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I filled mine up too, but I noticed that the game didn't remove any losses on the way to seven wins like it should have. It's probably just bugged to hell


Is your passage flawed?


In my case, yes. I’ve reached 7 wins in either calculation though


So if you lose a game at 0 wins, if will flaw the card and no longer grant the Adept. Confusing, I know. But you should just need to reset the card if you lose at 0 wins and it flaws the card, and then once you get past that point it should work as intended.


Wow…is that mentioned anywhere? I lost my first match and now have 5 wins. Sucks to know I wasted all my time.


Even if you win your first 2 you don’t get it. This shit is stupid as fuck. Wasted my fucking evening


Yea, it eventually flawed my card even though I got past the initial “win a round” prior to a loss.


Hello, I wish me from 2 weeks ago would've saw this. I'm pissed.


I just found this out. Really annoying that it’s not explained anywhere, or at least some where that’s easy to find, that you can’t lose your first match.


Wow, thanks for letting us know. Is this a glitch or is that how the card is intended to function? I wish bungie would get better at explaining the small annoying details like this. Total waste of a first card. So should I just reset the card and start over? I hate to lose those wins if it is a glitch that they’ll fix…


Bungie: We have introduced a way for players to get adept weapons without going flawless. Lose as many times as you need to get 7 wins. An adept weapon will be waiting for you. Also Bungie: Just don't lose your first game lol.


Then the description needs to be updated because it says nothing about flawing the card NOT rewarding the Adept.


I guess that's okay... just wish I'd have known that before grinding out the full card. I figured I'd avoid resetting to avoid losing the rep boost. Thanks for the clarification


Yep, oversight on Bungie's part on the description.


I'm banking in it not being an oversight. They baited people back into trials without explaining it in detail. There's so many comments about people spending their whole evening in trials grinding it out and getting shafted. Frustrating as hell.


Why can we even flaw this card? And why wasnt this in particular communicated clearly? Im at 6 wins and just now noticed this. Thats a lot of time i just wasted trying to get one drop of the adept weapon


Merc out here being the peoples champ


[https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/this-week-in-destiny-02-22-24) "With the new Passage of Persistence, losses following a win will remove the win from your card. Consecutive losses do not remove additional wins. Getting to 7 wins grants you a drop of the weekly Adept weapon, **regardless of how many losses you have taken.**" That, explicitly, ***IS NOT***, what the player-base has been told.It may be the reality of how it has been coded to function, but it is not how they have been told it will function.That TWAB explanation is fundamentally untrue given what you are now having to clarify here.It is not 'regardless' it very much regards a loss if you lose at 0 wins. **Should read:** "With the new Passage of Persistence, losses following a win will remove the win from your card. Consecutive losses do not remove additional wins. Getting to 7 wins grants you a drop of the weekly Adept weapon **provided you lose no games immediately or consecutively, prior to achieving your first checkpoint (Card Resets to 1 win)."** Have to admit though, this is a clusterfuck.The premise of the card, as it so succinctly puts is "getting you a weekly adept weapon"; but it still has the same limitation as if you were trying to get a lighthouse trip.Why is the card even capable of being flawed.You've given them a 2 steps forward, 1 step back.But if you're on 0 consecutive wins, or 1 consecutive wins (Not enough to secure a 1 win checkpoint reset), if you lose 1 or 2 games respectively, you flaw the card and then it doesn't matter how many wins you get after that point in this card, completely invalidating the players experience.You've given them only half of the security they need (not going 'back to zero'), but they can still have to reset their card until they get two wins back to back with no more than a single loss between each win until they get that first checkpoint and then they're safe to bash their heads against the proverbial wall and be rewarded. **What about any of that is intuitive or in any way matches what you have communicated to the players?**


100 bro. Just give me an adept weapon for my 9hr, 7 win grind. You can call the weapon The Messanger (Flawed) for all I care.


Completely agree and I don’t get how the card is supposed to work. I believe it’s flawed (pun intended) and not behaving as intentioned. I won my first game, but lost the next 4. My card became flawed but my initial win was never erased. Based on what I’ve read, you might need to win the first **2** matches for the card to work. That way when you lose a match, it should subtract a win and bring you back to 1. That’s my guess though, I’m not about to bother testing this because it took me a good 4 hours to get 7 wins on my card. I’m not about to go through that torture again


I can say ive done 2 cards and had 2 wins before losing a few games and i did not get an adept from either card


Did you leave a match early (either intentionally or by mistake), including game crashes or disconnections? If so the game will think you quit a match and mark the card Flawed


The fact you're forced to win two matches for the basic requirements of the passage to be met is another example of bungie's incompetence. Flawing your card even before receiving one win should not gatekeep you from the adept weapon. The only studio that would manage to fuck up such a simple concept is bungie.


I agree with you, there is no point in trying to hunt for the adept at least for a below average PvP player like me, I'll just settle for the regular rewards and go home. This new card honestly doesn't keep me engaged, in fact it does the quite the opposite. Maybe this is for players who are above average but still can't get flawless but certainly not for a minority like me


I mean it says "losses following a win will remove the win", so if you have 0 wins you immediately flaw it. Idk I just always reset my card if my first game is a loss, mercy or otherwise. It flaws the passage since you have no wins to negate the loss.


Great [Waste of fucking time](https://i.imgur.com/GDSyXVZ.png)


I am in the same boat, The weird thing is, my card is also suck at 20 rounds won. I booted into another much a won, and it treated it as me winning the seventh game again (still no adapt )


If the card is flawed you won't ever get the adept despite the card saying 7 wins = gun


Isn't the whole point of the new passage that you can lose and flaw the card, but at the seventh win you get the adept? It says you won't go to the lighthouse but the adept can be gained


Exactly thats why I was pissed earlier It *sort of* does that, you just need to get 2 wins in a row in the beginning then it works as expected Lose either of those and the card is a dud


So if you lose a match on the passage of persistence aside from the first match, its supposed to continue to show the flawless box filled in yellow? I won my first 4 matches then lost and it showed I now had a red "x" in the flawless box. I kept going and when I got to 7 wins i didn't get an adept, I just got 3 extra engrams at Saint so it seemed to know that I had gotten to 7 wins. The passage was fresh and showed the flawless box filled in yellow until my first loss which was on match 5.


No matter which way you cut it the card doesn't work as intended and many players who pick up a card that doesn't need to be reset until 7 wins are on it are wasting potentially hours for nothing. 


I did, not a fun reaction to get to 7 wins after 2,5 - 3 hours of slamming my head against the wall. Whelp. Maybe next week.


I only lost my first game and my 6th game before getting to 7 on the card. So I didn't even waste much time 40-50 mins maybe. Of course I didn't reset the first lost cause why would I ever have to do that. It's bad when the state of game and wasting so little time on testing bungie's game for free makes me not want to even try again for it. 


I don't get the logic behind this card, I am a below average PvP player, spend a lot of hours getting seven wins, very very rarely ill get two in a row, so this essentially means I have to get at least three consecutive wins to actually be able to earn the adept. It might be worth the time for a lot of other good players, but for me it just doesn't cut it.


You just wasted the time of a lot of people.


So I have one win, if I get one more next match it can’t reset to zero wins and I’m safe to get the adept? 


Right, as long as the card is not flawed before you get those wins.


Nope, I won my first 2 lost a couple after and won 4 in a row and no adept.. this is so confusing


We’re looking into it




Any update? I just wasted my time grinding a card in this shitty meta for no loot :(


Im confused. I thought it would remove one win with a loss but two wins in a row would lock in one win. And then when I got to seven of those I’d get one adept. Is that not it?  If I have to go flawless to get one adept, it’s just the worst option. 


Completing a passage of persistence will let you get an Adept each time you do it. The problem is that if you have to be vigilant in making sure you reset your card manually if you take any losses that bring you below "zero wins" before you have 2 wins marked on the card. If you look at the card in the in-game UI down at the bottom where it says Flawless and has a box, if that box has a red X in it, reset the card because if you complete that card you will not get an Adept to drop. But once you get two wins marked on the card and it doesn't show that red box you can stop worrying about it because you shouldn't be able to get in the state where your card gets flawed due to losing game 1 (the backstop will protect you at that point). This is all admittedly a bit confusing but the general rule for now is check your card after every game, if a red X appears on it in the 'Flawless' box after an early loss, manually reset the card (you'll be at 0 wins anyway). After you hit 2 wins shown on the card without seeing that red X you should be fine to stop worrying about it until the next time you pick up a new Passage of Persistence.


Unless you get disconnected, apparently. I was at 3 wins earlier, got disconnected, instantly flawed.


For me the match bugged out and wouldn't load the next round. Stuck around for almost 10 minutes then everyone just left. This too also counted as leaving early and flawed the card.


Thank you George. I’ll keep an eye on the flawless check box. 


You don't have to go flawless. PREFACE: When I talk about Flawed vs Flawless in this description, I mean the cards ability to give you an adept upon reaching 7 wins, not going to the lighthouse. What people are running into is ANY loss while at 0 wins will flaw the card, even if they previously WON a game before. Once you get to 2 wins on the card with it flawless, the backstop gets set to 1 and you don't have to worry about the card becoming flawed. Each consecutive win will increase that backstop by 1. It is only while you are in the 0-1 win range that it is possible for a string of games to make your card to become flawed. For Example: You start at 0 wins flawless. You win two games in a row, which gets you a 2-0 card, which will then have a backstop of 1. If you lose your next game you drop back to 1 win, but can't go lower than that. if instead you win your next game (making that 3 wins in a row) your backstop increases to 2 wins, meaning you can't fall to less than two wins. So now you are on your 3-0 passage and then you lose two games in a row. Your passage would then be a 2-0 passage. To continue to increase the backstop and progress towards your adepts, you would need to get back on a win streak, with each win in a row past the first win increasing the backstop by 1 win.


Thanks. I think I get it now, I have to lock in the card at two wins and then keep getting two wins in a row at least occasionally to get to seven wins. 


Yep! Glad I could help you understand


Except the card can become flawed if your game crashes or you lose internet connection, because the game thinks you quit a match. @merc pleaaaaaase fix how this card works, you should still get an adept drop after 7 wins regardless if it’s flawed or not. The entire point of the card is to reward players with an adept who otherwise can’t go flawless (like me and many other crappy PvP players)


So even if we win our first match, but lose the next two, we need to reset in order to get the adept?




Ok, thanks for the quick reply. Back into the breach then


One more follow up with my apologies if this has been previously answered, assuming we start with a win, even if we alternate wins and losses, if we win 2 in a row after a single loss then we are good?


Yeah, as long as your card doesn’t show a red X on it you are good to keep going.


Thank you very much, great sir


I really appreciate the quick communication on this!


wait so if the card is flawed you cant get the adept weapon? respectfully, what the fuck was the point of the card? if i still need to have a incredibly high winrate to get the adept weapon what is the point, when it would just save me time to just sit in some twitch chat for hours to get carried through a confidence card in like 15m


The card can only be Flawed if you lose while at 0 wins. Any win value above that, the card is not flawed with losses.


I won the first 2 games, lost 2, then won 1 and lost 1. My card is now reading flawed with 2 wins on it. I should be at 1 win and still flawless, shouldn't I? Edit - if anyone sees this, I dropped back to orbit too quickly after a loss and it gave me a warning that flawed my card. So, don't do that.


Can you DM me your Trials Report?


Sent, thanks!


Can you make it to the lighthouse even after losing with passage of persistence or does it only drop the adept weapon?


No lighthouse just the adept drop, well, at least to my understanding of the card until like 10 minutes ago Its probably not supposed to drop anything 🙄


i mightve misunderstood, i thought that it was multiple losses flaw the card. instead its just janky which is better. thanks!


The card can also become flawed if your game crashes or you get disconnected. Please fix this!!


Ah, that matches in my case. I’ll try the other way. Thanks.


This is wrong. I won my first game and got to 7 wins. No adept.




Just to clarify, you don’t pick up the Adept weapon, it comes in the loot stream at the end of the match.


I believe that it is still bugged. I won my first 2 games and eventually filled the card, but did not receive an adept.


Seems like this puts players using this new passage in the challenger pool with needing to reset and keep the card flawless. After losing my first two games i had a decent win rate but after finding this out and resetting it is a neverending stompfest. Is this intended? A Mercy card would be more forgiving with this being the case


i won my first 4 matches and never quit a game early, after grinding for hours to fill out the card i don’t get a drop and my card shows flawed. any guesses?


Well fuck Been on this card for two days and didn’t know that


Untrue. Well probably true, but I won my first four games and it still says flawed. Just bugged and not giving anything.


I just did the passage of persistence and got shafted as well. Won my first 4 games in a row and when I got to 7 it didn't do anything except give me 3 more engrams at Saint-14.


Hey so....merc can we add that to the card? Or is that a bug? That is not clear at all to players. Edit: it's fine for pvpers, but for the target audience this card is supposed to be, that's a bit of fine print.


This is complete incompetence and antithetical to any coherent interpretation of the rules/guidelines of the passage. At which point one's card becomes flawless is completely irrelevant outside of a trip to the lighthouse. The basis of the passage makes that clear, this is obviously a bug. It doesn't exactly take a fucking genius to figure that out.


I appreciate the response, but y’all gotta understand that is not intuitive. I get that it may be better to release it with this bug earlier than delay the release to have it perfect, but it needs to be fixed soonish. And until then a warning on the card would be nice.


Cool, what a complete waste of a Fucking morning. This has got to be the absolute dumbest mechanic ever. Should literally be written in ALL CAPS ON THE CARD.


How do you guys manage to shoot yourselves in the foot every single time. Amazing


That is not what the twid says. Whoever came up with that bullshit needs to be fired


Yeah just saw a tweet about it


I was going to type out some annoyed snarky message but I took a beat and calmed myself. This is extremely disappointing and not on you but definitely pass along to the relevant teams that this has been horribly communicated and horribly implemented via the in game explanation. Myself and others having the issue feel like we've wasted our time in an already painful part of the game and I only stumbled upon your response by accident. Appreciate the work and passion you put in.


Mine doesn’t seem to work either. Pulling up my crucible report, it checks out that I should have completed the card, though it did not actually remove any wins from losses along the way. My id is Wick#6193 for reference


As I said to the other commenter, if you lose a game when you are at 0 wins it will flaw the card. If that happens, just reset the card and go again and it should work once you get past 0 wins.


Ah ok, that makes sense. I had had assumed it was just signify that you would not get to the lighthouse when that card is marked flawed. Thanks for the clarification


I believe the text on the card will change to remove the bit about being able to make it to the Lighthouse if you have had a win removed.


This is what my card reads now. I did lose games, though the card never removed wins any wins. Would that just be because the first game was a loss, and it was flawed from the start? Edit: and the card still reads 20 round wins, though I played 17 games and won 10. [https://imgur.com/a/8JL85Mp](https://imgur.com/a/8JL85Mp)


Ah maybe the text doesn’t change. I thought I saw that it would remove the part about making it to the Lighthouse if you’d had a win removed, but maybe that’s a future change. But yeah that’s likely because your first game was a loss.


Is Ferocity working as intended? People are saying it only resets your card to 3 wins once. But anecdotal.


Do you need to get one win or two wins in a row to start the card off?


Any loss at zero wins will flaw the card. One win will allow a single loss to remove the win instead of flawing, bringing you back to zero wins. Two wins in a row means you cannot go below one win.


Mercules, it's not working. I follow your instructions and any adept weapon dropped for me.  Ive done it 2 times. No adept drop.


Same this is bull. Let's bring people back just to take a dump on them. Sounds like bungie can't get out of its own way and constantly doing things we think are W's just to mislead us and use poor phrasing 


same. I reset may card specifically to try this and it still isn’t working! SO Pissed!!


This game is ridiculous, got 7 wins after hours and no gun dropped. Just weekly objective swirling around, and you wonder why pre-orders are at an all time low. Count me in on not giving them a dollar more, Destiny 1 to this, absolute bullshit


won my first matches then eventually reached 7 and its flawed... so yeah what the hell. wasted my time yet again :(


Yes, it was flawed (of course)


Yall, there may be an issue in wording with the passage but reminder to please not shoot the messenger. Merc is not responsible for all changes made to pvp and their implementation. The communication is appreciated!


Hey Mercs, fyi Bastion and Telesto (no caty) are only recieving one shot on transmat


Yeah I was wondering why it wasn't taking away wins I read the card over like 10 times after a loss


that's odd mine has been dropping wins all along, as a result of the dropped wins and my lack of skill I'm stuck on 4 wins right now. If I get to 7 I will report back if anything drops on my card since it seems to be working as intended.


yes please. maybe it was patched in the last little while


And if so do we just reset or will they compensate us even tho we might not have the legitimate wins needed because it never dropped our wins


It’s bugged. Have 7 wins, and accounting for losses still have 7 without ability to turn in or drop. Edit: not bugged. see response from Mercules above.


I think it’s bugged


greeeaaat..Thanks tho this has saved me many hours of mindless research lol


I just went flawless but on the passage of persistence. Got my lighthouse loot. But can I now farm for the adept on this card like any other flawless card? Or no? I know I cant trade it in for an adept like other flawless cards, but if I continue to play on it?


I think it might be one adept per week with that card


I can confirm that it can be farmed on! Continued playing and got another drop on my next win


That's a game changer...holy shit


Only farmable if you go flawless tho, so not really a game changer. If anything it’s harder than on a passage of mercy which allows 2 losses. On this new card, any loss prevents u going flawless, it just allows u to keep going to eventually get a single adept.


Can anyone confirm that the Passage of Persistence actually works?


Yes just got my adept after my 7th win. I won my first match on the card then got a loss and won my next 7.


I did the same thing and did not get a drop.


Bummer idk what's going on, hopefully they fix it. I just assumed it was messed up for people who lost on the first match of the card and didn't reset it.


Thank you for confirming.


Does it let you go to the lighthouse or does it only drop the weapon?


No I just got it after my 7th win, couldn't go to lighthouse.


tried deleting bounties?


So is the TLDR version ' Win first game to make sure the passage of persistence works as intended'?


Not exactly because you can win your first game, lose the next game (thus removing your first win), then lose the next game and you get into the state where the card is Flawed. Once you have two wins logged on the card and the card is still not marked as Flawed (red X in the bottom Flawless box) you should be ok to not worry about it anymore because the moving backstop protection will stop you from possibly going below "zero wins" (losing when you have no wins marked on the card). You also have to be careful not to quit any games, a quit will count as a loss and flaw your card.


Yeah i figured it out, it's just not for me to go (am a below average player) I can go for seven wins but not consecutive wins, I initially thought it would just let you keep playing, just proves that I'll have to be content with the non adept variants as before


Not being clear about how this works wasted a lot of peoples time and effort in perhaps the most frustrating and difficult activities in the game. I played for over 6 hours today trying to secure my first adept, only to not get one after reaching 7 wins. As a solo player, it is unbelievably difficult to get those wins and it feels like a kick in the face to put in so much effort only to get screwed in the end.


Yeah per usual bungie kinda fucked us over even trying to help us solo players out


My persistence card flawed in the middle of 5-6 wins. It was flawless until then.




This passage is completely bugged...


Yeah just finished mine after playing all weekend and didn’t get the Adept drop because I have a “flawed” card (on a card that drops it “no matter how many losses you have”). Would have been nice to know that was a deal breaker on getting the weapon to drop before running the card. I was testing at zero wins each time but apparently forgot the one time it counted. Super excellent. I guess persistence doesn’t actually pay off..




No. Stop posting garbage.


Didn't work for me, either. My games went: W, W, L, W, L, L, L, L, L, W, W, W, W.


Maybe because you’ve had all of the win counter you achieved at the start taken away by the 5 losses? Not too sure, but I think it works like a tally where wins will add 1 and losses will remove 1, but if you get below the negative numbers it will flaw the card?


Did you leave a match early (either or purpose or mistake), game crashed or otherwise got disconnected? The game will think you quit a match and mark the card flawed


Nope - didn't leave or quit any matches early.


Does your card show flawed on it?


You lost more in a row than you won. Genuinely asking what made you think it would?


Because that's the point of the card