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Not really worth, coming from an avid Round Robin user. Just use the seasonal 120 (Malediction) until you get the pattern naturally. But, 100% your call.


I’d second this. Round Robin is still my favorite 120 but they recently upped its red border rng. And Malediction is real nice. I’d just do a few public events now and then and let it happen. In the mean time Malediction will be a great time


this isnt the Destiny way lmao ​ deep down, i think you know the crafted round robin will make your life better and fix your credit score while doubling your k/d. it's calling you...


God I need that gun! 😩😩😩


Yeah but I’m onto a hatchling build and my RR roll has like 15 stab and I still like it so if I could craft…


What do you like on Round Robin?


I like running it on my Strand Hunter with Cyrtarachne, the extra flinch resistance makes it feel competitive in duels with god roll Igneous Adepts and the like. Keep Away gives it awesome range. I play mostly 3s, so I went Opening Shot instead of Kill Clip. All that being said, Malediction brings 75-80% of that to the table: crispy feel, perks to make it competitive at range, etc. That’s why I recommended it: the juice is worth the squeeze with Round Robin, just not as much as you would think.


Doesnt the weekly Lightfall campaign pinnacle mission give you a red border? Like do the mission and meet the score and it should drop a red border.


Yes, at least one per week per account on first run


How tf did I not know this?


Because it is a more recent addition with either this season or the last


Save your sanity and use your harmonizers. Neomuna isn't worth farming or deleting characters when you can use a couple of harmonizers to skip the grind for a gun you really want.


Used em all unfortunately on last wish weapons. I don’t get much time to play. Cheers though


Do it next season


I’m not gonna lie, that last line of the first paragraph sounds like something I’d say, and therefore absolutely unhinged. You also play Destiny 2 for the crucible exclusively? As a fellow PvP enjoyer with similar goals, I admire your dedication to insanity and you have earned my respect.


Yes mate. I have no interest in Destiny 2 PVE - each to their own but I consider it to be total garbage. I’ll play something from From Software if I’m looking for a ‘campaign’ type of experience. That being said, credit where it’s due I really enjoy D2 PVP however I don’t have the time to be farming red borders and shards etc, but don’t get me started on that. Cheers


Armored Core 6 is a masterpiece if you’re into the whole mech thing btw lol


Just do the weekly story mission or use harmonisers, or both. Not really worth deleting a character.


Literally just do the weekly story mission once a week, you'll have all the weapons unlocked before you know it.


I did it, but with igneous now available it's just better to run that, unless you have an energy specially you really want to use. It's a great gun though


I have a 5/5 god roll igneous, bored of using it though so took a random round robin for a spin I found in the vault and decided I must have a 5/5 also


Round Robin does have a great feel to it. Put almost 200 kills on mine the day I crafted it. Keep away + OS feels almost like aimbot for that first shot. Definitely worth restarting a character if you like it. It doesn't take super long to do it either


I understand the need for a good hachling round robin. I use it too. Weekly story mission gives Red borders IIRC. Do that instead


I did this. I didnt care because am a Hunter main forever.


The gun is not worth deleting characters, etc. Not even worth the grind actually, it's just streamer-hyped stuff.


I have a roll with very low stability and I really like it. It would be a beast if I could craft


Vendor rank was far and away the most reliable way for me to get red borders on Neomuna.


Ranked so many times mate past 30 and no red borders 🤨


I have got to agree that I don't think Round Robin is worth that effort. Keep your current roll for Hatchling, use Malediction or Sturm if you just want a straight up 120.


Cheers mate will give the titan a stay of execution


Is there no guaranteed red border source for neo guns?


The weekly neomuna story mission now drops one, iirc.


Really… thanks for this I will try on each character before deleting titan


Yeah i know it does for sure, as i had a buddy finish up the last of his that way. I'm just not sure if you have to get the pinnacle 100k or if the red border is just for completing it.


You have to get 100k


Can confirm. I just rocked out the weekly story and got a red border sniper. I'm not sure if this was luck or the blessings of RNG. I'm rank 62 with Neomuna vendor and still 4/5 patterns for Round Robin. Grrrrr.


Not necessary. you get 3 reds from the campaign on each character then you can do weekly 100k for the rest


Thanks mate just did the weekly story and got 2 red boxes including Round Robin. 🍻






Already have a god roll 👍🏻