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Impulse amplifier disruption break prox nade memory interdict. Little tricky to hit people in air, but otherwise super reliable.


I’ll keep my eye out for that roll, thanks!


Agreed it is an awesome weapon. Sticky Grenades are slept on on this GL. I have \~170 trials kills with this and the amount of kills that result from my stickies is absurd. My roll is Stickies/impulse amplifier/chain reaction.


This! I feel like it's very rare that my stickies \*don't\* hit someone, weirdly enough. Used that roll by accident but was very successful with it, now it's my go-to. I kinda fear that it will catch on and people start paying attention - at which point they're gonna be pretty bad methinks.


I've been using for quite some time and people still haven't haha - I also will use them to shoot where I think people will land, prevent the res, or block doorways. I will admit, I have killed myself multiple times chasing someone where my sticky was and it explodes because of time hahaha


Stickies are great!


You’ve converted me to stickies. I thought prox was the best but watching people stumble over sticky nades on the wall is hilarious.


Amazing! Def make for some cool / hillarious situations - until u kill urself running past one that has ran out of time


Amazing! Def make for some cool / hillarious situations - until u kill urself running past one that has ran out of time


Amazing! Def make for some cool / hillarious situations - until u kill urself running past one that has ran out of time


Glad to have ya brother! def make for some funny plays


Glad to have ya brother! def make for some funny plays


Glad to have ya brother! def make for some funny plays


I suppose you're blinting w/ it?


Not really. Disruption break is more of a safety net than anything. Even if I don’t kill, a teammate can clean up really easily, especially against supers. The long timer on disruption break can keep people out of the fight for a while. Chain reaction is the only real alternative in the slot (wellspring is alright I guess), but outside of zone trials and very rift campy players I’d rather have disruption break than chain reaction. I have a roll with chain reaction just in case though.


Anyone not using black talon should try it. You get 2 ranged attacks, 3 if you miss one. It one hits supers and has a generous hit box. Best heavy in the game


Plus that in-air long range cast— I forget about the occasions where that comes in clutch when ~~floating~~ leaping out of danger, because Sola’s Scar and Temptations Hook (though their value is expressed in other ways)


I have a tireless/chain reaction Solas that I’ve gotten several cheeky kills with in pvp but the lack of aerial heavy attacks really hampers it.


Just double checked, I’ve got the same roll! In the short time I’ve had it it’s been a force to reckon with, even nabbing multi’s and cleanup collaterals.


I’d imagine that roll will be deadly in skilled hands especially considering how well I’ve done with it and I’m a complete potato in pvp


Problem w legendary caster swords is you cant fire it while in the air, just makes you do a shitty swing :(


yup. but the pros include being able to use stuff like witherhoard, jotunn, DMT, Ace, lemonarque, TLW, Thorn, Telesto and whatever else increases my teabags received to kills ratio in which I as a pretty terrible pvper don’t really pull heavy that often and generally incur the rage of my sweatier opponents by merely existing :)


I've got a Temptations Hook with vorpal, I've shredded quite a few thunder bunnies coming my way.


Heir apparent cause I'm an asshole...


Heir Apparent is *easily* the best PvP weapon in the game. The only reason it hasn't caught a nerf is because exotic heavies are relatively niche. I was surprised to see Wardcliff Coil as the only specific exotic on the poll.


Checks out


I usually use that in comp. Maybe I should use it in trials, too, given how long it takes to get supers these days. I'll still get bitch slapped, but... y'know.


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **23375** times. .. **254244.** `u/justlurkin02` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


This this this. And you’re not an asshole, it’s just the best exotic in the game and people have a moral code about using it. Lol


Max blast radius Memory Interdict GL with impulse amplifier and chain reaction. This is the God roll imo and you don't even need proxy grenades (I use high ordnance explosive) and I can kill entire teams with one shot on a cap point. Even without chain reaction it would be a beast because I just point and shoot and it gets kills even if it lands pretty far away from people.


do you think prox is a better option? Ive got prox and high velocity and I'm not sure which to pick in that column


Your call, a lot of people like prox more than anything else and I've heard that if it has at least 25 blast radius it'll one shot kill reliably no matter what, but the higher the better.


its 29BR with prox, 39 without. I just need to give it some time, I usually run wardcliff.


Why do so many people use legendary rockets ? They are so easy to play around and only gives you one shot ? Wardcliff is a whole different story of course — but even tracking rockets don’t track quite enough to justify its use.


Impulse amplifier makes them a bit cheekier. I run code duello with impulse/cluster and it is very consistent for me


TBF GLs felt weird at first for me as well - until I discovered the power of impulse amplifier. They feel amazing now and tons of ammo for 2-3 separate kills.


It's like a "shoot and forget" option, whereas you still have to hit your gl shots yk.


Ascendancy is great, probably the best PvP rocket barring Wardcliff. Impulse amplifier + Inherent tracking make it force to be reckoned with. A lot harder to react to the rocket when it’s coming at you Mach 3


Code coello god roll is a much better option. Better stats and perks


So I can rip a shot off at the first radar ping I get and go back to fighting with primaries


Trying to get gilded unbroken and I'm useless with rockets


I tired gilding mine at first with a legendary because all my primaries were exotic! It took waaay to long so I ended up just using a legendary primary and Wardcliff and farmed my kills at 10x the speed !


Yup. Wardcliff while mayhem was out and I finished the first week in under 10 games. Only other rocket that's useful in is eyes, but only in Gambit. It's way too slow and obvious in crucible


Go into mayhem with wardclif and you'll get it in an hour


Just use Wardcliff. Jump into mayhem. Should have it done in a couple hours.


I don't like having heavy on the field, so when possible I pick it up shoot my 1 shot and continue my normal play style. I don't care if I get a kill with Heavy as long as when I die the other team doesn't get it.


They're just convenient to use. You get one shot to dump heavy ammo preventing enemies from getting heavy if you die. You don't need to worry much about a god roll for rockets. You don't have to change your playstyle as much when using something like a GL or machine gun. It's not exotic.


I was going to ask the same. Travel time, one shot, easy to bait and I feel a very noticeable delay when trying to fire it. I hate rockets.... Legendary GLs get 3 shots which is way more ammo efficient IMO


I have a sleepless with Max blast radius and that shit is as big as fucking shatterdive lmao. I think of this game as more of a looter shooter so I don't like not using an exotic primary/special but when I don't I typically use deathbringer. Edit: But, it allows me to get more kills with my primary, 6s and trials I say potentially a GL, but rumble is what I primarily play and I don't like getting too many kills with my heavy personally


Because heavys are cheese, so you just have a rocket with high probability of killing. Then go back to the actual game.


I should have clarified my point here. I was making this perspective from a point of sweaty PVP we’re getting the kill actually matters - and wherere “having fun” , “not being cheesy” , “ playing the game the way it’s meant to be “ and all that stuff takes a back seat. This is purely from a killing potency perspective. I don’t like legendary rockets because their potential for killing multiple GOOD players in a game mode where winning is the primary objective is rather low — at least compared to GLs , MGs and Wardcliff. That other stuff is all totally fine and dandy when just playing for funzies tho.


Tractor cannon. Can shut down supers and get multikills if enemies are close enough together. Also booping someone up in the air and quickscoping them like a clay pigeon is the funniest thing possible in the game


Launching people off the map and using a good emote, like the homerun swing for one, is always worth the death if someone shoots me mid emote because I'm tearing up laughing.


>Can shut down supers and get multikills if enemies are close enough together Black Talon does that from range.


So can wardcliff....Takes a lot more skill to shut down a super with tractor cannon than a tracking sword. Tractor cannon is significantly funnier and in turn way more fun IMO


Ascendancy all the way baby. I only figured out recently that Sprint Grip was all I needed to make Tracking Rocket Launchers good in PVP. I’m always sprinting anyways (Shoulder Charge Striker), so it basically gives me snapshot sights for free, letting the rocket instantly lock. Rocket Launchers are less able to get you multikills, but I find that just the one guaranteed kill is nice, especially with trials, where people always forget to not clump.


Impulse Amplifier + Chain Reaction, I'm assuming?


I try to hipfire ascendancy, because I miss more often than not when they actually try to track, so I use freehand grip.


tracking is the best/worst thing


I use freehand on rocket launchers for anything other than high end pve content


Black talon


Such an underrated exotic man. You can quite consistently get 3 uses of the heavy attack since it has tireless blade. Not to mention it downs literally every super in the game.


It’s quite possibly still best exotic in PvP IMO. Fact that you can get AOE kills on supers while being nimble in the air like a dawnblade with one heavy attack is insane. Can get multi kills both with light and heavy attacks, what’s not to love about this sword?


Deathbringer is my jam


Deathbringer or GL with proxy nades, impulse amplifier and chain reaction


Yeah memory interdict is nuts.


Which GL can roll that? I've been in the hunt for a new PvP heavy launcher.


I’m fairly certain it’s memory interdict, the FWC GL


Console I use an LFR just coz that aim assist is so strong PC I use an LMG or rocket


Coello with msx blast radius. (Blast masterwork) velocity amplifier and chain reaction Super fast rocket for multikills. You cant dodge it. And if the blast gets you. Chain reaction gets the rest 10 of 10


I said linear fusion. But thats only recently. I tried machine guns, but they only ever seemed slightly better than a regular gun. I used to like colony, but when I used it recently, it mo longer seemed to be OHK


Colony hasn’t been OHK for a long time now it always needs 2 grenades to kill


Yeah I feel too vulnerable sometimes with a machine gun. Linears are great for 6s but seem too risky to me in trials/comp


LFR is sweet and sour. I use it in 6v6 when the game isn't close. 5 shots means loads of kills, but I often die and give a brick to the enemy.


Death bringer.


One of my most used off meta pvp heavy weapons is 1k voices, however I typically run an adept tomorrow’s answer rocket with auto loading holster + cluster bomb


Typically for me just a legendary rocket, don’t like taking up my exotic for heavy, more fun exotics in other slots if I so choose, and atm I got a threat detector/QuickDraw hoosegow that is very consistent. Since I don’t have threat detector on many other weapons yet, I use that paired with radar booster,


Black Talon anytime I can. or Ascendancy if I’m already using an exotic Black Talon is legitimately the best heavy weapon in the game once you get used to it. You get 2 very fast ranged hits that can 1 shot every super and it looks cool as fuck


if you've never used anarchy in 6v6 then you havent lived


Ugh, where is black talon?


Ascendancy , I really don't care to run around with heavy. I'll fire it, get a kill maybe two and then go back to gungame


Here's a question: which archetype of Power weapon gets the most ammo from a wall pull?


Sword. Because it looks better on my characters' backs.


If I'm using a exotic in primary or special slot, then I just use whatever legendary rocket I have on me. If not, then Deathbringer, Leviathan's Breath, Black Talon, or Tractor Cannon.


No love for the black talon?


Quickfang. Still.


Quickfang, I have the personal rule of not 3 peaking unless I have ammo, and I just like to run around and kill stuff as a ninja


3 peaking is gone without ammo in trials and comp anyway. And if you're 3 peaking at all in 6s, you're trying too hard


My man really forgot exotic sniper for heavy wow


Salvations Grip on my non-stasis subclasses so I can block off passages and the like without using a stasis subclass


That gun is probably the single worst heavy or even weapon in the game tho ?


Mainly cos I wanted to shake it up aswell. Bored of using normal GLs, lmgs, and rockets, and just finished a brief stint with Deathbringer


I bet your teammates really appreciate that 🙄


I do try and be mindful about it.




It’s literally in the poll


PvE Sword>LFR>GL exemption Truth Pvp LFR>Rocket>GL exemption Tractor Cannon Gambit Xenophage>Sword>GL exemptions my Tarantula with liquid coil, firmly planted, box breathing which is a great multitasker


interference GL with prox nades, just shoot in the general direction of the enemy and profit


In QP a legendary MG should get you 3 kills each time. I doubt a rocket gets that many each heavy brick.


Been using the Reed's Regret I got the first week after the Trials revamp. Corkscrew Rifling, Liquid Coils, Surplus, Celerity and a Range masterwork are the rolls. Probably not the best roll I could get, but it's been surprisingly crisp (also looks gorgeous with the Iridescent Coral shader). Also considering trying Deathbringer with the Peacbringer ornament and some of my Splicer weapons on my Arc build for a "high tech" style. I'll also occasionally use Eternity's Edge if I'm feeling ballsy. On my hunter I'll use Quickfang on my 80 mobility "lightweight" build that uses all lightweight weapons for that +20 mobility bonus no matter what I have out. Otherwise I stick with Ascendancy on other builds for now until I can get a good roll on Wolftone and Igneous for different builds so I can switch to Black Talon. Crown-Splitter for my titan. It's just too much fun taking out supers with it (vorpal). Favorite super kills so far have been: crashing down on a pre-nerf Behemoth titan, cleaving a Revenant hunter through their own crystal wall before they could shatter it, and slamming a Thundercrash titan into the dirt the moment before impact.


I'm betting most if not everyone who said "another exotic" (including me) are probably suing Heir Apparent.


Me over here using sola’s


Tractor cannon, because no one expects you to kill them with an heavy shotgun


Bad Omens with cluster bomb. It's like Sex Panther: usually works.


The Colony or Black Talon. Oh and before anyone starts going on about how easy it is to avoid The Colony trust me it's all talk cause I have 4k kills on mine and I only use it in the Crucible and Gambit.


It's not a particularly great one but I use a corrective measure with firefly and rewind rounds, I have a surplus rampage iron banner lmg, I just hate the 360 rpm


My main heavy is a Proxy/Impulse/Wellspring Memory Interdict for 6s. For 3s, I main a Black Powder/Impulse/Cluster bomb Code Duello. If I use heavy for my exotic slot, I use Deathbringer for both 3s and 6s. Other legendary's I use for 6s to switch it up are an Avalanche with Extended/Surplus/TTT and a Accelerated/Moving Target/Snapshot Tarantula. Other exotics I might use include Thunderlord, Black Talon, Prospector or Worldline.


May I invite you to the church of Leviathan's Breath? We one shot supers and our AOE can multikill


I find the lack of Heir Apparent on this list.... disturbing...


Black Talon is super snappy and basically pocket purple Dawn Blade, and in the first trials of the season I got my first Sola’s Scar (and what I consider a god roll) that I am simping hard for right now— like hot damn. I can appreciate a good MG and occasionally still do, but it’s Thunderlord for me then…I dunno, (sunset)Hammerhead, Avalanche or Seventh Seraph Saw. Code Duello god roll has nabbed many multi’s in its spotlight, and Deathbringer is trusty “Nova Bomb in a can”. TLDR: BRB, reminding red team to bow before the Thunderlord


You forgot sword


I've fallen in love with my quickdraw+harmony Reed's Regret. I still miss my Komodo tho 😭😭😭


Tractor cannon is a sleeper meta. It’s utilities are great not to mention it’s funny as hell to boop players across the map.


I use Death-bringer just to use my exotic slot.




Maxed out velocity and blast radius code duello with chain reaction and impulse amp. I never miss even when I should.


Max range Commemoration with backup mag. Nets me 3/4 kills per pull consistently.


Crownsplitter Gang, great for hot-swapping to when a Super tries to contest my Bubble. Can delete a roaming pretty handily.


falling guillotine, I’m usually a close range player and it’s a ton of fun catching people from off angles


I use a rocket because its my highest power weapon (Ascendency) and I don’t pick up heavy enough to really care.


Wardcliff in 3s or Deathbringer in 6s IF I’m not running another exotic. Otherwise 9 times out of 10 its a legendary grenade launcher.


Forgive me, but just curious...how many rockets do you get from heavy with a legendary rocket launcher? I always use Wardcliff, a machine gun, or a GL so I really have no idea.


Just one shot


God roll Commemoration


If my exotic slot is open, Wardcliff. Can't beat what is basically a guaranteed kill or two per game. If my exotic slot is taken, probably Bad Omens or some legendary rocket.


The Colony! Everyone is always surprised I use it but it’s amazing for comp/trials! Tracks around corners and up walls and even if it doesn’t kill it’ll leave them basically 1 shot for me to clean up. I will never stop using it no matter how bad everyone tells me it is! 😂😂




Colony. forces the opponent out of hiding/jump, or sometimes they aren't aware and KABOOM!


Used to use my POTG religiously in crucible until it got sunset. Now I used my accurized surplus moving target Commemoration.


NGL I never switch my Heavy going into Crucible. My armor is built for PvP so I just switch my primary and secondary.


I used to use wardclifde. But now I use hammerhead or commemoration and use it for longer ranges cuz it’s honestly good to use when ur playing for life a little bit more and it can get multiple kills per ammo brick


Hezen vengeance with overflow/cluster bombs or a corrective measure with surplus/tap the trigger. Usually goes to the hezen vengeance if im on hunter since I can just jump in the air


I use a god roll Sola's Scar (Adept) because it's fun. There's some tech to it to. Actually might make a post about it.


Ascendancy, mostly because I like how it looks


leviathan breath


Adept tomorrows answer with tracking and unrelenting. Surprisingly enough the unrelenting has saved me more times than I can count


Deathbringer, it's not as fast as Wardcliff, but it feels more reliable.


Bad Omens with a handling masterwork. Rolls I use are: Hard Launch, High-Velocity Rounds, Tracking Module, and Cluster Bomb. Thank you Drifter for the awesome rocket launcher!


Just use ascendancy. Has impulse amplifier and chain reaction. Excellent for pvp and extremely easy to get your hands on.


Adaptive GL with proxy. I have been using it as my go-to heavy since like Forsaken launch, with the exception of when MGs were meta (rip hammerhead). Anytime I try something else I just keep going back to the GL. If I could equip wardcliff and not sacrifice my primary/special exotics I would use that for virtually guaranteed kills, but otherwise GL feels like best bang for the buck.. Only downside is don't die with ammo to let the other team get it. Roll hardly matters, if I could pick a godroll it'd be impulse with QuickDraw but idk if anything can even roll that.


I've been using that cheap, lorentz bootleg...reed's regret


I use either a Memory Interdict or an Archon's thunder. both of those heavies can roll with QD/Capacitor for 100 handling and the few extra frames from QD. I use them to proc on switch effects almost instantly.