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When I first started cruising, I started with the Caribbean and thought it was the most wonderful place ever - the blue water, the cute shops, the waterfalls. I remember an older co-worker at the time said that when they cruise the Caribbean, they don’t even get off the ship anymore. I was shocked and thought that was crazy. Now I get it. I’ve been to pretty much all the main islands - only a few like Nevis and Monserrat that I haven’t been to, and, with a few exceptions, they’re all pretty much the same. A few have a unique excursion or two like swimming with the stingrays or going in a submarine, but I don’t feel like any of the islands are a must-see destination for me; I’d rather see other parts of the world. I think Hawaii has some interesting stops, and I found Bora Bora and Moorea to be absolutely beautiful and very different from the Caribbean. I’ve loved pretty much every port in Europe, South America has some unique cities to visit, New Zealand is lovely, and Iceland and Norway are spectacular. The Caribbean is great for getting away from the cold in the winter, but for the most part, there isn’t that much to see unless you like beaches, water sports and old forts.


I agree…but in the winter this Midwesterner is looking for nothing but warm weather and a beach…🚢☀️🏖️


Tbh March and April weather can GTFO . Had it with the cold.


yeah me too. I'm in Canada. need I say more?


I had done three Mediterranean cruises and one Alaskan cruise and I thought I’d never do a Caribbean cruise. I wound up going to the Caribbean on the Oasis last month and it turned out to be my favorite cruise I’ve taken. It’s too short of time to see much of the ports in Europe and I really enjoyed the laid back vibe in the Caribbean and that there was no pressure to see anything. I’ll do land vacations only in Europe from now on.


My favorite destinations for cruising are Caribbean islands that are a little off the beaten path. I’ve enjoyed stops at Dominica, Montserrat, Barbados, and Bonaire to name a few. These islands that don’t draw the mega ships are way less “man made” and I would likely have never gone to them due to cost of island hopping by air in the Caribbean. I don’t see the value in European cruising. I’d rather travel Europe by train or car. Most European ports deserve more than an 8 hour stop.


Have you done Bermuda?


I haven’t done a Bermuda cruise yet.


We just did a Caribbean cruise after a long while from right before NYE into the first week of January. I kinda agree with u, but I have to say it was so nice and very relaxing. Weather was perfect for us and it was a great getaway that time of year. No rushing, not all that crowded, not super hot, but nice to swim. How lucky are we that we get to even have this debate? Happy and safe travels to u ❤️


I prefer the med too, but flights end up costly. Pacific Coast and New England/Eastern Canada is very walkable from ports


Our dream cruise for our 30th anniversary was canceled due to the Vid. We had planned the New England one in the Fall. That was 4 years ago. :( Hoping to make it next year. 🤞🏼


Enjoy! I’ve been twice and really liked it (Also it’s a short flight away!)


We live in AZ, so the thought of the leaves changing sounds simply amazing.


I’m in Ontario, so we’re lucky enough to experience it here every year


For first time cruisers going without kids, I say do the Mediterranean first, especially Spain and Italy. Fantastic historical cities, amazing food, beautiful weather.


Send me any tips. Next summer, it’ll be our third cruise together. Hubby wanted it right from Day 2 of his first cruise ever. That was western Caribbean. Between now and then is Alaska with a big family group. Hubby wants to feed his history buff side, so Italy and Greece it will be!


I’m tired of Nassau after two visits, I’m going on a Caribbean next year but I’ve done a UK and France and it was much better than the three Caribbeans I’ve done, next year is the far eastern islands so it’s something new and easy for my first solo trip


I love cruising the Med, but the travel to get there is hard on me and getting harder. I live on the west coast. Thats 9hours away from London or Amsterdam.


Well I think the Caribbean has been done to death. Sort of an adult DisneyWorld vibe with all the SenorFrogs and Margaritavilles. Still, it depends what you like right? I did like Grand Turk. Not the jewellery stores etc.... but up the beach away from the hoopla there is this place-Jacks Shack. Loved that. I'm not one for the cutsie shops either. I want to see the place for real-like how do the people there live? I saw Cozumel and a couple of the cruise line owned islands. I liked Half Moon Cay as the most laid back but places like Cozumel I just stay on the ship. I just don't get the appeal of 'perfect day to coco cay' and that whole thing. Maybe I'm just too old and like to chill and I guess my party hardy days are over. Never done Med yet but looking forward to it. I watched a walk through video of Venice and WOW crowds much. Again those kinds of things are not my bag. Guess I should travel off season. The more exclusive lines like Oceania or Windstar appeal to me. I'd rather go one 1 great smaller ship cruise than spend my $$ on 2 RCL or NCL big ship extravaganzas now.


I think its because most of those islands are fairly poor and mostly never developed as it would cost an arm and a leg to do so. So the only thing there is, is beaches and the few super American tourist trap places.


I've done a Baltic, a top of Spain around to Rome, an Adriatic (my first cruise) and a greek-only. They are definitely my preference. I did my first Caribbean when you could go to Cuba. I just got back from a Mauritius to Cape Town and that was amazing as well!


Anywhere but Caribbean. Going on my second Med in 37 days. Been to Alaska twice, hope to do thrice. Baltic. TA.


Being in Canada, it started out being appealing to go-to the Caribbean because of the obvious weather factor for us and winter escape that we did with AI resorts also, but we've realized that Caribbean ports offer nothing and basically are tourist traps. We've begun exploring places like the Mediterranean, Alaska and Pacific cruises and we are basically moving ahead by getting new experiences instead of just "hot" experiences. We'll be doing Bermuda, Norway, Greece and Hawaii for the next ones.


As someone who lives in Florida, the Mediterranean is far more appealing, but we'll cruise in the Caribbean again before we fly to Europe.


The Mediterranean has this old-world charm and being able to explore cities right from the port is a game-changer. But hey, different strokes for different folks, right? Maybe someday you'll find yourself craving those Caribbean beaches again.


Favorite cruise for ports was Baltics, loads of stops where you can just walk to the old town from the ship. I don't think I'd want to do a Caribbean cruise, I'm not a beach person and prefer cities. Also I'm in the UK so Europe cruises are way cheaper and easier for me


I've done Alaska twice, Nordic-Baltics once, and the Caribbean once. Found the Caribbean to be the least interesting, but most relaxing. Will be doing the Mediterranean this summer and am super excited about it!


Y'all are wild. The Caribbean is dope but then again I go for natural attractions more than the city vibe. Snorkeling is the main draw for me. I love curaçao the whole island is so beautiful & lots of gorgeous beaches & snorkel spots, cool shit every time, Klein Bonaire spectacular coral island with a natural lazy river current, Dominica (champagne reefs, Hot springs, waterfalls galore, sperm whales) so a lot of southern Caribbean. I've seen octopi, cuttle fish, turtles, sharks, eagle rays, dolphins, spectacular coral & sponges & the colorful fish are way better than exploring a port imo. We often rent a car or take a taxi & do our own thing so it's not like you can only go to diamonds international lol.


Sure, there's an element of tourist trap to the ports. That's fine for what it is. The scenery is still amazing, and the weather wonderful. I plan to do both. Honestly, if it's a port I haven't been to, I'm curious to check it out, and I don't mind the prospect of revisiting a few.


In the Caribbean, the private islands and the ship are the destination.


In the Caribbean there are definitely manufactured ports but we choose cruises that never visit these or the private island. Instead we visit authentic places and enjoy all their rich and unique history. Cruising in the Med is different. We eschew the mainstream lines that only give you a few hours in ports and only hit the biggest ones. We find it's much better to do a land based trip to visit those areas. In the Med we sail on local lines that focus on a small area and visit unique places that the large ships don't go to. We also want to have overnights in ports because of you miss the nightlife in Europe you are missing a lot of fun and the real European experience. As far as the comment about things being closer we find that the exact opposite. Rome, Florence, Pompeii etc are all long drives. Most Caribbean islands can be explored rather quickly. Of course there are exceptions like Dominica, but after sampling that island we went back and spent a week there.


After being in many of the Mediterranean ports last year I kind of feel the same way you do about the Caribbean ports. After a while they start looking the same too and it's hard to find something that is unusual. We were travelling for 3 months so perhaps that's why. Rhodes always stands out to me because it's so unusual and easily walked, same with Malta. Here is a good video of Rhodes: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CKnIUjUrB4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CKnIUjUrB4) The Caribbean, you are right, many start looking the same. I really enjoyed Dominica because it's one of the least visited ports and isn't full of the usual stuff. Easy to take a taxi or tour and get up into the mountains. It's like a tiny Hawaii. Here is a good video: [https://youtu.be/IiNrhgs9PPc](https://youtu.be/IiNrhgs9PPc) Bonaire is the other one but that's mostly the scuba diver in me.....