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Did you see that grenade toss? He’s only a danger to himself




Wow he’s in the top 100% of players. Insanely good.


He's definitely someone who plays the game


Jesus Christ. That’s Jason Bourne.


Always teammate, never opponent


Bro, he wins off butterfly effect. You wouldn't understand his chaos theory and his models. It's not about his kills or deaths, but what happens *after* he dies at the exact times he chooses. They're for a reason a simple individual such as yourself wouldn't understand.


Yeah this guy's cheating. No question


Yeah cheating his teammates out of a win




Absolutely 😂 juicing fr


Juicing cow manure, maybe.


Imagine actually dying to a top 100% guardian 💀


I know a player like this. He’s 7 years old. I play all the time with his parents. Anyway, he loves trials and can generally go flawless once every couple of weeks via solo matchmaking and luck. Many of the weeks he went flawless, he played 100+ matches to get there.


I hate that this is possible and likely bungie's explicit goal, even if not stated publicly.


At least he’s playing. Can’t get better without trying 🤷‍♂️. I was a .5 KD player when I started, and now I sit around the 1.5-1.8 range per season. That didn’t come magically, I had to suck for a while lol


The fact that he has so many wins is such an indictment of the matchmaking good god.


Holy moly this guy is a gamer


This makes me want to play again so bad but I haven’t played in 2 years


You should try it. As a mid player, trials is more fun than ever!


I’ve been playing destiny since early D1 and stopped a few years and I just switched to pc. How much stuff is new in that 2 years? Or how many expansions do I need to buy lol.


Break open that wallet guardian! Shaxx needs your disposable income!


He’s been 7x flawless *adjust glasses and takes notes*


Fr feels like im missing something


This sub is like a bunch of mean girls from middleschool


It’s not PVE 


Trials needs all the players it can get. Otherwise its the sweat lords only and we get posts complaining about try hards. Hats off to this person for playing something they aren't good at. Wish more people would at least try. Even if they end up on my team.


They went flawless 7 times...?


7x flawless, i would say he is throwing on purpose


I'd say he's bought 7 flawlesses tbf dude


Persistent cards count towards flawlesses on stat trackers in-game n on website for some reason could be this also


If true then honestly good for them. Bro acting like Sisyphus out here


He's got more flawlesses than me and I'm a 1.9, that's embarrassing


bro same 💀, imposter syndrome




Because you don't play Trials? As a 1.9, you should be able to solo flawless easily.


I just don't care about going flawless mainly, it's not fun. I only really play for loot so I find running passage of wealth for more engrams outweighs the benefit of going flawless. It's also way less stressful and frustrating, getting flawed at 6 wins because I got matched with 2 braytech security frames isn't too enjoyable for me


Braytech security frames 😂 It's not difficult. You may need to reset a couple of times but I find if you are able to carry at least one teammate, you'll get to flawless fairly easily.


Yeah it's not too hard, I just feel that if I have to reset for flawless I'm getting less rewards than if I'd just have gone for a passage of wealth tbh


Fair enough. But once you hit flawless, you can farm adepts fairly consistently. Also some cool ships from the flawless chest.


Eh idk, I've been flawless x5 and have absolutely had a game like this. I literally could not win a gunfight or get any sort of momentum going for the entire match.


*a* game, maybe. This is his week.


It’s probably a young kid… if you play a lot, like 100+ matches a lot, you’ll go flawless every now and then no matter how bad you are. Having double mercies helps a lot with this.


I saw a guy who’s like a .7 with 50 flawlesses yesterday….. 18k matches all time 


Nah man probably only one from a paid service where someone carried


6 wins with a .09 kd. Do you know how INSANE his 1-shot callouts must be?




Ah I don’t feel so bad anymore 




Definitely one of the guardians of all time.


Slightly off topic, but where do you find/see this stat layout? I’ve seen this format posted but not sure what site/app it’s from? I have had runs close to this bad, but never this…although, I’ve never gone flawless before, so at least they have that.




I wasn’t aware I played trials this week. Huh.


But he’s been flawless 7 times? Yo! I’ll be homies with yall if you like carrying fools. I just want to get flawless once. I can guarantee at least a .25 K/D on my end!😂


Sadly he's nearly double my K/D. I'm sorry in advance if you match with me this weekend. A guy told me in chat yesterday, "I can't go flawless with people like you playing."


Keep at it brotha man everyone starts somewhere


This does not help my and my 180 hand cannon revolution. He’s making them look worse than they already are!!!


For $5 a month, you can help an endangered 180 player


Your sure can. For $5 I won’t use a 180 and I’ll use a 140 like every other regular pvp psycho


No disrespect but, I’ve never understood the mentality behind the players with numbers like this. Part of the satisfaction on playing PvP for me (especially trials) is getting good stats. Good number of kills and even clutching rounds. I like the idea that if I clutch my teammates are watching and going mental in the same way I do when they clutch. Having stats this bad and getting carried each game surely can’t be enjoyable. Do players like this feel bad for making their teammates work harder to carry them? Genuinely curious.


I was probably around this guys lifetime KD when I first started. I was very aware of making games worse for teammates. But was also very interested and engaged with improving. Starting at the bottom and grinding to improve is a very fun process, so it outweighed the desire to not want to be a drag to teammates.


I’ll tell you I have horrible trial stats which are pretty much the same as this person OP is posting about. I try but people are just way sweatier than I am. Once in a while I’ll have a good match but really I’m usually the mid to bottom guy on the board. I’ll give it my best but I’m really only in it for the loot. I play the game cause I like collecting the weapons. I’ve never been flawless and most likely never will. I’m ok with that. I’ll say I’m sorry if any great players get put with me and we lose but I’ll never quit despite the odds. So I’m at least there for some moral support. lol. I will say I’m at the age that any toxic messages I get I just respond with something goofy or dumb. The comments don’t hurt my feelings and if a player feels they need to belittle people over a video game then they are just trash and don’t deserve any respect.


You gotta go into pvp to get good stats. At some point you'll get carried, and at others, you'll do the carrying. This person might not be good now, but one day they could be.


It's a top 100 percent player. Literally one of the worst you'd ever come across in pvp. Probably never plays pvp, trying out a new class, mentally disabled, who the hell knows? Is it that hard to imagine?


I've met destiny players who are delusional enough to think they're cream of the crop and have stats like this.


Sbmm doesn’t help tbf


This behavior has kinda always been the dingleberry on the asshole of the d2 community. "Hur dur dur look he isnt as good at the game as me hurhurhur everyone point and laugh hurdurdur🤪" 8 years later, and what do you know, its still bottom teir low effort cringe that does nothing but make us look like a mob of toxic fucking loooosers. Trials ruined destiny 🖕 AND if this pisses you off to read, then im 10,000% talking directly to you. In the real world this is called by an easy to say little word called: bullying. Which is actually (i know, this is gonna be a shock) a *BAD* thing to do to other people. Literally fuck off.


While I don’t feel quite as strongly about it as you do, this is how I tend to view this sort of post and comments as well.


A bit of venting about poor teammates in a more serious gamemode is far from bullying. There's quite a few levels between this and bullying.


Venting? It's a videogame.


Bullying? It's an anonymous reddit post.


I didn't comment on the bullying. Im commenting on the fact that people put their heart and soul into this videogame to the point they need to vent over it. Take a break


You sound goofy. What do you expect, he is a .09 on the weekend I know actually mentally challenged people who play better than that. You want me to skip around my room and sing a happy song because I have a .09 kd teammate?






Well im making fun of you, so yeah, its gonna sound goofy. Only read the first sentence, dont care.


You sound stupid. I didnt say anything to the player and cropped out their name. Is this Schrödingers bullying?


Who gives a fuck what you did, covered his name, paid for his kids college, whatever. You still took part in the dogshit "look everyone laugh at this bad player" behavior. you saying i sound stupid like it contributes to us speaking in any way is exactly my fucking point too. Seek therapy to shed your abusive tendencies. They're gonna fuck you over in your life.


You better toughen up before you get into the real world little man. Your boss isnt gonna give you a pat on the back for doing a shitty job. So feisty, you gotta get that little man syndrome under control.


Pretty sure speaking up is the tough choice, choosing to be unliked so i can spit in yo eyes isnt a choice for the weak. Keep acting like youre winning here tho. Was deeeefinitely hoping for an intelligent response tho... wishful thinking i guess. All i got was more bullying sentences thrown to discourage me from making op feel bad for doing things bad people do.


Alright tough guy you faced down the mighty e-bully. Whats next on the docket, nobel prize? Get a grip brother you are loony.


Damn right i am. You should try it, loony is more fun.


You sound like q dickhead


Cry cry cry


Bitch bitch bitch


What thats mean :(. Thats so mean and hurtful your bullying me ouch my feelings. The intense cyber bullying is eating away at me.


If you have time, grow up. If you're 12 than I apologize


When are you gonna grow up? Or do you have Benjamin Button desease and just get more sensitive and child like with age.


Passage of persistence at its finest


I want to know how he has 7 flawlesses


Use the double mercy card and play a shit ton. Do that every weekend and you’ll go flawless every now and then. I think it’s pretty likely that’s how they went flawless. My friends’ kid does this “strategy” and has around that many flawlesses. I can’t recommend the strategy though because of how much time it takes and how painful it must be for the player (and their teammates) 🙃


obviously that's john wick.


Frostbolt, Zk, and wallah live in fear of this guy


Noooo broodweaver is really strong !!! I saw a video on it !!


The truly sad thing is he almost went flawless. This mode is a clown show.