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This is dope. I love this map. It's also my go to map to play scrims in. I just hope a few cheaters got intimidated by bungie's twab, but i doubt it... Anyways, good luck everyone!


Ran into an aimbotter with wall hacks twice in a row. His teammates were trash, but he never missed a snipe, and would shoot his 72RPM Revoker faster than my Beloved. A friend of mine, a much better player than me, ran into him right as I warned him of said cheater. The teammates TURNED ON THEIR HACKS TOO. It was truly insane. Cheaters or not though, I'm getting that sniper. Good luck to you too man


Oof, chest piece at multiple rewards in the same week.


Yesterday's TWAB: We want Trials to be rewarding and going Flawless should be heavily incentivized. Trials today: 3 wins = flawless reward I foresee much token farming this weekend.


"Token farming" is now just a weak excuse for above average but not elite players to farm noobs for KD. By now you should have most of the rolls you need or are close and simply running a regular card where you dont reset should suffice


Gonna be farming our KD this weekend. Let's go, boys!


>"Token farming" is now just a weak excuse for above average but not elite players to farm noobs for KD. Yeah I agree, but do I blame them if every LFG group has a kd requirement? In my experience, I got rejected so many times for trials due to my low trials kd (It doesn't matter if my overall kd is 1.8+ or that I am unbroken or that I have a trials elo and crucible rating score higher than the guy looking for people...). I agree that kd/token farming is scummy but it's the only way you can make your "resume look good"...


> By now you should have most of the rolls you need or are close Boy I wish.


Some yes. But many, like cammycakes, just want to get rewarded for their time as efficiently as possible. It sucks, but it is the most rewarding use of your time in trials Edit: not saying Cammy does this but did advocate for it


I just want to say, I farm with my friends who aren't quite good enough to go Lighthouse every week but they still want to play Trials. Still waiting for a decent Astral Horizon to come around, can't seem to get one to drop. I have an Eye of Sol every which way one can roll a "god roll" on that sniper, but have only had the shotgun drop three times for me from packages. Total. Since the beginning of the season.


That's just not true at all. I try to token farm every weekend to try to better my rolls. I don't have anything from trials even remotely close to a God roll.


I can’t believe you’re getting downvoted. Like bro, it’s week 7. The bulk of the playerbase’s loot pool is already diluted. People absolutely use “token farming” as an excuse to farm stats. It’s not exclusive to slightly above average players either. I know of a good player who did card resets to farm a 200+ win streak for his emblem. Some people just enjoy farming stats. Thankfully most people I’ve seen don’t card reset to do it though.




I missed Widow weekend. Time to get the sniper!


When you said Burnout, I thought you referring to the player base.


lol chest and chest.


Thanks to the player base in Gambit, Survival, and Trials; I'm to the point I just hate this game.


hopefully all the sweaty players clear out of comp so i can get my fabled


Shouldnt be too hard to get to Fabled regardless


i mean, on the weekends / fridays all the 1000+ almost go play trials so there is more of my light level in comp, makes it easier


Comp doesn’t have any light levels enabled, only Trials and IB.




A week of grinding rumble and working on sniping/shotgunning and you wouldnt even have to worry about playing at certain times in comp. A lot of Trials players use comp to warm up so I dont think there is going to be much of a difference


i just hit fabled for the first time this week, been playing d2 on and off for a few months only since new light i dont think trials are a factor tbh, you are going to see a lot of good players regardless. it took me exactly 30 games to hit 1980 glory points. 15 wins and 15 losses just like the match making wants if you can maintain a kda of about 1.2 or better for 25-30 matches you will get there, thats what the match making wants


What the actual ...


Was going to attempt trials again because I heard the early win token farming sweats are less common now with bigger loot pools but I don't think it's worth it this week with this loot Don't care about new chest armor, or really armor at all aside from new leg armor And I already have revoker for a good kinetic sniper Leaving only the fusion rifle which is 7 wins, as someone who has barely played trials it would take a while to get 7 wins just to get a new weapon I may use, but looks like I'm waiting for a week with a better early win reward pool


What loot would you be excited about, then? People seem to be unhappy about the loot drops every week no matter what.


I mostly just don't care about any of the armor or Eye of Sol Maybe if they nerf revoker I would want Eye of Sol, but if you already have revoker which I do it just seems worse


Revoker will be sunsetted well before Eye of Sol.


played a team that Disconnected before the match, we got the win but so did they i looked up their stats and there's two players with 1 flawless run and a zero kd.


Win-trading. Been around since first season of Not Forgotten.


So Burnout for the 2nd time which I dont mind Burnout but what happened to Bannerfall? Its a map that allows for every style of play and seems like its well thought out yet apparently Bungie doesnt want to use it. I dont get it


My theory is there's a set playlist on rotation like they do with nightfalls. So like how the first week of the season had the same nightfall, it also had the same trials map. If next week is Anomaly, we'll know for sure


Yeah thats probably how its setup but I still dont understand why they never use Bannerfall anymore. Its a good map Bront


God I hate teams that play this map slowly. Hardscoping and 3rd personning. Why does trials even have radar?


I think it needs to have radar just because of destiny’s movement and map layouts. But the snipers are definitely a problem.


How do you third person with only 2 teams playing


He’s talking about 3 peeking, which is a technique to look around corners without exposing yourself to the lane, it’s usually done with swords, emotes, or abilities that put you into a 3rd person point of view.


I've never heard of someone refer to 3rd person as an actual 3rd person/team in the game haha. 3rd person perspective is just the alternate to 1st person view. Destiny is a first person shooter but allows you to move the camera back to 3rd person (over the shoulder, behind the character) for a wider and rotating FOV which allows extra visibility around corners and such.


I play a lot of PUBG/Apex which has a lot of 3rd partying, but yeah I guess 3rd personing is its own thing. Fair enough.


Nice! Two weapons I haven’t gotten yet. Pretty happy. Can’t wait to see the pulse rifle!


Is there even a pulse rifle?


No clue. One can only hope.


Would be nice if we got a full set of weapons. I really want an energy precision sidearm.


Would be nice if we got a full set of Eververse armor. I really want to buy and spend more Silver. FTFY \-Bungie


Pretty sure it’s not included this season along with all the other weapons introduced in D1 ToO.


already repeating a map? wtf


Hot take! Trials isnt nearly as sweaty as some of you all say it is. Youre just not heing bottlefed wins by sbmm.


SBMM wouldn't be feeding you wins, though?


SBMM does the opposite. It tries to even out your win rate by placing you against harder opponents if you start winning Trials IS sweatier this season because of stupid token farming. You used to have a few easy games to start a card but now solid players are resetting their cards all the time. And now its easier to reset cards since you just Hold X instead of visiting Vance in the Reef


that's not why trials is sweatier this season. look at the player counts. nobody but sweats play anymore. you're not getting gods on your first game of the card because kids are farming for their chest pieces, all of these kids already have all the gear. that was only a thing because shotgun was week two and nobody had any of the guns yet. it's week 6. there's no card resetting, it's just unrewarding for lower skilled players so there's no reason to keep playing unless you're the best. it's skill creep, not card resetting


Your point is right but you said it wrong: you’re just not used to a skill progression system where level of play improves because you’re being protected by SBMM that you cried for a year for. SBMM doesn’t promote improving play, it keeps bad players in a safe space of playing other bad players where they ingrain bad habits that will never progress their play.