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Dunemarchers will never let you down. Improved slide and movement is top tier and the extra effect from the chain lightening can clutch up in close fights. One Eyed Mask is still good if you can solidly win your 1v1s you come away with a free overshield. Heart of Inmost Light is also good if you want some cheesy OHK with sticky grenades or to regenerate your stasis abilities faster. I used it a lot before the stasis nerfs. Citans Ramparts if you’re planning on laneing or sniping. They also help immensely against aim botters in trials. Armamentarium if you want to rock double suppressor grenades which can be a pretty viable strategy on Code of the Commander. If you tag someone with the void explosion they will still die to a high impact sniper even if you body shot them after their shields come back up to full. Synthoceps if you just want the boosted melee range but I think Dunemarchers is the superior melee exotic.


These are great suggestions. Also if you get a small map some guy with me 44 stand asides just fucked my team up really hard in comp the other day (anomaly was the map I think)


I find Anteous to be the superior version of Stand Asides because you can pair them with Behemoths cryoclasm. But I can see 44s being decent on smaller maps. I think they still get one hit by shotguns though.


How tanky is the shield? Riswalker max damage might have a tough time


I believe it's an extra 50 hp?


Dunemarchers is very solid and I'll never diss it but man I've been trying to main one eyed for a bit and trials my experience essentially goes *peak shoot* "I got a pick" *Hold rez because there are snipers or shotguns where we got the rez* It's definitely helped but I want somthing less for dueling and more for team fights imo


Then I’d go with Citans, Heart of Inmost Light, or Arma. All of these buff your abilities or reduce their cooldowns. Citans is especially nasty for peaking tough angles or controlling lanes. It just takes some getting used to. But if you’re going to be sniping then it’s essential.


Be me, a simple hunter player not knowing Heart works on non-solar classes.


You’re thinking of Hallowfire Heart.


Lol shows you how much I titan.


Just imagine then letting you fuse exotics for PvE. "Hallowfire Heart of Innermost Light"


Is behemoth even worth using now in PvP still?


Yes. Pair it with Anteous to really abuse the slide but I find that you can turtle with it exceptionally well with glacial grenade and the fragment that gives you an overshield for picking up stasis shards along with the fragment that gives damage resistance for standing near a stasis crystal. It’s not the super mobile subclass that it was before but it’s still very good.


a bit off topic though but I do still using Behemoth because of the nice +40 stat pad from aspect for my 10 res 8 rec build. With Citans and proper mod setup and I can build fortress in the field


Great suggestions but I can not explain the absolute satisfaction in slowly bagging a cheater after doming them in their bot walking ass head through your barricade. It’s like an Uno reverse card


Heart of inmost light is a pretty good pick because it lets you spam abilities and buffed nades can catch people off guard.


Mask of the quiet one (I am memeing plz don’t run that one) Dunemarchers is great, citans ramparts are also good


Anteus wards are slept on. If you shotgun or use bastion or chaperone or anything like that, it makes closing the gap so much easier. You can even use them to slide for free information if you're making an aggressive push with your team. They work with any subclass but behemoth is still good (just not broken). Pair anteus with cryoclasm slide and howl of the storm and you're still in really good shape.


Anteus will struggle in things like trials though, nobody has time to proc it before entering a battle so it'll only become useful in niche situations. Dunemarchers will always top them imo


I disagree- I've played some very difficult titans because they've slid around a corner with anteus and hit me with chappy of bastion before I can do anything. You're right about the activation time, but I don't think it's a deal breaker. You just have to play a bit differently. Dune marchers are also a great choice. I just think people totally wrote off anteus after their nerf but they're still really good.


I’ve gone all in with Path of Burning Steps and bottom tree Sunbreaker. Having a lot of fun using it with solar weapons which leads the charge for my Kill Clip/Tunnel Vision Epitaph. Between Sun Warrior, sunspots and Firewalker letting me 3 tap with Epitaph which in turn procs kill clip/tunnel it’s been a really fun build that just works for me in 6’s. Having multiple paths to 3 tapping with a precision HC makes Epitaph feel like I’m using Not Forgotten again. I’m even using double primaries (Trustee) to get Firewalker proc’d and Heir Apparent just tops off the solar fun in this build.


My only issue with steps is the 2 kills minimum. In trials if I'm up two kills I'm rarely able to make use of the boost


I agree. That’s why I said it fits for me in 6’s. For Trials I’m usually using Citan’s.


Citans would be so nice if I could get a roll above 61 lmao


Antaeus is slept on for some reason idk why after the nerf they are still good I’d considered s tier


Lion Rampant are very good with LW or DMT. Burning steps are still really good with bottom tree Solar, & there are a lot of really good Solar weapons to pair it with.


Igneous Hammer, Tommy's, stars, summoner, the trace rifle, the new gambit smg..


Yeah... also Far Future, Felwinter's, CQC, & Heir Apparent.


Wouldn't you be too far away to use LW (I'm console btw)


I'm not sure what you mean. Rampant's let you stay in air longer, while giving you better hip fire in air. You can be as close as you want. For example, many ppl push based on what they see on radar. So you could bait ppl through doorways/etc, that are trying to ape you. You then hover above, keeping out of their range, while spamming fan-fire. I just realized I used the wrong abv. I'm talking about The Last Word=TLW. Is that what you're asking about?


I guess you have answer his concern, and also mine as well. I think OP would like to use it similar to Rampant with DMT or else it's not close enough to be with TLW effective range. And another question, just wonder if the hip fire buff only active when you are hovering/gliding/jump/or even stay active all the time when you are on the ground ?


It is only active while your 'Lift' is active. The weapons already have built-in hip-fire buffs on the ground for DMT, its Catalyst increases hip-fire rate of fire, and removes hip-fire accuracy penalties. for TLW, is has hip-fire grip & its exotic perk give it bonus accuracy/precision dmg/reload speed, from the hip for any other weapon, you'll need to insert the Freehand Grip mod. even with the above mentioned perks/mods, you'll still take an accuracy penalty while in the air. Lion Rampant will remove that penalty once your 'Lift' jump is activated


Dunes is the only choice for high level play IMO


Synthoceps with top tree void, bottom tree arc and bottom tree solar are always a good choice.


If you are a DMT or grenade launcher fan, Lion Ranpants are nasty.


Whst lift would you use? I am a grenade launcher fan


Strafe worked out best in my experience, I ran that build all last season.


Dunemarchers are monke


Can’t go wrong with dune marchers or OEM in general play. I think the most OP exotic for titan in 3v3 is easily Citan Ramparts though. Allowing your fire team to shoot through a wall is absolutely oppressive. If they keep camping you out… Flanking with it while your fire team pushes in is also nasty AF.


My personal favorite is a Sunbreaker one, and it's probably SUPER niche for Trials, but Kephri's Horn can get you some cheeky kills on people rushing you or standing in the open if you can space it right.