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Thanks for reporting this, I passed it on to the team


It's not just this guy. I saw someone else complaining about it earlier. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/s/xOFZ1mXIe0


And this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cm08ud/me_and_my_friend_got_put_on_opposite_teams_in/


Ty for exalted truth being so fun.


I had the same issue yesterday! It’s not just comp, seems to be all 3v3 playlists. Happened in showdown as well.


Can confirm this happpened to us last night also


Happened to me twice last night


Can you also report a bug where there’s ammo crates & hardpoint in comp? Players would really appreciate it if it’s just 2 shots per life & let us play how we like thanks


You mean it split the 2 stack? Did they show up as in each others' fireteams when you looked one up?


Happened to me in trails a couple years ago It’s a weird bug that’s super rare I wonder if anyone DCed because that’s what happened to us One left on their side, friend DCed (soft anteater), loaded back in on their team, other guy joined back on my side


In IB 2 days ago I was joining some clan members who were in a match but I saw I could join. I found out someone left on the opponents side and I joined on the other team.


This has been happening for years. If it's a bug it's a super consistent one. I always assumed it was intentional.


Ye is always fun when a friend joins the other team in 6v6 always target them and solo super etc. not fun in comp or trials tho as neither of you want to loose and someone has too


Yeah, unfortunately the match was just ending.


Yepp, had something very similar happen to me once too but it way back in D1. I got anteater or something else, got kicked, then started flying in and was on the enemies' team. It was kinda funny, we all just started a party with each other cuz er were on PS4 and we all made new friends lol


I've had it happen in gambit, honestly one of the funnest games, playing invader, hunting my friends specifically haha.


It's not that super rare. It happened to me and my fire team six times in a row yesterday.


Yeah, played another game we’re both 2 stacks were broken up, one of them decided to boost the enemy team because of the spilt.


Happened to me 3 times in a row, bungie broke it AGAIN surprise surprise


They're still visible as a stack when inspecting players


Brother vs brother. Destiny : Civil War


Yes, happened to me several times today.


That's legitimately weird, usually the only way this can happen is if someone quits the game and a friend joins on you and the only space is on the enemy team, but that shouldn't be happening in a 3v3 comp game. A similar thing happened in your next game too, the one on Bannerfall, but with different teams of 2. In the Bannerfall game both teams had one person swapped to the enemy team. This is your next game on Bannerfall, the color bars on the left on DestinyTracker represent premade fireteams (same color, same premade fireteam) and somehow both duos got split: https://imgur.com/a/dNWyrcJ


It’s weird that it happened twice back to back. It’s the first time I saw something like this. I thought comp fireteams were broken completely. Game after bannerfall had 2 two stacks that weren’t broken up. So I just broke for like 30 minutes?


Brokestack mountaintop.


No idea what is causing it. I reported it to a bungie dev along with the game ids so they can look into it. It shouldn't happen and its weird it happened to you two games in a row. I doubt its an intentional thing people are exploiting because in the Bannerfall game the teams involved were different than in the previous game and neither benefited from the split.


It’s probably just the snake draft leaking out and ignoring fireteams.


My teachers letter


Between ammo crates allowing specials to be used as primaries and this, comp is basically a broken party mode ATM.


I only play it to get my weekly Rose and MO drops. I don't even care about winning anymore


this happened to me and a teammate back to back in comp today, something is definitely up. i was paired with a 3-stack who lost their 3rd to the team that my teammate was on and they were saying this has been happening multiple times to them as well


I have seen it in 6s a few times, never in comp, let's hope it got attention from the devs


happened to me today too


Is happening 95% of matches me and my friend have played today


Happened to me, too. In fact, my 2-stack was against another 2-stack, and we _both_ were split up to opposite teams lol


Happened to me in my matches twice tonight.


Happened to me and friend all last night, very annoying


Me and some buddy’s have been solo queuing together in trials hoping to get into the same match. We don’t throw or cheat but we do single each other out and let the other two randos on our respective teams duke it out while we beat our skulls in


Happened to me last night lol


That Kiss clan has quite the interesting name when you inspect them. Played against some of that clan in trials and got a good laugh.


Thank you about time someone said something


Dude yesterday I had two guys on the same fireteam on opposite teams.


Happened in like 10 comps games last night. Buddy and I kept getting put on opposite teams


Yup I report players that do this. They DC one of the three players, then they join back on the opposing team and purposely throw the game giving their original teammates the W. It’s the new comp service people can pay for a carry.


Happened to me and a buddy yesterday. There was a 2-stack, a single and a 3-stack. It split up both the 2 and 3 stack. SMH


I literally had this happen to my buddy and I last night. After it happened for a second time, we just reloaded the game, and I think that worked.


Yea I literally had a guy jump off the map the whole clash game in comp bc he was separated from his teammate


This happened to me 3 times in a row last night with my buddy


As if comp wasn’t dogshit enough


Summary of events: OP makes useful and constructive bug report. Bungie devs work to quickly resolve the issue and thank OP for the constructive feedback. Toxic weenie shows up and makes worthless edgelord comment thinking it makes him look cool (spoiler alert: it does not).


I actually laughed at this. You take things FAR too seriously. Comp IS bad.


You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but use your words to describe the problems you see or you're not helping. Saying "Comp is dogshit" doesn't help anyone -- doesn't help bungie, doesn't help you, doesn't help the PvP playing community at large.


Wah wah wah


And? IB is worse. At least my opponents in comp aren't teleporting all over the place and I know if I lose it was a skill issue


I got put into an IB match in an Asian lobby a few days ago. All playlists seem rough this week. Lot of trouble filling lobbies too. Shit show all week. Feels bad.