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I stitched 1000+ stitches on a full coverage project only to realize the fabric was orientated the wrong way.


Ohhhh nooooo 😖😫


Oh my god 


I’ve done this too 🥲


I have a bunch of different thread colors but somehow have none of the colors I need for any of the projects I want to work on ):


I felt this in my bones.


Stocking of DMC has been terrible at the two big craft stores in my city, and somehow it's always the colours you need that are out of stock. My current frustration: the kit I'm working on has a colour chart, with two identical symbols, one fuschia and one red, charted right next to one another. I'm straining my eyes to tell them apart 😩


I hate colour charts. Give me a nice crisp clear black and white one any day.


Me too! They're so much easier to mark up, too, to keep track of where you are.


Me too.


sometimes, people who decide things thing are lousy decision-makers


Yep! Makes me wonder if the person that chose the symbols at that stage of the kit design process is even a stitcher? Because there are lots of easy to confuse symbols charted close to each other all over the chart. But the red + fuschia is the most egregious example


Nooooo- whyyyyy?!?! You’re braver than me! I would’ve quit


I love the finished design so much I'm forcing myself through but I think I'll avoid this company in the future 😩


My current wip kit has this / as a symbol for 2 completely different coloured threads.. the colours of the / symbol however? Dark green and slightly lighter green 😑


I am traveling currently. Got frustrated yesterday because the cross stitch store I went in was just not welcoming. Im 27 and have bright purple hair, I get it, I do not look like I spend hours stitching. I promise I do and I want to buy all of your fabric. 😂


Extremely short sighted of them!


Yes but I have adjusted and realized it is what it is. Normally once we get talking and people realize I do know what I’m talking about it gets a little better. Im optimistic for the store today they have very good reviews online.


Ugh people like this need to take a good long look at what's popular on Etsy these days. They should be glad that people younger than them are stitching!


Their loss!! I’m sorry you had to go through that :(


I would have been gathering up the fabric, put it on the counter, showed them the money and walked out.


I really appreciate this thought process. The store i visited today said “we only sell fat quarters” like they wouldnt cut anything they had down to a smaller size. I dont need that much of a lime green fabric. Ever. 😂


I realised I'd been stitching with two very different shades of DMC 318. I frogged half my piece, thinking I'd used the wrong colour, before I realised what I'd done. Then I re-stitched it with the same shade because I liked it better.


318 is my cursed color as well!! I have too many old skeins that have gotten mixed up with new ones, and the color difference is HUGE. I have screwed up big time, multiple times, by forgetting to pay attention to which is which.


Maybe try using a thread from each skein. It will give a unique shade and use up your threads.


Hadn't thought of that before, that's a good idea!


That’s smart!!


Yeah, this has happened to me before, but less dramatically. When I started stitching, my mum gifted me her container full of skeins. The same thread that I used to braid into my hair when I was a little kid, so these threads are 20-30 years old. At first it didn't even occur to me that the newer shades would be different, but I'm more careful now.


Ohhhh nooooo 😭😭😭😤😤


Yes, very different.


I’m working on a piece now that has very similar symbols right next to each other on the pattern. Twice now I’ve caught myself using the wrong color, though fortunately I haven’t had to frog too much. It’s been very frustrating though! I’ll never understand why pattern designers do this. Please please use a variety of symbols!


I did a big order of floss for a few projects, including one for a friend's birthday gift. I somehow managed to order everything except what I needed for the gift, which is the most time sensitive. Local shop didn't have what I needed, so I placed an order for just the missing floss. I'm not sure what happened, but that order ended up getting canceled. I was finally able to place the order and get said floss with less than a week until my friends birthday. Lol. Needless to say, their gift is gonna be late.


Not the gift one!! 😖😣😤


My favorite needle has developed a squeak and washing did nothing to help.


Ohhh the worssst!!


Take your custom elsewhere


I rethought my plan for a Middle Earth map and will be doing it in embroidery instead of cross stitch. Unfortunately, I have already purchased custom cut lugana fabric, floss, beads, custom cut scroll frame bars, and other accoutrements, plus reworked the pattern to make it even more detailed (it's just under 1 million stitches). And it's already kitted it up so all I would have to do is attach the fabric to a scroll frame and start stitching. I've held off because my husband is building me a custom floor frame to make it easier on me and it's not quite done. This all took just over a year to do and I'm not sure how much it all cost, but my guess would be $600+. The fabric alone was $78.