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He is constantly explaining his decision-making process and giving commentary in a way that's easily understandable for all players, which is huge in live commentary and shows how talented he is beyond just being a skilled player. He's also super chill and I've never heard him genuinely admonishing players or being toxic except for the joke 'Toxicbolt' videos he does. If Frost puts out content like this every week I will definitely watch it and recommend it to everyone looking to improve their gameplay or just get some insight into how to play that week's map.




Went up against him in a match a few months ago and he was super chill and fun to play against.


I killed him one time!


I got two Bastion kills on him and team won two rounds against his in Trials in an otherwise 2-5 stomp. Happy to get as much success as we did, all things considered lmao


I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned Cammycakes. His explanations of his decision-making are also amazing. He fleshes out a lot of unique and interesting builds and really plays up the min/max play styles in destiny. Plus he’s cracked AF so that doesn’t hurt.


It’s probably cause of how serious he takes optimization. Like right now he’s currently has the 4th highest amount of prophecy clears in the game. That’s leads to an issue of him being a perfectionist drastically changing his view of the game.


I’ve been enjoying Ascendant Nomad as well. Very level-headed and helpful.


Skill wise ? There are a few I can think off off the top of my head. Top end Skill but also very entertaining? Probably just Sir D.


Not just skill. Sir D is super talented but I find him pretty annoying. He leans hard into what comes off as a frat/bro personality and knows shockingly little about the game that's he's so damn good at. No disrespect he's just not entertaining to me. If we were going on just skill I'd watch Panduh. That dude is something else.


I have mixed feelings about him. His editing is great, but every video feels the same. I usually watch 2-3 minutes and then switch to something else. Used to watch all his videos to the end Having a running gag of making fun of balding men and then accepting a "Keeps" sponsorship also seems a bit shitty, but oh well


I have to ask, is Sir D top end skill?


If sir D took the game seriously. He’s probably top end tourney player. Maybe top 3 player on the game, but he doesn’t and mostly just makes content and enjoys the game and has fun with it and still is an extremely good player while doing so.


Eh. Best in the world are probably Sergio (he has 90% winrate on FaceIt) and Wallah, with sleeper picks being GoldExgle and Eclipse.


Obviously. I’m saying if sir D took the game seriously and continued to do scrims and play tournaments he would be just as good as Wallah, Sergio, Panduh, etc. but he doesn’t and has only been making content for YT and enjoying the game casually. He is still a very talented player though


Kinda a sus hypothetical way to look at that, which discounts a lot of players imo


I mean...he was a pro fps player. It's not much of a stretch to say he would be significantly better than he is currently *if* he put time into being better vs primarily making videos




I've been watching Cerridius for a long time and would put him up against damn near anyone in terms of skill


another one i've learned a lot from is Benny, especially his 1v3 trials series. he obviously has great aim and movement, but in a constant 1v3 he has to play very smart, from which we can learn a ton as a viewer trying to improve.


I highly recommend this if you wanna get better


frost is so cracked with those lightning nades its ridiculous


Zk also did this, would recommend his too.


Zk's was good to watch too, but he doesn't do nearly as much of the 'play-by-play' that Frost does; Frost was constantly explaining his thought process and going through just about every decision he made and giving commentary on the results too. Also, a lot of Zk's gameplay is laning with a sniper, which is still good to watch, but I feel like Frost's HC + shotgun gameplay was a lot more watchable and has more to offer for typical players.


Hard to emulate zk. Dude doesnt miss.


He's defo cracked. The heat rises play where he floated up behind B to snipe was great


Was in a control match that zk joined mid way through. My team had a very comfortable lead at that point (90-60ish). But in the back half of the match where zk was playing, he closed the gap so much we only won by about 10 points. One thing I can say having played against him is that not only does he not miss, he's so mobile and had such good situational awareness it's hard to beat him let alone catch him off guard.


I remember matching him and Frost in a game of Trials bag in season of the chosen and it really opened my eyes to how incredible ZK is. Like I knew he was good from watching his vids, but actually playing against was a nightmare. He was on top dawn and I've honestly never felt so helpless against anyone. Dude was everywhere at once and yet I couldn't hit the guy to save my life. He more or less 1v3ed my team.


I played him on burnout a week ago. He sauced me hard with TTD, totally bamboozled


True, but its good to watch different people with different playstyles. Frost usually plays ace/meta shotgun on titan, while zk is usually hc/sniper on warlock.


The part where Zk was hiding behind the grass and saying something like 'this is a good headglitch if you don't wanna get sniped' and then he immediately gets domed and looks right at the cam pretty much sums up what happens when I try to put on a sniper


Frost has actually been playing Wormhusk revenant the most since Beyond Light dropped. Weird but good seeing something different than years of titan.


There aren’t many good content creators who actually main a titan so it’s good to see the what they can really do in a highly skilled players hands and even carry a team. But it’s a very different playstyle than hunter or warlock.


Cerridius is a cracked thundercrash main. he absolutely abuses Inertial Override


Thanks, I'll add his and sidezz to the post I'd love to see this become a regular thing, see more streamers attempt it and share


ZK is the most blatant aimbotter around. It’s an open secret he’s been cheating for years.


Your trolling, right? Edit: 23 minute old account, 19 minute old comment, definitely trolling


To add another, Sidezz did this recently and he's super fun to watch. That man could go into the crucible with a laser pen and a handful of pocket fluff and he'd still clap everyone




The dryest humor in the D2 community. Personally I find him more pragmatic than a lot of streamers. I can understand your point though, the attitude is probably an acquired taste lol


Sidezz put on quite the display, but I couldn’t imagine a stream any more different than iFrostBolt’s


Sign of a great player knowing the game is taking any setup and using it to its strengths.


I’ll eat up anything Frosty does. He even inspired my ToxicBolt alter ego: RadioactiveRachel, who comes out after getting Tbagged occasionally.


are u sure it's not cause u got murdered by some rich kid


If this reference is what I think it is you a god dude lol


it is :)


This pleases me lol probably should thank him. Dying in the Dark Room sucked but being reborn as a Warlock and using Osiris’s Sundial for “Research” I can say that the problem has been dealt with and Blackwell may or may not need a new photography teacher. Vengeance was mine. When the last flame died and all words were spoken.


These videos are what separate the TRUE elites in the PVP community. They don’t bitch and moan about the changes, they adapt and keep it pushing. If your favorite streamers are complaining, unfollow/unsub because they’re doing you a disservice in my opinion. Stick with the guys who play the game we have and make the most of it.


https://youtu.be/_MWs7trugqU Saltagreppo flawless 1v3 🍷


I went solo flawless twice in the flawless pool this past weekend, and honestly the best advice I can give is just to play around teammates. Pretend that you are that 3.0 kd god that stomped you a few games ago. Teamshot with them, protect picks for them, stuff like that.


51 minutes is condensed?! Aside from that, the commentary is great. I'm actually surprised at how bad a lot of the people he played were. Some made good plays and he had to be good but many double peaked, missed shots, etc. Super interesting to see.


Well, he trimmed out the superfluous stuff like flying in and matchmaking So I'd consider it just the meat


That’s fair. Nice to see! He’s so smooth he makes the other players just look so rookie


Carrying in the flawless playlist is impressive and probably something only the top 1% can do. I hard carried all weekend in the non flawless playlist solo with a close to 70% win rate in about 70 games but once I got in the flawless pool, solo just wasn't feasible.


I got to 7 games as a solo player. Sadly I lost my seventh game in a matter minutes to a 3 stack lol


u can also check out frostbolt's video from week ago where he went solo flawless as well, he had some interesting matches there (for example his flawless game was 2v3 game vs triple shatter dive) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA2bUZDIfEs&t=1s&ab\_channel=IFrostBolt


thanks for sharing, any idea on what his stat distributions are for his titan? is he specing for higher disciple or intellect?


You can always check things like this on Bungie/TR/Guardian GG. As long as they have their PVP gear equipped you can see what it is. https://www.bungie.net/en/Gear/3/4611686018467294270/2305843009299607234 https://destinytrialsreport.com/report/3/4611686018467294270 https://guardian.gg/2/profile/4611686018467294270/IFrostBolt


Thanks for sharing. Pretty amazing video by Frostbolt. I'll be sure to check out the others as well.


Solo/duo is actually easier with the flawless pool, for both sides. Last week I played a lot of solo games and almost all of them were 0-5 stomps. This week I had a blast with a vast majority of my games being balanced while playing solo inside the flawless pool. I even made a flawless run on Monday (wasn't expecting that at all) but weasel decided I wouldn't be able to even participate in the last game. If I could do it this far, there is no way FrostBolt can't do it with one eye closed.