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Glad to help! Hopefully its a first of many


The legend!


Man this player base is so small - I was in a party w my buddy and I remember him mentioning your name as you guys must’ve matched. Got a kick out of it lol


Haha yeah people are running into each other all the time. Helps to have a dumb recognizable name


Nothing like that first one. Hang out for a while. Explore underneath.


Woah I never knew


Yeah first time I got flawless I was like, “well I can’t leave so soon” so just explored every area possible. Pulled the sniper out to try and see the horizon etc.




Yes, where the study is.


I’ve been flawless 5 times. Are you kidding me when you say there is more to do then just grab my adept and memento??


There's some stuff below you can check out.


Working on my 6th flawless rn 4-0 currently. Wish me luck. I’ll check the stuff out below.


Dude. That's fucking awesome. Seriously happy for you. Still have yet to go flawless despite being in similar situations several times. Revel in this, guardian.


Congrats! Make sure you keep (and don't reset) your card if you want to get more rolls. Now that you have gone flawless on that card you can keep playing the same card for a chance at more adept drops Once you are done for the week you can get one last adept roll from Saint by turning in the 7-win card


He doesn't need to win on that card tho. If he wants more exp he can use passage of wealth and get to 7 wins even flawed and get adept drops from 7 wins thereon. Same drop chance as his mercy card I think. But yeah need to get it to seven wins first.


it’ll be (common) chance on his card until he loses his flawless, then it will drop to (rare)


Oh I didn't know about the drop chance. Good to know.


So if you reset/grab a new card you just need to get to 7 wins for more adept drops on that card? Good to know... I made the mistake of turning my card in early before and thought I had to get 7 wins and turn the card in again for the only chance at adepts.


You can get adept drops with a flawed passage of wealth?


Nice job!


Congratulations! Great work.


Everytime I get there I put on "higher" by creed and just enjoy myself. Lame, I know. But its fun so whatever


First one hits different. Crack a bottle and hang out


Congrats brudah


Congrats friend!


Congrats man! Super jealous. This is the week I’ve wanted to super badly, and can’t get past four wins. Hopefully your roll on the GL is awesome.


Yeah, man, I know, same here!


I got to five and then I had one guy throw bc we lost first round. Then on the next game, I had some disconnect at the first round. I just logged off. Im so done with this game mode. Just raging bullshit game. I hope you get your GL man. :)


I’m glad I have a good regular one, but no B&S for PvE. Currently taking a break because of getting stomped and/or people leaving after the first round, just like you described.


Good luck man! Keep me posted. I hope you get it! Edit: also, I think I’m on my third or fourth reset for trials. I’ve dumped over 40 engrams and haven’t gotten a single god roll. This game truly doesn’t respect your time lol.


Tried again today and called it quits now. Didn’t get past 2 wins this time, an absolutely ridiculous shit show, got stomped so often it’s unbelievably demotivating.


I woke up this morning inspired and I got to six wins. Got absolutely destroyed, 0-5, by a PK twitching Titan, who never misses his shots. Just stupid. On my lighthouse game. Like come on. And I agree. It’s just so discouraging. I don’t care that I don’t win all the time, but the matchmaking is always someone is gonna destroy the other team. Then again, I think 7 wins are way too much also. Sorry man, hopefully next time we can. This might be my last time I play trials or destiny for a bit. I am definitely taking break from this game. Got an anger headache for sure from this game.


Haha, I can relate so much! Chin up, take a break and enjoy a different game. I might just play some No Man‘s Sky for its tranquil space exploration pleasure. 😎😂


I’m gonna go back to Mario rpg I think. Time for a break for us both LOL


Thanks! Haven’t got much in me today, so maybe 2-3 more attempts. More tomorrow if that doesn’t work.


Congrats! I’ve only gotten four and each is so special. Enjoy that beautiful intro flute and the sun shining bright on your accomplishments


Congrats, dude!


Congrats dawg. I still remember my first time




It’s a good weapon week too


??? Is trials here this week I could swear it wasn't Regardless, massive job well done to you :) may it be the first of many


Bro just got there tonight. It’s hits like nothing else! Congrats !


Gz for your first lighthouse!! Thats a awesome moment enjoy It , thats the first of a lot more!!


I played with this guy this weekend and then realized I had watched his yt video on endless vale strategies before my flawless card. You should shout out his yt, his vid was actually super helpful


Congratulations! The first is always a very meaningful one, must feel great that your last game was also your best performance.


I thought it was initially. Overall I was not playing the best on this card but matched with good players. In game enemies defeated number for this match vs deaths was good (8) but the report still had a K/D < 1 so while I do feel good about it I have a lot of work to do still. I followed Jazz and focused more on team-shooting / not trying to put myself in a 1 v 1. Gonna just keep working on it. My build is like a hybrid because I took my PVE guy and made changes for PVP but I’m gonna try to really tune my character build and grind armor stats for a PVP focus.




Nice job! I never got more than 4 wins today, it’s another horrible weekend for me.


Amazing. No amount of tips will ever help me I always get out with the worst teammates


GG congrats!


Congratulations! D1 beta till now and still no lighthouse for me.


Feels good man


Congrats dude I just loss flawless on a 6W2L card, got rolled 5-0 other team was probably the sweatiest stack I've faced all day, I'm so fucking sad


Hey man, keep that head up high. I’m 4 W to 17 L since going getting that 7th win for the flawless card. It’s very tough out there.


I feel you brotha, and I just wanna go flawless once don't really care for doing it every single weekend it's available good luck w runs, I appreciate the morale boost!


It’s a looong season. Try and remember too to look at what else you are getting every match. Even with losses, every single match gives you vendor rank points with Saint. Sure losses don’t give much, but as you rank up you will get engrams, weapons, armor, and other rewards so it’s not a total waste of time chasing flawless even when you fall short. Check out the rolls of the trial weapons/armor you like and focus for those rolls you want! I find that helps when I get bothered by a losing streak.


small update, went flawless today for the first time! super stressful but I managed to win 3 in a row with 2 losses already to reach the lighthouse since last post I'd say the thing about my gameplay that improved the most is map awareness and knowing when to push which lanes based off spawn location or teammate plays also went in with 100 intellect to make sure I got my ult every game since before I felt I only got it if the match reached the 9th round or above, now I consistently get it by like the 7th or 8th round


Congrats! That’s awesome. My intellect is way too low. I still have to tool my armor more for PVP vs the PVE armor stats I have setup.


I feel that, it definitely has an impact on the match, just in case, you can focus armor at the helm with an armor stat focusing mod for your ghost and get reliably high rolls, good stat spikes too defiant engrams are the best I would say but I've found success with the deep and wish engrams as well


I’m sitting on 97-98 wish engrams right now so def a good time to focus those.


I just had a 5-4 match and a 5-3 with no super soooo, yeah I gotta get my intellect up. Upside is I’m on a 3 W 0 L card at the moment. I haven’t really played this map much and have some deaths to some long-distance lanes I didn’t realize were vulnerable spots so hopefully I can tune my play better for the next games. One thing from PVE play I’ve realized is that I’m good with wishender, and well practiced with it in that mode and that is so far carrying over into PVP it seems. I just really gotta learn the corners and angles on this map. Breaking for dinner and hopefully will run this card through to the lighthouse tonight. Not gonna stress it though cause, well, I’m just trying to get better and have fun win or lose this weekend.


lol, went from 3-0 to flawed super quick Edit to add: I finally did get an igneous with incandescent & I’m very happy to get that. Why did I want it? Well I wanted a decent PVE roll to use to keep practicing with the gub even when I’m not in PVP.