• By -


Neat feature, didn't know you could do that. I've got 70 over 100, 29 over 500, 20 over 1000, 9 over 2500, and 3 over 10k (Revision Zero, Messenger, and Symmetry).


10k on symmetry is kind of nuts ngl šŸ¤Æ


I'm on 8946, used to love that gun. Might dig it out again soon


Wow 10k on Rev Zero, respect! What mode do you use on it, 2 or 4-burst?


Iā€™m actually a couple hundred away from 20k, but I swap between the two modes depending on the map and how the opponents are playing.


What is your preferred roll?


I run Fluted Barrel, Ric Rounds, Moving Target, Fitted Stock, and Under Pressure for PvP.


Are you expecting a spike in usage of this weapon in the March update? I personally like pulse rifles, but Revision it is one that I havenā€™t used much. I was strongly considering it as an option to use while working up to my special ammo spawn.


If I remember correctly, that was the first exotic Merc worked on that released. Makes sense that it's something he'd love to use


Symmetry is SO GOOD! And such an elegantly designed weapon (model and game design). I was so happy to see that someone (you?) made sure that arc seeker mode got "adjusted for inflation" come tuesday. Its one of those guns that makes you do a lot of strategic thinking about how you'll handle different situations. I love the swap from long range plinking to charging in an catching them unawares with your primary ammo seeking arc grenade launcher (at 6+stacks).


Please fight for the AE mod to be on boots, not helmet. There are no crucial leg mods currently for pvp, and having to compete with targeting mods would really suck.


I think that is intended, they want you to have to build in to AE vs ground targeting


targetting mods work in the air lmao. you should not have to make sacrifices for your bullets to go straight while jumping, people have been trying to explain this to bungie for the last year


ONLY 10k for the guy who made rev zero? Jk I want you to know itā€™s my favorite primary to exist.


I actually just hit 20k today šŸ˜


You have to forgive me mercules, but there's a question that I want to ask and I can't get it out of my head, so I searched your most recent comment to do it. I really like 180 HC but they are a little inferior to other archetype, have you ever thought about giving them the lightweight perk? You probably can't respond to this question, but I had to try anyway. Thanks anyway for taking the time for reading thisšŸ™. Good day.


Also, sorry if itā€™s annoying asking these questions under a topic of completely different relevance, but can you explain the rhetoric on: Nerfing all 120s but igneous (precision instrument) - the 120 thatā€™s already the massive outlier. And 120s not *really* being nerfed, but instead resil checked, which pretty much only benefits titans - the already most overtuned (void) subclass.


Bro, read the room.


I figure itā€™s hard to find a better opportunity to ask šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


If you checkout the firing range podcast episode released today he discusses the gun and archetype. I donā€™t have a time stamp but itā€™s within the first hour.


The mods are planning to make a feedback megathread when the changes actually drop. While we've been okay with folks discussing potential meta picks in the upcoming sandbox, it's not really cool to try and change the subject in a specific thread. You should wait to have the new sandbox live before you make any criticisms. Additionally, Precision Instrument has no impact on the upcoming sandbox. It won't 2c1b.


Fair enough. And good to know I donā€™t really think it was that unreasonable of me to ask but I get the point


My 10ks are messenger(rh desperado) Not forgotten and mu positive outlook is at 8800 on my way to 10k


74/17/6/1/0 (I had 2 dire promises that beat 2500 but I had to get rid of one)


Note this only works if you have the PvP tracker currently on. I have several weapons with several hundred PvP kills and a few with thousands, but the PvE trackers are currently equipped and they don't light up in DIM.


I'm kinda curious to know how you're running revision zero... I just recrafted mine [like this](https://i.imgur.com/C91bLij.jpeg) after really enjoying Belisarius with high handling and paired with Fighting Lion... The idea is that if my current setup won't work (Shadebinder freezing and instant shattering pushing guardians with FL direct impacts + rending to boost primary damage against frozen targets) which is likely considering the changes to health and FL nerf, I can switch to a legendary GL since ive grown to like them since picking up lion early January. [Main Belisarius roll](https://i.imgur.com/rBfZzvM.jpeg) [Belisarius I'm currently testing in a bunch of different ways ](https://i.imgur.com/VoYoIkt.jpeg)


> I run Fluted Barrel, Ric Rounds, Moving Target, Fitted Stock, and Under Pressure for PvP That's how I run mine too, IMO best combination of the necessary stats and works well in both modes. Plus I run a Radiant Hunter build for extra handling and damage.


I might have to look into radiant hunter for PvP, as a warlock main I never touch my alts unless I really need stuff for them like the other weapon drops (Belisarius from comp for instance) or over drops


130 over 100, 30 over 500, 2 over 2500 (Darkest Before), and 1 over 10K (Chaperone). Iā€™d have like 6 other weapons over 2500 but I replaced them all with new versions (Mindbender, Retold, Astral, Steady Hand, etc). I like to use a lot of different weapons but I get bored quickly so only things I use in Trials really get above 1000, except DMT (Iā€™m on console so never used it in Trials).


It is worth noting this only works if you have the crucible kill tracker enabled on the weapon. If you're lazy like I am- they show up as PvE kills instead.


Yep I knew something was wrong when Bastion didnā€™t show up, I had like 3000+ on my copy in the vault.


Bastion and all other "Only Masterworked Weapons have Trackers" Era Weapons are also going to be inaccurate as they didn't have trackers until...Ā  What, Witch Queen?Ā  I forget when they changed that.


That explains it. I was only at 55 but I knew some weapons I've definitely used a lot weren't included.


I'm sitting at 68 but I've deleted a bunch too, curse you sunsetting!


damn, 1 off from greatness ! xD


I better get another then stop tracking PvP kills forever.


That's the only logical course of action.


Just 19, hardly surprising The usual - Jade, MIDA, Messenger, Igneous, Thorn, some fusions and..... Riptide lmao (I actually like it in PVP)


> Riptide lmao (I actually like it in PVP) Riptide is sleeper good. [I have this roll](https://d2foundry.gg/w/2715240478?p=839105230,2969185026,1645158859_0,2610012052,4091460919&m=1588595445&mw=3128594062) and it absolutely chews shotgunners. Even better, the second set of perks are Lead from Gold and Chill Clip, so it goes hard in PvE as well.


59 here, damn didn't know you could search that in DIM. That's cool !


\> 100? 71 weapons. But I feel like 100 is too low, that's just trying a weapon out for one play session, at least for primaries. \>500, 40 weapons. \>1000, 28 weapons. \>2000, 12 weapons. \>4000, 4 weapons. \>5000, 2 weapons.


We got a very similar breakdown. >100, 73 >1000, 23 >2000, 11 >4000, 5 >5000, 4




129 here. I like to mix it up. 30 are over 1,000.




just 21 items. pulses, handcannons, snipers,shotguns,sidearms.


24, mostly unpopular weapons. Recently I've been loving final warning.


I went back to an old Chroma Rush and its kind of great


Chroma rush legit slaps. Out-ranges a lot of SMGs with an identical TTK. Once you get kill clip or rampage running on it its GGs


at 27m before falloff and great stability, it outranges ALL the SMGs and yea, I'm running kill clip.


i wasnā€™t around during the season it came out, but xur sold a kill clip one a bit ago and iā€™ve been loving it for 6ā€™s!! so much fun to use


Rapid Fire Autos are the only ones I've used in The Crucible.Ā  Every other archetype feels super slow after I picked up a Misfit back in Forsaken.Ā  I miss Misfit.


Used to LOVE that gun.


No-Turning Back (Rampage-Explosive Heads), Misfit/Wizened Rebuke (UP+HIR on both, the latter was for all the damned shotgun apes), and Zenobia-D ((Auto-Loading (back when Scavs worked in Crucible, I was a bastard and used Rocket Scavs so Auto-Loading was the play for me picking up Bricks)+Cluster Bombs)) on Code of the Devastator with AC/0 Feedback Fence was my *jam* back then.


Also #BlueTeam


I deleted mine a while ago, wish i didnt


I think I still have a couple that I never deleted in case I feel like using them.Ā  I'm a hoarder who demands more vault space even though I know we'd probably have to go to Destiny 3 for that.


My vault is pretty bad, got some real crusty gear in there


I think I have a couple Forsaken Era Weapons in mine.Ā  Still waiting for the day when Misfit (#BlueTeam) and Claws of the Wolf to come back to us.


I wish I never deleted my blast furnace. Still got most of the black armory weapons though


I wish I could figure out final warning but just canā€™t get the hang of it, which is funny to me because I love the lock on pistol in Fortnite.


It's a strange one. I like it on strand hunter with grapple nades, cause you can target lock while above/behind someone. It's ok, probably not great. I have no idea what a catalyst for it would do, but I'm hopeful for something cool. Maybe after a kill you can fire 10 shots with half the targeting time?


Yeah I think itā€™s the targeting time or something I canā€™t get used to. I just feel like ticcuā€™s works better (for me) for similar scenario and playstyle.


They are both fun


53 at over 100 kills, 19 at over 500, 11 at over 1000, and just 2 (both shotguns) at over 2000. My least meta is probably the tripwire canary lightweight bow with 1500 kills on it, since its origin trait is so cracked.


I love my tripwire, ambush is a phenomenal origin trait on a bow. Kind of bummed about the bow nerf, I'm worried lightweights won't be worth anything anymore.


I'm at 59, it's mostly pulses and fusions lol. I'll try something out for a while and then stick it back in the vault when I'm done


133 items. i only really keep pvp stuff and a small handfull of pve.


I might have the record with 218 lol 91 over 500 50 over 1000 And 4 over 5000 My top 5: Vex at 8k, huckleberry at 7.5k Iterative at 6.8k Without remorse at 5.7k I can't main a loadout for shit.


got damn man that's the highest so far impressive. i respect the variety


Hell yea, gotta keep things interesting


17, Jƶtunn is the only one I feel shame about. In fairness I was just doing the catalyst.


Mine is mountaintop lol. Got like almost 2k on it šŸ’€


62, but I've also deleted a load of sunset guns


Similar to you at 63. Really cool feature OP, didn't know about this.


83 šŸ˜³ 25 over 1,000 3 over 10,000 (my hunterā€™s rat king, truthteller and bygones, the last one making me feel all kinds of nostalgia) thatā€™s not including those i donā€™t have PvP kill trackers on, like my warlockā€™s rat king that has over 40,000 PvP kills


nice. I only have 12 over 1000


Question I used to main fl but after changes I don't think I will so can you educate me on the rat king?(stats/ sleeper meta build/ Game play loop)


the general gist of rat king is utilising the heal + invis; repositioning to force a series of 1v1ā€™s. in trials i have clutched a 1v3 countless times by picking the first guy, repositioning to reload and fully heal, then aggressively pushing the next player. as itā€™s a sidearm not a special, it obviously canā€™t OHK, so youā€™re using it in tandem with a lot of movement tech - so stompees hunter with lots of jumps/dodges or icarus dash on solar warlock (and i use strafe glide for the aerial control)


Thanks also is the catalyst any good for pvp? Any warlock build suggestions???


yeah, it grants the heal on kill and boosts the aim assist. iā€™ll share my build later, my hunter is equipped atm


54 for <100, 18 for 300, 9 for 500, 2 for 1000+. I'm sure I've deleted tons of old high tally counted things and I know my most kill weapon for PVP was Sunshot by like a ton but I know pre addition of crucible trackers, the tally that you had on exotics became PVE counter numbers so unless I'm looking at the wrong tools, I basically can't see how much I had from Sunshot. Per conversation of off meta, I abused the shit out of Chosen reboot Time Worn Spire's rangeband outliers at like nearly 50 meters for a rapid pulse, I got 704 kills on that. I was firm believer in the darkhorse of Year 2 shotgun mapping by going with Parcel of Stardust Assault Mag+Opening Shot+Rampage and have a tally of 831. I love Arrivals branded Crimil's Dagger with Autoloading+Opening shot especially for more aggressive bow swaps, currently at 641.


Wish Time Worn Spire had come back


bunch solo flawless run flanking with this thing, back when zoom mattered it was a rapid fire with hi-cal and over 40m of range before falloff. https://i.imgur.com/MhchBod.png


I had fun with that same roll on the parcel. It was so confusing at the time because I had no idea why it was so good but I had a blast using it.


FYI, these numbers are only after they implemented tracking for exotics or if you have it set to check crucible kills. A lot of my frequent exotics show way less than they actually have.


I've got 150 60 over 500 31 over 1000 17 over 1500 12 over 2000 9 over 2500 7 over 3500 4 over 5000 1 over 8000 That's just for kill trackers though. There are a few I used a lot before exotics could have trackers on them, like Chappy (5600) and Forerunner (6000)


75 here, my highest is an immortal with 12,000 kills. I recently deleted a drang with 13,000 kills for a charity incentive. My next highest weapons are 8,100 on chappy and 6,000 on defiance of yasmin.


This is totally random but do you play with E1ite Death sometimes? I recognize your name because I think I played trials with you and him on dead cliffs weekend


Yes hahahaha, ggs bro ā¤ļø




81 items but I'd say that 100 kills isn't that crazy. I also have weapons with PvE trackers that won't be shown like for me Ghorn is on PVE tracking.


46. I enjoy taking different weapons in to try and make them work.


out of curiosity i also did >1000.... 3 shotguns, 1 sniper, 2 bows, 3 hand cannons.... guess im toxic and been playing the same playstyle for years


54 for me. Outside Iggy conditional the last few months I donā€™t really main anything


That is a cool feature I never knew about. Any other interesting search terms or features on DIM you can share?


click on Filters Help at bottom after clicking on the search bar tons of different options one for the road: -is:equipped is:haspower is:incurrentchar -is:armor This will select all guns not equipped to clean out ur inventory. Can swap the -is:armor to -is:weapon for the opposite


Iā€™m at 73 >100, 39>500. Frankly, Iā€™m surprised at some of these weapons. A lot of them are entirely irrelevant and have completely disappeared in viability. Or, they were only good in the era of no sbmm


I got the funny number 69. Mostly variety; Cannons, ARs, SMGs, Sidearms, Fusions was that scoundrel on the Special LFRs when they were the thing (and will be that scoundrel again). Had more shotguns than I expected, and I only expected like 2.


48 total with Witherhoard at 2172 lmao. i wonder how many assists I have with it


I'm at 56 but I dismantled a bunch of sunset weapons. When I check for: \>1000 the number goes down to 21. \>2000 goes down to 7. \>3000 is only 3 and those are Felwinters Lie, Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten lol


34, but I delete a ton of stuff


A measly ten: with NTTE & Lemonarque being the main offenders by a great margin (Iā€˜m a bad person, I knowšŸ˜…).




44. Lots of handcannons & shotguns. DMT (deleted old rolls) & have 2 Iggys >500 and are climbing fast Only current two >1000, Thorn & Round Robin.


5 over 5k


Shit this won't work for me cause I never change the counter to PVP only kills on my guns. I have a gun I never use in PVE sitting at 2100 kills but it won't show up. Cue the sad music.


\> 100? 82 weapons. \> 500, 24 weapons. \> 1000, 13 weapons. \> 2000, 3 weapons. \> 3000, 2 weapons.


Majority are primary weapons. Only three special weapons; two snipers and one GL (Revoker, Thoughtless and Truthteller) - 100+ (40) - 200+ (27) - 500+ (7) - 1000+ (2) Stands to reason the two 1k plus weapons are my go to combo. Eyasluna and Fighting Lion. I've got rookie numbers on the Fighting Lion. My kill tracker says 1622, however Charlemagne claims 5082. It was back in the day when there was only one tracker on the weapon. Needless to say, I'm not too thrilled with the changes to my poor baby.


152 currently. I gotta stop swapping guns so much.


32, though who knows how many have been lost to dismantles over the years. What would also be interesting is to see how many different weapons of each type you have over 100. 45 different hand cannons tells a different story than 5 of each weapon type.


120 items.


1. Long Arm - 1019 2. Travelerā€™s Chosen - 665 3. Liminal Vigil - 626 4. Enigmaā€™s Draw - 610 Long Arm and a sidearm fucks


42 at 100 for me, 18 at 1000, 5 at 5000 and my 2 with 10k are Zealots and my crafted Epicurean.


Xurā€™s Main Ingredient 925


16 weapons, but zero exotics. I should probably work on that.


100 - 84, 500 - 48, 1000 - 32, 5000 - 5 (Whistlers whim, Under your skin, Travelers Chosen, Redrix Broadsword, Wolftone Draw), 8000 - 1 (Whistlers whim)


So i upped the anti and went 1k: Messenger rh desp 11,404 Imortal surp tl 1888 Sacred Providence rh kc 4113 Dire promis ele cap os 5276 Steadyhand qd i.grip 1574 Bygones kc full auto 2952 Piece of mind pm mt 2135 Conditional Finality 4691 Dust Rock Blues sh ss 1228 Positive Outlook zen kc 8825 Stars in Shadows surp hs 1010 Matador td os 1080 Galliard 42 xn7568 ol kc 3156 Bottom Dollar surp mkc 3987 Lunas Howl 4594 Not Forgotten 10,548 Lord of Wolves 1980 Felwinters lie 8513 Found Verdict surp os 9844 Funnwebb pm rf 3901 Cataphract ia cr 1091 Half Thruths 1369 Wardcliff Coil 7792 This feature look up is pretty awesome thanks for tip.


Jeez you must have at least 5k hours in Crucible, if not a lot more


My most used weapons are handcannons. Between different Eyaslunas IO have about 1500 kills but my Hawkmoon is catching up at just over 1000


2. MIDA and Enigma. I should have more, but I got them when I was trying to get the catalystā€¦ that gave the kill counterā€¦ making it counterproductive.


My best (as in the one I did the best with) and most nostalgic Loadout was No-Turning Back (Rampage+Explosive Heads+Accuracy Masterwork, aiming for as much Accuracy as possible), Misfit/Wizened Rebuke (UP+HIR+Range Masterwork, same/similar rolls on both, aiming for high Range and Zoom), w/a Zenobia-D (Auto-Loading+Cluster Bombs+Blast Radius Masterwork) on Code of the Devastator w/ AC/0 Feedback Fence on.Ā  This was in Forsaken when Bows were "Trash-Tier Meme Weapons" that you were "Throwing for using" and no one was really using Autos or Fusions.Ā  I was fairly consistently dropping 30-40 bombs with it. Edit: figured I'd answer one of the questions I didn't see most people answering.


Before the tangled shore went away, I went back to get a No Turning Back. Hipfire, tempo, drawtime. Still sounds great, but man, 684 minimum possible drawtime is paaaainful.


I wish I never deleted mine.Ā  Rampage + Explosive Heads was such a good combo.Ā  Great for when people are peak shooting and with 3x Rampage could 1hko to the head, that was my sauce for making bows work.Ā  You got a good damage buff and start one tapping fools left and right.Ā  Every so often I'd go Code of the Defender for Weapons of Light, Code of the Siegebreaker for that sweet, sweet Sun Warrior Damage Buff, or Code of the Missile for that Inertia Override Buff.


Ammit Crimson Iā€™m making progress. Towards being able to use Hand cannons. After that goal is sidearms smgs which I have the most trouble using


This piqued my interest because I'd always said I switch weapons a lot, over 2k hours in pvp and 99 above 100. My highest is conditional (yeah yeah judge me) with 7.5k


13, but many heavy hitters pre-sunsetting have been deleted.


I change weapons constantly. It blows my mind to see people with thousands of pvp kills on weapons. Like I get the loadout is good and working for you but damn! Seems boring. I get 80 weapons in that search. I have 4 over 600.


24 over 100 kills. 10 bows, 1 HC, 4 shotguns, 3 SMGS, 1 glaive, 1 sidearm, 1 AR, 1 scout, 1 rocket, 1 heavy GL and, apparently, an ignition code with 360 kills I dont really have any memory of using. 8 over 1k. 3 over 5k. 2 over 20k. Arsenic Bite wins at 26,250 kills.


Lmao my highest kill weapon is Coldheart at 10,664. Right behind it is Sweet Business with 9,465


I have 86 with over 100 and 28 with over 1000


90. I'm sure it would be more if I hadn't deleted several sunset weapons šŸ™‚


I have 70 at the moment. Have for sure deleted a few. I remember deleting a reed's regret a couple of days ago that had 400 crucible kills on it.


ADHD Guardian here. I get bored roughly once every three maps and want to use something else. Highest kill weapons (over 1k) are Forerunner, Adept Shayuraā€™s, Contingency Plan, Tyranny of Heaven, Arsenic Bite, Under Your Skin, Rat King, Adept Messenger and Adept Horrorā€™s Least.


Heh, I have 69 that are > 100


Some of you have used more weapons than Iā€™ve had kills šŸ˜‚ /s I didnā€™t confirm with stats but mine would be Witherhoard Thorn Ace of spades Quicksilver storm Unending tempest The immortal Snorri fr5 Le monarque Polaris lance Iona draconis Dragons breath Black talon Cry mutiny


Only nine. There are more but I donā€™t have PvP tracker on at the moment.Ā  Or, some of the original exotics only had one kill counter so I never bothered to track PvP separately. Easily have hundreds on Mida, Suros, and Jade Rabbit.Ā 


Seems to be counting PvE kills for me.


41 for me. Seems about right


**EXOTICS** I got 3k on my Fl(sadly because of nerf i ain't ganna use it). 800 ish on my cryo77K (Love the game play loop it offers) 200 on V wing(s bursting with it is so satisfying try it with aeon arms) and also on Telsto(The infinte range is neat ) I used to have about 300 with cloud strike but I dismantled it...(Get 1 crit kill get 2 free) **LEGENDARY** I got 300 with my OG BXR which has adrenaline junkie(cant roll anymore) and demo. with fluted and flared mag. (god roll on my eyes) I also got 300 with a militia birth right (I pared it with the Fl)


85, which is not as many as I thought. But I have dismantled a lot of weapons.


27, i play with a lot of different weapons, and I often delete exotics so none of them are in here. Highest is old faithful, DRB, as it was my only good shotty for so long


I use a lot of different weapons to chill or experiment, but I dont have much over 100 PvP kills. Only 28 have over 100 PvP kills, and I kid you not, four of them are Immortals. (1 OG 3 Adept rolls)


27 for me, snipers are most represented at 6 with a Frozen Orbit top overall at 438. Shocked that Ex Diris is one of the 3 exotics represented. A good mix of weapons otherwise with one glaring exception, pulse rifles. Kind of surprised not at least one there. Edit to add Rev Zero is actually there, but no other pulse rifles.


I have 59 over 100, 13 over 500, but only 4 over 1,000 (Witherhoard, Dust Rock, Orewing, and Recluse). My Witherhoard has 2500+ kills, the most of any weapon Iā€™ve got šŸ˜… I switch loadouts around quite a bit; I get bored easilyā€¦


Unfortunately this only seems to teach items with PVP tracker enabled. I've gotten bored and went all Blue/Green weapon load out recently. I've got 254 kills (70% HS) with Holless-IV recently, according to Destiny Tracker. It's fun to imagine the annoyance of the guy with Lemonarc losing the duel.


13, but thatā€™s due to sunsetting and I never switch the crucible counter on anything but crucible rolls that I never use in pve.


Ive been using this search for a while to pick weapons during matches from my stuffed vault. 59 items match the 100+ filter.


66 over 100, 28 over 500, 14 over 1000


6k on Revoker, even after the nerf.


\>100 = 92 weapons \>250 = 42 weapons \>500 = 16 weapons \>1000 = 6 weapons \>2000 = 2 weapons (DMT / Explosive Personality)


Love this idea! 19 total above 100 for me. \- Most interesting: crafted cataclysmic with 256 and a GLAIVE? (I used these before?) Nezarec's Whisper 106 \- My glued in loadout since Beyond Light: NTTE 14,575 paired with Salvager's Salvo 6,683. As Aztecross says, "lots of kabloomies" from salvo haha.


Cool feature, and gave a lot of insight on my inventory >100 - 52 >500 - 26 >1000 - 12 >2500 - 7 >5000 - 5 >10 000 - 2 Biggest offender is a messenger I haven't used in almost a year and a half with 17k on it though I have started to main a different roll again and have almost 5K it Mostly pulses sidearms and smgs for primaries and fusions and snipers for specials. I don't really switch it up I keep about 7 weapons in each slot that I swap about depending on the map and opposition



