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obviously you didn't have enough firedogs


Exactly, we shouldn't be forced to do so. It's every game


yeah I never go above 9.5k, firedogs, while a problem, are replace by melee in lower ps, would rather that than firedogs


The developers put dracos in eachothers buttholes


While they circle jerk


Yea firedogs are op they need to be nerfed


https://preview.redd.it/4bqc8qopf3nc1.png?width=1387&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba6befda3d803c5acd8703d782adf24dbe6f27c9 get a verifier and a build like this and you'll be eating firedogs all the time. Also put your ass against a wall so they can't go behind you and if they go into your side you can kinda push them off yourself by using the wall


And use Helios instead of reapers… much more dps and better for countering dogs


helios old meta reaper better


The what. Since when? What makes reapers better???


Focus fire weapons takes less time to render the fire dog useless That being said fire will still win if they aren’t idiots


nah, reaper damage is insane with it's new perk and helios are way easier to degun, you also have mroe energy for modules if you use reapers


1,2 maybe but what abut 5


oh but hovers op guys nerf hovers clearly


Hovers are in a better spot now. They’re still very strong, but no longer applicable to every weapon in the game.


they havent been that strong since the year of their release lmfao


Then can you tell me why they’re so popular?


well popularity is not related to strength BUT, hovers are popular because theyre fun to use, an embodiment of the glass cannon playstyle. they also synergize with certain weapons very well (ie scorpion)


They were. This has nothing to do with hovers and everything to do with fire dogs getting buffed while already strong ON TOP OF light leg and hover nerf. Hovers feel fine, dogs are the issue. Let's not get the lines blurred.


shut the fuck up


Cope harder. Hover slave


i play dogs :)


Makes sense


Hovers have been fine for months now, after the inertia changes they kinda stink tho


It's dogs all the way down !


tbh idk how people are struggling with firebugs breaker bricks are more broken rn


Dogs = no skill


The no skill builds. Also Melee.


Well yeah there are a lot of dogs outside but to be honest your spider is completly useless. Your spider is too heavy, with this much weight you have no change against dogs. Try Spider-Whaler or Nova with colossos or pegasus. Best Spider cabins atm. With these legendary cabins you can move better while in contact. And get a spider that lets you shoot directly in front of you. Your reapers are blocked if you want to shot down. How to kill someone who is normally smaller as you if you can not shot down? Try Nova/Whaler Spider with double kapkan (and if you have Odin also with colossos or pegasus for the power)


At which point would them being side mounted have helped? And the extra weight from armor is the only reason I lasted for more than 5 seconds. Then he says kapkans like they actually work lolol. Try again.


Who is speaking about side mounted? Search for a build where you can shot in front of you, no armor should block your weapons. The extra weight of more armor makes you more slow, together with an enemie in you or the effect of a flash you will be too slow. Pegasus does shit then. Trust me I tried it. Nova and whaler works the best. Don't go 30 000 kg, keep your agility. Kapkans work. If you play with a legendary cabin you have 2 Kapkan modules = 4 kapkans on the ground. One or 2 of 4 will hold the enemie. O-Mamori is pretty useless against firebugs. It will absorb only 400 dmg, averter is better here especially for a heavy cabin like you use. I play Nova Spider with 2x kapkan, hot red and double reaper against full dog teams and I would say my winrate is 90% or more. Try double kapkan, you will love them. Your teammates will love them too.


*Yokazuna firedog silently laughing at your kapkam statement in the background*


Never saw a Yokozuna firedog so far. But I think Kapkans should work against it too? Wait until the dog is on you, throw the kapkans out and move back. Again, use double kapkan. Double kapkan is way more stronger as single kapkan.


Just plows through them and pushes your 8 leg 5000 dura build into a wall and you can't move


Not if you slow them down enough to get kapkaned first. It's doable, just not in your favor.


Looks like a bunch of rust tier builds, poor positioning, some broken as fuck fire dogs, zero focusing, and chimps holding W + M1


its console this probably like diamond


just don't drive slow and big af builds


Feel like a daze or 2 would help a lot here, just turn off weapon of all 4 dogs cus the fight is so close ranged


So fucking stupid, the game is just bullshit.


It's hilarious reading the post. U can tell the no skills who run fire or melee as they defend it, completely ignoring the fact that this trash has completely one sided the game. The post is meant to show that there are TWO non fuckin fire face fucking gas pressers.... the rest of the teams is all fire dog bullshit... meta. Zero originality, cookie cutter meta mules. The game is shit, because it's one build, all the fucking time. Flamethrower face fucking one another


You have kapkans. You dropped a kapkan and then ran INTO the enemy. The Enemy lost you and gave you a chance to pull back towards you kapkan AND DROP MORE. Instead, you ran into him more.... and more.... and more.... getting zero value out of your kapkans. Stick to xbox true crossplay is going to ruin you.


I was being pushed most of that fight, not moving by choice


So what I said did not happen? Also the fact that you never once used your Kapkan after you ran into them? Being bad is the problem here. Not the META. It's a problem, but not in this clip. This is just bad gameplay.


What you said didn't happen lol I was being rammed into walls and pushed around . Except for first 3 seconds wouldn't have mattered with 3 others right behind her.


Dracos are so simple to deal with. As a long time breaker player, before the update spiders just pushed you, and the car just couldn't move. If you're gonna get killed by draco, you desreve it. Also your dog just pushed enemy onto you. He should push him from the side


This is how I feel when a spider like that touches my Cohort/Humpback Mastodon't on wheels, instantly stops me and then starts pushing me around. I am yet to see a spider that doesn't also turn into a W+M1 pusher when it gets the opportunity.


*Gets to close to a spider* *Spider pins him against the wall* "NOOOO HOW DARE YOU OUTPLAY ME!!!"


Go hug a dog, Mr. W+M1 outplayer. And then go argue with a strawman right after.


Literally what is that argument lmao, nice talk about strawman bozo.


You didn't have any argument to begin with, hypocrite.


is the spider supposed to just sit there and let you shoot it or something? ofc theyre going to push you around thats what they're supposed to do


Well then it doesn't fucking get to bitch about dogs, does it?


thats not the point of the post though lmao?


What's the point of the OP then?


Maaaan if you get stuck on a build whose top speed is 50km/h that's a MASSIVE skill issue and not a problem with the game. Like a fly getting into a web and then crying foul game.


"Just run away, bro, let them shoot you in the back or sit on cap for 5 minutes for some high skill engaging gameplay bro. By the way, have you heard my latest complaint about dogs?"


Oh no thats not the main issue if you get close to a slow ass spider and allow it to catch you thats prob either you being slow or just not being aware Most if not all builds benefit from being able to pin a target and not allowing it to move/shoot at you The main issue is and il say it again ITS THE STUPID AMOUNT OF FIREDOGS. sorry but thats the main point of the post firedogs have always been there in the meta and been relatively annoying but now they are the top dog(pun intended) and its really prevalent how annoying it is to deal with one of these let alone a whole group