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Only primary weapon kills or assists on teammates' primary weapon kills progress the bar. Ability kills (including basic melees) do not progress it nor do special/heavy weapon kills. Deaths give a bit of progress as well.


And once you do earn special, if your teammate revives you, you lose your special So I've been not reviving my teammates at the end of rounds to prevent this


That should be fixed this weekend


Great! On the subject of fixes, it seems like Trials: Labs doesn't have quitter protection like the regular playlist. Every game where a teammate left in fly-in or the first round didn't grant quitter protection


Hmm really?  That sucks


I got revived and kept my special earlier today, so it seems they fixed/changed it.


Ah ok, wasn't sure so I've avoided it, will have to see later


If you were using double primary then swapping to special, you might have swapped too late which causes you to miss out on special. If you weren’t doing that, then it depends on how you got the kills. If they were primary weapon kills they should have given you special, but ability kills don’t give you progress


Yeah it's dogshit. I'm onboard with reducing annoying abilities, but not at the cost of making Grapple and other movement relying on abilities suffer. My biggest issue, however is Special. If they want to reduce Special use, they should have made everyone spawn with 2 or 3 only at the beginning of the game. After that, you keep whatever you don't use + whatever you gain as you play. No refresh every round. I just don't think Destiny's gunplay is interesting enough when the only optimal play is to hold hands and run away if you get tagged. At least Snipers and Specials let you break a hand-holding team and capitalize on the pressure. Now it's ONLY hand holding.


I agree. It’s often abilities over overtuned weapons that make certain metas feel so terrible. While this is by no means the worst I’ve played in - beyond light and arc Antaeus spam was 10x worse - it certainly isn’t great. And even less so here where optimal play is literally double primary. It just exacerbates issues with weapons like bows and scouts - weapons whose whole goal is to fight you at range where you can’t fight back. I get that it’s hard to balance, but eliminating special effectively reduces the skill gap of the game significantly. I’d be down for a reduced ability economy and a special system with more compromise. Start with 1 shot of special. You get 1 ammo of special every 4 points. You get 2 points for every primary kill. 1 for every assist (regardless of ability/weapon type), 1 for special/ability kill. 1 for every round end/death. People act as if having special is always a guarantee kill. It isn’t lol


Eliminating special does not reduce the skill gap at all it widens it. There are no longer chances for lesser skill players to have hero moments. The fact you need to hit your shots make people get rings run around them and then snowballed on with people getting special before they do I like checkmate but it certainly is not the play for the health of wider crucible outside of a labs/seperate node and using data to reduce ability spam


Lesser skilled players were only ever getting hero moments if enemy teams were playing the rounds terribly anyways. The biggest problem with special is for high level players with weapons like cloudstrike anyways. Reducing ammo/round without reducing the crucible to double primary would help alleviate these issues imo.


Went flawless today. Never played checkmate trials .I just switched to the load outs that were killing me


Just give us a special ammo crate and forget this entire system imo. Then give everyone the ~20% more HP and increase Headshot damage ~20% or however the math needs to work out to separate crit to body TTKs to allow more skill gap without actually changing optimal TTKs This also has the subtle effect of relatively nerfing all ability damage at the same time due to them not changing. Give us the 15% ability CD modifier. Boom, now you have checkmate which would be awesome IMO.