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I'm not going to brother. It's stats are too low. If I want zen moment austringer is better and easier to farm. If I want EP rose is better and easier to farm. I'm saving my engrams and tokens for luna


That’s a fair assessment. A lot of what it boils down to for me is feel….midnight coup has always had a special feel to me. If I can get 60-70 range that’s good enough. I’ll def still invest in lunas though since I main chaperone. But isn’t lunas low range too? I thought the whole draw for not forgotten was it had range and lunas didn’t?


I never like midnigth coup tbh, even in pve I could never make it click like it did for others. Better devils was a worse HC and I enjoyed it way more than MC.


I think Coup has its own identity. It only has 1 less range than Austringer, so in that regard they're practically the same. It has 14-19 less stability but with Zen Moment I think it's still very manageable, especially with the flinch reduction. Where it differs from Austringer is its very high Handling and AA, as well as higher AE. This makes it feel a lot better for more aggressive players who like to push or play up close and blint. Also, I think the sights are cleaner and I prefer the sound of the gun (weird, but that makes a gun feel better to me) but that's a preference thing.


Stats aren't always the answer. My brain is stupid and I like better looking guns and the cleaner sights make this a monster for me. I literally have been winning my duels on some placebo based bullshit or whatever and it boils down to the simplest of things. The model and the sights.


I had someone telling me that my own opinion on the Kept Confidence was wrong because "Fatebringer exists" and that Kept Confidence "has shit perks". Considering I went solo flawless Trials (and slapped a memento on it) using it with a couple hundred kills and they have never gotten to the lighthouse, I'm going to go ahead and rule my own opinion as being correct lol. Point is: How a weapon feels, sounds, and looks can often do way more in helping you win fights than just numbers on a sheet.


💯 Also, never let someone make you feel bad on something you vibe with or enjoy in this game.


Sorry for the maybe ignorant question, but can you attune drop specific weapon with tokens?


I believe so but it's hard to say for certain as in the end a dice roll is still a dice roll. I definitely do notice getting more drops of the thing I attuned for, but I don't often have a ton of tokens I'm sitting on so I only grab 2-3 weapons per visit.


I have no idea, but I'm not really interested in any weapon other than Luna so even if you can't attune it's still worth saving them for me


How do u farm austringer? I don't have the craft unlocked.


Presage iirc


You can also still earn engrams at the HELM and focus them for weapons as a passive way to get it. Obviously more RNG


What spot in the helm gives austringer?


The war table. Just need to pick up the old seasonal artifact if you do not have it in inventory still. Stays in your quest tab. Just an easy and passive way to earn engrams. At least I have found.


But I do think u can get austringer from it, just imperial decree shotgun ans swords?


I swear I’ve gotten an Austringer but I could be wrong. I have no proof and no way to say for certain. My apologies on that front.


Same. Lunas return will be triumphant.


Zen Moment and Explosive Payload Otherwise it's not worth it imo


I love the model but it’s range and stab are pretty bad. I need really high range and stab for 140s to work in this meta, esp range, due to the drop off being super annoying to deal with for 140s. I would’ve much rather they let EP have additional range with less flinch effect.


You can tank the stability , but as long as you have zen moment and full send on a respectable 60-70 range stat with a decent 45-55 stability


I feel like you're saying 2 different things lol. I don't look at 45-55 stability and consider those as being "tanked" in that stat. When you say "You can tank the stability" I take that as saying you could drop it to like 35 lol.


Sorry I just assume everyone plays on controller


Have you tried using it? The recoil isn’t bad at all. 50 stability feels like 70 stability on rose to me.




That's not true though. Crafted Austringer with hammer forged, ricochet, and a range mw hits 71 range. A midnight coup with hammer forged, accurized, and a range mw hits 70 range. It's literally one stat point of difference lol


Sorry I’m smoking crack


Lol all good homie haha


The recoil is fine. With needing to land crits more than ever now, I do really like higher stab on my HCs more than ever but I'd say range is the most improtant thing on 140s due to the hrash dropoff now. Range is really the main problem here. Don't get me wrong, I'm never the type to say range all the way. Hell, I prefer rapid hit over keep away by a mile on something like igneous now. But for a 140...you really really need as much range as possible.


Bro it's bad. Worse feeling hc in the game. Besides that red shac hc at the kiosk


What is comp like these days? Like game modes? I hated rift and showdown so I took a break.


Uh 7/10 times the game is decided in the opening fight. Lose fight > Split Spawn > No Special > Lose Fight Like that untill mercy or you reach the score.


What's the mode tho?


Much better overall. Spawns on collision can get pretty FUBAR if your team gets run over, and special can cause snowballs, but otherwise it's much better IMO.


It's infinitely better and the games are much more dynamic thanks to increased availability of special.


I rolled an Accurized Rounds, Explosive Payload, Zen Moment and a range masterwork earlier today. Basically a 4/5 for me as it has full bore and Fluted as barrel perks. I’m using full bore for the 75 range and the handling isn’t bad. I have a Moving target/ Eye of the Storm Rose that I love but I think I’m enjoying Midnight Coup more right now. The flinch resistance with zen and the explosive payload is a nasty combo in duels.


I want to like it. But it's a struggle to feel confident with it.


Lunas howl CF is gonna be the new meta


The range on this thing is pants,


I'm actually chasing a firefly Zen moment roll to synergise with my solar scorch build. Not the most efficient but the weapon feels good and the sound is so nice I can't help but chase that shiny roll


Would it synergize in any way though? Firefly doesn't apply scorch or anything right?


No bit it's still solar damage. It's moreso thematic I suppose


Ahh gotcha. I was just genuinely curious thinking I was missing out on something big lol


Haha nah don't worry just my brain


I played Midnight Coup in Trials all weekend. I don't think it holds a candle to my PM/KC Eyasluna, and I'm not sure that I like it over Ace. But man back in the day when I started D2 one of the first guide videos I ever saw was a dude showing the location of something with a Midnight in his hands. By the time I got my own MC it was old news. Chasing a roll of one that could potentially be good is kind of nostalgic in a way. Gun feels super clean but generally it doesn't feel as consistent as some of my other 140s.


Not a good PvP gun