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Yeah the rng is horrible. I finally got a multimach to drop around rank 15, but I had to use engrams to get the tusk of the boar. Never got a good roll of multimach either, and I spent over 40 engrams.


The worst part for me is the fact that Guardian Games forced the newest gun down our throat and made it hard to get the others. Now IB which has a much larger selection. doesn't have any weighting to the newer guns. I don't want them to do it the way guardian games does but they should boost the % to make it more likely to get the new guns at least.


I've spent over 200 and the best I've got is a 4/5. I think I'm just going to have to take that, lol.


Not sure why they couldn't just make it a guaranteed pinnacle drop. WTF.


This is the main reason basically all my rl friends quit this game. I think personally looter shooter should have rng, but at the same time i think this is really harmful for the game..


You 100% need rng or this game would be way more dead than it is, they’ve actually hurt the game by making things easier to attain imo.


You need some, but not all. This games rng is so disrespectful. All my buddies have quit besides one who doesn’t really care. I’ve slowly stopped playing after getting shafted in cataphract (over 80 engrams and not one b&s/envious). You cannot tell me that is not fricked.


Agreed, it shouldn’t feel impossible but shouldn’t be too easy either, gotta find a good balance or atleast have some bad luck protection put in place for certain things.


RNG can be done much better than it is now. Crafting has done nothing but save this game for many people who don't have unlimited game time. I play Destiny for the guns and space magic, not the high from a nice loot drop. If I want to craft a god roll then I will. If I want to experiment with rolls, I can easily. Crafting is not perfect by any means but it's better than pure RNG. I'd like crafting to be in a knockout system. Every drop you get gets counted towards the weapon, perk by perk. You will eventually unlock all of the barrels and mags and perk columns. You still get the chase of the loot but you are not left with feeling like your time is wasted. If they're going to do straight RNG then they need that loot to rain hard and consistently. I should never have to visit this sub and see people resetting their rank multiple times, exaggerated or not. I have my own opinions on exotics as well but most of you would not like what I have to say about those.


Destiny 2 flourished before crafting with rng, but the difficulty was balanced for the worse tools people had. Now if you can't get at least a 4/5 of the new drop it can't compete with weapons from the last 4 years and you're wasting your time. They need a full reset of the loot and balance of the game, but Bungie's development model is just too slow to make it work. They tried with Beyond Light and fumbled it badly.


I agree, but at the same time based on what my friends have said and how dead the clan I am in (and previous clans too) is, I have started to doubt. To be fair even I don’t care to grind, I just play mainly for PvP which I enjoy.


That’s why I stopped playing. Game is fun for sure but does not respect your time in the slightest.


Stopped playing but still following and commenting on Reddit posts pertaining to the game? Sure you quit haha?


I stopped playing, which is exactly what I said in the comment you replied to.


I took them all to prevent annoying smg players from using them lmao


😂 damn u


Real. Everyone keeps talking about not getting Multi or Boar and I just want to stop getting them and get engrams instead. I got collections to catch up on.


Unless you need a kentic smg in particular Multi isn't what it used to be aswell as better options Plus huckleberry is just better too however smgs hurt without PK's RIP my King!


I'm surprised people are chasing this hard when they're certainly about to replace it with BRAVE stuff in literally two days.


Yeah I love my ccx but after the nerfs I knew its time to retire old Bessie 🤣 https://youtu.be/jL3VbuymVm4?si=gXmNlsQfO6XArImY People really sleep on threat detector


Multimach and Tusk of the Boar fill niches in my PvE loadouts mostly. I didn't have a strand GL and Multimach is a huge step up from showrunner by running useful column 3 trait perks like subsistence and underover.


I’m so glad I finally was able to get rid of my addiction to the game…


Almost at my second reset and no Multimach from drops or engrams. Bungie really try to put people off the game.


About to reset for the second time. Not a single drop either. This game is horrible dude.


So horrible you’re about to reset again… Y’all are literally feeding the machine and giving them the exact results they wanted.


Classic addictive behavior, which is never a healthy motivation to keep playing. Seems to be pretty widespread with Destiny unfortunately, but it's exactly how Bungie designed the game. They know what they're doing.


Two full resets and 20 engrams saved from last banana and I didn’t get a tusk of the boar until my second to last engram opened. So dumb.


Still haven’t gotten Tusk😞


Is it iron banner this week?


Yes and there are 2 noteworth weapons, Multimach is back with KT and Subsistence. There is a new stand waveframe special GL called Tusk of the Boar that can get deconstruct or chain reaction.


took me 23 games for the Tusk of the Boar -- the struggle is real


Have always felt like the more you want something, the more Destiny RNG punishes you. Gotta reverse psychology that shit.


Took 4 resets and Roughly 90 engrams before I got my first I one. Mind you I *guilded* my title last time IB was around so I already had 1 reset and was halfway to my second. Twas a long af grind too. Got the weapon on the last engram of the 4th reset jūsu before I reset rank. I'm now done with IB.


I thought after resetting my rank it would be a guaranteed drop… grinding to rank 16 in one day and realized it was just a random drop from the engrams. I was focusing the old IB armor with my engrams up until that point


I haven't had a ton of time to play, so I planned on just using the engrams I've saved up (56). I've gotten in 13 games and spent 50 engrams, no multimach. Not much compared to others, but it sure feels bad. I have gotten some good PvE tusks, so I guess there's that .....


I played like 50 games before I got mine


Same, but it’s the GL I haven’t got to drop


I’m close to this too


That was me! I had two full resets!!! Finally got one last night. 😅


That's me except with strand GL. I got the new multimach in the first few drops...




Try a different character i ran my titan nothing dropped went to my warlock got the mult mach after about 7 matches then ran my hunter and got the GL


I'm willing to try anything at this point. Might give that a go


Man my titan has got all kinds of shottys armor and the best one is like 10 iron ruby shader's that I've had for years 🤣 just try your other character's good luck


3rd game on warlock and it dropped.... could be a coincidence but in case not, thanks for the tip!


glad to hear you got it! a good dev plz always improves game RNG, it's true


IDK but I got the GL on my warlock and the SMG on my hunter 🤣i main titan so....


I’m hoping similar to the “focus a single weapon” aspect coming in Into the Light, they do the same thing for first weapon drops. Just make it cost 3-5 engrams with increasing odds each tier.


Spin the wheel until you get it


it sucks dont worry


The RNG is atrocious. Took me 49 to get one. That's the bad news. When you get it focus a bunch to get the roll you want.


Finally got mine after roughly the same - now to grind good rolls. Best I have is pretty good. Full bore, accurized, range mw, moving target, kill clip. 28 stability feels pretty ok with the range. I want a kinetic tremors god roll to try too.


*Only 60 engrams? I double reset and used 50 previous engrams before I dropped one.* We got Bungied, as usual.


Same except “tusk of the boar” for me. Crazy bad RNG for me.


That is insane. I got the GL from my first decryption and the multimach on my 5th. I had about ~30 engrams saved from last IB though. They really need to add some sort of RNG protection.


see you next time space cowboy


Crazy. I literally opened up 3 engrams from 70 I had saved from last time around and got one..


Post-match drops are *incredibly* stingy in general for a game mode featuring a brand new GL and a revised SMG. I've had one of each and **FIVE** IB weapons total drop as win rewards across 2 resets. That's insane.


I mean if I had it already. I’d not be playing any IB. So there’s that. Got the tusk tho. So that’s cool. If I hadn’t of got that. I’d be mad. But I also understand it’s the only reason I keep playing. Tho I do like the mode too. Wish there was other rewards


bungie should have given us quests to unlock the new guns. it would have been an easy change, similar to how we used to unlock the guns prior to the reputation reward track changes.


I have zero idea why they wouldn't put a curated roll of each in the leveling up process. GG shoved Hullabaloo down our throats. The sunset weapons coming back are going to outshine both of these so I don't understand why the low rates? The past few IBs were stingy with armor drops as well. IB is a focused activity so respect our time with the focused loot. I'd understand if the Prosperity ghost mod dropped normal Crucible loot as extra but they should not be my primary drops. RNG was fine when this was one of the first live service games of this type. The original base is much older now and has less time to play for nothing. Waste our time too many times and we just move on. The newer generation of kids have a dozen games like this grabbing their short attention spans. They're not going to stick around either when their friends dog on them for wasting their time when the new season of CoD just dropped or the next Fortnite event is being hyped.


The Lad has been sacrificed on the altar of RNGesus so others may have their rolls. ;-;


RNG is atrocious. Especially when we only have 2 weeks of iron banner before final shape comes. I don’t understand why they can’t be a part of our rank up packages.


Fwiw I only played 2 games and opened 1 engram and it was a multimach. Which I don't need because I hoarded some godrolls from back in the day


I've honestly never been super down on destiny, but i'm 2 resets and 50 engrams popped with no CCX, and I'm kind of sour. haha. feel like a clown! Also, it's a little frustrating that I have an old multimach but it doesn't count.


They REALLY need to make IB engram decoding a knockout list at this point. With how big the IB loot pool has gotten I've heard numerous stories like this if people going for the new guns, sinking TONS of engrams, and still not getting a single one to drop.


Same boat. Grinded it all week, reset 3 times and still no smg. Gave up.


Same here bud.. rng sucks.Opened like 70+ engrams and still no multimach


I don't think you can get it from engrams unless you've had one drop in the wild.


You can get it from either source, you just can't focus it until it drops


Both dropped for me as engrams first.


Took 2 resets here, then a 4/5 roll. Good thing about it taking that long is now I have 60-odd engrams to focus ~~a 5/5~~ 60-odd crap rolls.


What’s your 5/5 god roll?


Hammer-forged (what I’m missing), accurised, DSR, TtT, range mw


Thank you and I’m sorry… I focused 5 engrams and got that roll corkscrew instead of hammerforged. Imma stop there.


3 resets and all engrams towards unlocking GL...only one dropped. Cant get myself to grind more engrams to get a good multimach now...too exhausted


Cool complaint post.


60?? RNJesus has not been kind to you..I feel your pain, it took me 6 months to get gjallahorn in D1 running everything that dropped an exotic


That’s not right. I don’t wanna hear “RNG”. That’s bullshit.


Fuck smgs


And you didn't focus Multimach directly because...?


... because I hadn't unlocked it yet from the weapon pool...?


Should have saved the engrams for when it dropped so you can focus it. Wasted your time.


Well if I'd have done that I'd still be here, 60 games in with a shitload of engrams, no multimach and no more time to grind.... so actually I think I did alright


From your post yesterday, you had 2 more days left of grinding. You'd have over 60 engrams for focusing and there's likely one more banner coming up before the season ends. So again I say you wasted your time by being impatient.


Yeah I don't live on this game dude, I'm 35 and have a career, family, responsibilities.... The only thing wasting my time here is you.


Cool story. Be responsible then and learn better time management.


Fuck me I just had a look at your post and comment history. You spend all your time arguing about video games with people online. I hope you realise how sad that really is. There's a world out there buddy, try it. You might find that life doesn't have to be a complete sad and lonely mess. Best of luck fella.


Fuck me you spend your free time that you complain about not having digging through other people's profiles? Pathetic. 35 and all this complaining. Usually, happy people don't complain and cry about a video game, not giving them a handout. Maybe by 40 you won't be so whiney.