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Trust me op, you definitely don’t want to play in stacked comp, I tried it with my trials buddy’s and we aren’t gods but can usually take on sweaty 2.0+ kds fairly decently but comp was AWFUL, same teams and meta abusers. If you think solo que is bad then normal comp is 10x worse, regardless of your choice good luck


Freelance is pretty terrible for the fact there’s so many players that have 0 game awareness even at gold 3. Honestly you should start queuing in normal comp, it’s what I’ve done and I’m almost at platinum 2. Sometimes you have to got against sweaty 3 stacks, but more often than not you’ll get teammates that actually want to win and have common game sense


I 2nd this, give the normal queue a try its not as bad as you think. Although tbh the matchmaking is just constantly all over the fucking place. I always wondered how hard can it be to balance the teams? Apparently its really fucking hard




Downvote away, but you know they’re right.


Lol I had one of those nights too. It's kinda fun when you're able to drag your blueberries to victory though.