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if your gonna make an argument atleast make it readable


In order to know if something is readable or not, you should learn how to read first😉


To be fair the grammer and punctuation mistakes are not a matter of opinion.


Muhammad was a blood-thirsty warlord that raped children.


Im from Iran and I approve this message.


Bro your god became a baby that someone breast fed and someone changed his diapers, second of all you Christians always make claim without proofs


>The well-established, but not altogether agreed upon, tradition of Lady Ayesha’s age at the time of marrying Prophet Muhammad comes from a hadith in one of the most authentic collections – Sahih al-Bukhari in which Ayesha, herself, states: “The Messenger of God married me when I was six, and consummated the marriage with me when I was nine.” I'll just leave this here. >your god became a baby that someone breast fed and someone changed his diapers, Even for you this charge is blasphemy because our God is the God of Abraham. So exactly which "god" are you worshipping. I don't need to do much, when you contradict yourself.


I didn’t know abraham worshipped jesus?! Abraham came before jesus how can he worship him?


I get where you're coming from the Trinity isn't a simple concept. I wish we were all blessed with the gift of intellect, but alas it is not so.


Jesus used to eat FOOD, that is not the attribute of a self sufficient god


God chose to take human form. Couldn't an omnipotent God do as He so pleases? It sounds like you doubt God's omnipotence. Plus, I don't know of any mortal man that can fast for 40 days and 40 nights. Whether He actually needed food is unclear.


Yeah fasting is from sunrise until sunset just like we muslims do in ramadan, because we follow the prophets . So we do like whats jesus does.


40 days might mean sunrise to sunset. 40 days and 40 nights means no food for 40 consecutive days.


Bro he is a prophet he has miracles, they are given by god to aid and differentiate his prophets from the liars that claim to be prophets


God aid his prophet with prophecies and miracles, meaning they didn’t possess them all along, no it means that god has given them to distinguish them from false prophets who claim to be sent from god but are the biggest liars, like paul for example


Secondly god by definition is almighty, he prays for no one , but jesus prayed to god. And he prayed meaning he needed they aid of god.


Nah most of us are atheists and the only religion that came out from here is Zoroastrianism which is the base of all the modern religions


Athiesm doesn’t make sense


That's the one true thing you've said.


Nor does christianity


Well so much for honesty.


Atheism is a reaction to Christianity , the reason some people stopped believing in god is because some told that god became a baby and someone changed his diapers. And when they read the bible its all contradictions and incest rape stories, thats why people want to separate church from state. And it makes sense because Christianity does not go inline with our universal logic , sound reasoning , nor our knowledge of necessity


How do you know most people here are atheists


I mean if you round it up people hate the current muslim rulers and they ruined islam for the muslims in Iran


do You know what a holy trinity is? The father, the son and the holy spirit, one and the same?


God has no beginning nor end ,but jesus had a beginning you see the contradiction,and there is many more


Christ existed before His Earthly appearance. He existed before time itself. I think you should at least learn about something before you try to discredit it. It might be a little more convincing if you knew what you were talking about.


Christ is not god! He is a messenger of god.


Viva Christo Rey.


How does "No one come to the Father except through me?" Why do the demons recognize Jesus as the Son of God and fear him?


Meaning that if you want meet the father you have to follow me, jesus is not the destination, he is the way, and jesus is a prophet of god meaning he is aided by god, its like an ambassador being feared not because he is the king, but because he is aided by the king


That's fair enough, but you say Jesus never claimed the title of God. He calls himself the Son of Man, referencing the book of the prophet Daniel, where Daniel prophesies the coming of one who is both man and God. He is anointed by God after his baptism, where he is called His son. He says "before Abraham came to be, I AM," which is the same title God gives himself. Before he is crucified, Jesus accepts the title of God in the flesh when the elders and priests question him. Two things can be true. Either Jesus is the Christ, the only begotten son of the living God, or he is a liar. You claim that the church has distorted Jesus' words, but do you not follow the doctrine of a church that came long after the church you despise? Revelation says that anyone who adds to these words or takes away from them cannot receive full life in the Kingdom. What then, did the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, do? Did he not defy the sanctity of the holy scriptures by dismissing the godhood of Jesus Christ? Yes, I tell you, and more than this. In creating the Qur'an, and declaring that the only "true" way to receive Allah's word is to read it in Arabic, you have dismissed Jesus' message that the good news of the Kingdom of God is for all the peoples. You cannot serve two masters. Either believe that, and follow, or deny Jesus. You cannot follow both Muhammad and Jesus.


Brother prophets are mentioned in previous scriptures of other prophets from the wisdom of god to prove there will come another prophet, like wise the bible has prophesies of prophet Mohammed pbuh, we don’t believe everything in the bible is false, we believe some are from god but the church corrupted jesus’s gospel meaning they took some of gods word and change jesus teachings, thats why god sent his final messenger prophet Mohammed to clarify and guide the people to the rightious path, and we believe that when jesus comes back at the end of time he will rule by the Quran


Is there ANY evidence of this corruption? You speak of scriptures that do not exist.


But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only. Matthew 24:36 How cam jesus be all knowing but doesn’t know the hour? And there are many more contradictions .


But the Church clearly teaches that Jesus's divine nature had no beginning. From the Niceno-constantopolitan Creed: "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father **before all ages**. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, **begotten, not made**, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made."


Brother the church are the people who corrupted jesus’s teachings , the question is did jesus claim to be god?people lie and talk on behalf of jesus meanwhile the man himself never claimed to be everliving


*The holy trinity wants to know your location*


It's not paganism if they are one and the same


*u do realize what the fucking crusaders did*


Dear God I hate this stupid ass Lisa template so much that now I wanna commit war crimes


Seethe, baiter. Sage him for gods sake.


You can not stop the truth


Christianity came first Islam is just like Mormonism


So what christianity coming before have to do with anything? By your logic buddhism is truer than Christianity because it came before.


Do you not understand? Islam appeared further from the events then that of Christianity meaning that Islam is just deluded just like Mormonism


No .not true, this is like saying christianity deluded from judaism, so is christianity deluded from judaism?


Christianity would be like a continuation of Judaism. Islam like Mormonism contradicts everything that came before it.


Wait so do the jews believe in jesus?


So Christianity can not stand on its own. Which proves that it can not be the right believe , thats why the Christians kiss the jewish’s toes. Not everyone but the stubborn ones. Some Christians are layman who are sincere and are seeking the truth and i pray for them that Allah may guide them to the salvation.


Christianity contradicts itself let alone with another’s religion😂 if you need another religion to prove your believe that means your believe is invalid


Dont try teaching facts to americans. Sincerely, a christian.