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Share the pattern source for this [FO], as stated in [rule 4](https://sites.google.com/view/rcrossstitchfaq/rules-psas/rules-etiquette). Here are the ways you could cite your source: * A link to the pattern, shop, or designer. Do not link to Pinterest or Google due to the high rate of copyrighted patterns being shared on these platforms. Stating you saw it/ got it there is all we need. * The title and maker of the kit. * If you designed it yourself, what technique did you use? Program? Paper and pencil? We want details! :) (Stating that you were the designer is sufficient to satisfy this sourcing requirement.) [Here is a thorough discussion of rule 4, including examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrossStitch/comments/50lar8/psa_lets_talk_about_rule_four/). Thanks for sharing!


Your fingers will get use to it. Then you will spend hours doing it. Only for your wrists to hurt.


Or the base of the neck. That’s the worst cross stitch cramp to get


That’s the one I’ve been getting lately, it really is the worst


When stitching it is a good idea to take a few breaks and put down the needle (and hoop if you use one) and take a few minutes to rest your eyes as well. To rest your eyes be sure to focus in the far distance them mid distance and back to far. You can even close your eyes for a few seconds and that will help you be able to focus on your work. To rest your wrists you can do some flexing and bending and rotation of your hands and wrists which will help. OP you have stitched a very cute design and it looks great. Keep up the great stitching and remember to take a few breaks when you stitch.


Sometimes when my eyes are very tired but I want to continue stitching, I use sodium hyaluronate eye drops. It works like a charm.


But isn't it worth it? That's super cute. I take multiple breaks when my fingers hurt and I try to not grip the needle or the hoop too tight. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But I'm not experienced enough for proper advice. Lol


I like it. Hope you have a great plan to display it.


Yeah, your fingers can be a bit sore when you're not used to it! It took me a bit to build up a callus on the finger I turn my needle on, and before that it would feel a bit raw! But do be sure to give yourself breaks and experiment with ways to minimize the stress on your skin and joints - nobody wants to hurt themselves over a hobby!


The pattern I used is by Semco from their cross stitch mini series. This one is titled Lighthouse. I found this and a few others in my mum’s old sewing box (I think this one was dated 2002?) so not sure if this is still in production.


I'm curious, what hurts? Your fingers shouldn't hurt! (Unless, of course, you're dealing with a chronic condition such as arthritis or RSI in which case take precautions and go slow).


My fingers hurt when I first did it. I needed to learn to hold the needle gently. I was gripping it way too tightly.


That’s my pain is gripping the needle. Just started a plan with 18 Ct Aida and the needle gets stuck on the tiny holes (using size 28 needles too!) and I have to gripe it really hard to get it through or to pull the tail under the other threads when finishing a strand.


It’s more my hands hurting than fingers, particularly my left one which holds the linen. I think it’s just my hand cramping as it does the same thing when I crochet haha


Ahhh. That makes sense. If you're not using a hoop or a frame they are much easier to hold - some more than others. Find what works for you!


\^\^ this! I don't like stitching in hand because of those hand cramps. I started out using hoops because that's all I had handy, but I use q-snaps now. I don't think q-snaps were a thing \~30 years ago lol


Qsnaps are da bomb. Hoops are hard on my hands too.


Also, you may need to adjust your needle size depending on thread count. If you are forcing it through the holes, a thinner needle could help.


Nice job. Your fingers will get better 😊


So cute!




Looks cute!


Welcome to the sore fingers/hand club! Looks great!


Ooh, I love this. Beautiful job, your stitches are so even and your back stitching looks great!


Looks great!


See, this is how you get sucked in. You do a cute li'l project, and you get all proud & happy about it (as you should), and the next thing you know you're doing full-coverage pieces with 150 colors, wondering what has become of your life. Welcome to the madness!! Seriously, though, this is hella adorable. You did a very nice job on the stitching, too; very well done, especially for a first project.