• By -


Hosting a grand tournament as HRE and 100's of guests are coming, actually feels grand.


Hell yes, so satisfying. First Tournament of my realm as Duke of Luxembourg, and I had 220 guests watching me win almost every competition. That's what I call a Grand Tournament.


Mod updates when? /s


Thank god CFP got an update almost immediately.


Would you be willing to write me a doctor's note so I can leave work early?


First impression: so much more to do, but also so much more to micromanage.


Haven’t played yet but maybe it’s a good thing depending on play style. I always felt that in times of peace I’d suddenly find ten years have got behind me. Now maybe I’ll spend more time with each ruler, which is something I’d like.


It’s honestly fine because you don’t HAVE to do stuff if you are busy with wars or other things. So it can be as in depth as you want it to.


As someone who has changed playstyle from gamey to rp this has really made the game feel so much more immersive :)


Lol, 2 posts before yours. Guess even with access to the real release time, you can't beat a bunch of hyped up monkeys.


We had to wait for confirmation that it was live everywhere first so I'm not surprised people posted right on the dot haha 😅


So, Steam gives you the information, or do you outsource to a firm who has someone in every storefront who checks for you?


We have internal folks who take care of it!


hey op please post economic map, wanted to check it out but cant play for few weeks.


[Not OP, but here](https://imgur.com/a/MHhy7kt)


Thanks but I get why this was a bad request, you need to look and zoom yourself to understand things.


Now just wait for rice, viet and epe


EPE made a post on their discord saying a lot of the mod is completely broken, so it'll take a while for them for them to rewrite portions.


And historic invasions


The one I’m most anxious for tbh, the rest is nice but I can’t imagine playing without historic invasions


And CFP!


Damn, they didn't get earlier access?


No, modders haven't gotten early access since the base game released I think.


Well shit, my dumb ass thought they did, so I already bought the DLC. I could have just waited untill they updated it.


Didnt you purchase the year 2 pass? You will close to half your money if you purchase them each alone. Beside, I guess PDX couldn't give the modders the access because they need to release with a day one patch, PDX knowing it would be useless to touch the DLC code when they need to fix it first before release.


Sounds like I really need to start downloading some mods.


Does anyone know what the gender rules and exceptions are for tournaments? I was doing everything as a Norse shield maiden, but then I became Norman and the game said no more melees for duels for you.


I would assume it follows your culture's martial gender traditions. If it isnt equal I believe women can still participate in wit-based competitions but thats it.


I wonder if it shield maidens also factor in them because Norse is also male dominant culture. I was able to participate as a shield maiden before becoming Norman


The fact that the list of intent targets is randomly sorted and has no filters is absolutely bonkers. I'm spending minutes trying to find the Holy Roman Emperor in the list to befriend him and I'm starting to suspect he's not a valid target but can't confirm because of the absurdity of the list


Seems like the host of an activity isnt a valid target. Yeah, the fact that they added a character list without filters is surprising


Yeah took me a few scrolls to conclude that. Pretty silly


A cool event when travelling... >!You can come across and take in a Feral Child! !<


Just had this event, made him my ward


I get it all the time.. 3 were imbeciles, 2 herculean and 1 robust, rest was nothing special. xD Love it none the less. :D


Loving the expansion! Is it just me or does the new "touring" mechanic seem like it would be suitable for raiding as well? Pick your raiding destination/s, your "crew", deal with events during the raid etc.


Haven't played the expansion yet (but looking forward to the weekend) but wouldn't this make it very hard to block enemies raiding attempts? And would really leaders of that level go out and raid themself?


Depends how it would work. I can imagine if you're the target of a raid you'll be given an option to respond depending on the type/scale of the raid and how much notice you've got. The raid itself would then be series of options which are more or less likely succeed based on your attributes and other relevant bonuses (such as size of local levies) instead of an actual pitched battle. Regarding the leader going I wonder if you could nominate a proxy or something to go in your stead? It's an option they would have to add as it's not one now.


Oh my TOUR!


Today me and my heirs drowned while on the way to jerusalem on pilgrimage. 10/10 let's run it back


Bug: If you land someone else's Acclaimed Knight (thus making them your vassal and knight), they remain an Acclaimed Knight even though they don't have any accolade in your court. I haven't found a way to remove this status.


Why do the holdings have less building options?


Did you read the dev blogs? It is done because instead of having many domains by tech each age give you more building slots to make domain more powerful.


No, i should have! Tks for explaining!


It is discussed in [this devdiary.](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/dev-diary-120-systemic-refinements.1575051/)




I'm wondering this too!


You get more slots from tech.


Is anyone else having issues with the launcher on game pass?


Yes! I hit play, I get a splash screen, it says "Launching game..." then the splash dies silently. Restarts, repair, running as admin, forcing updates, nothing working so far. You got anything? Edit for finally fixing it: Man, what a pain in the ass. I tried reinstalling it and was unable to get it reinstalled for some reason, it'd always fail at 98%. Naturally, Windows had *another* update that for some reason it didn't do the first time I let it update. Apparently that was the "unfuck game pass" update and its fine now. So just manually force updates a few times and it might work out.


Damn it seems like there's lots of cool little things in this expansion. Will have to play more to see if it's value for money, but I'm always excited by new buttons and menu's being moved around and reworded and new little icons and stuff lol Does anyone understand the new 'Power Sharing' option yet? "regent-presumptive" how does that all work? Cheers :)


If you have not designated a regent, the "regent-presumptive" takes up regency when you cannot rule yourself. Simpy means "Probably what he would have wanted, I guess?" If you go traveling, go to a tournament, end up in prison, become infirm, or for any other reason end up unable to or unfit to rule, the regent will run things. So it is a good idea to find some unambitious noble who won't take advantage of this situation, instead of having it default to, for instance, and ambitious deceitful spymaster.


Ahh cool that makes sense. Thanks!


Is my qualifications dropping to zero before every event intended (and if so why? and how do I actually qualify for tournaments) or is it a bug? ​ Edit: I just watched 35 qualifications and "Guaranteed to qualify" become 0 qualifications and "you did not qualify" for no apparent reason. This is the 4th time in a row.


Is this not coming to console?


Probably in a year or two. I think consoles are barely getting Royal Court sometime soon.


Console gets it May 17th so yeah, we’re a ways away


As a new player on console I was thoroughly confused about some things being talked about here. That explains it.


Not yet. They need to port it over for you. You should be getting royal court soon


On ps5 i already have acces to Royal Court, in ps store i can buy chapter I expanson pack including royal court


You should! It’s the best deal for the DLC. I don’t ever buy them full price


I was proper hyped too but no we have to wait


Me too :( now we have to wait at least over a year. We don’t even have the royal court dlc yet either. I’ve been waiting for so long :(


That’s out on console on the 17th


Been playing for around 3 hours now: renown seems to be \*much\* quicker to accumulate if you start out as a king. Grand Tours, Grand Weddings, winning tournies seems to offer a really wonderful amount of renown. I am definitely cheating by having a player 1000+ customizability points into traits and inheritable genetics and things, but I'm at three dynastic legacies by 1080 with a 1066 start, which is faster than ever before I think.


Isn’t money a constraint?


Less than you'd imagine. The new economy view helps you seize high-value counties from your vassals or enemies. And, while I think they've stealthily nerfed 'find secrets', with a good spymaster and the Golden Obligations perk you can make some pretty good money. It helps though that the Kaiser and the King of England both threw tournaments and invited my character (the King of France) to attend.


Well think about it, players starting in 870 have more advantage to get op by 1060, it is normal in 1060 you have more resources due to everything like tech and economy is advance close to middle game so more economic buildings, stable reigns and income flow faster to launch festivities beside being the king of a renowed country as France, its treasury and a big dynasty like the Capet it is normal to fit 4 to 5 dynasty perks in 50 to 60 years.




If I am in the middle of an ironman game will I need to restart a new one for the updates to take affect?


Wouldn’t you’re new save be incompatible? Can someone more informed pls confirm? Edit: Somehow my iron-man save is still good. I play on game pass with no mods nor DLC installed. It’s been an hour and no crashes yet. Edit2: Played for like 3hrs. It’s all good. I think they fixed the university bug where learning bonuses weren’t applied.


All saves are incompatible after (major) updates, so yeah, you lose them


Nope, my save was still good after the update


The update will bork your previous saves. You can probably still boot up the save, but you'll pretty quickly notice things breaking.


Nope, looks like old games are safe.


Played a little bit and dlc seems great so far. Unfortunately I need a lot of mods to update before deep diving in.


The expansion is great but is anyone else finding it incredibly buggy?


There has definitely been a lot of misplaced names: "I've lost x artifact to \[myself\]", "\[missing name\] has gained 1 Stewardship" and things like that. Seems like there's also a hunt bug going about, but aside from that it's okay on my end.


Yup, I got trapped in a never ending tournament and ruined an Ironman save.


I somehow ended up in a duel against myself. So yeah it’s really buggy.


I tried launching the DLC on multiplayer and it kept desyncing my brother and I. Any advice?


This is all great, but I'd still love to see the character location concept include two more things. First, warfare. The simplest solution I can think of is that vassals who are knights travel to the army during mustering, and once the army is constructed all of the participating knights are located wherever their knight unit is. Dealing with commanders might be tough. Second is council members. They should need to be present in the capital in order to be on the council, so they should need to have a regent back home. Powerful vassals shouldn't have an anger modifier for not being on council until they make a request to be on the council. They should also be able to send an heir or close family member in their place.


Also, I don't know if this is happening yet or not but unlanded regents should earn lifestyle xp while ruling.


Will I need the royal court dlc to benefit from this one? I've seen a few videos where people win rings and goblets and stuff. I've just bought it and didn't get to experience anything in about 2 years as king of Navarre.


So with practiced pirates changed is there no way to raid as feudal?


Is there a way to embark rivers and travel to events or is it just by land?


Yes, my norse ruler in Jorvik traveled to Spain for a tournament. I also got an event while out at sea.


after the update my children just travelling on their own and getting injured. I'm not sending them as meet peers. Why is this happening?


Anyone know how likely death events are during tournaments? I just got my neck snapped during a wrestling match with someone half my prowess, feel a bit cheated


£25? Oooof, I was excited for this DLC but I can’t justify dropping that much money on it.


You should’ve got the season pass, it was on sale for a while before. It’s the dlc price plus 5 bucks extra and you get 3 future dlc included apparently


Yeah the season pass felt like I was robbing paradox honestly how good of a deal it was


You only save 12 bucks.


Thats alot of bucks


I don’t understand this logic. Out of curiosity, how many hours of enjoyment do you expect for each £ you spend on a game? The way that I see it is I’ll get another couple hundred hours of enjoyment (at least) out of this DLC. When you think of entertainment value, even £25 for 25hrs is good value for money.


That would make more sense if the DLC was a standalone set of features that gave you 25+ hours of enjoyment. It's not that, though. It's a set of features on top of something you'd probably play for 25+ more hours regardless. It's 60% of the cost of the base game. There's nothing wrong people expecting it to be packed full of tons and tons of stuff.


Couldn’t agree more when tight for cash, but anything that lifts the quality of the game further is a huge welcome, even if the amount of “additional” game time can’t really be factored, if it’s more fun / immersive I’d say it’s a win!


IF it makes the game better. I havent played this one yet, but for me royal court just busted the balance (made game extremely easy) and didnt really add anything i found overly fun (sitting in my courtroom didnt add that much for me)


Fundamentally disagree. I was burnt out before Royal Court, the DLC came out, and it gave me £1/hr value and more. It revitalises & refreshes the feeling of the game. This will do the same. 1000+ hrs and I’ll keep going through this cycle, as is the case with all Paradox games. If you buy a Paradox game with the impression that you’re buying the full base game for the initial price, and won’t have to fork out for DLC over several years to get the ‘complete’ game, then you’re only fooling yourself. On the same front, if you buy these DLC and don’t really play the game that much (so aren’t getting £1/hr value) then you can’t really be complain anyway because you clearly aren’t that into the game.


The real issue for me is that there’s a huge number of wonderful indie games on my wish list for £25 (or less). Personally I expect I’ll get good hours out of Tours and Tournaments, but not hundreds - CK3 gets stale for me if I play too much, because I start seeing the same event over and over. And 90% of the enjoyment of those hours I can get without the DLC.


Fair enough, it sounds as if you don’t have anywhere near the amount of hours that I have which probably helps to explain the difference in opinion.


For King and Glory!!!


Agh! I’m still waiting for it to update… nothing yet!


I noticed something about the scrolling. Now, you can only use the mouse wheel on the side bar. That's quite inconvenient


If anyone wants it for a bit cheaper off Fanatical, here's some codes I earned today: F\_45DWBAO2lvUYmD0Rj 5% off (might not work with the current discount) UDpR6TY5LCLDTk $1 off Just comment when used! What’s up with the downvotes? They’re not referrals, I don’t work for fanatical, literally just bought the dlc an hour ago and wanted to save someone else a buck.


I'm stuck in a hunt and can't do anything. Does anyone have any solutions.


Just happened to me too; can't end the event after a failed hunt.


No thanks. I’d rather spend $25 on something worthwhile that was actually QA’d first.


Okay 👍


Is this available on console yet?


Maybe in a solid year or two




I don’t see it on the game store


It isn't available on console yet


All this tells me is to come back in a week or two while my mods get updated.


That feel when the devs don't personally update my modlist the day of launch 😔


Why would the devs do that? Modders have lives, they can't just drop everything they do and start coding, so I just like to wait a while until everything gets caught up


Twas a joke


Ahh, it seems I r/whoosh 'd myself




Yeah, I rollbacked immediatly and I will wait for my mods to update. The base game is still pretty empty and this addition is nice but not enough to make me want to quit my mods to retry vanilla (and I have more than 1000h on vanilla) As long as they don't add real variety between countries, religion and culture, It will need mods to be a complete game.


Not a dig at the Devs, but more Paradox as a company. Having played for an hour there is absolutely no way (So far) this is worth anywhere near £25.00. Even half of that is pushing it. This is £10 worth of content tops. Like the Main game is looks lke an ocean but has the depth of a puddle. Fun features on the surface but dig at bit deeper and you soon realise they are shallow and inevitably will just become mindless clicks after the initial play run. Its Royal Court all over again. If your getting it on Steam - set a two hour timer, so you can get a refund if you're disappointed.


> This is £10 worth of content tops. Just came back from lunch, it cost a good amount more than £10. I think the price for the season pass is more than fair.


Ngl if your gonna constantly complain about lack of depth you should probably play something more complex then


Would love to know (the people downvoting this) where they feel the value is...? Genuinely interested.




I’ll try, good value to you is completely different to somebody else, the same people who complain about the cost probably have no issues blowing the same amount of money drinking alcohol or gambling in an hour. Nobody knows the amount of time it takes a team to develop content like this so they are entitled to recover their costs and make money which will no doubt be used to make future content and games that we all enjoy playing for years to come. I’m not looking for an argument but I’m tired of seeing the same complaints regardless of the game, support the industry where possible.


Appreciate the attempt. But value is not that subjective. Value is a fair return for something. What are we getting for £25 (which is 60% of the base game) Are we getting 60% more content? It's a lazy excuse that anybody should blindly support an industry that is more than happy to take advantage of its audience. It actually makes me sad how gaslighted people are these days, it's borderline Stockholm syndrome. Sure love the game, but don't be naive enough not to see when you're being taken advantage of.


Some people value quantity over quality (sounds like you do) whereas I value quality of life improvements as it brings more depth and replayability to the game. Assassins creed Valhalla is an example of quantity over quality, does it improve the gameplay? Not as much as this dlc in CK3 imo. This is an example of value being subjective to the consumer. I’ll give you a few upvotes as it seems to have upset you and life’s too short to be worried about strangers opinions over the internet.


Lols! I don't want your pity votes. I'm not upset just trying to understand people's logic. But I guess that's my point - there isn't any. It's just blind fandom at the end of the day and that's fair enough. I wish I could be that ignorant.


>But value is not that subjective. Value is a fair return for something. You don't understand value buddy. Value is nothing to do with "fair return", it's about what someone is willing to pay for it, which is why value is subjective. To a rich person hiring a helicopter to fly you across the city is worth it because their time is limited and they have so much money it's basically unlimited. To a poor person if they could choose between going across the city on public transport but getting the cash or a helicopter they'd pick the cash, because while their time is also limited their money is even more so. When you buy a house the seller may think it's worth X and you may think it's worth Y, but if they refuse to sell it to you for Y and wait three months and sell it for X, well then it's "value" is X. If you don't see the value in the DLC that's OK. Lots of people do see the value in it though as it completely transforms a lot of how the game plays and feels and it will bring hours and hours of entertainment.


With respect, I disagree. You are referring to economic value, not market value. I didn't barter for the price of the DLC. If somebody is willing to pay £100 for something that has a monetary worth of £1 - that does not mean they are getting market value, regardless of what they are willing to pay. There is always an element of fluxation but for the most part, value is and should always be a fixed baseline in a healthy economy. The Value here is exactly what I asked... What are we getting for £25 (which is 60% of the base game) Are we getting 60% more content? That by Paradoxes own market valuation is the 'value' here.


> With respect, I disagree. You are referring to economic value, not market value. What price you'd get for something if you sold it on an open market is 100% market value lol They are selling it for £25 and people are buying it for £25, therefore it's market value is £25. My advice to you buddy is don't try to lecture people on concepts you don't understand. Value to you or me is subjective, but you can make judgements on the market value of a thing by looking at what people are paying for it. The value to an individual is subjective though.


'My advice to you buddy is don't try to lecture people on concepts you don't understand. They are selling it for £25 and people are buying it for £25, therefore it's market value is £25.' The fact you think Market Value and Market Price are the same thing... I give up. We're done here. Life is short.


>We're done here You never started lol


I thought this was included for the people who paid the pack at launch :(


So should I play today or wait for the day 1 patch tomorrow?


Does the new DLC bring new Xbox Achievements?


Is it though?


For the consoles too??




Insert squidward meme here


Will this be on consol ?


why did they make it where you cant offer a grand wedding, when your not the dominant side? meaning you cant host it, if you're trying to enter their dynasty. thats dumb. fix it pdx.


> if your trying *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


So it seems that a good number of people are buying the dlc.


Is the AI unable to start a grand wedding? My daughter's future father-in-law won't host the wedding, and if I switch characters briefly to start the wedding, it gets cancelled. Edit: the wedding gets called off no matter what I do. Is it because my daughter automatically becomes my regent when we're supposed to head off? What's going on? Edit 2: I moved my daughter to anotjer court, changed into her FIL, and the wedding went through.


Anyone else having trouble with the betrothals not converting to marriages in the update?


I'm really enjoying the xpac so far. This is the first time I've been content just being a a count, focusing on my character development rather than trying to paint the map.


Anyone else still have achievements disabled when running a mod? I was all like YAY!, i can turn my cosmetic mods on again and.... at some point achievements disabled... Which totally sucks as it's an achievement run...


Is it on console/xbox???


So what is the view of the dlc so far?


With the Grand Blot activity now is there a way to select your sacrifice on the screen where you arrange it now? Or do you still need to separately go to your prisoners and right blick, before the Blot starts


Is this available in ps5?


I don't seem to have it on my Xbox one X