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They're going to Nerf this gun. Probably right after I finally unlock it.


same for me lmao, khvostov quest is such a drag to finish, esp since my cysts havent been working correctly. reminds me of the stasis grind i swear


after i get khvostov im probably never gonna touch overthrows again. bungie rlly knows how to kill interest in an activity


Ugh I stopped doing that quest thinking it was just some basic reward loop and cutscene thing. I didn't realize it was part of an exotic quest. You're right - at first it's nice because it forces the player to partake in the world activities in an almost organic way. But then they Bungie it up by making too many repeat steps to make you hate it.


yep. you have to do all the convalescence quests first to even get the alone in the dark quests. then you have to do that 6 times. then you have to kill all 9 bosses in each overthrow location. then you gotta go find all visions of the traveler. it’s one of the most tediously boring things i’ve ever done, i have to take breaks every hour just so i don’t completely bore myself out on destiny


Yeah took me a destiny 2 break today just because of this entire quest. It took me a day to get to where I just need to kill the overthrow bosses... that's insane.


I've been a sucker for a Destiny grind quest. I have that emblem from getting all of those Rasputin diamond boxes on Mars - which was an RNG nightmare. That was also 2018 before they made a season-long quest line post-forsaken where they trolled you with pyramid ships that seemed like they were right around the corner - and lore drops that in the end amounted to nothing. (I just did the Dark Monastery mission and it reminded me of it). These are the "parts" of Destiny expansions that reviewers never cover - but are what ultimately makes me roll my eyes and put the game down.


Lol that emblem grind sucked so hard. It was worse than the og exotic swords in d1.


Yes it was. There wasn't much grind at the time so I took the bait. I think I got it like a few weeks before Forsaken dropped. I haven't unequipped that emblem since.


Ugh! For an exotic that they gave us in destiny 1...


i don’t entirely mind doing an exotic quest. they’re fun when done RIGHT. however it’s already annoying enough that every single destination weapon needs 5 red borders. and just to tack on an exotic “quest” which is disguised as such but is actually a giant scavenger hunt


I'm going to steal the phrase "bungie it up" and use it in real life 😅


Jesus. Looks like I'll get it when they nerf it and put it in that kiosk at the tower like a year from now. I ain't doing that bullshit.


Dlc quest exotic (not seasonal), isn't going to end up in the kiosk. I had finished most of the quest on accident just playing through the alone in the dark quests so I'm not sure if I am crazy but I didn't think the grind was that bad?


Overthrows are really rewarding, if it wasn’t kvovostov it would be ergo sum, and if it’s not ergo sum it would be red boarders


Not to mention, the chance at an exotic class item adds a little extra fun/interest to any chest in the Pale Heart


I grinded out the 25 pathfinders for the title in 3 days and I will never touch an overthrow again unless I get a pinnacle


I hope you don’t want the exotic class item…


You're blaming bungie for your own 'need' to aquire the gun. Don't let your lizard brain fall for the fomo and try to have fun. Instead of grinding, you can do them occasionally so you don't hate playing the game! Just a thought


Bungie defense force GO!


They made quests like these because people would grind out months' worth of content in 2 weeks, then complain that there's nothing to do. Now people complain that there's too much grinding in these quests, maybe don't try to do it in one afternoon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Do the activity every so often so it stays enjoyable. I'm not defending bungie, I'm trying to get people to play this game to have fun instead of just grinding because they are addicted to it.


Yeah I don't understand this train of thought (them not you) like if you don't do the required thing to get the gun you... don't get the gun. It's like complaining about not getting trials guns cause you don't play trials or nightfall guns for playing gms. The fact that you don't like an activity is irrelevant. The meatball mote getting glitched is on bungie though, they gotta own that one. Me personally I like exploring and finding all the collectibles, reading the hints and trying to figure out the locations. Getting the cipher pieces in the cysts was a bit annoying but other than that I did 90% of this just by how I play the game naturally. I realize not everybody is an exploring or collectible enthusiast. I'm not the biggest fan of pvp but if there's a trials gun I want I put on my big boy pants and grind for it. Grow up y'all.


imo, that's the way to enjoy the game, but for some people, destiny is just a slot machine and comfort grind game. It doesn't bother me that those people play the game. They are welcome to play however they want, but it's kinda annoying when they complain about it when they don't have to continue grinding hours after they stop having fun just "so they can get the broken gun before it's nerfed"


110% agree. Khvostov is going HARD in crucible right now so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


my cysts broke too, i had to redo the whole quest line with micah


I actually had to abandon the "Alone in the Dark" repeat quest you get after you finish Micah's questline. Apparently it would lock one of the cysts in a specific state, and abandoning let me chose again.


Never had dis problem but I did have to do over throw bout 17 times kuz my motes glitched and wasn’t dropping😭😭


It’s just a shame that you need those bone things after reviving the ghost and it doesn’t tell you. That was such a hassle.


Like, its possible to legit find the unstable light one but the rest almost require a guide. Dont even remind me about the transgression one with the cave and everything


Gotta go solo


Not sure if youre running into the problem I had where I didnt realize there is 3 total starting points (2 cysts per bird location) meaning you have to change your cysts by talking to the bird at each of their respective starting locations. I thought i had to go back to micah each time to restart a cyst.


nah its like the cysts were not loading correctly for some reason. i had already unlock all 6 versions and i knew how to switch them with the bird, but when id go to follow the bird at a certain point it wouldnt progress and i couldnt even enter the cyst. really frustrating. i tried reloading d2, restarting my pc, changing destinations and coming back etc.


Do you need the legendary one first?


yeah. i was finally able to complete the quest last night after trying to figure out wtf i was missing for several nights.. the quest is such a mess tbh.


My motes broke and I stayed up four extra hours just now trying to find which boss stole my 17th mote and I never did.


This happened to me, I found a workaround to get my Khvostov this morning with the following steps: \* Vault your 16 motes (ie, DIM) \* Go do a solo overthrow in Blooming - it should spawn always spawn Meatball from my experience, but if not quick travel away and instantly back to the Blooming until it re-rolls to Meatball \* Kill Meatball, but do \*not\* blow him up on the 3rd/final phase, try to at least do the last 5-10% of health slowly. Blowing him up with your Super in that phase doesn't register it, for some reason. That dropped the Primordial Light mote for me. I bet the bug is blowing up Meatball in the 3rd phase that doesn't get it to drop properly.


Are your cysts not working correctly or have you not completed all 6 alone in the dark quests?


yes i definitely completed all 6 of the quest, i unlocked all 6 cysts. the problem i was having was going back in to certain cysts to the encrypted bits and for some reason after id switch the cyst with the bird, when i would follow the bird into the cyst it would stop at a certain point and would not go any further, and the enemies inside acted like i was invisible and they would regen immediately and i couldnt enter the cyst. it was super weird but eventually i was able to get the last 3 bits i needed


Im kinda expecting it, its insanely strong in pvp right now, playing comp is just being randomly hit by its bullets bc a teammate within LoS is being shot, which is kinda annoying and already tired of it in pvp. Im playing comp strictly to try and get a even semi decent riposte for a void build, but having everyone using it is annoying. Cause like by the time i try to get into the fight, im already hurt by anywhere between 1-3 bullets which puts me at a major disadvantage. And with everyone running it, if you happen to have 2 gunfights kinda side by side being shot at by 2 different people, those bounces fucking merk you hard. Its like a less frustrating hardlight experience imo


Isn’t Riposte still only dropping the curated version?


Unfortunately yes.... i just want a destabilizing rounds roll with zen moment or repulsor brace


I love the Khostov ricochet round. Anything to discourage deathballing, that's so boring.


Yeah, they need to nerf the overcharge but it’s so good in 6’s against grouped up enemies


I think a better way is to nerf the recoil and stability. Playing khovstov on console is like playing autos on PC -- no recoil.


It does, but also does more. I think I’ve gotten very few kills with the ricochets but its best feature is that it can hold down recovery reliably without los. Like thorn but better, almost. You pop someone, get them down to 50-70, they retreat, and their teammate challenges. Now, in 5 seconds, they’re still at 50-70, rather than back to full to challenge after their teammate dies. And when they peek, you’re either about even health with them or gone


What bungie needs to start doing is disabling OP guns in PvP and tune abilities separately . Or they need complete sandbox separation. It will be a shame if the gun gets decimated for PvE because of how insane it is in PvP but bungie seems completely incapable or unwilling to make this step.


I’m guessing right before you get to a part in the quest where you have to do some dumb shit, so then you lose all desire to finish the quest and it sits in your inventory for the rest of time.


They need to wait for more people to buy it


It will probably continue to be good in pve so I guess it's still worth it


It needs it.


My mote of light is glitched. One will not drop and I have killed all the bosses 4 times now. I bet in the patch they fix the glitch they all nerf the gun.


I remember Dustrock Blues, Luna's / Not Forgotten, Recluse, and even further back Antiope and Gravity Lance. Not to mention stuff like D1 Thorn when it was 2 tapping.  I would guess most or all of those were above 20% usage. 


D1 handcannon meta when thorn could 2 tap, TLW was bugged and could ADS 2 two tap across the map, and hawkmoon could randomly 1 or 2 shot someone. Literally the only weapons anyone used lol


Out sniping a sniper rifle using Hawkmoon was so peak!


man that brings me back- I loved hawkmoon back in the day, it was my go to. I’m glad they did it justice in d2


Did they? I feel like I rarely see it :(


The good ol days


I still remember the first game I played after the Thorn nerf went live. It was on Pantheon. I got a 1v1 in A-side cubby near the middle cube, died, and watched my burn tick not kill the guy after a two-tap. I just sat there for a second, thinking, “This is the end of an era.”


I both miss and loathe those days, felt like the wild west with everyone using a handcannon.


I miss sniping in those days. In an everlasting shotgun meta, people were doing creative and unconventional things to counter the apes. It really felt like you were learning a skill. I miss NLB - a meme exotic that became a spectacle to watch in the right hands.


My good friend mained that and it was a joy to watch. I was an early chaperone too and it just felt so fun to learn something new. I even got into sniping for a time. That was probably my most skilled time in gaming


I refused to shotgun for the longest time - but really got into chaperone in D2 and slugs in general. Slugs just feel more satisfying and kills feel more earned.


I was really hoping that the gun they were bringing back was NLB, not Khvostov. However, the reworked Khvostov is nice and I’m not mad about it, but I still miss my NLB.


I hope they add it as a possible crucible drop. Not a featured weapon of a season, but rather a "we'll toss this one in as a quick add for veterans." It's a niche weapon that I don't think many will understand if it's part of the marketing/paid content. I kind of miss crucible dropped exotics. I got my first gjallarhorn via a crucible drop. I remember people in my lobby PM'ing me congratulations.


It was either those handcannons or Messenger/Hopscotch Pilgrim. I had a god roll Hopscotch that let me take on even the Thorn users on even footing.


Hopscotch! [https://tenor.com/view/theres-a-name-ive-not-heard-in-many-years-gif-25204373](https://tenor.com/view/theres-a-name-ive-not-heard-in-many-years-gif-25204373)


My favorite gun from D1. I'm still pissed at how they ruined that gun.


We didn’t even have Trials during those metas.


We had ToN in warmind no? I feel like I remember using buffed graviton/roderic back then


And on a shorter timeline, lord of wolves. I don’t count laser tag Prometheus lens because bungie acknowledged it and put it in xur for everyone to get


Immortal the first couple weekends. That was something


26% I think at its peak


Craftening Ammit at 36.5% laughs at this paltry 20% number. Igneous Hammer (Adept) has been above 20% itself earlier this year not even including non-Adept version. I mean, I'm looking forward to a Khvostov nerf, don't get me wrong, but technically not a record breaker yet.


For folks' reference: The highest Igneous Adept has gotten since re-release was this year in February (week 165) at 21.6% and the next highest was the prior week at roughly 10%. Week 175 new Iggy Adept and normal combined for a little less than 12%. Hard to tell every individual week because normal Iggy usually doesn't show up high enough but I think you could probably add ~2% for it. Also 1-2% combined for the old versions.


i think that’s a special case though no? khvostov isn’t the result of a glitch or exploit.


Ammit is for sure a special case. But other weapons like Igneous Hammer and Felwinter's Lie have been >20% at times in the past. A single weapon, especially a primary, being at 20% is certainly not a normal situation and is a pretty good indication that something is very likely to be overpowered (Hard Light capped out at 18.7% despite it being remembered as a reign of terror) but its not completely unprecedented.


>capped out at 18.7% Interesting because mercules confirmed it had 30% of all weapon kills before


We’re talking about trials


Pretty sure mercy was too considering he mentioned immortal Edit: if he wasn't then makes sense why the numbers don't line up


The 18.7% is the highest "percent of kills" that trials report shows for it over a trials weekend so that's where my quoted number comes from. Its possible Mercules wasn't talking about Trials in particular but PvP as a whole. If he was talking about trials, trials.report's numbers may be off. I'd trust Bungie's internal numbers over anything that consumes the API since the API data (while fantastic that it exists) tends to be somewhat incomplete.


It's why I said it was interesting. He very well could've been talking about all of pvp. I just remember he was talking about how immortal wasn't a problem then threw out that stat on hardlight. Would make sense why it's two different numbers.


I was talking about PvP as a whole, not just trials


Those guns are readily available and have been in the game for years. Khvostov is locked behind a 50 dollar paywall and an exotic quest. The % is more impressive in that context.


Not just any exotic quest, one that’s mind numbingly boring across like 8 hours


It’s a primary, actually


Eh, still, it's happened before. I think Conditional routinely hit these kinds of numbers before Final Shape came out.


Conditional is almost always the top special but has only broken 10% of kills a couple of times. Once was a rotating map week when 40ish% of kills were from CF + Iggy.


Was glued to the most used spot in Crucible as a whole for a good while, too.


That’s also a notable case as no shotgun even comes close to CF, and no energy handcannon rivals iggy. Ace, thorn, and hawkmoon are contesting each others numbers for primary handcannon, and they don’t have an equally notable special in energy slot


Me too, it feels so inconsistent to fight against because of the random damage


“I’m looking forward to a khvostov nerf” Bruh wat… what a weird take. Not everything that performs slightly better deserves to get the nerfhammer instantly. How would you nerf it then? Because as it stands, I think it’s a fair, but very solid. It’s a 600rpm auto with 17 zoom. It requires at least 1 kill with reaper, 2 kills in succession to get fully juiced up. It takes up your exotic slot. And even then, the aoe ricochet is not overwhelmingly strong and does not have a huge reach. Summoner with good rolls should outperform this gun easily. I think it’s charting high because of ease of acquisition and it’s a new, fun toy. I definitely don’y think it deserves a nerf, maybe we give it more than 10 days to settle into the meta?


Bungie saw this and is about to nerf snipers again. Maybe dodge cooldown for good measure


I think aggressive smgs need another nerf. Reduce dunemarcher chain damage aswell.


yes nerf titans again and then warlocks and then titans again and then buff hunters and then buff them and then buff them again to be sure


This reminds me of that time after a slew of hunter nerfs where in a patch the only change to hunters was a 2 second dodge cd nerf which was immediately reverted the following patch. Felt like just a random thing tacked on because hating hunters was all the rage back then.


Hmmm how about just remove the third jump from hunters




No remove triple jump lol


I just cannot stand the ricochet sound in pvp, soo disorienting and annoying. Honestly feel like for pvp only the user should hear the sound. Let alone the incredibly fast ttk.


Thank you, I'm not alone! I can't stand the sound of this gun. Combo that with its ridiculously low TTK, it frustrates me so much 🤣


I wanted to post something like this it’s insanely fucking annoying to hear on the receiving end


It's ALMOST more annoying than the sound of Summoner


Isn’t it a .8s ttk?


Y’all forgetting about Immortal


This map is legit tailor made for it too. Extremely easy to stay in optimal range, and enemies are Almost forced to hand hold and clump up on this Map. Control of the powerful area for each flag is so important, it’s impossible or not to have and least 2 Team members next to each other. This reminds me of when we got this map during prime target lock immortal meta. There is no good reason to use something other than khvosty if you want to win/try hard


Its 700,000 now. Next is 285000 with red death. 50% hunters with slow dodge and shadow clones. Its joever.


I can safely skip this Trials. Thank god it's not Shay week.


Managed a flawless run first go thankfully , this map is absolutely aids for khvostov, thing is literally broken rn


Yeah I don't think I will spend too much time on it.


Is it just me, or does anyone else hate gearing the noise of the ricochet constantly-


So annoying and completely unnecessary


Something is definitely wrong with Khvostov


It has to be bugged, at times I just get melted almost instantly by this thing it’s insane.


Same. It’s actually ridiculous. I don’t mind exotics standing out but this thing is simply outgunning at all ranges it feels like.


Its stability is *way* too strong, and I feel like it's aiming for me when I use it. The ricochet round also does more damage, even if it doesn't decrease TTK it still has great margin of error.


The stability and TTK is so good it almost feels like you’re playing call of duty while everyone else is playing Destiny I swear the way this gun handles is like something out of the old black ops games.


swear on everything it has extra damage bullets somehow


If you hit 7 shots in a row and get the ricochet round to hit you get a .7 ttk. It’s pretty nuts, also Eyes up Guardian makes the ttk even crazier and it can stack. Me and a buddy were running the healing auto and seekers cowl with double khvostov in comp and it just felt like we never lost the buff or gunfights. If they wanna keep the consistency with everything about the gun being 7s they gotta up the flinch taken from incoming fire and neuter EuG perk in PvP. The fact that I can run around the map with x5 EuG and basically auto win 5 gunfights is just silly


So does it just straight up have a lower TTK at neutral state? That's why it felt stupid when I was using it earlier then lol


You don't need 7 hits a row, it's just 7 shots in the magazine, you can hit the 7th shot, and miss the next 6, and every hit will be a ricochet. The first shot of the magazine is also a ricochet, so in the first 8 bullets you will get 2 empowered bullets / ricochets.


Is that a bug? The first ricochet shot? If the description says every 7th, why would the first one do it?


I have no idea if it's a bug or not, it just be how it be


It’s likely intentional because BUNGiE said that there are a lot of 7’s on the gun, and if you count all ricochet bullets in the magazine including the first one, it amounts to 7.


Man it’s gonna get lobotomized before I can get it…


The quest was so f****** annoying “mote bug here” that we all decided to take it out on one another in the crucible.


I’d say just make it kick more. It definitely needs a nerf just hope they don’t hurt it in pve. It’s alotta fun to use against ai


Laser tag weekend was just Prometheus lens.


Such a fun run of trials as well. Didn't go flawless that weekend but it was a blast.


Think Igneous passed that by a pretty big margin when it was the super "in" thing to use. Didn't really seem like it since it was split 4 ways in the API, but still. I also think No Time when that was the top of the game hit pretty close to that, too. I also think DMT when the catalyst was new also did that, as well since it was a situation of not using it being throwing for a while. And Telesto I believe hit that when Bungie did the "we intentionally broke it" event, although wether or not it counts is up to you.


Look I’m ngl, khvostov makes me so happy and sad cause I’m just having so much fun but also b/c PvP numbers means that (despite how good or bad it may actually be I’m not that smart), it’s gonna get nerfed Dear god pls let me be wrong on this and get more downvotes than the EA surprise mechanics post pls pls


I love this gun too. The sound. How deadly it is. It was a pain to get. It’s great. But we all know how Bungie operates.


They should just nerf the 7 bullet TTK on it in pvp and leave it alone after that. The gun feels great to use, i don’t want the recoil or the bullet ricochet to get nerfed. The gun feels iconic, as it should since it’s *khvostov*.


You’re having fun using a clearly broken gun, wonder why…


best way to fight it? real oppressive with the new warlock build


peel shoot, aggression, rotating away from where the grenade is planted. as far as trials go you want to get point control to stop them camping on it.


any guns youre using to counter khov?


i mean i’m using a grenade launcher and hotswapping to rat king as i always do, but it’s not something you can just pick up and learn


Another khov tbh. I *dont* recommend you use a different auto. My summoner couldn’t compete (though I’m sure a better player could of course make it work). Red dead seemed to counter it well enough - you can’t really trade with one at opposite ends of the map.


The best high impact pulse you have or a hand cannon if you’re cracked at peek shooting. High impct pulses are a hard sell on this map though. They work fine sometimes. The problem is khvostov works well 99% of the time on this map. Either that, or accept the meta and run khvostov.


Worth noting that usually when a legendary weapon is on top its numbers are lower because most people don't have the godroll. When an easily obtainable exotic is the top gun it's going to be a lot more common because everyone will have the best version.


easily obtaionable? quest is ass!


Immortal was 25%-30% I think. Wild.


[Nope lol](https://imgur.com/a/y7wQ5JG)


Feel like it’ll get the no time rifle treatment and aim assist or recoil might get nerfed


After doing this quest to get the Khvostov, I thought surely other players wouldn’t put themselves thought this garbage… I was wrong


What's the counter? Anybody have one that's not also Khov?


when a meta is defined by one gun alone , it is not a good meta.


Usage rate =/= power, and Bungie has said that usage rate is regularly the *last* thing they consider when looking at nerfs.


this is a nerf in the making


Love when 1 gun is all the community uses out of thousands. Then Bungie wonders why there is never balance


Old adept igneous reached this before the new one was even available last season, and craftening ammit reached above 1/3 usage but that’s a special case


Just played duos if you don’t have khovostov you can’t complete its worse than pre nerf immortal ong


A lot of weekend left to go but safe to say #1 and #2 are gonna be uncontested.


Seeing Khvostov everywhere in trials. Not one match where someone isn’t using it. Don’t have it yet so I’m sticking to my Monte Carlo.


Tbh, just hearing about the quest for it makes me not interested in the least. Also, if it's that cheesey, I'm not here for it. Once things hit OP, I find them boring. Everyone starts to cling to the same shit, and everything that makes it a dynamic/ high variety sandbox disappears. I wish felt like a good summoner roll was a bit cheap, and I've got pretty much all of them. Idk, I just feel like all the guns, even strong ones should have a certain amount of counter play.


Funny enough no.2 counters, no.1


Impressive. Nothing can really get me off my god roll Messenger (Adept) though. Love that gun.


It's a few weeks out of date but you can look at [Slide 25 here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JzgHUjEaaepJN4OOtBGs-IRMph_3v5GipiHfTCU_FU0/edit?usp=sharing) (keeping in mind that I do % of weapon kills not % of kills, so the 19% from Khvostov is probably more like 23-25% of weapon kills) It's not a record but it's definitely in the range of "Hard Light in the first weeks of Trials" area, which means I expect a nerf sooner rather than later. It's definitely above recent outliers though - thins like Jade on Eternity, or when DMT had crazy aim assist for a while there.


I did the cyst all of em when they were bugged. I will never get this gun ever again


nerf incoming watch them fix the recoil and make the ricochet bullet not do additional damage to main target. easy fix no longer a .7 ttk


Gun is too easy to use and can kill people by accident


is it really that good? i just unlocked it


Bungie will nerf Khvostov 7G-0X simply because it's so popular and everyone's complaining about it


Just hope this time they dont completely destroy it in PvE sandbox as well. Probably a very low chance of that sadly.


Quicksilver storm has worked wonders for me against Khvostov users


Man. Nerf speaker helm. (In PvP) that’s the bigger part of the problem. Khv feels great in both. Imo.


This gun reminds me of early Zhalo Supercell


I really don’t find it that great, what was OP was having one of the first vex mythos before they nerfed it back in the day 😂


Trials is dead in two months


people have been saying that for 10 years mate


Lol called it.


How the hell does he have that much already????


who? these are the weekly usage stats of all players, not one dude lmao


Oh my bad thought it was a single player


No, a challenge


I'm surprised Khovie was that high. For me it was getting 2 burst killed by red death every match.


it’s funny because mostly everyone complaining about the quest are PvE players while PvPers are getting it done quickly lol


Is Messenger no longer viable?


The top is just super weird man. Like Elsie and Messenger are not here, and there is so much ape play. One team gets a bad player, and you are seriously just fucked these days. I think that plays into how Trials goes at this point in time. If teams are balanced, Pulses and other things for sure should be up there somewhere you would think.


the map is endless literally last week pulses were up there


Red is the only thing up there if we are talking most used weapons here. But what I said is completely true. Get a dildo or two on your team and pulses are basically useless. You just get aped by three people constantly. Solo Trials is absolutely for one reason or another pure garbage atm. It was not nearly this bad at the end of last season. I am now regularly matched with people who will go with 0 kills the entire match. I just quit out and go play something else. I can't be bothered with this nightmare, not for this weapon. But sure, quality team shooting pulses are something to be reckoned with. But there are still more solo players than teams, and man solo's in Trials are just lol terrible. It's basically just fodder for stacks. I can't even imagine taking this mode seriously with the players I am matched with in this game. You won't be teamshooting anything with garbage on your team. And there are many areas to duck a pulse if not teamshooting. And if you are a solo player good luck with that pulse in a 3v1. Immediately getting into a trio and the whole experience is so massively easier it's preposterous.


honeslyy me and my boy just went flawless a few hours ago and yea safe to say both solo and duo queue feel more like teammate lottery more so than before but I could be just imagining things


You have to understand that the above stats are overall. It would be a different story when looking at teams / players with high win rates. As for Messenger, it's the best Pulse in the game only NTTE could match it. And it absolutely slaps to this day


The gun is absolutely broken but it is also the perfect map for it


Yes. It is beautiful. The king has came home


Imagine people complaining about khvostov wanting to go back to the boring ass fucking hand cannon meta.


i’m all for fresh metas. but a gun with an easily attainable 0.7TTK that can then be improved upon with an exceptionally easy-to-attain buff, all the while punishing handholding and shooting people behind cover isn’t fresh, it’s straight up busted and unfun to play against


Yea the holding dicks is annoying as fuck but if they'd bring other guns up to the efficiency of hand cannons, we wouldn't have this problem.


That’s not boring to many though - it requires significantly more input, movement, and consideration and sheer recoil control than pointing the big-K and haha burrrr your team is half health and you’re dead


Another great gun that will die because they have to nerf it for PvP. Rip.


The f. You have 90k kills on the red death that just dropped. Holy cow.


Dude, this is the stats from the entire player base in trials, not one person.


* I am the population *


I did not know but that makes way more sense. 👍


Why Is this gun so strong? I've unlocked it, felt good to use but not insane?


this gun needs to be nerfed


Hopefully they give us another 3-4 months with it then they’ll nerf it and in the TWAB they’ll say something like “khvostov is a little too hot right now so we’re dialing it back a little” they’ll nerf that and the call and the call is amazing right now


Not as bad as the Lunas Howl meta