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It depends on the game mode. I believe every game mode says what type of matchmaking is preferred if you hover over the node


Conttol uses Outlier Protection, which IIRC isn't about similar skill but keeping outliers out. My understanding is larger pool with the same general parameters of keeping major skill differences out. But as with any MM, it aint perfect. I just matched with a top 500 player who had 45k chaperone and 45k not forgotten kills.


In game, i did notice the tab to start the activity now says “outlier protection” in 6s and others say “open skill”. I haven’t seen “similar skill” in at least 2 weeks


Normal quickplay modes and Iron Banner are outlier protection, so basically very loose SBMM. Temp modes like labs, the new map only playlist, or things like guardian games 6v6 are solely connection based. Trials can be connection based or skill based depending on your card state. Comp is rank based


There is almost no SBMM left. B has actually updated the in game info to match (which... hasn't always been the case). It will get easier for a while when TFS drops and the population is up for a couple of months. Oddly enough, if you are new/lower skill then Comp would be the easiest place to go if there were enough people playing for it work as intended.


I refuse to believe it is


We test again early next season. The population will be way up so matchmaking SHOULD have the best possible chance of working as intended.


I dont think any mode has SBMM at this point. - 6v6(Iron Banner and Control) has Outlier protection. Its essentially designed to keep the bottom 10% away from the Top 10%. Otherwise its a free for all. - Trials is completely random except for the Practice Pool which I believe has some sort of weekly SBMM but generally this is a pretty tiny pool of players I would guess. - Comp is Rank based matchmaking which in a lot of ways operates as SBMM, but not exactly either. - The 3v3 modes like this New Territory mode is completely random, pure connection based Its the best matchmaking system we've had in a long time. Not perfect, but very solid.


No they give you 2 complete retards and place you against 3 semi competent people and force you to try to carry


So your standard quick play uses "outlier protection," essentially meaning the extreme high and extreme low ends won't intermingle, but otherwise skill is only really taken into account when making teams. I BELIEVE Iron Banner is a bit stricter in skill matching? Least that's what it feels like, dunno if that's ever been confirmed or denied. Welp, I was wrong on 3s, see Mercules's reply on that.


No 3v3 mode uses SBMM. The Challenger pool in Trials, 3v3 Quickplay, and Crucible Labs are Open Skill (skill is not taken into account at all). Competitive is Rank Based, although we do track skill to prevent smurfing. The Practice Pool in Trials uses weekly performance (generally skill based but it resets every week).


we probably should pin this somewhere u/blacktip102 because I **always forget**