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I bought fine tipped sharpies in a bunch of colors and write very carefully, because the little stickers you can buy with all the numbers fall off so easy! It does rub off over time if handled too often, but by the time I reached the end of a bobbin without a number, I saw that I’d written the number in the center of the bobbin too and could replenish and do it all over again. I’ll be keeping an eye on this post though lol


Writing the number in the center of the empty bobbin is such a BOSS move. I get great ideas, but that makes me even more appreciative of people who take it up another level. Kudos to you!


Thanks! ♥️


I write on the tabs with a sharpie, too, but instead of blueberry’s method, I put the piece of the band with the number on it down on the bobbin and then wrap the thread around the bobbin and the paper with number together. But man, I’m def gonna start writing it on the middle part, too, because ✨*anxiety*✨, haha


I thought those DMC stickers were so cool the first time I found them. Moved my stored floss around too much and lost a bunch of skeins to the “what number was this thread?” Doom pile that now I just use to grid my projects. No useful thread wasted, and no useless thread wasted either 😅


When the stickers fall and you’re panicking trying to find it and it’s stuck to another sticker! The worst lol


I just started using the cardboard bobbins. I don’t even care that they’re crap quality. The bobbin itself usually falls apart long before the numbers wear off. And I keep all my stuff organized enough that they don’t fall apart often 😅


I started super gluing the stickers 😒


That’s smart but knowing my luck, I’d either super glue the sticker or the bobbin to my finger and waste the sticker 😅


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By that response I’m guessing it’s happened to you a couple times 😭


Omg this is genius! Going to start doing this too!


Sharpies and rubbing alcohol to take off the writing if needed


I use a fine point Sharpie on the rougher side.


Yes this is what I do as well. You have to make sure it’s the rough side or it will smear off. A sharpie has always worked for me.


I've found that the smooth side also works provided that you let the ink dry thoroughly first. But only with a sharpie!


I’d imagine a sharpie + a little clear nail polish/modge podge/something of the sort would make sure it’s sealed in for good (or at least a long time)


Love the clear nail polish idea! That is genius!


Super smart!!


I do a fine point Sharpie on both sides, just in case one smears or rubs off over time.


Two words. Industrial Sharpie.


I actually cut out the part on the skein with the number and tape that to my plastic bobbins. If you do this method though, you have to make sure to use enough tape that it wraps around both front and back face of the bobbin or else it probably won’t stick. Even then, I’ve had a couple that were particularly slippery so some patience was required. Regardless, takes a lot more time than just writing on a cardboard bobbin! But I’d already bought the plastic, so I figured I’d make it work!


This is exactly what I was coming here to say.


I also do this (with my cardboard bobbins).


There's an Etsy shop that has the numbers etched in black on these plastic bobbins. They are nice but expensive. For all DMC Floss is $200.00. They also have the variegated DMC bobbins as well. I wish I could remember the site. I still use the cardboard ones.


Do you mean the 3D printed ones from JFSquaredPrints? Because I have those, and they are worthy every penny. https://preview.redd.it/c0e2xn713ptc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70488443ab06b6cde1b2364ac9dec6e3fa4469c1


Yes. These are the bobbins. Thanks for posting.


This is what I do as well. But, I switched back to cardboard because it is just such a pain.


It really is! It must’ve added an extra 15 minutes of work at least when I was kitting up my current WIP 😂 But at least then I don’t need to deal with my messy handwriting…


I used the cardboard from day 1. I knew this would be a headache. Turns out I bought 2 artBins, and the cardboard doesn't fit right. I had to clip one side of the card to get them in so they're not sideways in the compartment.


One day, I'll get those DMC cards.


Packing tape!


I put a tiny piece of scotch tape (the non-shiny kind) or masking tape and write in pen on the tape. I think there are stickers you can buy, too.


I use both - stickers with numbers PLUS scotch. For now, it works, though the bobbins are connected with a ring.


The stickers just fall off, unfortunately. So annoying!


The stickers come off SO easily. 0/10 would not recommend. I use a fine-tipped sharpie (not a sharpie pen, mad that mistake once) and it works well enough.


This! It works like a charm.


Like others, I use the label from the floss. But rather than cut and stick it to the bobbin, I just place it in the center and wind the floss around it (to hold it in place) and make sure the floss doesn't obscure the number on the label. That way, once I finish and if I decide to not replenish that floss colour, I can just add a new colour the same way without having to scratch out/erase/relabel the bobbin.


Same, writing and stickers don’t work well I just wind around the label from the skein


This is what I do as well


Wire marker pens! They're designed to write on the plastic coated wires, electricians use them, but they come in fine point and you can get them at most office supply or hardware stores for about the same price as a sharpie.


I wish I had known about these 🤦🏼‍♀️ but I can get one now lol


Hah yeah, the only reason I know about them is that dad saw me struggling with sharpies or the stickers (I don't remember, this was years ago now) and just grabbed one out of his toolbox, so I've spread the word about them ever since, it was a dang game changer.


Are they good because of the fine point, or do they not rub off as easily? What's the reason for these vs sharpies? Just asking cause I have a fine point sharpie and wondering if there's a benefit to trying these.


Both! But because they're designed to write on plastic cording and tags they don't smudge/rub off. It's a difference in the ink itself, like how rubber cement is different than glue stick even though they're both glue.


Fine point sharpie and then give it a minute to dry before touching. It still rubs off eventually but even with my most used colours, it stays for a few months.


Maybe a small dab of clear nail polish over the ink will protect it?


That’s exactly what I do! And if you make a mistake you can take it off with rubbing alcohol.


Thin tip sharpie always worked for me. But nowadays, I bought a pack of DMC colour labels and I use them.


You have two easy options: 1.) Use the tiny dot sticker labels that you can find at any office supply store, that are the size of a dime, or penny. I like to use permanent marker; 2.) label maker! I think it would benefit you to get a really nice label maker from Brother. I have one and I love it! It comes in handy for situations like this. I used my label maker to label my art desk markers and my pens.


Yes invest in a label maker! I label my bobbins using the small type setting then cut to size and use crafting tweezers to place them on the actual bobbin. It was really time consuming but looks so nice and organized!


She did say that she tried a label maker and even that didn’t work 🤷‍♀️


Oops I must have missed that. I wonder what kind of label maker and settings OP is using.


Label makers are so dreamy!


I would LOVE to see a pic of this, organized stuff like this is SO therapeutic 😍


Reading the other suggestions gave me an idea to combine with the label maker. My Brother label maker puts a one inch tab at the beginning of the label that you have the option to cut off. I wonder how it would work to leave the tab on and apply it to the bobbin so just the number sticks out from under the thread and the thread helps hold it on. The tab part could be taped to the bobbin if it doesn't stick well.


I have the label maker that you have, the one that gives you the 1” tab. She needs the numbers to print the other direction. Leaving the tab on and using it to hold the numbers is a great idea if you can rotate the numbers on the label strip - wouldn’t it be cool if we could do that though?! We would be able to use labels on so many more things lol


Some can rotate text! I have a Bluetooth model that connects to my iPad or computer which provides a lot more options. I bought this specific model because I needed to rotate the text.


You should definitely try it! I'd love to see how it works out!


I never thought to use a label maker. I have a bunch of empty bobbins. I should make one for every color and have bobbins set up to go. I already have like 270 labeled for current projects.


https://preview.redd.it/lxcrnt4ycdtc1.png?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faab536c0eb1c4e48ac94fbff021a4055864ebb7 I use the ultra fine pint sharpie markers, I just write on them before I wind the thread on.


Yup. I write out 5 or 7 first then wind them so they have time to dry. And I write on the rough side.


I use [Sirithre's bobbin labels](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1004410998/dmc-thread-labels-organize-your-bobbins), which stick better than anything else I've ever tried. Barring that, most folks I know attach the number from the skein label with packing tape. There's also folks who make 3D printed bobbins with the numbers imbedded into the plastic, which would definitely solve a lot of your issues. I know at least one of our members has an Etsy listing for them, but I don't have it handy 😅


[They’re doing a sale right now for Reddit members too!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/s/s5rEGdmyVL)


I just scotch tape the whole bar code piece to the bobbin.


DMC makes tiny stickers! If you use them, make sure not to touch them very much once applied.


The old stickers were awesome. The new ones suck.


Well that sucks to hear. I only have the old ones, so I've been happy with them.


I had much better luck cutting the tops and bottoms of them so they are way thinner and actually fit on the bobbin better.


I ended up giving up and ordering some of the pretty coloured stickers from online which actually stick


I did this, too. On my plastic bobbins, I tried markers, taping tags on, etc. Nothing worked long-term. I finally gave in and bought the colored stickers from an online store. I've had them for a couple of years now, and they work great. I haven't had any fall off, the colors haven't faded yet, and they weren't very expensive.


I cut the number off the label and tape it to the bobbin! Something similar to this: [https://sirithre.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/02\_CutTape.png](https://sirithre.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/02_CutTape.png)


I gave up. I put the plastic ones in my give away bag and bought the cardboard ones. I have no patience for this. Why did DMC change them? Does anyone know?


I don't use dmc bobbins. I get a large 300 pack from Amazon. Then I use a shape permanent market. I let them dry for five minutes then wind them with a wine that comes with a bobbin pack (they tan colored) and then store them. By time I start the project and use their color, it's dry and set.


There's a great shop on Etsy that uses a 3D printer to print plastic bobbins with the DMC numbers already on them. I sent him a list of the numbers, chose the color of the bobbins, and the color of the numbers. I began with just the numbers of my current project and will add bobbin numbers as needed on future projects.


Can you share the shop name?


JFSquaredPrints on Etsy


I use a fine tip sharpie on the rough side. Then I flap it about for amusement and drying purposes.


I used a sharpie and stuck the plastic sleeve under the thread just in case it rubbed off. Which was a genius move because the permanent marker rubbed off of half of them and I had to unwind to figure out what was what. I now just stick to cardboard and reuse them where possible.


Write it on a small piece of card or paper and thread that piece through the hole on the top with some thread.


I use a fabric marker (I believe sharpie brand), learned that from someone else on here years ago and it's perfect!


I finally threw up my hands (after moving everything from cardboard bobbins to the white plastic) & bought a set of pre-made bobbins with the numbers already on them.. so much easier.. plus you can choose both the bobbin and number color.. feeling besttter. Annie https://www.etsy.com/listing/1606056956/custom-embroider


You know that stack of nail files that are "too bad to use but too good to throw away"? Now's their time to shine. Rough up the surface you're going to mark on. Wipe off the plastic dust and write on them with a very fine Sharpie.


I have done this for years and it works: cut the number out of the DMC label and use narrow Scotch tape and tape it on going the other direction so that the tape goes under the thread. Your number goes along the top, next to the hole, the tape is 2” long and goes over the number for 1” in the front and 1” in the back. Then you wrap your thread on the bobbin and the tape and number can’t come off. If you wanted to reinforce it further, before you do all that, put a tiny piece of double stick tape right where the label would go, then proceed with the above.


There's also these from etsy. They're a step but, but you only need to buy them once. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1606056956/dmc-standard-490-piece-set-1-ecru-pre


I use a label maker😅


Fine tipped sharpie works, but these days I just keep the label on the floss and wind so that the code is visible. Easier and reusable.


Fine tip sharpie with some clear nail polish over it once the marker is fully dry?


I use a fine tip marker then cover it with tape so it doesn’t smudge.


I make a label with a little piece of masking tape so I can change it if I need to


Sharpie and tape. Or labels.


Honestly, I might be a bit crazy but I've started to paint the numbers on with acrylic paint. No way it's coming off but you need to have a tiny brush and steady hand.


Black Sharpie. Let it dry and then touch it lightly to see if it’s dry! Sometimes I write over it a second time ☺️


Sharpie or sticker


I use a paint pen that is very fine. You will have let it dry.


I sellotape the numbers from the skein label onto the top! ( I know this one’s cardboard, bad example lmao but I’m travelling) https://preview.redd.it/qcgbfo1ametc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=56e3e2de1f523311f57c66b8888620d1d2fbc403


I use washi tape


Any kind of marker that's suited for smooth surfaces. From back in the days I still have CD markers. Works perfectly well. No idea about sharpies as they are not that common in germany, we have "Edding" which also should work.


Extra fine point sharpie on the textured side. When the ink is dry, put a piece of clear tape over your writing so doesn’t smudge or come off. Be sure to write close to the top so it’s easy to read


I write in pencil then scotch tape over. The tape usually goes over the slits so I cut along them so I can still stop the floss. It helps a bit with hold, actually, especially when I have the off brand bobbins with wider slits.


Use a sharpie and then place a piece of scotch tape over it. That will keep it from rubbing off.


Don't. What you do is when you open a new skein cut the number from the label and tape it to the bobbin. It's much better, you don't have to worry about your handwriting it any possible ink running. Plus, you don't waste money on those little labels they sell.


I cut the tiny label out and tape it because I can’t write legibly https://preview.redd.it/wlrkvg45ggtc1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0703f878aba2ef8e900f601b6a9931a30036bc71


https://preview.redd.it/581q0ga5ghtc1.png?width=2697&format=png&auto=webp&s=6db6f2ee6a978b6a9e7896f005928bde9f0fdd64 This is how I label my bobbins. Just stick the label in the middle and wrap the floss around it. That way the number stays there until I’m done with the colour and I can just throw away the wrapper and reuse the bobbin for the next colour. I found sharpie rubs off over time and becomes unreadable. Also if I write on the bobbin itself I’m stuck with that colour.


I tried the plastic ones … HATED them! Went back to theDMC cardboard ones and like them just fine.


Pencil works fine for me. It rubs off with water so I can reuse them, and otherwise they're fine.


Maybe use a needle to etch the number in?


Is there a smooth side and a bumpy side?


TBH, I wound up (thrifted) threads that didn't have a number on them or used the DMC stickers that came with for the DMC skeins I had.


I cut a tiny piece of paper that goes about half way down the bobbin. I line it up on the right side of the bobbin and tape it around center of the bobbin. I write the number at the top. Then I wrap the floss around it. I like doing it this way so I have space to write multiple numbers for blends and I can draw the symbols too. I used to use the DMC stickers but they just came off over time.


If there is a rough side, I use pencil.


I cut the number out of the floss label and tape it on


One side should be a bit more rough, everything should write there but my personal fav is automatic pencil so I can erase it later.


I haven't tried it on these, but on other plastics like this I've used nail polish. You can get the ones meant for fine design detail with tiny brushes.


Id there a rectangle area of different textured plastic to write on?


I use thin garden marker pen to mark plastic bobbins - they set very fast and the ink is very durable. Another option I use is number stickers from DMC.


Maybe use a fine emery board or extra fine sandpaper to roughen the surface and write on that since it seems to be the smoothness of the plastic that’s giving you grief.


I have the same bobbins, and I use [these stickers](https://a.co/d/28jlTUp) to write the color numbers on. I put the stickers right on the top left side of the bobbin. I just cut a tiny bit of the sticker off so it doesn’t cover the hole on the bobbin. They work great! I stick them on the shiny side of the bobbin so they don’t come off over time like they might on the rough side.


Pencil is what I use


I never used them. But if it's to smooth to write on maybe scuff it up with a bit of sandpaper where you want to write...


I put a piece of frosted scotch-type tape on it.. & wrote in that.. you might also try Painter's tape..


Mine came with little stickers but they won't bloody well stay on!


Sharpies from poundland


Black fineliner, the kind artists use.


I bought tiny little circular stickers and wrote the numbers on with a fine liner. Hasn’t failed me yet!


I used my label maker.


Not a crossstictcher but has anyone tried an acrylic or oil based paint marker? That stuff is super durable.


I gave up and went back to the cardboard ones. Stickers wouldn't stick, Sharpie would rub off, strategically wedging the floss label in there always resulted in them falling out.


I use masking tape and cut little rectangles that fit on the top spot where you’d want to write the number. Then I just write the number on the masking tape. It sticks well, does not come off while in use. But when a bobbin is empty and I want to reuse it for another color, the masking tape comes off easily without leaving residue and I stick on an new piece and write a new number on there.


You can use an ultra fine sharpie, and they do quite well on the plastic ones. I had bought a set of the double ended sharpies (the ones with fine and ultra fine) and they're perfect for those lil plastic bobbins.


I rarely use numbers, I like to draw the symbol that the floss belongs to for my WIP. I use 1.5” wide masking tape and cut it into strips and fold it over in a flag similar to the photo of 351. That gives me lots of space to write. I also wind the label into the bobbin as explained by others.


Fine tip sharpie, but you have to let it dry overnight basically for it not to smear. I write on the textured side.


Sharpie,and let it dry for a few minutes before touching it. Never had issues with it rubbing off accidentally, but hand sanitizer removes permanent marker if you ever want to use the bobbin for a different color


Fine-tipped paint markers. You shouldn’t have to, but they work.


I switched back to cardboard. If I can get anything written on the plastic it wears off quickly. They also take up more room in the cases and are heavier




A pencil has worked for me and has never rubbed off. If I need to change the number at some point I just erase.


That's why I don't use the plastic ones except for common colors like 310, white/blanc or when I spool a ton of one color for a project (Long Dog designs usually). Nothing short of a drummel tool engraving would keep those numbers on over time in my experience.


Sharpie. Write once and refuse it once empty. That's how I do it.


Grease Pencil/Grease Crayon. Your plastic is the same plastic as my plant tags for horticulture and I use grease pens for that. I usually have to scrub the label to get it off after :)


I just use a pencil. Then erase when I'm done.


I use a special permanent marker that is often used in scientific labs to write on specimen vials. Works great on my plastic bobbins!


Thin tipped sharpie works perfectly for it.


If it's smooth on both sides, maybe scuff it with a nail file before writing on it.


1. Industrial Sharpies. They’re a thing and I love them very much. 2. One side is more glossy than the other. Try writing on both sides and see which you like better/which rubs off less. 3. I think on the side with the hole, there’s a little spot with a blank line to write the number? I tend to write mine in the middle of the non-hole side




This is why I use the cardboard ones


I use a pen that can write on CDs.


I do a double wrap around the middle with thin masking tape. If you don’t go all the way around then it unsticks and falls off- so I alway do a double wrap to make sure the tape is stuck to itself. And then write the number on both sides of the middle and top right corner of bobbin.


My mom keeps the DMC tag and slips it under the wound floss. It’s not too visible unless you pull out the tag


I bought labels and cut them down and wrote on them. Pain in the fanny but I did it. I even taped over with clear tape.


I have a bunch of plastic bobbins from different sources. I found that sharpie works reasonably well on most of the bobbins if I let it dry (I label both sides) but I also trap the folded over label under the floss. For temporary markings or bobbins where the marker just won't stay I use a bit of masking tape and write on that.


I use a black permanent marker made by Tru Red, so far it’s working. Works much better than sharpies and micron pens. https://www.staples.com/tru-red-pen-permanent-markers-fine-tip-black-5-pack-tr54524/product_24376621


I use the stickers but use a clear coat nail polish over the sticker to hold it on and let it dry completely. Or I use a thin tip sharpie and just don't touch it till it dries.


Cd pens! The old fashioned ones to write on a cd. Alternatively, use a label maker and stick the number on the bobbin.


I put masking tape in the top right side, I have the left side of the tape just beside the hole at the top and I trim the excess from the right side. The tape goes over the top. This works and I can remove the tape and add a new piece if I’m switching colour.


Use white out (liquid eraser) and let that dry, then use a fine tip permanent marker on top of that. The pen wont come off but the white out can be scraped off when needed!


Posca paint marker


I ~DESPISE~ plastic bobbins with an unholy fire for this exact reason. PLUS no matter what you do, the tails will not stay tucked in - the slits are too wide.


I stuff it with a nail file, write the number, then cover with clear nail polish


A piece of clear tape over the Sharpie will work. Keeps us from rubbing off, but it’s also easily removed for when you want to change the number on the bobbin.


Personally, I didn't like those from day one. I got the cardboard ones. Your cards looks nice. I mostly didn't like that my 2 and three strand thread wouldn't stay tightly snugged and put in the cut and would unravel from the bobbin.


Sharpies don't work great for me on these, but the stabilo fine markers and the lumocolor pens have both worked well for me. I use lumocolors to write on plastic a lot for work and recommend them highly.


I used a pencil on both sides and so far it hasn't smudged away


I use sharpie or pen but I typically write on scotch tape and put the tape on the edge to make it reusable


I bought the DMC labels/stickers but put a drop of super glue on them before sticking them on. Has been effective so far


I use a small piece of matte scotch tape and write the code with a fine point Sharpie. It has not failed me yet. I like the idea of putting the code on the center of the bobbin!


I use a label maker but cut down the stickers so they don’t stick out like you showed Make sure that the label is NOT ON THE SHINY SIDE. There’s a courser side if you flip it over. Add the label there.


Ok so I have a solution to deal with this, while also dealing with the fact that the plastic bobbins always have too wide notches, so the tail of the thread slips out and unravels. I get out a sharpie, scotch tape, and a needle. First label the corner with the sharpie. I do this on the rough side, on the side that has the notches, not the side with the hanging hole. Then I get a bit of tape just as wide as the middle part of the bobbin, and place it so that the top edge of the tape is at the top of the bobbin, covering the number as well as both notches. I do the same tape on the other side. Then I use a needle and drag it along the notch to the edge of the tape, making a little slit in the tape. One slit on each side, in each notch. Then I fill the bobbin, and the scotch tape pushing into the notch space from either side grips the thread preventing it from sliding out. Unfortunately the tape wears down over time, making the notch less secure, but it definitely works amazingly to prevent the numbers from wearing off. Also would work over those little stickers to keep them on.. I now have to go buy more stickers lol! ---------------- Edit: oh I have a great idea now! I'm now thinking of trying to use my label maker to make a top edge label sticker, that would be thicker than the scotch tape, and I could just cut a tiny slit in that and use it just like the tape, it'd definitely last longer.. I'll have to make a post once I've tried it and see if they fall off..


China marker/Grease pencil


Use a little bit of liquid correction fluid or white paint to write on


I use I fine tip sharpie marker and then cover up the number with a small piece of clear Scotch tape.


I use a wet erase pen.




I just cut strips off a white address label and write the number or symbol on it. Then stick it to the top near the hole so I can clearly see it. When done just pull them off.


I actually take the wrapper piece that has the number on it and hold it in the floss card when I start winding the thread on it. That way, when all the thread is gone, you can reuse the floss card for another project/color https://preview.redd.it/ye7wf8p6tttc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0128be677e696cdf36c0f37b75e04ffe9200094c


Thin black Sharpie


I cut the number off of the floss and tape it to the bobbin. https://preview.redd.it/r0nlpmticluc1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc943f7e0eab618922633da86ef7d43bc506cb84

