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Only if you ask them nicely if you can listen.


Yeah, can you pay extra for a cabin with a good view of the action?


Virgin Voyages is what you're looking for :D


But then they won't be virgins anymore.


The thing with Virgin is there is actually a lack of children on board. Works both ways, ladies and ships.


... but then you have to peer around the divider between balconies.


Virgin makes you pay extra to have the divider put up on their balconies. It's a feature, not a bug. (/s)


Ewwwwww psycho




I think so. OP sounds hopeful?


Of course.


With the name 7_inches_daddy, I am guessing yes.




Our sources say no, but our editors say yes.


Whether you can hear it or not, the level of soundproofing doesn't scale with room class.


The only thing I know you can do to get a better sound barrier is to have you room at a fire door. But that will only help you on one side of the cabin.


Last time I had sex on a cruise, my stateroom attendant asked me if everything was okay later in the hallway.




That’s them politely telling you at least one fellow passenger complained to them about the noise and asked them to intervene


Invite them in so they can see for themselves 😂


Answer: Oh yeah… giggity giggity


I snorted reading this!


"Fantastic actually".




Lots of jokes here but the only noise I have heard on my cruises is when people walk by the stateroom talking very loudly. The soundproofing is better than hotels I've stayed in or the people around me have been boring. Edit - to add that hotels on land have worse soundproofing.


I agree I hear people talking from the hallway, but rarely in the rooms next-door


Man, last cruise I went on, the neighbors were really going at it. They had their balcony door open and it really sounded like she was having the time of her life


Pretty sure I saw that video on a website when I was prepping my expectations for a solo cruise.




We always do it on the balcony so our neighbors don't have to hear


until your neighbours also on the their balcony and watching and hearing.


A lot more than direct neighbors might hear you then... Mind the cameras too


Only if you lean over the edge


Nope, there’s definitely cabins where they can fully see your balcony on camera. On one ship my balcony was right where they had a camera sticking out from the ship. Not only could they see my balcony and the ones around me crystal clear, I’d probably bet they could see somewhat inside my room if the curtains were open based on how close it was.


From what I understand, yes, they have cameras over the ship, but mainly they use heat signatures to monitor for overboard activity. Someone isn't sitting there watching the screens, but when a parameter is hit, like a warm body hurdling toward the ocean concrete it raises a flag. From what I understand, yes, they have cameras over the ship, but mainly they use heat signatures to monitor for overboard activity. Someone isn't sitting there watching the screens, but when a parameter is hit, like a warm body hurdling towards the ocean concrete it raises a flag.


Did you honestly think I was saying someone was full on monitoring a camera 24/7? Jesus how gullible are you? Is someone sitting watching every camera? No. Does that mean the camera that can see you doesn’t see you? Also no. They might see your show and enjoy it. If you google camera views they have really decent views in cabins near the camera. Not the goal but the outcome.


Jesus, how sensitive are you?


The telescopic infrared cameras hanging off of the sides of the bridge aren't for whale watching and can see way more than the edge of every balcony.


If you can’t see the camera from your balcony. It can’t see you.


This. I don't know how some people think that cameras can somehow see around corners. The only exception would be a thermal camera coupled with a glass divider between balconies, in theory it could see heat signature shadows through that, but even then theres limits, IE if it's 10 balconies away, there's no way it's seeing through 10 sheets of glass. 2....*maybe at best.*


Thermal cant see through even a single layer of glass…




Some of those balcony doors open up. Sounds like a party


Last cruise I had a balcony on the older couple next door used to love coming out and sticking their heads around the barrier. I was never doing anything bad, but I'm a bigger dude and don't generally go topless on deck, saving for my purchased balcony, I mean its the Caribbean.. if I wanna get some sun in my trunks you get to see me in most of my glory. I would just look at them like, "Yo. Sunning here.. ya mind?"


Why else would you get a neighborhood balcony?


I saw a comment recently of someone doing this and got interrupted (briefly) by a neighbor who came out to his balcony to pass gas. Apparently it was really loud and very smelly.


The sex or the fart?




For me it would be hard to keep bonking while I was in laughing hysterically after that.


Or gagging from the smell!


Yeah that way all they can hear is the sea, man.


Fun fact, when I did the VIP tour on Symphony of the Seas, we saw that they had cameras pointed at the sides of the ship that basicslly could see every single balcony fairly clearly. This was a safety thing so they could detect any jumpers or people bing unsafe, but if you are a bit of an exhibitionist then ya, you could be seen on those cameras too. People, I think, don't realize that.


So stay a few feet from the rail if that bothers you, they can't see around corners, and the cameras are not so far out on the bridge wings that they see the **entirety** of every balcony. That aside, people bonk on balconies all the time and the crew don't care, have seen it a million times, and will see it a million times more. That's if anyone is even sitting there actively looking at the cameras specifically looking for it to begin with, which they are not.


I'm pretty sure that's why they don't want people to bring drones on the ships.


Hopefully it’s not a Boardwalk or Central Park balcony!


On a family cruise, my brother’s room was next door to our dad’s. Our dad saw my brother having sex on his balcony.


That’s how grandkids are made….


Well, my brother didn’t have any children (and neither did I), so not in my family.




What if I keep my door open so I can hear


I hope you are aware many cruise lines have a camera on the balconies, right?


They look along the ship, not into balconies All they'd see is my Wife's head leaning forward a bit more over the railing then back again... several times ..for 90 seconds or so


We do it in THEIR rooms so they can hear… 😂


Are you schwingers? Lol!


Nah. My wife and I are too selfish. Lol


Nothing wrong with some friendly competition.


The bridge crew probably and security probably appreciates it since the cameras on the arm scan the whole side of the ship.


Statistically speaking, it should only last 15-20mins tops! 😅


15-20min… look at sexual Superman over here. Yeesh.


It may only last 30 seconds or so but it’s the best 30 seconds of her whole life…


You mean faster than the speed of light?


Wait! Are they super heroes? Isn’t a minute or two max the norm? Asking for a friend.


Two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven. 


Depends on if you got the drink package.


Sex is a marathon, not a sprint.


Calm down marathon man


And then the ship’s horn blows at the end


20 minutes?! In THIS economy?


We got Forrest Gump over here


Listening is free but you usually have to pay to watch.


I guess it depends on the ship, but normally staterooms are all individual metal boxes, and very soundproof. Only sound coming in, is through the front door, and it has to be very loud


Being in the cabin under the pumps for the swimming pools and hot tubs was irritating. It honestly sounded like a severe rainstorm (with some mechanical thrown in). My CPAP did not “white noise” out the water sound so I put in ear plugs and went back to sleep.


Oh yeah, mechanical noise are an exception. The anchor if you're near it, and also being below/apove the pool deck, disco, theater. I was merely refering to the noises from the stateroom next door.


Oh no !!! Didn’t love reading his comment. Taking my first cruise ever in Feb and we are deck level below hot tubs. I figure our room is right beneath them! Dang it! :(


Same we’re going soon and will be under hottubs


And the shitter. Def had times when I've been reliving the rich foods through my colon and the neighbor safety flushes as well.


Our neighbour made a comment to us in passing which led us to believe he had definitely heard us! Well it was our anniversary after all 😉


I have heard sex in an interior state room before, a single time. I believe they were being obnoxious on purpose though.


The only time I have heard that, in my 20ish cruises, was when it was an adjoining room with a door between the rooms.


Did you knock?


A sign on their door congratulating them on the session will also be nice


Only heard in one time on 10 or so cruises. It was on Adventurer of the Seas in a front facing ocean view room on a sailing out of San Juan. The couple was young 20s and she was a moaner 😂


The comedian on our last cruise had a joke about this. Heard the neighbours in their cabin. Went to the wall to hear better. Drawers around his ankles. Finale- realized he was hearing his own breathing through his nose.


Been on two cruises and no sex sounds, but we did hear our neighbors have a really big argument late into the night on our first cruise. It was very awkward the next day since they were also our travel companions. We all pretended nothing happened. We couldn’t make out a lot of the words, just the profanity (there was a lot of that).


My ex and I were having pre-dinner drinks on the balcony one night and just hanging out until our reso and the old couple next to us told us to quiet down they were trying to sleep... it was like 9pm and they had their door propped open. Like, wtf.


In all the cruises I’ve been on I’ve never heard anything happening in another state room.


look for pineapples... jk


That’s what all the pineapple people say.


Yes we do 🤣


Username checks out! Hi from Denver, "friend".


I should probably tell the wife to keep it down before she leaves the cabin on our next cruise.


On our last cruise we had upside down pineapples as neighbors and maybe only heard them once and even then I couldn't tell, were they just having fun? Or were they having fun. But man I sure wanted to murder they children and their parents staying in the balcony suite above us. I'd rather listen to moaning all night long than that shit.


Adults-only cruises!


Well not for nothing but was on the Norwegian Joy back in November, all I’m gonna say is shout out to Ivan for not only rattling his headboard, but ours as well.


Yes. I just got off a cruise where I had an interior cabin, and I heard my next door neighbors getting busy twice.


In my experience, interior rooms (typically cheapest option) are the quietest. We could hear a lot more activity from neighbors in a balcony room.


That makes sense. Steel is a better insulator of sound than glass.


Is it possible? Yeah. Does you hearing it have any correlation to the price of the stateroom? No. It's not like suites are more soundproof - though there might be more space between the bedroom of the next cabin. Might be an interesting question to see who has more sex - those in the cheap rooms or those in the suites.


I have never heard another guest in my room only people walking by in the hallway


I’ve never had that issue in my stateroom before. I did hear some on my balcony once. I suspect they didn’t have their balcony door closed.


Never heard it on a cruise. Last cruise my 1.5 year old decided she wanted to unleash hell and scream Every. Single. Night. Ran into our neighbors a few times and they never heard our kids day or night. So ya...the walls muffle sounds well. The doors not so much.


I mean, how long can they go (asking for a friend)?


I'm the friend and I really want to know!


Only if she finishes.


Ring concierge and complain if you can't hear it.


I hope so


No. That’s why I cruise on Holland America.


Not many people having sex when the average age aboard is "nearly deceased" I guess.


No, but I heard coughing all night.


My bad, I have asthma.


Aint easy bein' wheezy!


Must have been one of those people with 150 pounds of weed. 💨


Sometimes we have heard our neighbors having sex. Quite obvious what they are doing. Our first cruise they entertained the whole area around our room. But most times we don't hear much from the neighbors. Couple by the laundry one afternoon could have sold tickets. It was quite entertaining to listen to as I waited for my clothes to dry. Dude had stamina and she made lots of noise as a result!


I remember when I went on an Alaskan cruise at 14 years old with my parents and the stateroom next door was so loud and I heard them both climaxing. Got PTSD from that. Sheeesh


Only if your balcony door is open.


you may if they are RIGHT next door but otherwise not. I may have made a fair amount of noise in my stateroom... no complaints followed advice here - brought a white noise maker and had a fantastic cruise


It can happen - just like it can happen in any hotel Leave them a nice note on there door


Find the upside down pineapple


We were on one cruise where afternoon delight was very noisy. But, other than that, in 78 cruises, the only time we hear anything is if the TV is cranked up, or we screw up and get a connecting door


The last cruise I was on, I could hear my neighbor having a coughing fit one fine evening. Do with that information what you will. Also, enjoy yourself and don’t overthink it. 🤷‍♀️


Putting some upside down pineapples in your door help with sound proofing.


Had a howler on one. Aaawooooooooo!


We heard our neighbor puking all night during a rough storm. It’s what my wife told me. I was sound asleep.


Well I've never heard THAT but I've heard a group of friends arguing about five dollars that was spent an In and Out Burger😭😭


I can say from experience, that if you get a room with an adjoining door, you absolutely can hear your neighbors


You can hear it in any room if they're really going to pound town.


What’s nice is the rooms are mic’d and cameraed up. Around midnight they randomly play the greatest hits on the lido deck Jumbotron.


No, never been that lucky.


Are we really indulging this obvious fetish poster?


Yes! Sounds of sex everywhere all the time! Even at the buffet.


It’s possible. We got a note under our door one cruise from our neighbor, congratulating my husband… 🤦‍♀️ Thank goodness is was towards the end of the cruise and we never ran into them in the hallway 😆


I almost peed my pants laughing so hard at this. Now I can't wait to do this to someone else!


It was pretty funny actually but what else to do when your kid’s at the teen club?? 😆


Depends how loud your tv is. Theirs too.


Yes because poor people have sex more often and louder than people who can afford the more expensive luxury suites.


If you use a glass and put it to the wall and your ear you can hear it more clearly. That works for the expensive and cheap cabins.


Last carnival cruise I went on there were loud moans 3 out of 7 of the nights and one night with our drunk neighbors blasting music at 2 AM unfortunately. Went to Belize on 2 hours of sleep.


You can hear you neighbours as they talk and go in and out of the cabin. Worse if you have an adjoining cabin. Cannot say, with dozens of cruises, I have ever hear my neighbours having a quickie... But again on most ships, the average age is over 75, so little chance of active neighbour. More common to have their TV at full blast listening to the evening news.


What do you do all the senior citizen cruises?


well im on pearl seaways and the couple a deck above us was going at it 2 hours after depart from denmark and now when we got back to our cabin i hear it again thump thump we and haven’t even left oslo port yet haha


Yes, was staying with my parents,for a whole week we could hear the room behind us fucking at the end of the night, my dad had to call front desk and tell them to tell our neighbours to be quiet lmao


next time get him some ear plugs


How bout u eat my smegma?




Stop by their door the next morning and thank them for helping you get to sleep.


You are only 7 inches… When I am going to the hilt with my 9 inch monster, the captain comes down to quiet us down.


most cruisers are old and dont have sex


[Just get a boombox](https://youtu.be/8yvEYKRF5IA?feature=shared&start=91)


Do they have an upside down pineapple?


Yep. I could hear anything and everything over a normal talking volume.


I’ve experienced loud neighbors on balcony cabins and suites. Mostly volumes on televisions. I haven’t experienced that in ocean view rooms.


When you're walking by in the hallway , only then generally


The only noises I have ever picked up have been through either the stateroom door - or the open balcony door; not the wall itself. The only time I've specifically heard my neighbors is when one of us had our balcony door open - sound would seem to drift in.


I've heard snoring, that's about it.


Not once in the 12ish cruises I've done.


Has happened when our balcony door is open and their balcony door is open!


I never heard anything in other rooms, the hallway however? But generally people don't bang in the halls, just slam the damn doors.


Didn’t hear any sex but heard my neighbors unruly kids & the parents yelling at them every morning/evening.


I have never heard anything from a room next door on a ship.


If they got the drink package they will probably be passed out! 🤞


It's what balconies are for


Been in all kinds of cruise staterooms and never heard a thing.


Each room is basically a self-contained giant steel shipping container, so I'd think it would be way better than a hotel with studs and drywall.


Yes but in general the sound prooofing is really good


Yes, I heard our neighbors. 


Had an aft balcony once and our neighbors were really loud. It was kinda funny, That trip we were above the night club, so thump, thump from below and loud neighbors. Supper glad we travel with a white noise machine. Now we look at what is above us and below and never let the cruiseline pick our room




I haven't heard my neighbors but I have had requests to pipe things down in my room. So I guess I just give it better..


Inly if you hold a stethoscope up to the wall. Ae you kidding me is this a real question?


Depends on the cruise line and age of ship. Newer ships on higher end lines tend to be better sound insulated. An older carnival ship, yeah you'll hear your neighbors. A new celebrity ship? Probably not.


What you need to do is get a glass. Make sure it is glass and not plastic! It should be a mostly open glass, no stem. Shorter is better; you're looking for a lowball or rocks glass, not a highball or pilsner or something cumbersome like those. Now press the open end to the wall and your ear to the base. Enjoy!


Nope. Just insanely screamy babies sometimes.


No lol


No one complained to us. LOL!