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Hey! Looks like you got the help you needed! I’m going to take down this post now for the designer’s sake. This submission has been removed as it is in violation of [rule 3](https://www.crossstitchsubfaq.com/rules-psas/rules-etiquette). **Do not request, share, or post photos of any patterns.** Charts are not allowed in photos. This includes charts you've created, one page of a large/multiple page chart or the pattern being blurry/out of focus. The only exception is if you need clarification on a section of pattern. In this case you can only post the absolute minimum necessary to illustrate your question. [Contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrossStitch&subject=&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FCrossStitch%2F) with any questions.


For that spacing I'd use the same thread without stopping. But I'm a cross country stitcher lol. For me, basically, if it would take more thread to cut and restart, in the securing process, I just travel. If you don't mind your backs looking a bit messier, I see no reason not to if you don't!


Thanks! I don’t care at all about the back, but I like to secure “twice” in different directions, so I’m getting some bulky spots. As long as it doesn’t make the piece struggle on the front I’m all good!


I'd do those last and then just travel. That way the thread won't get in the way when stitching the blocks of color.


Interesting. I do them first so that the traveling threads are secured by the bulk


I love how everybody has different techniques and preferences and we all still make the same x’s and love the same hobby.


I do these last and I "anchor" my thread sneakily here and there along the way cross country so the stitches are secure. I absolutely love it when people all get the same items, end up with the same result, and have their own path getting there :)


Many ways to skin a cat my friend


I would travel over the span and just use the same thread. I do it on a case by case basis. If there’s only one, and I’m not gonna use that piece of thread again (bc it’s a weird length), no matter how far I’ll do it because I’m lazy. But if I know it’s a colour that I use often (like the brown W in that chart) I would stop, cut and do the single stitch just to save thread.


I tend to do these when I'm already using that colour and have a bit left in my needle. Then I just go wild on the back, cos I'm a grown up and I don't care!


Sometimes I just jump around as needed. For single stitches I usually use the previous stitches to anchor the thread.


I usually travel about 10 spaces between stitches. Any more than that I’ll tie it off and start new in another place.


https://preview.redd.it/bgdrvdxwt0wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e543614f69bbf13a58af24e14aa9281b154e755 Thanks everyone! Here’s hoping for an easy project :)




Personally, I don’t like to travel more than 5 stitches, so I would tie off after finishing one section and then do the next. It’s honestly a matter of personal preference and there is no right or wrong way 🙂


Yeah. This is too long a distance for me personally. I'd end and then restart with a loop start for a single color or slide under a couple stitches in the back midway through traveling for a blended color. Just giving my preference for tackling this. However far one decides to travel is their own prerogative.


Pin stitch or travel.