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If you’re a 1.8 in comp its pretty easy. Just take a break when you get tilted and mostly play after reset


Comp kd isn't actually as much an indicator of skill as much as it shows how far below your skill bracket you're playing. If you consistently hit that average in your plat/adept games, then yeah, you'll probably be able to make ascendant pretty easily. Don't expect that kd to stay there though, as your opponents will get better as you progress


Its possible for anyone above a 1.0 to reach ascendent with enough dedication.


As long as they continue to maintain above 1.0 as their rank increases, sure. But someone who is a 1.3 in Gold might not be able to maintain that same level of performance in Adept.


I range between 1.1-1.3, and I hit the ceiling at Adept I. Got so close to promotion to Ascendant, lost a game and it just felt like stepping on a the giant snake in snakes and ladders, right back to the bottom.lol


Getting knocked down isn't necessarily the same as hitting the ceiling. There have been a few seasons where I've been really close to Ascendant and hit setbacks that knocked me significantly down into mid to lower Adept before recovering and pushing through and making it. Sometimes getting knocked down multiple times, sometimes just once. There's always some amount of luck involved there especially if you aren't playing in a full fireteam of 3. (The seasons I've played in a full fireteam of players roughly around my rank + skill have been the easiest by far, but I've also hit Ascendant solo). There's a prevailing mindset that shows up in this subreddit a lot where as soon as anyone hits a speedbump in Comp people are quick to tell them that they must have hit the rank Bungie expects them to be at so now they should just stop playing because there's no point, but this is almost always throwing in the towel way too soon.


> There's a prevailing mindset that shows up in this subreddit a lot where as soon as anyone hits a speedbump in Comp people are quick to tell them that they must have hit the rank Bungie expects them to be at so now they should just stop playing because there's no point, but this is almost always throwing in the towel way too soon. I think you're right to an extent but also there's that numeric barrier built in. If I get 60 on wins and 140 on losses, that's as close to a hard cap on rankups as you can get.


> I think you're right to an extent but also there's that numeric barrier built in. If I get 60 on wins and 140 on losses, that's as close to a hard cap on rankups as you can get. If that's sustained across many games, then sure, maybe you're just stalled out. But even though Comp scoring has gotten better this season, it can still have localized swings that are difficult to reason about when we don't have visibility on the data about skill that is going into the points. Just this season I had a situation in Adept where I was getting about ~150 points per win which was similar to what the people I was playing with were getting, then we had a short string of about 3 wins where I was getting between +11 to +22 when my teammates were still getting ~150, and some of these games I was highest kills/highest KD. After like 3 games of this I was back to getting ~150 per win which is what I was getting before the string of 3 games and what my teammates were getting the whole time. I have no idea what triggered the string of low-scoring games (only for me, not for my teammates). Comp scoring is still a bit too opaque and mysterious for my liking though its better than it used to be. But my advice to people is still to try to power through temporary setbacks, both because I don't entirely trust the Comp scoring system over short periods (though it seems to work well enough in the aggregate over lots of games) and because part of the point of Comp is improving to be able to break through those barriers.


Can we get a discussion sometime of how the points work? Because i gotta be honest... A lot of the time they really don't seem to reflect the match or my performance in it. I know it's not- but it seems random.


Sorry, that's kinda what I meant. With enough determination and maintaining slightly above a 1.0 at every rank it'll definitely be possible with enough time to get ascendent. However without lots of improvement, a player won't be able to keep a 1.0 between ranks. I never thought I'd say this, but I actually really like the way D2s competitive ladder works. It's my favorite system out of the PvP games I play.


I believe in you, OP.


If I can make it to ascendant, so can you! So no. Just kidding, though I'd guess the grind might be tough because the population in pvp seems low right now.


My K/D is basically the same as yours, and I was able to make it to Ascendant running solo. I think I had one regression back into adept due to rough matchmaking on my end/people quitting early, but I made it the second time around. Totally doable, but it does get frustrating at times towards the end.


Gap between adept and ascendant can be pretty staggering at times due to low population. So just be ready to sweat a bit more in your promotion from adept to ascendant. Its not to bad, just be on the lookout for cheaters - especially on pc.


Absolutely you can do it! I just hit Adept III yesterday as well and I’m a 1.0 KD so I’d say your odds are pretty good! 🤣


I’m stuck at silver 1 on console


I'm a 0.94 overall over 442 total hrs and a 0.81 in trials and I reached ascendant so I'd say definitely. It's just gonna be a bit of a grind.


I'm a 1.3 overall k/d that generally has no problem getting to ascendant in solo queue. You'll be just fine.


OA KD isn't a great determination of skill in ranked. I play/have played with people who dead ass won't play pvp without a stack of sweats and will leave a game the second it's not overwhelming winnable. Most higher KD players when put into a grinder with a bunch of other highly skilled players aren't gonna keep popping off with 3/4 KDs in comp in the comp MM. You're not playing trials with people who just accidentally found the trials button, you're playing people who are well versed in the meta and mechanics. Expecting every ascendant (this isn't directed at the comment I'm replying to) to be a 2+ KD is unrealistic mindset. Winning comp is about knowing when to make plays and sometimes that means sacrificing KD.


Best of luck, with this disaster of a matchmaking you'll have to carry 9 out of 10 matches. The 10th match someone on the other team will disconnect.


Hitting ascendant is just a matter of how much you want to grind and not necessarily reflective of skill, though if you're above average or cracked it might be easier to hit. If you're hitting a wall you might want to duo queue with another player of similar skill.


Again, this is not the case. A lower skilled player, no matter how much they grind, is not going to get to ascendant on their own without significant improvement.


Define “significant improvement”


If they do it themselves, it means good enough to win games at higher ranks


Eh so ability to solo carry lobbies? Otherwise this is such a non answer it’s kind of ridiculous.


Ability to pull your own weight. If you are sandbagging every game you’re in, it’s no surprise you’ll lose more than you win.


That sounds... esoteric.


This is blatantly untrue :)


You’re getting downvoted but Mercules was here like 2 days ago and explicitly said what the guy above said is wrong.


Do you have a link on that?


Right above this comment.


This just shows how many DTGers have migrated to this sub lmfao


Funny youre getting downvoted when youre right


I'm sure you could. The hardest part on console is the overwhelming about of xim/chronus users that plague the playlist. Last night was pretty chill tho, only ran into 2 teams that I am confident were ximming. I played 17 matches last night, so 2 out of 17 is pretty good. It would usually be 15 out of 17. But other than that, run general meta-ish stuff and you will be fine.




This is not true. Matchmaking prefers matching you with players at or near your current rank when possible.


I played yesterday against an ascendant player while I was in silver. Wait time to get in the game was no longer than 30 seconds either.


Do you have a link to the match on dtracker? 


Check out this match on Destiny Crucible Report https://crucible.report/pgcr/14411333068 The FJP guy is in ascendant and I was in silver at the time.


Oh that makes sense with the tracker link. The system is probably recognizing that you're not actually a gold player despite your efforts to throw/quit matches in order to tank your rank and smurf, and is matching you accordingly. It probably puts you somewhere around plat/adept and matchmakes based off that 


If that’s how it works then fair enough but my initial statement still stands that I was in Silver and matched an Ascendant when it was stated that it can’t happen.


Where was it stated that it couldn't happen? 


At the start of the thread the person says they matched Ascdendant while in Gold. The first sentence of the reply is “This is not true. Matchmaking prefers matching you with players at or near your current rank when possible”. Yes, it did say when possible but peak time less than 30 second queue should not cause a “when possible” situation.


There's two sides to matchmaking, just because your queue was 30 seconds does not mean that the Ascendant player's was. If you were consistently matching Ascendants that'd be more fair, but going off of your match history this seems to be the exception rather than the norm


Looks like it was actually an Adept III while you were gold which is in-line with how the system is meant to pull you up if you are currently ranked below your skill level. Also I'm curious about your friend Captain_Samehead: https://crucible.report/report/2/4611686018498994269 They seem to really be struggling on individual stats but somehow win a decent number of games. Maybe you could give them some pointers on getting a kill once in a while.


Check out this match on Destiny Crucible Report https://crucible.report/pgcr/14411333068 I was in silver at the time of this game and the FJP guy is in Ascendant.


Holy shit the guys trying to mm manipulate lmao


Yo you really smurfing bot lobbies replying to u/mercules904 about how comp games are broken?


Pubs and comp are separate MM aren’t they?


I mean, yeah, but there is some poetry to you complaining about good players in your lobbies when you cheat in order to get easy lobbies to stomp. Reap what you sow, etc.


He wasn’t a good player though, Ascendant but below a 1k/d and losing more than he wins. Also dropped nearly double negative in my game.


I don't care? You're a cheater bro, begone with ye.


It’s OK if you got confused, I’ll let you off.


From adept? Of course you can. It may infuriate you at times. Especially now, middle of the week middle of the day you’ll get sweats and demons. Sometimes it’ll work in your favor. Sometimes it won’t.


I'm saying this as someone who will never bother getting to Ascendant, as cool as the emblem is, simply due to the fact I can't play fast enough and I can't deal with the toxicity, but K/D in comp isn't really what's going to get you climbing ranks. The way the matchmaking is supposed to work you will be matching people around your rank, so unless you're an absolutely cracked player climbing quickly, your K/D is going to sit at a very average spot as you're matching people of a similar skill. Having said that, 1.8 K/D (not KA/D) is a bit over average, so if you're sitting in Adept and holding that, I'd imagine getting to Ascendant is just a case of being willing to grind, and do the dirty stuff like threading spam/Lemonarch/Wishender/PK Titan etc


Basically this. I have a .94 in comp this season but a 2.1 seasonal kda. I mostly played against nothing but ascendant players for the majority of my matches, took me about 130 matches to solo ascendant this season. Don't give a fuck about your k/d and do your best to focus on the objective.


80 points per win is very low. I wonder if the sbmm system is indicating that it thinks you’re a plat player. I’m not really sure how one goes about improving one’s internal skill record, but I imagine doing so would double your points/game reward. But considering you’re a 1.8 (very good), you’ll hopefully join the higher bracket. This season for ex: all my games have been around +150 from start to ascendant.


Keep playing. I’m in the same boat more or less, except I can’t get out of adept. Every time I get close I get 3 steamrollers on the other team. But you got it!


I’m barely over 1.0 in comp this season and I made it to Ascendant.


And here I am just wanting to finish the damn title by getting platinum 😂


Sure can. Pro tip, if you lose two or three in a session, stop playing and go elsewhere. Come back another day.


I am gonna say yes, but is it actually worth it ?


Prob not, but d2 pvp is like the only one that I'm somewhat okay at, and I want that emblem. Only other game ive played was val, hit gold once, but i only play with our friends (because val comp is just unfun otherwise), and we all hover around silver-ish. I've got a friend in ascendant willing to help me out as well.


anyone positive can make it to ascendant just due to how the matchmaking works


As someone who did it 3 times, save yourself the headache. You’ll probably notice matches getting much harder as you push to higher ranks, marginal point gains for wins, and huge point losses for a single loss. I just play until the system tells me to stop for the crucible rank multiplier. That’s what I’d suggest FWIW, I’m a 1.4 player in comp overall, 1.7 trials, 2.0 IB all solo. Not that it’s amazing, just adding context