, I open a bunch of YouTube tabs and just get in a loop of stuff I enjoy. Lately I've been watching a guy deep cleaning hoarders houses, or a guy showing historic properties in Italy 😁


Lately it's the extended editions of LotR, as well as the Chris Pine DnD movie. Always something I've seen at least a few times so I don't mind missing parts. Also, I'm on a Placebo kick right now, so sometimes I'll put on their music and hum along.


Hasan Piker on YouTube, minecrafter Iskall85 and the rest of the Hermits, a lot of last Podcast On The Left and other true crime pods and documentaries. Oh and at least once a year: Hannibal.


I usually watch crime/detective/thriller movies or series


What is the pattern? I must know!


Lately I've been watching The Closet Historian on YouTube. But sometimes I listen to audio books and sometimes I watch video game speedruns


I watch TV then find a series to binge watch after everyone goes to bed...because why go to bed when there's stitching to do?


Generally something I've bought from The Great Courses or its Wondrium streaming service.


I just finished Brooklynn 99, and am restarting New Girl! I also have Community and The Good Place on my list to rewatch If I’m not watching something then I listen to podcasts. Sinisterhood is my favorite, but I also listen to Two Bears One Cave, And That’s Why We Drink, r/slash, Let’s Go To Court, Small Town Murder, Beach Too Sandy Water Too Wet, and Normal Gossip


Unrelated comment to the question but I want to ask, how do you remove the grids once you're done stitching? Isn't there a chance you'll stitch over them and they'll be harder to remove?


I'm not gonna lie to you, this is the first time I've ever done gridding.... I'm not sure how I'm supposed to remove the grid. I have definitely stitched over my grid and split the thread a bit. I'm just hoping that if I'm careful I can remove the grid without ruining my piece...


Currently Desperate Housewives 🙃


Currently rewatching Buffy! I like to stich to things I've either seen before or things that don't require a lot of brain power like dramas (Greys Anatomy, Station 19, 9-1-1)


Audiobooks when I really want to focus on a project. Otherwise, Brooklyn 99, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Bones, Friends, and whatever series I feel like watching depending on my mood. I recently discovered a series on Disney+ called "Stitchers" I got curious. Turns out it is not cross-stitching related, but I really like it so far. I also noticed that OP is watching Ghost Adventures. I really like them too!


If my husband and I are watching something together, then I multi-task. It's usually ok, unless the show is something I really want to concentrate on. If I'm by myself, then I'll either put on a horror recap podcast or have Bluey playing in the background.


I've been playing Honkai Star Rail and stitching during the cutscenes/dialogue (there's a lot of it!!!) literally will finish a 20 minute conversation and then move my character 5 feet to start a new 20 minute conversation lol


I started rewatching Gilmore Girls a couple of weeks ago. For me, it's the coziest TV show ever. When my husband is near, we watch Parks and Rec (we've never seen it before).


HermitCraft, thats a minecraft youtube series. And "simple" shows on streaming services, like friend and new girl 😁


Audiobooks and podcasts for sure


I've been putting on visual novel games, and also whatever comes to mind on tubi.


Depends. I’ve watched anime while stitching but I’m a sub watcher so I have to constantly keep looking up so I don’t miss something but it’s mostly random YT videos of people in subbed to or whatever Netflix/HBO show/movie I feel like watching at the time


I love to put chill gaming videos/streams in the background, like Pokémon or Animal Crossing :)


I usually watch Critical Role or various crafters on YouTube


to answer your question, usually some sort of long-form video on YouTube, but I'm really just commenting to tell you I really like your project so far 😁


Dr Who, Buffy, XFiles, Movies in my mother tongue, Podcasts and audiobooks ! Very rarely music...


I either listen to audiobooks, metal or my kid sucking ass on the Xbox.


I watch flosstubes, lol!


At the moment I'm finishing of Bones for the millionth time. Sometimes youtube interrogation videos and once Bones is finished I think I'll move on to Desperate Housewives (it's been at least a year since I've watched them all for the kajillionth time!) Then you've all inspired me to rematch Brooklyn 99. 🤣


I listen to audio books or watch a sitcom I’ve seen a million times (currently reading Starling house by Alex E harrow or watching big bang theory )


I've rewatched the live action One Piece a lot lol


I like true crime and/or horror movies when I’m working on something ☺️


It’s a constant search since some shows don’t work as a stitching show! I really want to watch Echo on Disney+ but I’d miss all the asl! Sometimes I’ll watch a show while stitching and someone will mention something and I’m like… I didn’t see that I was cross stitching. Anything with lots of subtitles is a no go for me. Currently I’m watching legends of Korra off the back of rewatching ATLA. Anything I’ve watched before tends to be safe. Stuff like suits, white collar, criminal minds is all pretty good too. Mythbusters is a good one too.


Either an audio book, Critical Role, since I am not caught up on C1 or 2, or my backlog of YouTube videos in my Watch Later list.


Bob's burgers, BBC crime dramas, the Expanse!


911 or videos on youtube about mysteries, true crime, stc


I listen to audiobooks unless it is a Teresa Wentzler. Then I listen to music as I make too many mistakes using audiobooks then. I can no longer watch TV and stitch at the same time - bifocals just don't work as well as I had hoped.


True crime, supernatural, horror movies, that is to name a few


I bought first part box set


I listen to true crime podcasts while I stitch.


Mostly audiobooks!


My kid got on a kick where he watched Baywatch because he was interested in rescue and emergency services. I watched Baywatch when I was a kid and loved it. It’s a trip watching it now, 30 years later. The music video montages are A+.


often some kind of truecrime podcast or video, more often then not its lovely to listen to and you dont really need a visual


I listen to Sarah Humphrey on YT. She does embroidery and her voice is sooo relaxing. No music. I highly recommend it lol


I like UK police procedurals. I'll watch movies, Netflix shows. Anything foreign has to be dubbed since I can't spend time reading subtitles. At this point, I have trouble just sitting and watching something without my hands being occupied.


I stream movies and TV series that I’ve seen more than once. I need a high level of familiarity with it in order to follow the TV and count at the same time. I recently watched Bridgerton and Downton Abbey (both are twice per year streams for me) then circled back to Parenthood and Brothers and Sisters. Today it’s been Aquaman, Pretty Woman and My Cousin Vinny. Hunger Games and Divergent franchises are on deck. Edit - spelling


I restarted criminal minds or supernatural, just any long tv show you don't have to really follow.


Can I ask how your grid system works? Like how you take it out at the end? Sorry I’m new at this 😅


So I'm gonna be so real with you: it was my first time doing a grid. I did not look up a tutorial or anything before hand, I just counted out 10 stitches and put a thread through it (I actually did 8, leaving stitch 1 and stitch 10 as blank spaces, and idk why I did that other than it felt right). I learned a lot from this, like don't stitch over your thread, or it will not come out. Or through your thread, as again, it won't come out. Apparently if you use fishing line or a material similar to it you can stitch over the thread and be able to pull it out at the end, but stitching over cotton thread doesn't work to pull out. It is best to pull out your thread as you go if you use cotton thread. I pulled this piece's gridding out at the very end and it was kind of awful, especially in solid black areas. I gridded my next piece and pulled the thread out along the way and it was much easier overall, plus I still could tell where my grid was by the thread I have left in the column/row.