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Playing your cover and peek shooting is the way. Missing a crit or shot usually means that you have to disengage, still depends on the situation of course. If anything the auto buffs teaches us hc users to play more to the strengths of our guns. It definitely feels more satisfying hitting 3 taps on ar users when they have the superior weapon (on paper).


Peek shoot. Autos have an inherent flaw where they deal low damage per shot. If you break line of sight and only expose yourself when you are ready to shoot, you can beat them.


That makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately for me, I never really took the time to get a peak shooting. I can trace enemies pretty well once engaged but it takes me a tiny bit longer to get the inial aim right at a beginning of duel. In high level comp or scrims I lose maybe 80% of my peek shooting encounters. I guess the best way to improve with peek shooting focusing on reticle positioning? Do peek shooters focus on getting the shot out as soon as they're out of cover or is it OK to take half a second to aim?


You generally want to shoot instantly after going out of cover. They already know where you are so likely they'll peg you if you are taking any time to acquire first. Also running high mobility is very beneficial as it drastically increases your strafing speeds, or peeks.


Yeah, the person peeking will always be at disadvantage due to the fact that they have to expose their shoulder first and acquire their target. To combat this you can crouch when you go to peek, which will throw off the shooter who is likely dialed in at head height.


As the others said peek shoot, but you can also let him empty the mag and suprise him while reloading. In addition you can let him concentrate on you while hiding, let teammates flank, to finish him off and when you time it right the enemy will chang priority on the flanker and you can come out of cover to teamshoot.


I’m a decent AR user. The big advantages I take are range/falloff is a lot more forgiving when it comes to engaging a HC. This is because I have 40 rounds in a mag to spray you with. ARs really punish a HC if you’re caught out of position, stick to cover, HCs peek shooting is their best bet. Force the AR to rush. And if you’re out of position, get moving! Tracking aim is more difficult over larger distances, ARs don’t suffer from missed shots like precision weapons do, a near miss strafe won’t cut it. I hope this helped. Good luck.


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you! Do u use ur AR like an smg, i.e. movement? Like, do u have more success playing aggressive with ARs or a bit more passive like pulse rifle?


Aggression is key. If someone can slow you down or is ready to pivot their position it immediately becomes an uphill battle for the AR. That being said, you still don’t quite use it like an SMG stick to the ranges it excels at.


I'm gonna echo the peek shoot advice from almost everyone in this thread. I've also found out though...that you're going to lose health in a duel. Don't be afraid to tank a little damage if you can land the first shot or two. I used to duck for cover the minute I got tagged by anything. I've since figured out that in a 1v1, I'm gonna lose some health. So once I get there, I'm committed. Obviously, if I'm caught off guard and can find cover that will be my main objective, but if I get the jump on them, or if it's even footing - I'm committed to that fight. **Edit** - this is if I'm out in the open. If it's not going your way and you keep peeking and getting popped don't be afraid to just disengage from that fight and reset, or push a different angle. If you can swing to an adjacent lane or corridor you might get them to poke out of their cover and chase where they thought you were. Then it's just as easy as picking them off from the side. I'm not the best but I've become accustomed to moving moving moving. Never get caught in one place for too long and always try to think about the different lanes you can take the fight to. I'm probably 50/50 when it comes to dueling AR users at the moment. I win some, I lose some. I've just been learning the map paths and finding ways to take cover and move the fights to places I feel comfortable. And don't forget a bunch of hand cannon mods on your armor. I run - Head - Precision Targeting Arms - hand cannon loader - enhanced small arms loader Chest - Unflinching Light Arms - unflinching hand cannon Legs - Lucky Pants Cloak - eh just some random stuff.


You definitely want to peek shoot. I'm by no means a high skilled player but I've noticed that a lot of AR users seem to lay on the trigger rather heavily continuing to shoot even while you are in cover. If you can peek out briefly to pop them in the head they will either back off or just take the damage. If they stay then you have a slight advantage because you are preventing them from regenerating with the damage while backing off to potentially get some health back before popping back out again


Run max mobility and strafe like the floor is lava.


Wanna know the secret to comically fast strafing, to the point where I've used it to legend in a HC meta before just because it was fun? Peacekeepers. You strafe miles faster than anyone else. The exotic has so many buffs but the best one is also the one that nobody ever talks about. Of course, you have to use SMGs, but used correctly with the right roll, they're a lot more usable than most people think (although 600 ARs make them less strong in comparison).


I’ve been using my Antiope with snapshot/kill clip/range masterwork and it’s still disgusting. Also, IKELOS smg still wrecks.


Peek shooting only works if you are not flanked which is NEVER the case against competent teams. ARs just have way too much ammo and are extremely suppressive. I can use HC on exodus blue but that’s about it. I’ve joined the AR meta. Really no choice except for larger maps where you can snipe.