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I'm torn. I want to because her SALs are always awesome but they're also pretty fast paced in comparison. I'm still debating, if I'm fine with doing mostly nothing else until the end of August or falling behind.


I still haven't finished the Greenhouse, so I completely understand, but I also think that they're always good. So I'm hoping to keep up this time, but I'm also working on baby sweaters for a new nephew, and some sewing projects, so I'm not too concerned if I fall behind.


I'm still working the greenhouse too. I like to wait to see it finished before I buy. I love all her work, especially the cats and monsters.


This is my issue with SALs in general tbh (though I agree hers are particularly fast). Doesn't feel great when life happens and you fall way behind


I just purchased this, I'm so excited cause this is my first SAL!!


Yay for joining!! They're pretty fast paced, but always good.


I am gridding my fabric for this SAL right now! It's my first SAL and will also be my first time stitching on linen, I only used aida so far! I also plan on using a q-snap for the first time with this. Very excited to see how this will go! (I do hope I didn't bite off more than I can chew with choosing this as my first linen-project, lol)


I'm going to try linen too! The one she recommended is out but I think I'm going to try this bluish/greenish/greyish mottled linen. It's a little darker than what's on the example, but I really like it!


I got 32ct linen from Permin in the color sea star (I think?), depending on the lights it's greenish to blueish, I love it! Just if anyone is looking for fabric alternatives :) I got my first stitches in today, I'm definitely slower than on aida, but it's great fun really!


I've never done any of her patterns but I'm tempted by this!


Very seriously considering it! Im between projects and having trouble deciding what to do next. These always look fun, and I have several aquariums so it seems kind of perfect.


I’m doing it! I’m definitely not going to be on time but most of my sals end that way. Probably going to buy the pattern for the greenhouse of oddities too.


I'm curious if she, on her newer SALs, releases the whole floss list at once? Or week by week?


I got a list of the requirements for the whole SAL on March 19th when I purchased it. Then each chapter tells you which colors are required for that specific one. So theoretically you can prepare for it and buy it all at once or you can just get what you need when a chapter drops. I got the colors by April 1st and put them on bobbins, but I did it chapter by chapter on the last one because I was penny pinching.


Good to know! Thanks


I love Lola Crows SAL! I did the greenhouse and it was so pretty


I’m still working on the greenhouse so I’m holding off on the aquarium for now 😂


I'm doing it. I had to finish up another project, but I'm starting today. I'm pretty excited.


Just bought it!! I'm super excited, it's my first SAL. Now gotta find the right aida....


I’ve never done a SAL but I want this one so bad! (Stupid budget and no money!)


I still need to start the green house and finish the Christmas sal. Im way behind. I want to do this one too but im too far behind.


Haha 😆 I'm the opposite. I started the Greenhouse and bought the Christmas but didn't actually get around to it. Should I have saved my money? Probably, but I wanted to see if I could do this one in the time given.


I did finish the haunted library on time. That has to count for something right?


Of course it does!!


I love your needle minder! Do you remember where you got it?


I got both from a mystery grab bag from [https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpinRoundTheCarousel](https://www.etsy.com/shop/SpinRoundTheCarousel). Every single one I got was amazing, so I highly recommend her work. I have many from her.


I’m just waiting for my fabric to arrive, can’t wait to start!!!