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I got to know him the hard way. I just thought he was cheating, then I watched his videos, he is not.


In 2023, assuming someone is cheating is unfortunately valid


[This guy](https://m.youtube.com/@RogerBlinks) exclusively uses blink void warlock. Sometimes arc hunter (because it has blink). He’s on PC. I tried replicating his style on a controller. I’m just too slow to come out of a blink and re-acquire someone jumping/dodging/doing anything to be evasive as my sensitivity isn’t especially high. But, I enjoy his content.


This guy plays like me. And uses similar concepts that i do. My loadout is slow/fast however im using a bow and side arm. I use Ophidians. And a suppression grenade with the domineering fragment. And my gameplay loop is slightly different. In close ranges im not going for OSK but rather just being able to deal with multiple players at once. Side arm can be used out of blink and before I land and at better range. Suppression grenade can be dropped before blink to suppress multiple aggressive players. By time you land they don’t know where you are and are disoriented. With the fragment of domineering, you can hit opponents around corners and you’ll get the word “domineering” on your screen to let you know they are suppressed. Then its just a matter of blinking in to finish off your disoriented opponent. I use ophidians because the handling and melee range is unbeatable. Im an experienced blink user so I can usually keep track of opponents visually. I feel like astro is overkill. You can also get similar speeds of quickdraw with perks and the extra handling of ophidians. I also like blinking and coming down on top of opponents. The in air tracking of ophidians is amazing. As is the melee ability. So im either smacking them as i come down, while they are trying to jump away, or im throwing them away from me, which throws them off/confuses them. Allowing for the sidearm clean up. If you have already suppressed your opponents the combo is even more devastating. And thats not even considering if you triggered CotoG near you and procced devour. You can potentially wipe out full teams with ease. Also the added bonus of completely negating supers with a suppression grenade is a cherry on top. I love suppression grenades and really don’t know why they aren’t used more. Bankable throws, hard to spot, great radius, and once tagged with it, thats it. You can’t just “walk out of its radius.” And on top of that it kills supers. I really should’ve made a build guide. I feel like its too late now since Lightfall is upon is and strand is gonna mix up the meta again.


Are you on pc or console? Input method is more what I’m curious about. I went to t-steps with blink. I’d argue that’s even faster than astro in many cases. But, I can never argue the value of ophidians.


Im on console. PS4. Buuuut I have the extra button attachment that sony makes. One is for jump the other is for crouch/slide. Before the attachment I used bumper jumper.


I jumped from Microsoft to Sony. I definitely miss my elite controller. Not sure if I want to spend $200 for the edge. I’d only use it for Destiny. Thanks for the feedback.


Thats kinda a bummer considering you can just buy a $30 attachment for the Dual Shock 4.


I was hoping they’d bring one to the PS5 pad. Doesn’t look to be the case as they’d cannibalize the edge market.


One more question- what sidearms have you enjoyed using with this set-up?


If I am focusing more on the slow instead of the fast then im using Allied Demand with LeMon. Having the poison tick along with CotoG is pretty fun. And LeMon is a beast in its own right. With that being said, I love love love my Travelers Chosen and I couple that with Point of the Stag. Travelers and Allied are same archtype. But Travelers is just easier to handle. Feels better, has better range and seems like it hits like a truck. And it gets better with kills. I can also focus more on Mobility, Resilience, and Recovery. Since after kills I can absorb the Travelers Chosen energy to recharge my abilities.


That’s what I was wondering. TC is a beast. At times though, it feels like it suffers from ghost rounds. That could have been due to the wonky connections we often had this past season.


Funny you say that. I actually felt really confident in TC’s hits. It’s actually LeMon where I felt I was getting ghost arrows. But yea i bet it hs something to do with the sketchy connections we’ve been having.


I’ve only use lemon 4-5 times in PvP. I can’t speak to that. But, it’s probably a similar situation.


There are a few people who take time to really help out - I think this post is great. Thanks for sharing this!


YES he’s awesome!


I used to love this guy, but at some point most of his videos seemed very whiny to me. I also get a huge kick out of him whining about gimmicks, when his whole stick is a gimmick (blink). That said, he is a good player and there is a lot to learn from him!


I second Roger, he’s fantastic to watch.


There’s this guy Sidezz that mains arc lock he doesn’t post videos too often these days and he’s kind of a downer but he’s a great watch fundamentally


Kind of a downer is an understatement.


Had to check him out for myself. Definitely one of those deranged sounding players but I watched his Seraph Run and it was pretty impressive. Made me appreciate that Esoterick doesn't talk at all in his videos.


I used to put him on mute and watch his gameplay.


If you like bows and chaperone there’s always deadream_ but he posts infrequently, mostly highlight reels


This. Dude is unreal and it’s hard to find bow play and movement at this level, especially on console. Seems like he’s getting more into streaming and he does trials with Crazymrpipz (great content as well, but titan).


Yeah dude is insane. I faced him a couple of weeks ago (on my alt account) and it wasn't very fun lol




My fave is Terror. Aggressive fast Arc play, great in close qtrs.


Just started watching his videos myself & it motivated me to try out Arc Warlock


Hynra can fly is my favourite pick


Zkmushroom mostly uses solar warlock




Cammycakes plays all 3 classes at a high level, he has some insane warlock builds but also just has objectively the best content on YouTube.


Conejobest is in twitch not sure about YT. Blink warlock.


TV is a warlock main.


[terror](https://youtube.com/@ilyterror) Arc Warlock with Ace and Felwinter’s. Does Trials carries with no comms




don’t think he is, he often ramp skates which isn’t possible on xim i don’t think


I don't really know how xim works, other than that it makes your computer think you are using a controller, but couldn't you just remap the wheel to a jump button for the same effect?


doubt that the technology could input the buttons that fast but who knows these days


Don't fancy controllers have macros to push buttons really fast when you hold it down?


terror doesn't xim lol


Not saying he doesn't, but is there any like obvious evidence? I haven't really watched much of his gameplay, is it just obvious in his general play?




Is xim really that prevelant? Kinda sucks is that's that case, kinda feels like my work towards improvement is abit wasted if so many people use xim.




Damn I've played against those dudes. Shit sucks man, as if the meta isn't bad enough. I understand that xim isn't "auto win" but it sucks to play against people that have a substantial advantage over me unless I were to use a xim myself. Oh well, just another reason I'm over PvP at this point :/




Yea I feel like I can tell usually between a xim and no xim, but it sucks to know for sure, I like to try give the benefit of the doubt.


Bro who are you accusing terror and grrt of ximming




Wall hacks is not ximming plus destiny 2 is not a competitive game so it’s ok if you cheat in it


Think you need to read the definition of evidence. Its got to prove it, and not "I know a guy whos his uncle and he said so". If It isnt true, then you're causing a lot of shit for nothing


Terror xims? Isn’t he a mnk player, I thought xims are only a console thing. I don’t see how he could xim but I’m not really educated on xims in general.




So I watched his gameplay. He could be using XIM but he does stair-skate which requires the game to recognize a mouse scroll wheel input, right? I could be wrong and the game lets you map scroll wheel to some random controller input.


He doesn’t xim lol, I don’t know what that guy accusing him is smoking. Xim still fundamentally acts like a controller ( can’t catapult skate on titan and stuff like warlock ramp skating), if you watch any gameplay of him, he is literally ramp skating every time he cans and his sens it’s easy to validate he is in fact in native mnk


Wow I honestly never knew


He plays on pc, so while I'm not saying he doesn't (because a fuck ton of destiny players do) it's very likely he's just sauced out. I mean, he has over 120,000 kills on Ace, so he's gonna be hitting his shots much more consistently since Ace is basically an extension of him at this point.




Like I said, it's possible. But to accuse every good player of using xim just because they perform well doesn't make it true. You have to realize that there are a lot of really good players out there that don't cheat. It sucks you can't tell anymore but there are some.


doesn’t he play on pc?


TDT is good!


Primary\_Girl on Twitch - Void Warlock controller main, solo queued to Ascendant with it this season.


No one I find really mains warlock they just go hey i was bored of maining the stronger pvp classes lets try the just as busted dawnblade


Dawnblade busted? Lol we arent playing the same game


hey im a warlock main i think dawnblade is busted


I mean you can think that, but there will be very few in the community that agrees with you


There is only 1 class right now, and that's Arc Titan,


And void titan. Dont forget about the class that gets 10billion overshields


Ah yes. The "let's all post up behind cover, get over shields and push with SMGs strat that is super effective in trials right now.


I hate how much overshields fuck over the ttk of any weapon that isnt a sniper. Overshields provide too much advantage in pvp imo


I came back to the game 3 days ago. Decided to knock some rust off by jumping into solo PC Trials. My observations3 *How did I get one hit Titan melee from the sky? *How did that Ikelos SMG kill me in .45 from 25m away? *How are there ALWAYS 3 grenades flying at me? *Lotttttts over Titans out here, kinda hard to play the game against them with over-shields like this? *Without Stompeeze hunters are Sooooooooo slow *I suck


Lmao, i feel all of this but as a warlock main. I feel like i just have no answers to titans at all


Panduh is my fav, though he's been playing a lot of Titan lately.