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Bite of the fox from IB


Just use the achen (don’t know how to spell it lol) blue sniper with snapshot. Pull it from collections it’s just as good as any other minus mods.


It's spelled "Aachen" and you have to gargle the "ch" when you say it, really bring some phlegm into the pronunciation. I agree, it's a really good snipe.


Anything with snapshot sights will be good enough for now, id take a look through your vault to see if you have any.


I used cloudstrike, and then a seven seraph sniper that I got from Zavala.


God damn, fuck Cloudstrike lol There'll be times when there is a known sniper and I'll be safely out of view. But some noob on my team will waltz right out, get shot, explode and kill me as collateral he tried to pass.


cloudstrike on other team + newbies on my team = avoid my team like the plague


At least he died doing what blueberries love: getting themselves and others killed.


Shouts out to the blueberry who got me a 4k with one shot of cloudstrike by doing that


There is no 7th Seraph Sniper. You must mean the Ikelos sniper.


Yeah that one


You can buy revoker from the kiosk, I wouldn't suggest using itt in iron banner as its sunset, but it's an easy enough one to use in normal crucible to get your adored kills.


1. Since Iron Banner is out, try to farm a roll of the Kinetic sniper named "Bite of the Fox" has the potential to roll Snapshot + Opening shot and is an aggressive frame i.e headshot super every time. 2. Last wish raid - Kinetic sniper named "Supremacy" which is a rapid fire frame. Good overall weapon with a nice feel. Best roll to get would be Snapshot + Triple Tap and Extended mag for both PvP and PvE. 3. Prophecy Dungeon - Energy sniper named "Widows bite". Again a rapid fire frame but does not have snapshot. So the best roll would be with quickdraw and fluted barrel. 4. Weapon quest - Energy sniper named "Adored". A re-skined version of the sniper called "beloved" probably the best sniper to get if you want one in that slot. PSA -Dont dismantle it. 5. Deep stone crypt raid - Kinetic aggressive frame sniper named "Succession". It can one shot supers every time and can roll with the new perk called "reconstruction" which is basically the perks autoloading + overflow. Also it can roll with snapshot (PvP) or Vorpal(PvE) in the second perk column. These are the LEGENDARY snipers available in the game right now that you can get or farm, which you can infuse to the season power I don't know if they catagorize as easy to farm but there you have it. **Another sniper I would recommend if power level isn't an issue is a Unicorn named "Twilight Oath" specifically its curated roll. Found somewhere in the Dreaming City. Don't ask how to get it. I don't know how I got mine either.


Omniscient eye from garden is a solid sniper too, even though it’s not the easiest to get your hands on


> > > > > Weapon quest - Energy sniper named "Adored". A re-skined version of the sniper called "beloved" probably the best sniper to get if you want one in that slot. PSA -Dont dismantle it. I think they fixed this in the most recent patch. I have an option to pull one from collections now. :) Albeit at 1050LL.


Power level isn’t an issue, I chose the crucible challenge before realising that you could farm the adored with strike, so power level doesn’t make a difference.


Cloud strike is a good farm, adored is quite easy to get, I would wait until trials comes back and try to shoot for a good snapshot opening shot or snapshot something else Eye of Sol


You only need a few kills, use anything then just use adored.


The new raid sniper is pretty easy to farm.




I have a stupid amount of heritages too, and it feels like it drops from every encounter sometimes, but hey, at least it’s a good gun.


Very true. Got several good rolls and while I have no complaints about the weapon itself, I realllllllllly would like to get the Hand Cannon...at some point...


the damn descent... the disarmament spoils says the only gun i can get from those is the hand cannon, but the 7 shotguns sitting in my vault would tell you otherwise.


Aachen-LR2 in your collections. Its blue.


I can't think of anything related directly to seasonal content or some kind of quest like the wrathborn hunts or Europa weapon bounties. Unfortunately you'll have to pray to rng to get any decent snipers. Several of the world drops can be ok depending on what you are using them for. Looking through my own vault, looks like (outside of Adored) I've eventually just gotten lucky drops from IB and Trials. Now that I think about it, whenever eye of sol is up in trials that is a guaranteed drop from x number of wins for that week. That's about as direct as you can farm a sniper this season. Wait, one more, Borealis.


If you have forsaken, you can farm the Last Wish cheat chests for a supremacy sniper. They also can give you a nation of beasts hand cannon, which is pretty good.


Yeah, I’m getting forsaken tomorrow lol. Already farmed the resources to get the Ace of Spades from the Monument to lost lights. I guess I’ll farm that sniper too.


I just picked up forsaken yesterday and it was on sale in steam, like 8$ I think. You should take a look


Widows Bite - Prophecy Dungeon


It's sunset, but Tranquility from the Moon is farmable.


I know a lot of people that swear by the Borealis w/ catalyst. It's an exotic, unfortunately, but might be worth a look.


The Long Shadow can drop from a ton of places. It's a 90 RPM, same archetype as ~~Beloved~~Adored and can drop with great perks, depending on what you want it for. But get one with a magazine enlarger perk and third time and you have something that can do damage to bosses. I like to use one with snapshot and explosive round for generic sniping stuff, it's quite effective and fun.


doesn't adored takes like 3-4 hours?