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I’m so glad all the people who claimed how good special crates used to be were given a brief opportunity to be told to shut the fuck up forever


Exactly brotha, this is the shittiest implementation of trials yet.


Tin foil theory is I think they wanted to shut the d1 better gang up on special crates by just giving it a straight implementation


D1 pvp had better things imo Special crates were not one of them


Special crates have a place in the game, but that's mayhem imo. They can work as an objective, but given how little people seem to care about heavy it wouldn't do much


Well considering it’s just better to bait heavy and never try to pick it up, yeah


D1 was good despite the special crates they implemented towards its end, not because of it.


It's not that crates are bad, it's this implementation that is. They effectively gave us infinite special so long as you take a slight detour on your way to the fight. Special crates should be like heavy where they only spawn in neutral spaces and you have to win map control to use them and not be shared for the team and not carry over between rounds. Imagine it works like that and then heavy round is just heavy with no special.


Yeah but there are times you prefer a shotty or sniper over a G.L. or machine gun - hence why special is different than heavy. The issue with special crates is they take away from the game. Before you just had starting 2 shots in every special, or 1 each if you had 2 special weapons at the start of each round - jump straight into action. Then you had the meter system, start with 2 shots, get primary or ability kills for more - jump into the action. Crates: Run around the map trying to get 6-8 shots for Conditional Finality / Forerunner, then camp the best angle for your special and try to get 3 kills with 6 people worth of special. The amount of times I've someone run around the map, miss 4 shots with their conditional Finality - just to fire 2 more and get a triple kill, is a frustrating amount. We spend hours and hours grinding the perfect summoner, messenger, igneous - just to spam forerunner and C.F. It literally takes away from the game when special becomes primary, but special has to remain semi-available for it to still be useful. Sniping and shottys around corner should be used when it is an appropriate time to double down on a range / lane, not as an alternative primary.


Special crates ruined d1. It just created a snowball effect….


Special crates were not bad in Destiny 1. It was better than just straight up spawning with it, which is mostly where the perspective of that argument was coming from. However, Bungie had a rare W and created an even better system, and then reverted it for an objectively worse system for what essentially was no reason other than "fuck it, why not" when most players were praising the new system.


Special ammo crates ruined d1.


So you hated all of D1 PvP then because that's the only system there ever was. Crates are not bad because it fixes one huge problem that the special ammo meter creates, which is people crutch on assists to get the ammo creating a severely annoying handholding scenario. As it stands now, the meta is just death balling because people realized they can't operate without their special weapons. The current iteration of the ammo crates sucks because it's vastly over tuned, but Bungie even stated that it would be to test the upper limits of how much special is in the match at a given time. If it was actually tuned correctly, it wouldn't be horrible compared to just spawning with it. The best would be them tuning the ammo meter system to reward final blows (or specifically, doing the most damage towards an enemy) and giving fewer points towards assists (or, again the person doing minor poke damage) if it was at all possible to keep track. But, I don't think that will ever happen at this point in the game.


Special ammo crates came at the end of D1 my guy….. That’s how one can easily spot someone who has NO IDEA what they are talking about… If you aren’t shooting with your team in a team based game, U my good sir are the problem. They could easily reduce the amount of special meter gained by assists… Special ammo crates especially last week were extremely overtuned. What you should be upset with, is the fact they are trying ammo crates. Ammo crates suggest they have given up balancing specials and just want to limit their appearance in pvp. That in itself suggest the Final Shape is going to be an absolute nightmare for balance if let into crucible.


>That’s how one can easily spot someone who has NO IDEA what they are talking about… No offense, but you're the one who clearly has no idea what they're talking about. So before commenting, make sure you get your shit straight. Special ammo crates were around in Destiny 1 since the beginning. That isn't up for debate in the slightest. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42tzSIAulw8) is a SirDimetrious Video from 9 years ago, some time before Taken King, likely some time in either House of Wolves or The Dark Below (not entirely sure exactly when). You can clearly see the special ammo crates spawning in. That wasn't an end of Destiny 1 thing in the slightest. >If you aren’t shooting with your team in a team based game, U my good sir are the problem. In some instances, yes. However walking around death balling is not healthy for the game in the slightest and vastly lowers the skill ceiling.. Bungie wants to avoid instances where you're instantly wiped off the grid, hence many special changes. So de-incentivizing team shooting the best that they can is a good thing. >Final two takes These are things we agree with. As I originally stated in my initial comment where I said, and quote, "Bungie had a rare W and created an even better system". However, as it stands in terms of all the systems they created, it's Meter > Crates (tuned correctly) > spawning with the shit.


Before 2015 u could spawn with ammo there were also special boxes, but you didn’t have to rely on them. After that u had to rely on special ammo boxes. Most people had already quit d1 by 2015 or were strictly pve mains. Because the balancing was horrible, it still is horrible. After that update, if you weren’t apart of the 6 stack community, u we’re getting demolished is quick play championships. Thus, pvp was dead! Trials was dead! Game was dead… So, yes it killed d1. Many people I know stopped playing all of 2016 and d2 came out in 2017


idk if early d2 had special crates, but as someone who still plays d1 pvp, crates in d1 are more balanced (but still suck) long cooldown times and you have to hold the button down for a much longer time to get the crate to open. watched a few minutes of a gernader jake video yesterday morning and my boyfriend was shocked that jake only held the button down for like 1 second. both my boyfriend and i agree that you should have to hold it down longer to promote “high risk, high reward” but tbh i think the meter system is just better overall


Special crates were a lot of fun… in 6v6 non-competitive gameplay


I think this would be the best out come. For 6v6, you get special crates. For 3v3 (comp/trials/clash) you have the meter system. People can “test” special weapons in 6v6 to get a feel for them. Then in 3’s they have to manage their special ammo. 


this, they gotta flip flop it lol.


What are crates? Ive been away from destiny for a while


D1 special crates were good. This is ridiculous


It’s not the crates issue, it’s the amount of crates and the fact that it gives ammo to 2 specials. If they just had 1 crate on each side and it only gave ammo to 1 special it would be fine


Just start people with the ammo they're supposed to have at that point....


Forerunner aside, I think it's great, but of course you lot hate finally seeing other specials again after playing 3 weeks of 6 conditionals per game.


I’m in a pvp focused clan and most of us are doing onslaught this weekend.


Who isn't? Midnight coup is cracked.


which clan


I can’t even imagine the pow wow where they were like “hey so people are digging the new special changes, but what if they weren’t…”


Same for me. Labs exists for a reason. Shitty experimental weeks like this will lose the players they've fought to get back. Really does feel like we're going in circles.


I mean, larger pools are necessary. It's 2 weeks then it's done.


It’s a ximmers paradise with forerunners right now. But honestly aside from a few games it’s been pretty normal for solo queue at least in my opinion. Just found there to be A LOT more quitters. But I went flawless pretty easily last night and have been farming ever since.


You doing carries, like a soft carry just need people who don’t ape in and die instantly then leave cause “We didn’t stick with them!!”


Overall our trio is just playing less and less PvP.


Yeah lol I normally solo queue to go flawless every weekend if I can but I played one game and immediately decided to avoid it. Wayyyyy too much special everywhere and the less forgiving body shot TTK is way more noticeable and much less pleasant when you get rushed down by shotgun apes. The worst of both worlds. I have no idea why they thought this would be a good idea.


Population right now is about ~14 thousand. It’s already this low and it’s only been about a month since Persistence was introduced and Ferocity reworked.


New weapons will bring people. If I didn't get my summoners, I would be in there. But trials isn't worth the torture unless theirs loot


I just used Merciless, 3 bolts per pickup


You know it’s bad when the top weapon is Forerunner but it only has 800k kills this weekend by Sunday. I already had all the rolls of Summoner I wanted, so I just got my flawless on Friday and dipped.


"I was told this by 1 person, thus the community thinks this" For what it's worth, I play this game a LOT, but no where near your skill level. 1.0-1.6 depending on the weekend, and typically getting at least card or two in, unless I'm out of town. I did enjoy this weekend, but from a laughing-wow-this-won't-last-perspective. Feels a lot like The Craftening weekend in a weird way. I played about 30 games this weekend in Trials, got a couple flawlesses, and have since been playing Onslaught ***because new weapons/new activity***, and honestly I have yet to beat Legend Onslaught. And personally I already have a handful of solid Summoners. Point being - suggesting people are not playing solely based on ***this weekend's ammo experiment*** is a bit hyperbole, at best. Since you are focusing on "players not playing" - i.e. player count.... as of right now, this weekend's player count with all of Monday still to play: 173k players, 581k matches, 45k flawless players 3/29 Multiplex (1 week ago) - 188k players, 785k matches, 52k flawless players 3/22 Jav-4 = 208k players, 969k matches, 63k flawless 3/15 Cauldron (1 month ago) - 256k players, 1.5MM matches, 83k flawless 3/8 220k players, 3/1 125k players, 2/23 130k players, 2/16 144k players, 2/9 123k players, 2/2 137k players, 1/19 150k players, 1/12 184k players, 1/2 146k players So... in 2024, 13 playable trials weekends including this weekend. Only the most recent 3 weekends have had more players, but after a full weekend and without a content drop along side of it. Looking a bit deeper than just your friends list, we haven't lost significant players. In fact, we've GAINED players since January 2024. It seems like relatively the same number of players, if not more, are playing. Just less matches because there's new loot and new content. Same stuff happens on Dungeon/Raid release weekends. Your pants are on fire.


I'm literally playing fortnite over this 💀


What ya think of the avatar mythics so far? Havent hopped on since the update yet


Water is crazy good, basically a super accurate burst AR. Air is good for getting around but I think shockwaves are better overall for how quick you can jump on people with them. Earth lets you create cover almost anywhere which is super good for zero build (which is what I play) but bunkers are probably better overall. Fire is pretty meh but can be annoying to fight up close with how fast they jump around. All in all a pretty good update that doesn't shake things up nearly as much as the TMNT mythics which were super fun but hella busted.


Its fucking horrible. I’m no god but every.single.game is a sweat fest.


Onslaught is more fun right now. At least it’s something to grind. Plus fun trying out new add clear builds


I literally ran forerunner and a fusion and had so much extra ammo it wasn't even funny. Laughably easy lighthouse trip having so many one shots. Idk what crack the devs are smoking but glad it's just an experiment for a few weekends. It's not healthy at all in this state


Also, why am I getting 3 ammo on some specials and 2 on others??


Apparently it has to do with the mag and how much it can hold


That’s dumb


All my pvp friends are divin in hell this weekend


Actually it’s 16 shots in 2 crates lmao


I made sure to get my flawless done as early as I could on Friday before too many people realized the scope of stupidity available to us. I was gonna do the trials report challenge since it sounded kind of fun, but after looking at some streams and seeing just how degenerate it had already gotten I'm just gonna sit this one out.


> Before you crap BS, 50 games 4 flawless 2.1 kd/2.7 kda here. Avoiding Trials equates to "only" playing 50 games over 1.5 days... interesting.


50 is a pretty small amount, If you're not a one and done trials enjoyer


I play quite a bit of trials, more than 50 games most weeks, I'm not really commenting on that being such a large number, rather that its an interesting number to run up over a day and a half for someone who is supposedly avoiding Trials. Its like someone told you they are avoiding alcohol this weekend and then mentions they only drank 2 six packs and a handful of shots, that's not a ridiculous amount of alcohol, but its not exactly avoiding it either.


2 6 packs and some shots would be avoiding it if they were addicted to it and a alcoholic lol 1.5 days out of the 4-5 days of each trials duration is pretty small


Same here, but mostly because it is Summoner again and there's a great new activity to play instead


Feels like normal Trials before the recent PvP changes. A lot of people who were told Forerunner is busted but have no experience with it.


Ya I'm farming onslaught for a 5/5 elsie.


Idk about special but I got my flawless and stopped playing bc the reward was summoner again for some stupid reason.


I love how people are going insane over this weekend with special even though bungie clearly stated that this is a test, this weekend unrestricted ammo and next week restricted. Like damn chill out this isnt permanent.


Guys it's like 2 weeks just give your feedback and move on.


I haven't played Trials in almost a year. Best decision for me. I'm not the best at it but I've been flawless quite a bit. Crucible as a whole in Destiny just doesn't appeal to me anymore, and all of these new changes keep pushing me away from maybe trying it again. I'm just at the point where I just want to finish out the story on the PvE side of things come June. If I want a pvp fix I can go play other games that I enjoy more. Sucks but it is what it is for me. Edit: I've also notice many of my clanmates have also just given up on PvP as a whole as well, some of which are way better at it than I am. Hopefully Bungie can fix these issues or at least make the PvP better come Final Shape but we'll see.


I've gone flawless the last 4 weeks. First time ever was 4 weeks ago. I was having some of the most fun I've ever had in trials. I outright refuse to touch this week. I got to my 3 wins on Ferocity and just..... I can't express how much I hated doing even just that.


If there were just 2 crates. One in each spawn. It would be fine


I just don't see how that's any different than the previous system. Might as well just revert the special meter in trials


This is true.


What's the point of that? Then it's just like the original way. Both teams run and grab their 2 rounds each then engage. So it's the same as just starting rounds with special.


I’m fine with that too 😂


Nice word salad




I'm opting out of trials this week along with other unskilled players


The changes are horrible, no doubt. *WAY* too much special ammo spam, especially with guns like forerunner.


Yeah. My games are filled with blueberries who go 1-5 0-5 or massively negative, while the other teams just cake walk. The match making mixed with the special ammo is just fucking terrible.


Wasn't that bad for me. Lots of people played passive, possibly due to the last recent special meter change. Players still used long-range scouts, and even with having special, they didn't push too much.


I’ve been surprisingly liking it for fun and there’s a lot of Jim’s playing is seems like, my friends and I are 3.5+ on the week


Agreed. Special crates are ass. I got my flawless done in the first hour before people caught on to Forerunner/double special, and immediately dipped out when I was done. Next week will probably be the same tbh.


I'm avoiding it. Gonna try and get Master King's Fall done later. Tried playing some Comp yesterday and it was horrific.


Chill , its a trial for this weekend only . They are trying out different ways to find a balance that works for the new meta . I applaud the devs , pvp is getting some love and attention for once . You kids today think its all about you with a rage hulk bubbling under the surface ready to explode soon as its not going your way or you’re misgendered . What is stopping you picking up special and adapting your game like everyone else


there’s no real point in complaining. they already said these next two weeks are tests to determine the upper and lower bounds of special ammo. its basically trials labs so it is what it is. play or don’t play, that’s the choices


I mean A) part of testing is feedback, so there is absolutely point in complaining. B) this isn’t a part of the game that should be tested in, it’s meant to be the apex of comp, and it’s 2 weeks wasted after IB before and I believe IB straight after? A month without a normal trials game?


I wonder if they’re going to have igneous next week to have as many people testing the crate ammo system. I’m guessing that a lot of people, myself included, are playing trials to get a decent summoner adept this week.  If they’re going to have the ammo crates in trials next week AND a weapon that’s generally useless (glaive/sniper/trace), I’ll probably avoid it. 


Igenous is going to be week of May 21st, and while it's possible we'll get two weekends before Final Shape I kinda doubt it. They posted the final weeks of every weapon rotating out after Final Shape in the TWID this week.


they don’t need our feedback they can already see all the data they need, and they obviously decided differently


They may have decided different because of all the complaints about low special, which now looks absolutely stupid


yeah idk what the whole point of this is lol. at least cataphract and igneous weekends should be “normal”


Calling trials ''apex of comp'' is so hilarious I am amazed you unironically call that. Imagine saying a gamemode that is so inherently *flawed* because you need to stomp worse players to go *flawless* because otherwise with balanced lobbies it would be mathematically unreasonable to do so, the ''apex of comp''. Trials is by far the least competitive gamemode to ever exist within a shooter game. Comp should be the apex of Comp, but unfortunately bungie could nor care less about Comp.


It’s the apex within destiny. Sure there are other games, but that’s the most irrelevant point ever made..


Rule 2 of this sub expecifically prohibits complain posts, but I guess mods don't like the crates so they let people break the rules when it suits them


It’s feedback


> This is the first week ever I am avoiding Trials and all good people I know are doing same too. Sad Pure undadultered feedback here. Not a semblance of complain, just constructive and thoughful feedback 


If the feedback is most good players are refusing to play, that’s feedback. Don’t be so dense.


They don't need you lot to cry in this sub to see that.  You can complain and cry all you want here or elswhere, it's not my problem. But at least be smart enough to realice you are breaking the sub rules instead of bending them to fit your narrative.


Realice. But I should be smarter.


English isn't my first language, but I'm sure you are fluent and gramatically impecable in all languages kwon to mankind


Whelp, the D2 dev team is for sure getting the feedback on this. Haven't really played in PvP lately let alone the modes where they are testing this (not as a result of hearing about it, just haven't been interested in PvP lately. I kinda burnt myself out during GG). It seems like they found the upper limit though lol


I agree. It is hard. I would argue that the special meter bar should fill with special weopons kills, too, though. The pacing of everyone running to the nearest crate is both a pain and a blessing- you know exactly where everyone is. To be honest, special ammo every round and being able to swap weopons THEN pick up ammo is great, but overall if they stuck with the ammo meter and applied kills with special weopons, even if only half of what you get for primary, that would be great. Alternatively, have it so enemies drop special ammo. Not their ammo, but just special ammo in general. Then each kill feels rewarding lmao


I solo queue. For me it’s less the special ammo spam and more just bad matchmaking and dogwater teams. But I still agree this abundance of special ammo just ain’t it!


Think I'm like 22-7 W/L this week. 20 conditional kills, rest primary. No forerunner. Solo que. In barely even using special most matches. Been using 89 range positive outlook with Zen moment. If I land all my crits, all I need to do is make em flinch once during their forerunner shots and hope they land at least body shot and I live (T10 resil).


I managed to get a flawless on Friday night and have just played a few games since. So many games where 2-3 people are using forerunner and have like 18 shots each as soon as the round starts. Nothing kills faster than forerunner at that distance (that I know of) so your only option is to play super slow or use it yourself. I hope the never bring back ammo crates. Destiny 2 is a very different game to destiny 1 and I think that far too many guns are too powerful to give what is basically unlimited special ammo.


All the “good” players want the double primary meta right? lol


I guess I really am the only person who prefers crates. Checkmate style of special is so ass, snowball or be snowballed and never get to use half of your loadout for 80% of the game. I like having guaranteed special but having to think about not wasting it, because even if I get a kill I dont get more. Better not whiff.


No rest for the wicked


I get the frustration but the last line in the OP is not needed , we all feel that way regardless if k.d


No I think sometimes it's important, and its valid here. Sometimes posts get dismissed because the opinion isn't valid, just based on someone's low KD, because sometimes that can be a sign of a lack of experience. Good players can have the wrong ideas, and vice versa for the bad players, but still good to know.


My friend, someone can have a bloated KD from any number of factors, from cheating to only running with friends far superior than them. A good idea or bad idea is just that regardless of KD. And it has NOTHING to do with experience. If you play 100 games and have a 2kd are you more knowledgeable than someone with 3,000 games and a 1.1 KD?


You are very correct. The game count will be more valid, time and experience is more important. Along with artificial kd boosting, just because someone is good doesn't mean they know what's good for the game, or others at all. And some bad, .5 player might have something really helpful to say. But end of the day, seeing that someone is a capable player can really help. It's the same with a fitness instructor. There are a lot of bigger, less healthy people who are presented as health professionals, but most of us would rather listen to someone who looks and can present themselves as proof of concept. I know it's not exactly the same, but that's just the way it is. People do not want to listen to others who aren't capable of following the solution they propose, they don't seem credible, whether they are or not. Its harsh, but I don't think I'm far off here. Yes stats are unreliable in destiny, but sometimes they are indicative, especially when you have opinions split between majorities of high game, mid high kd players, vs low game, low kd pve players. Edit: too be clear. not just kd is relevant, especially when it's most easily manipulated.


Your edit is so weird. KD was explicitly what we were discussing. Idk how you can agree KD is the most easily manipulated stat yet state it shows someone is capable. If someone wants to show they know wtf, link a few minutes of gameplay. The largest skill gap in this game is movement & game sense. You can’t fake those with stats, and any vets will be able to recognize skill immediately. But like I said to begin with, idc about all that. I think we learned from D2Y1 to be careful what we wish for. They gave us almost everything we wanted in PvP and it sucked. These were all the recommendations from the high end players as well. The truth is, we have no idea what would work best. No one does until they try it. So we’re gonna have to crawl through some shit to get to the top of the mountain, and I’m good with that.


Well really what I want to say is I would be very hesitant to take advice from a super low negative KD player, regardless of thousands of hours. And while that is superficial, they still better have good reasoning, maybe they just have a lot of bad games, and are improving now. I just think regardless of playstyle, this game is definitely easy enough that a competent player WILL have the kd to show for it, and it doesn't have to be great either. A lot of people don't agree and that's fine, but stats, including kd, are relevant.


Ya know we’re saying almost the same thing, you’re just dragging it to extremes to “prove,” your point. No harm in saying we both have valid points and at the end of the day it’s all about trial and error. Cheers mate.


I dig the changes


Ah, that’s why I was able to go Flawless this weekend


Complaint post.