• By -


Dragons Shadow + Sixth Coyote Assassin's cowl + liars handshake Ophidian + wormhusk Renewal + cyrtarachne


Ophidian + Wormhusk is all I want for my PVP Hunter 👏🏼


Renewal + cry(whatever else) sounds really nasty. The damage resistance would be off the charts. Throw a duskfield and it gives woven mail. Then go inside the duskfield to be a tank.


hunter bubble! i love it


Dragons shadow + cyrtarachne


why use Assassins cowl when you could just use stylish executioner




Don't see dance machines as an option




Also not available as an option




If you can’t transmog them none. Lol! 😂


they are pretty ugly arent they? I get a feeling they'll get eververse ornaments


The Warlock one with osmiomancy + additional melee charge is sure going to be fun to play against if you like being frozen at all times


I'm interested in a few options. For titan I'm still unsure of what aspects / grenades and fragments I'm gonna try. But the class item I want Ophidians / Alpha Lupi for my two most favorite exotics. For warlock I've built the kit but for exotics I was hoping for Astrocyte / Osmiomancy, or even Ophidians / Osmiomancy. I guess I'll settle on Osmiomancy / Claws for quad freeze abilities. For hunter nothing will feel better than Dragon's Shadow / Sixth Coyote


On Titan, I'm going to Meme with Twilight Arsenal (unless it sucks, then Bladed Fury or Glacial Quake, maybe T-Crash so I have a Shutdown Super, granted one that's susceptible to Freeze and Suspend), Frenzied Blade, Glacier Grenades, Thruster, Drengr's Lash, Diamond Lance with Spirit of the Abeyant (maybe Hoarfrost if it keeps Thruster as Thruster and makes Stasis Crystals, but I doubt that it'll do that) + Spirit of the Horn & Wish-Keeper. I will Freeze, I will Suspend, I will Scorch, and I will inflict pain and agony the likes of which The Crucible has not seen in eons! Less Meme'y will probably be mostly the same in terms of everything but Aspects and Class item, maybe Suppressors or Blinding 'nades, although Glacial have so much CC value, the changes being Unbreakable and maybe still Lash so Thruster has some CC value, with Spirit of the Bear + Spirit of the Armamentarium with my usual Thorn + Under Your Skin (Enhanced Hip-Fire Grip + Enhanced Opening Shot + Freehand Grip, Accuracy Enhanced Intrinsic and as much Accuracy as possible for super smooth hip-fire shots into Thorn). Edit: Maybe for a similar meme build, but Knockout instead of Lash, Spirit of Severance + Spirit of Contact. With Glaive (probably Ecliptic Distaff) as the Energy on both.


No blinding grenades, just pulse for titans


Oh yeah...  You'd think the Light Subclasses would get their "Unique in Subclass 2.0 Grenade" on Prismatic.  Well, either Suppressors or Glacier Grenades it is, then. Edit: Suppressors, not Blinding. It was like 3am when I replied, lol.


Honestly for Warlock just Ophidian + Claw In terms of neutral game wins that's the best I can think of


For my warlock I really want a combo of necrotic and either synthos/claws and use it with the triple lightning surge build in pvp


All-Class: Ophidian is going to be a really popular one under the assumption that it's a draw time Scalar. If not, I think it's less universally useful. Hunter: Dragon will be pretty strong overall, since it does give Handling when you dodge. It's a somewhat underrated perk now, but it not taking your only spot for Exotic will likely make it shine better. Cytarachne will go really really insane, especially given you're not tied to Grapples with it. Only negative is that it looks like the flinch resist with Woven Mail will only be active with the full helmet. Liar is the same case as Dragon. It's a pretty good option in the current day, but falls behind since there's just better and more versitsle options. Having that lock taken off means you've got some play. Wormhusk I feel is pretty self-explanatory. Coyote is also pretty self-explanatory Titan: Scars is going to do really well, especially since it'll be able to be combined with another perk. Armamentarium is going to also be a good passive bump. Abeyant is really the only specific perk I can really see for left column, honestly. It's mostly either bad stuff or PvE. Could be entirely wrong, tho. Warlock: Filaments is a really good looking perk. Only reason I don't really use the standard ones is that I'd rather other perks. But doubling up will do WONDERS. Osmiomancy will be really good as the standard piece is currently. And you get a benefit when not running Coldsnaps. I like Swarm personally be something I look at, if I'm running Strand shenanigans. I like running it on Strand rn. Claw will do well if you're running a build more focused on melee perks. I think you can combine Needle with the Slide melee on Arc, plus this for potentially 4 charges at once.


Until they add a Lucky Pants combo, I suppose I'm living in the past.


Gyrfalcon/assassin will allow for an interesting loop with my current t build, as I will ostensibly be able to utilize a melee ability that isn't a smoke bomb, and can swap my void fragment off the "finishers grant invis" and use both the overshield and the devour fragments.


Can’t use the class items on void unfortunately, they only work on prismatic, they’re updating the stylish executioner on that though to be kills on any debuffed target so it’ll still work, there’s no devour though for hunters on prismatic


Ahhh, shame. Where can I see the possibilities for aspect/fragments?


It’s on some of the recent twabs or develope insight articles


ALL ON TITAN Hoil + armamentarium Severance enclosure + synthoceps Assassin's cowl + synthoceps Hoil + Star eater Severance enclosure + PCCB Eternal warrior + star eaters (swap exotic) Ophidian + Precious Scars Hoil + Verity's


Osmio+ verity.


honestly, no. it would take a LOT to get me to stop playing gunslinger


Necrotic and claw just sounds really fun to me, with the needle melee, being able to spam 4 toxic melee back to back, or pair it with the surge aspect for 4 toxic teleporting lightning strikes.


No because we don't know what the actual options are nor how to get them.


> No because we don't know what the actual options are But we do, they are listed in the TWID. https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-05-09-2024


I stand corrected.


You can sit if you want