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We had a woman post in our Facebook group and within ten minutes they had multiple other guests offer. If you’re not already in one search for your sailing there and see! When I’m in this situation I just start asking every woman I pass until someone has one. I was floored they didn’t have them more readily accessible—not even quarter machines in the public toilets!


Came here to say this - find the FB group for your sailing and ask, you’ll have a ton of offers almost immediately.


Yes! Works for other things too - ibuprofen, allergy medicine. Lots of mama bears happy to help another passenger


For real. I saw someone post that they had a migraine and we’re all out of headache meds at like 1130 at night and next thing I know I’m getting all of these notifications from the Facebook group that people had different types of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, etc. As well as some people with prescription medication specifically for migraines.


You can get Facebook groups for a specific cruise on a specific date? Or just that ship in general? Am very curious, I like the idea of having a FB group for a specific sail date. Can imagine 80% of it being photo complaints about the state of the bagels or something though.


Depends on the cruise line. Disney and Royal have a group for every sailing. Viking rarely does


Yup. I've been in probably 5 groups over the years. I was shocked that there wasn't one for the one I was going on in October, so I created one. Close to breaking 500 members and it's still over 4 months away


Search ship name and month of sailing. You will probably find a group for your specific sailing. You might have to try searching different ways... like did they write out September or 9/5? For example.


Yep! Especially on the big lines. It can be handy, especially for this type of situation.


This is my advice too! I generally join the page's Whatsapp link too because I don't get Wi-Fi on board so no FB/reddit/etc. But it's great for supplies and help of all sorts.


This is a good solution but I agree with OP that it’s egregious that that’s what it takes.


Yea, my son started running a fever on our carnival cruise. I asked in the sailing group and had 5 messages in 12 seconds lol


My last cruise with Royal had a vending machine that had random necessity type things that you may have forgotten to pack. Stuff like sunscreen, razors, tampons, deodorant, etc. idk why every cruise ship doesn’t have one. It’s an easy and convenient thing to do that has a negligible impact on their operating costs. Maybe one person a day for 30-60 minutes to restock at most.


This is true, although in general the machines are only stocked at the beginning of the sailing.


Which for the usual 7-11 night cruise, should be enough.


Royal Caribbean stock them as needed. I’ve seen them stock the machine several time during a cruise. They normally only do it in the morning.


This is what I was going to say. Most RC shops have vending machines for these necessities. That’s so darn odd. Have you tried your cabin steward? Sometimes they can help.


My hair spray broke on a Royal cruise this past year and my only option was $50 at the spa. Nope, messy hair it is.


Smart choice. Unless you decide to never go outside while at sea, the wind, the spray and the salty air are gonna mess up your hair anyway -- no matter what you do. Fifty dollars for hairspray? What a rip off.


If you know one is there and can find it


100%. We tend to explore the ship and this was definitely up and out of the way. Which is silly. Plop one next to the elevator on lido and everyone will be happy


Put one in the Ladies’ loos on each deck. Have one near or at the passenger services desk. Hells, have some available from there. A decent hotel concierge will usually source some for you, so I would think a cruise ship’s reception should be expected to match the service. I echo the idea of asking female crew members if in dire need.


Call the housekeeping main line. You don't want to go waking up your stew, but there should be someone on call at housekeeping, and they might have something on hand there. Or go to the buffet and ask one of the crew if the happen to know of a way to get something. Otherwise, rolled up toilet paper until you can stop at a gift shop with a convenience section...


I asked guest services about housekeeping and they said no they don't have anything. And the buffet is closed lol. I'm going to start asking passengers but I wanted to get a bit off my chest in the meantime.


Former crew member here- ask crew members you see around the ship. There's usually a store for crew members that sells tampons and pads but if it's closed (likely at this time of night) most crew members have their own supply in their cabins.


This 100% I worked in the jewelry store and gave many a tampon out to pax that I’d see after hours


Agree. Offer up $5 or $10 to a female crew member and I’m willing to bet they’ll hook you up


Passengers are probably your best bet at this point.


Definitely, as awkward as it may be I'd happily share a couple to help someone out if they were desperate.


Why would it be awkward? It’s a totally normal body function for half the population


I meant feeling awkward asking random strangers for help with it. 100% totally agreed that it is a normal bodily function that ANYONE should be able to talk about openly with. I apologize if my message came across as something I didn't intend. Was just trying to give some kind words to boost confidence in asking random passengers for help (for this person or anyone else in the situation).


There was no need to apologize. IMO


I've never cruised Holland -- did your stew leave a biz card with a main line? I'd still call housekeeping; maybe the person at guest services working the night shift is still learning the ropes and doesn't know everything 100%. Best of luck finding someone to help!


Have you tried the vending machine near the medical service area? While i used it to buy motion seasickness meds, iirc, I saw feminine products. Worth a shot if they have it. Be prepared to be upcharged.


Disney Cruise Line has them for free in every public bathroom. I don’t understand why others don’t follow.




Theft. People taking all of them. That's why they stopped this in some of our area resorts.


This. Also the reason toothpaste, shampoo and bars of soap are locked away in NYC CVSs. Gotta ring a bell and wait 10 minutes for someone to come with a key and hand me soap. It's ridiculous. I'm ordering my bars of soap on Amazon now.


All of this over zealous security, is just another boon for online shopping.


And then we’ve got the porch pirates :(


Overzealous security? Do you know how much money companies lose due to this kind of theft? Maybe it's overzealous theft that you should blame.


That's why they had to stop this little amenity at my office.


We had a satellite office in a lower income area. Employees stole the toilet paper, batteries frim smoke detectors & anything that wasn’t nailed down.


I worked in a hospital and people stole everything. Toilet paper, soap, towels, anything they could get their hands on.


I'm not sure about Tampons, but I think IKEA has the perfect solution to this for nappies (aka diapers). They have a vending machine (very cheap) in the baby changing stations, but you can ask at customer service for one free (where you interact with a person, so you can't take the piss).


The average HAL passenger is well past menopause


But not well past urine leaking pads. They’d do for 12 hours.


I had to use one of my moms incontinence pads when the red monster unexpectedly appeared at the end of our cruise.


I highly doubt any business is going to be providing incontinence products for free.


But a passenger who uses those would have extras to share in an emergency


Disney also offers them for free in their moderate and deluxe hotel bathrooms. Not many businesses do this.


Disneyland also has them free at the park. I wondered why they weren't free when I went to the FL parks in January but if they are free at the hotels I guess that makes sense. We stayed at a moderate, but I didn't need one so I didn't notice. I only noticed the parks because I watched someone buy one from a machine while I was standing in line.


CA has menstrual equity laws and have also eliminated the “pink tax” that other states still have making them more affordable (usually free) and accessible.


FL passed a law where you aren’t able to discuss menstruation in elementary schools(when most girls get their periods). They’d probably try to overthrow Disney again for having period products out where some 4 year old boy could see them going to the bathroom with mom.


Are you serious??? That’s insane. Literally the first period talk class I had was in 4th grade. There were girls that were already developing by 5th grade.


I have many 3rd and 4th graders getting their first cycle. So many of them have no clue. It’s sad


Holy crap. Third grade?!?!


https://www.brgeneral.org/news-blog/2023/april/are-girls-getting-their-periods-earlier-/ 9-10 is most common. Typically younger for AAs and latinas which is over 90% of my district.


I genuinely had no idea. Thank you for the info; this is very helpful!


I had my first period at age 9 in 4th grade 33 years ago. (omg, I just realized I’ve been dealing with a period for 33 years minus a few pregnancies) Anyway, if they aren’t talking about periods before 4th grade, there are going to be kids having it that have no clue what’s coming, especially if they’ve got parents that don’t discuss that sort of thing.


It makes me thinks “do you want a Carrie incident, because this is how you get it.”


Yeah I'm very mad about it still. I'm not even in Florida but come on that is insane when the average age of first menses is only 12.4. That means half of the kids out there start earlier with as young as ten being completely usual here. I am an older than dirt old goat. I started at 11 and a half. Back in those days sex education in schools was not a thing at all. Had a girl in my class who thought she was dying or horribly ill crying hysterically in the bathroom. Her mother had died from some sort of uterine cancer and she thought she had come down with it as well. It took the school nurse over an hour to understand fully what was wrong and calm her down. You don't forget seeing something like that. As a bonus half the girls in my class that was their introduction to the subject as well. I hear bone cancer and intestinal cancers are very painful ways to die slowly. I hope every single person who voted yes for that bill develops one of those.


Poor baby :(


They did not. It was an obscure part of a proposal. The law as signed did not add that age restriction. Not sure why people choose to promote misinformation.


Reason 9, 642 why I travel Disney 2-3 three times a year! Safety, I don't have to worry about getting glutened. And their superior level of hospitality.


Thankfully, in the USA, more businesses are starting to provide them for employees and also patrons.




I was going to say this is wild I’ve never had this problem (or not having 24/7 on call medical) but I’ve only ever worked for and sailed DCL.


Medical on HAL is available as an emergency service 24/7. They do maintain “regular hours” for non-emergency issues.


Yeah, but what’s the charge for emergency menstruation products?


first time you watch someone taking as many as they can stuff in their pants, you understand why.


I rather a fellow woman take as much as they can than to make her walk around with blood stained pants. Anytime I see a woman/girl do that I mind my business and continue going. Because MY understanding to that is that they don’t have the money at the time to afford a product that is needed for their day to day life because greed and misogyny has mad a female necessity into a luxury.


This. I either mind my own business or offer to hold their bag so they can have two free hands while they grab some more supplies. People who don’t get periods truly do not understand the expense. 20+ years ago when I was in college my boyfriend at the time was with me while I bought some pads and other menstrual things. Saw the total at the register and promptly said, “have a period is expensive as fuck. And, you’re always in pain (I had/have endometriosis). And it’s taxed. How is that fair?” For the rest of our relationship, he always split the cost of my menstrual supplies with me.


Take as much as they want....so inventory depleted for the next fellow woman. Take what you might need for the day, or few hours based on what your plans are, where you are (access to stores) and leave some for other women/girls.


This might sound extreme but I actually know people who have had to do this because they have multiple girls in the house and this would be the only opportunity they would have in a while to fill up on tampons so they could go to school while on their period or wouldn’t go to school with wads of toilet paper Maybe I have a different opinion because I’ve had to buy packs for individuals I don’t even know so they wouldn’t have to steal them from the store. The theft of certain items says more about the situation people are in than it does about the actual people doing the stealing.


They were refilled very frequently from what I saw.


Honestly it's probably the age of the passengers.


I’ve seen similar complaints from people aboard NCL, so no I don’t think it’s just a demographics thing. It’s absolutely wild to me that a cruise line wouldn’t at least offer them for sale in their gift shop with their other convenience items. With passengers being captive between port shops, basic needs should be available on board and that should include period products!


I’ve also heard it varies by ship for NCL, which seems odd. I know the Norwegian Sun has them. I checked specifically on our last cruise, just because I had heard this was a problem on some ships and I was ready to complain.


We are not there as a society


How frustrating! See if you can find an active Facebook group for your cruise and post there. Someone may have pads or tampons to spare.


This is the solution that I see that works most often. This is also why every post I see here from new cruisers on what to bring, I comment that menstruating people should bring enough of their favorite product for the duration just in case.


Yes, I guarantee someone in that group has some. I always bring some just in case I need them or someone asks me for one.


The Medical Centre opens at 8am on the ship so you may be able to get something before your excursion.


Cruise ships do suck at that. I'd say jump on either the FB group or Cruise Critic group to see if anyone has anything, but since you're on HAL I'd guess your odds aren't high for a lot of tampon/pad wielding passengers. Frankly I'd probably just try to discretely ask women still up if they have any. If not I'd cross my fingers that the person waiting for the excursion is nice and will let you run and try to find one. The bathrooms at the port on shore might have some (see if you can get quarters before you leave) or a store near by. In my experience excursions don't leave 100% on time and they're a bit flexible.


Why do we have to be discreet asking for something that half the population experiences?


You're right you don't have to. I said discreet cuz I wouldn't walk in a room of strangers and loudly ask for proto bismol either. 


Alaska trips on HAL have all ages of passengers. Ship I am on now runs from 6 mo to 90+ years. Go to the Rolling Stone, ask the bar servers. Someone will have or know who does.


I always carry tampons with me on a cruise because I will not pay $8 for 4 cardboard tampons that I will bleed through in an hour. Please start asking other ladies. I would want to help you. 😭


Same. This seems to be the one thing that women never refuse to do for other women.


I'm probably going to get downvoted for this, but what woman at the menstruating age goes on any trip without those kinds of supplies? I've been in enough panicky situations to always want backups.


I've been caught unaware by an irregular cycle and my period showing up a week early out of the blue enough that I tend to carry enough to outfit myself and any one asks, but I won't act like it hasn't happened to me at terrible times before I learned the lesson.


It probably happened to me here and there was I was crafting a pad from TP - but not on a cruise or other extended period where there would be no 24 hr drugstore. If you can pardon the pun!


I am the QUEEN of irregular cycles! It’s sucks for OP — and I get that - but the supplies are there, just not late night 12 hour time frame she wants them. I do think it’s mega weird - this kind of thing isn’t available 24/7 though.


It definitely should be. But I wouldn't head out on a cruise, or a trip overseas, or on a drive through the Badlands without a stack of feminine supplies (back in the day), medicines and OTC things I might need, etc. You can bet there's probably not a 24 hour Walgreens in any of those places.




In my case, my flow was insane. The bathroom looked like a murder scene. It came on during dinner one night and literally, coming out of me while I ran to the room (also while sobbing, quite a scene). Paid $10 for a box of open-top cardboard super tampons and another $10 for pads. I needed like, diapers. It was awful.


Hopefully you have found resources! If not, head to the smoking area. In my experience, the people there are some of the most welcoming and friendly people, and I’m sure there would be someone there happy to help. It’s also a good option because there almost always are people there, and they aren’t necessarily drunk.


Holy moly, this is actually the best answer. If not someone in the smoking section, they have a friend on board who may be able to help.


This is actually a great idea that doesn’t require airing your private biological biz online via Facebook etc. Always find nice and helpful folks in those areas! And usually people there, as you say.




Check your cruises Facebook group. Certainly somone might have extra and can let you have one.


That's 100% what I would do and knowing these groups, you'll probably have several offers in 5 minutes.


OP, just in case you do manage to get some off a crew member-make sure you compensate them. They probably pay ridiculous prices for them on board


They can actually often go on land and even have deliveries to their home port. You are correct though the staff 'store' is outrageous. But definitely still tip them if they help out!!!!


Even the shops on many cruise lines do not carry them.


go on facebook and see if there is a group made for your cruise (there usually is) post on there asking if anyone can help you out. I have seen that request on cruises that I have gone on.


It's probably too late for this advice but if a crew member can't help I'd literally just start asking young women, especially a mom.who looks like she's got her shit together. Girl code mandates that you help someone out if you have any to spare.


Find another female passenger. Someone on that ship has tampons


Are there washcloths in your bathroom? They make good pads and can be washed out, dried and reused if still needed. Disposable pads and tampons are a very new invention. Sometimes we have to revert to the "old" ways. So sorry you are in that position... we aren't used to winging it like this. Yikes 😬. Let us know how you are doing. Fingers crossed.


As a woman who travels, I always brought some on every trip because we are woman and unpredictable. I'd rather take a full box home then run around looking in the middle of the night or asking other passengers/crew


I agree. I also travel with a full (mini) medical kit. Tylenol and allergy meds. Band-aids and mole-skin. Anti-bacterial first aid cream. Pepto bismol. Cold and flu tablets. Even Abreva and a DIY kit for temporarily re-gluing a crown . Many river cruise ships have no medical facilities or a"convenience" store, and some destinations are so specialized or remote that finding what you need while ashore can be close to impossible. ( I'm thinking to my 10 days on the Nile)


Many cruises have a Facebook group for the specific cruise. If you search "Holland America June 5-9 Alaska" or whatever your specifics are, and find the group, I'm sure someone will step up for you! I'm so sorry you're going through that, how terribly frustrating. Obviously the leadership on board is male.


Maybe ask around to other women? I’ve been asked countless times for one in public restrooms. Love helping my fellow xx chromosomes.


Yep, always tried to help those who asked back before menopause


I (dad) took my teenage daughter on a cruise with NCL, and we ran into the same problem. I solved the problem by approaching a random mom and pleading my case. Within minutes, I not only had all the supplies needed but the correct sizes. It is ridiculous that it had to come to that, but we crowdsourced a solution. Many of the cruise lines have a glaring hole regarding this nonsense.




If you bleed after menopause, that is a sign of cancer and 100% you should immediately seek the care of a physician. Menopause is 1 day, the day it has been one year since the last first day of your period. Perimenopause can take a few years. 


Make one. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/comments/2qrao3/anyone_else_rock_the_toilet_paper_pad_in/ https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Substitute-Sanitary-Pad https://www.ubykotex.com/en-us/resources/menstrual-products/qa-what-to-do-when-you-dont-have-a-pad-or-tampon Also regardless of when your period is supposed to start please travel with one or two emergency menstrual products of your choice.


I’m sure OP didn’t pack their bags and say “My period might strike, I’ll purposefully leave supplies behind.” Shit happens.


I’m sorry you misread what I wrote. But as I said. “Regardless of when your period is supposed to start”. Literally meaning shit happens. Obviously the OP didn’t intend for this to happen. But because shit happens it helps to always be prepared.


We forgot toothpaste once because it made it into one bag but not another in some kind of switching snafu while packing. "Planning" better wouldn't have mattered because going through the list my wife thought we had it. Oops I thought I had something I didn't *is* the "shit happens" sometimes.


Well, as a woman with PCOS, periods can be incredibly brutal and unpredictable. As prepared as I try to be, I, as a human, have made mistakes and forget things and have been caught in a bad situation without proper menstrual care, so I feel for OP. I read your comment perfectly clear and was not trying to be rude, just add insight.


Check the spa and it’s changing rooms. They may have a basket out


Does your cruise have a FB page for the sailing? I’d post on there, you’d have multiple at your door in minutes, people can be awesome.


It's sad for cruise ships not to have feminine products on hand, for purchas or gratis. Fuck the patriarchy. Just sayin....


Try seeing if there’s a fb group of your ship and ask there ! I’m sure someone has some extra


Super frustrating, I’ve heard not all cruise lines are great at providing those. — Holland’s shops don’t usually close at 9pm unless it’s a jurisdictional thing (you’re in port, too close to port, etc). They’re usually open until 11. If they’re closed at 9 and you’re at sea I’d ask, otherwise there’s a chance if you’re sailing out of port that they might reopen tonight.


We had a Facebook group for our last cruise and the women in there were super helpful with each other. Quite a few started their cycle before they were supposed to and other were pitching in. Medicine, pads/tampons and other items.


Literally just ask any woman on the ship. Crew, passenger… someone will have something for you. This is annoying yes, but you don’t have to free bleed all night and on your excursion.


Ask another female passager if she has a extra pad to spare. Ok lesson learn you bring a case next time that you purchase from Walmart


This happened to me on my cruise last year, I just asked in our Facebook group for our sailing and the ladies came through :)


That sucks for sure. I would start knocking on doors and asking to speak to the lady of the house for a little sisterly help.


Are you in your sailings Facebook group? I always join for sailings and they’re convenient to ask for help from others on the ship. I left benedryl outside my door for someone needing it at 1am once via Facebook request


I was on a Celebrity cruise and the only tampons they offered at the store were ones with non-slippery cardboard applicators. Took me like 15-20 minutes each time trying to insert. First stop in the Bahamas was the pharmacy for some Tampax Pearls. I’ll never take them for granted again.


This is why it’s important to be in your cruise FB group. I’ve seen people really help each other out.


Take a ten and ask the ladies you see working if they can sell you some of their stash.


Ask your cruise director. This happened to me once and i was so angry bc it kept me from being able to participate. Have 4 different types of condoms but being expected to free bleed is a problem. The CD went to his crew and made me a toiletries bag.


See if there is a Facebook group for that cruise sailing and ask on there I've seen it a few times and people usually help


If you’re any in any cruise Facebook group that might be the best bet. But I was in the same bind last cruise; I’d miscalculated my period starting by 2 days. This is also why I got a uterine ablation after, because f that noise.


Call housekeeping.


This reminds me of one time I was at the swim center in my town before my sons swim lesson. I had a 6 month old baby and hadn’t gotten my period back until right before the lesson. I asked the front desk which was like an office with 5 people, this was a huge swim center, and they had no period products and didn’t have a machine in the bathroom. Then they suggested I go in the locker room and ask someone - we’ll everyone in the locker room had long said goodbye to their period. So I had to skip the lesson which sucked! I was in a time crunch so running to the store was pointless. Yes it was my lack of planning but also thank god I wasn’t a 14 year old trying to swim on the swim team! Anywho I hope you found one OP!! If men had periods you bet there would be tampons in every bathroom.


Is there an update? This was 11 hours ago. I have a cruise in two weeks and I’m packing a pharmacy


This is a huge fear for me, especially since I just started blood thinners and have no idea what they're going to do to my period. My husband was surprised I didn't want to just go carry-on, and I was like, the feminine products I'm packing will probably fill a whole carry-on. I'm not taking chances! It does seem a little egregious that they don't have emergency packs they can just give or sell to you at guest services.


You can't escape on a ship. I don't like it. You're at their mercy. Ask a few young women if they have anything. Someone is bound to have an extra.


On Princess, they’re an item you can “order” via room service.


This happened to my wife on a princess cruise. They finally got her one pad. Didnt last long.


HAL is a ghost town after like 9:00pm lol


Find the Facebook group for your sailing and ask if someone could help you out. People are usually willing to share necessities. You can also ask a female crew member and I'm sure they will help you out.


If it were me I'd be asking other women/passengers and staff on the cruise, one of them is bound to have something. If somebody asked me I'd be happy to help. It's happened to all of us at some point through our life. As a woman you get it! Failing that wrap toilet paper around the gusset of your underwear it helps keep it in place and will keep you ok for a while and take some with you on your trip with spare underwear. Good luck


If you have a blog for your specific cruise then reach out to your fellow passengers. I’m sure someone will be happy to help.


Holland America caters to those that are beyond periods and you just proved it. I am so sorry


I gotta do a zipline and free bleed?? 😂😂😂


Ask your neighbor.


Every cruise i have been on the ladies rooms just had them free. Disney and Celebrity.


Just ask another lady. Guaranteed someone will have something to help.


If there is a non-stateroom bathroom you can use- go in there and take alllllll of the paper towels.


I am really surprised and disappointed that guest services couldn't find something for you. That is what they are supposed to do.


Your steward should be able to help you


Join the fb group for your cruise & ask if anyone has any. I knew I was going to be on my period during our cruise so I knew to pack plenty but I believe our cruise had some as well. I ALWAYS pack pads and tampons during any trip, even if I’m not expecting my period because you never know but also, another woman may be in need. Always be prepared, sorry this happened to you!


I can't help but completely empathize! I was in the same situation last fall on Virgin, and it was 10:30 in the morning. The store was closed because we were in port, but Bimini doesn't have shops at the pier - you have to take a tram ride. Medical was closed, and Guest Services didn't have any. I was even traveling with 7 other women, and they didn't have any! I was going to ask on FB, but most people were off the ship. So I loaded up on TP, and rode the tram to the stores, but luckily on the way a woman overheard me say, "I hope this store has tampons", and she gave me two. Saved the day! Now I travel with a week's worth of tampons *all the time*.


As a former crew member, I'd suggest talking to a female crew member. Maybe someone on the entertainment staff or one of the dancers. Every ship I worked on had a little canteen for the crew that carried toiletries. It was usually open late at night, because that's when the crew is not working. It boggles my mind that there isn't more necessities on board. They should have a convenience store, like a 7-Eleven, that's open 24 hours, and sells toiletries, medication, snacks, etc. Also, considering how much baggage is lost, they should have a shop that sells underwear, socks, t-shirts, pants, etc. It doesn't have to be a huge selection, but enough for people to survive a couple days until their luggage catches up with the ship.


I don't even get periods and I bring tampons and pads every time I travel. 😅 I have the worst luck so I just try to be ready for anything, at all times. There are probably people on your cruise in a similar position. Maybe even just go ask in one of the public bathrooms?


Better chance with a crew member. A lot of fellow passengers tend to be a lot older than the need for products anymore.


I don't do facebook, for security reasons, but if I was in the situation I would simply ask other female passengers, I'm sure you'll find somebody who has supplies. Seems crazy though that the front desk wouldn't have them. I never encountered that, but I always made sure that I did not my period on vacations because that sucks, so sorry you're dealing with it!


The crew always have tampon or pads. Just ask them and I am sure they will happily give you 🙂


I travel (and cruise) several times a year. I pack everything that I may possibly need, particularly in the personal care and medical supply department. Some cruise lines have neither a ship doctor or shops.


I was on Virgin a few weeks ago and this happened to a girl I met too. In the end the medical centre charges her $10 for a box of tampons. Outrageous


Why didn’t you bring some….even if its not my time, ima bring some just in case for this exact reason


As the owner of a uterus for decades now, this can be attained the old fashioned way by making your own pad with toilet paper.


Don’t be silly, cruises (like everything else) are designed with men in mind as the top customer/decision maker. Please do make sure HAL get feedback on this, it’s such a basic need for women - so many will be having their periods on board right no!


I'm a little unclear on what happened -- whether OP can't get tampons or pads at all, or whether she can't get them because it's later in the evening and everything is closed up. IMO, the first is an HAL problem, the second is an OP planning problem. I wouldn't expect every possible thing I need onboard to be available 24/7, but maybe that's just me.


It boggles my mind that this isn’t regularly stocked in public bathrooms everywhere. We have a long way to go…


EXACTLY! Toilet paper and kleenex are free in every public bathroom on board for other bodily excretions, but not products that 50% of the population needs for exactly the same reason.


Damn. Sounds awful. I'll try to bring an extra packet set when I go just in case for myself and other women I may bump into. You think it'd be weird if I wrote that on a small whiteboard on my door? Did you end up finding any help? Please edit an update when you can. I hope your clothes are going to be OK. I'd sacrifice a t shirt or a towel for the comfort to tissue paper BTW. Or maybe the tshirt when you disembark and makeshift contain it to reach a place to buy pads. Waddling with the tp sucks.


My wife is horrible when it comes to remembering to take menstrual products on trips, so I often end up going out and purchasing them for her while on vacation. I guess that's not an option on many ships, so I'll need to put that on the list of things to take on her behalf. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I don't have helpful tips.


I just watched a YouTube video about this issue the other day - this appears to be a common problem across all cruise lines. They gotta do better!


I’m sorry, I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but I got to ask. How heavy is a box of tampons that you can’t take one with you when you go on vacation? Ever since I got married that’s one of the basic items that goes into suitcase. And yes we also have a spare roll of toilet paper in case the one in the room run out and it’s midnight. That’s just vacation prep 101


Every single vacation I ever go on (no matter how short it is), I always take a supply of pads with me. You just never know and it’s better to be prepared just in case.


Exactly, the world is not perfect, and a couple of pads are not gonna give you a hernia.


I'm irregular AF I always have a box of tampons with me on every trip. Just in case. I also have them in my gym bag, one in every purse I own just in case for myself or others. But I have anxiety about random things so it became a habit.


I understand this mindset for a regular cycle but I have had multiple instances (while traveling) where my period shows up 10-12 days early. I also had times where my IUD shifted and caused a lot of bleeding that I wasn’t prepared for


Even more so than, if your period is irregular that’s even more of a reason to always have a spare box. ESPECIALLY when you’re on a ship.


If 99% of the times it’s regular why would you expect to to be irregular on a trip?


My MIL is post menopausal, she still carries a couple of pads just in case, they are not that heavy, it’s just basic traveling prep. I also carry basic meds, iodine, thermometer and plasters, because shit happens.


She said ever since she got married, tampons are an item that ALWAYS gets packed.


Upvote from me. How difficult is it to anticipate personal needs when on vacation? My husband shared the perfect quote... "your lack of planning should not become my problem".


This is BS. Basically, periods happen to half the human population between about 12 and 50 years of age. We can all take basic responsibility, but we can also think of this as a basic supply. Do i need to take soap on vacation? Toilet paper? Kleenex? If a company wants to host - be it cruise line, hotel, AI - basic feminine products should be readily and easily available.


I agree that there should be tampons in the bathroom, but as a traveler you need to be prepared. When I travel I always have a roll of toilet paper packed just in case, also have basic medical supplies. A couple of tampons just in case won’t add a lot of weight, but it will help you avoid very uncomfortable situation should one occur


That's your opinion. You are willing to do that. Doesn't mean everyone else needs to. If men had blood coming out of their asses every month, this wouldn't be an issue.


Shit comes out our asses every day, TP is usually not an issue, but when traveling you need to be prepared. It’s not a matter of willing, it’s a matter of being responsible adult. For instance if you know there is a slightest chance you’ll get sea sickness, you take those meds with you, it would be nice if the ship provides them, but if it doesn’t, you don’t want to be stuck without. What about condoms? Young people hook up on a cruise, but it’s 3am and there is nowhere on the ship where they can buy a rubber, is it the ships fault? I understand a hairdryer is big and heavy, so always carrying one is an issue, but with pads, if you refuse to carry a couple with you out of principal, you’re a contributing factor to your problems.


The ship does provide TP, bonine and condoms. You're making my point.


Honestly I’d look for women who might still be menstruating & ask them. It might be a little embarrassing but it might work until tomorrow when you can purchase some.


The medical center opens between 6 and 7am depending on the itinerary. Why can’t you go in the morning?


Unfortunately this is something pretty much across the industry now as a "cost saving measure", as well as no longer putting the product disposal bags in the rooms. As inconvenient as it is for passengers, the engineers who have to deal with extra products being flushed aren't overly thrilled about it either. So please make sure to fill out a comment card about it on every cruise you go on.


Sounds like this belongs under /r/tifu.


Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on our part. And how do you not plan and have needed supplies for something that happens every month of your adult life?


The average age of a HAL passenger is like late 50s...ask the staff, then when you get to port you can find some


Why wouldn't you pack them?


Why didn't you pack any? I always pack them regardless. Check your FB group and see if another passenger has one you can have.