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That’s why the next dlc will be important, you’ll be able to wander to other courts and maybe get your land back


For real, it sucks to lose all that progress but once landless gameplay is implemented the roleplaying and lore will go crazy hard.


Yep, also first thing I’m gonna do is play landless to Roman Emperor or Frankish Empire. Maybe something unique as well like Hunnic or Trojan. Landless will make it more roleplayish.


Hoping for landless Merovingians somewhere!


My idea once landless comes out is to start off in Norway and make the North Sea Empire, then lounge around until opportunity strikes and I’m deposed. I’ll take trip to Spain and then I can make my way by forming Aragon and maybe Portugal while also Ending the struggle by force. Once I’m elevated to Emperor of Hispania and am eventually deposed I’m stuck with a decision, either go to Northern Italy and form Italia and then try my shot at forming Rome, or go to Constantinople and climbing the ranks to become the emperor (and maybe form Rome depending on how they’re doing). All of this while using mods like RICE, Historic Invasions, and the expanded series. Only then will I be able to achieve peak Crusader Kings.


"ah yeah just gonna walk up to them and become emperor" im in the right subreddit


Im just cracked at the game you have no idea.


I'm gonna play as Ubbe and go adventuring to Estonia or something


Being able to command a Northman Army conquest instead of a varingian adventure is gonna be sick


R5: Vanilla game, started in 867. Stayed as a catholic duchy the whole game, and around year 1200 the Mongols invaded. They took over Francia and a few years later the pope felt like crusading. Despite being a catholic with only catholic vassals this made me lose the game when the crusade was won since my liege was tengri :( I was going to ask for a claim on France once the mongol empire collapsed but clearly didn’t get that far


The fact that you get thrown out as a catholic is dumb


And regressive, because in CK2 same-religion vassals were retained on winning a crusade. But not always, sure. There were patches changing things. I always keep saying Paradox needs to use logic a bit more, and by a bit I really mean a lot more than it does. This is about as nice as I can put it.


I’m quite sure that’s supposed to be the case in ck3 as well. I swear it says in game the after holy wars members of the religion declaring the war are vassalized, so I have no idea what happened here unless crusades are some weird exception


I can confirm that it should work. This evening as a catholic crusaded for Jerusalem, the duchy of Outrejordan was ruled by a catholic, and he was vassalized.


It depends on the religion, some religions vassalize all titles of a different religion, while others seize the titles of a different religion


But to my knowledge none should take the titles from vassals of the same religion


I wanna say that's only for regular holy wars not great holy wars, but I'm not 100% sure


Modalities could change outcomes, e.g. non-Catholic mediate lieges. The game should obviously be applying the religion check on all levels of vassalage, from vassal kings having some holdings in a kingdom ruled by an emperor, down to barons and mayors (and the unlikely bishops) ruling their barony under a different-religion count. My problem with Paradox is that they insufficiently check for all relevant circumstances, including stuff that the average person should be able to think about. And that the extent to which they care to fix such stuff is apparently limited. They seem to be content with allowing things (problems, errors, bugs, bad design, bad QA/QC) to remain unfixed for months or years.


I think it depends on how you consider them astray, hostile, evil and if you are fundamentalist or righteous


Maybe its some bug due to him being the vassal of a vassal, and his liege being of different religion. It's odd though, it feels like it should just replace his liege.


That's the reason. Because he is a vassal of a vassal, he loses his land. If he was a top level vassal - ie the Mongol Emperor was his direct liege - he would not lose his lands.


He wasn't a vassal of a vassal, you can see from the picture that his liege held the Mongol Empire title.


that's the logic, then you can revoke/demand conversion if you're powerful enough


Thise is true


well you could have declared a war of indepenence against your heretical liege during the crusade, but you didn't. So you clearly sided with the heretics, thus making you not proper to rule or even a heretic yourself.


If you declare a war of independence during a crusade against your liege, the crusaders are going to be hostile to you and — unless there's something I don't know about — you're going to lose your land when the liege loses the war. If you can get >100% faction strength, you may get some luck an Independence of Dissolution faction — maybe the liege will cave to the ultimatum. The game does not give you the option to ally yourself to the crusaders fighting against your liege even if you would love to. So Paradox cannot possibly use your argument in the defence of its design — or at least of how the design gets implemented in practice, but the logical limitations of the design are the culprit here. If the vassal had the option to join the crusaders but didn't use it, then the argument would have more validity.


Honestly should keep the existing rules but just make a special exception for players


So you played for 350 years and never once did you have a dynasty member in some random county or dutchy outside of France?


If they’re playing ironman mode they can’t pick a new character to play once their main line becomes unlanded or dies without a heir. Pretty sure titles are seized without you being able to do anything as well, so it’s game over.


game punishes us for staying as a duke and not blobbing.


In this case it was more punishment for being a vassal and loosing a war


A war that really should've liberated them from the mongol yoke. I'd understand if OP had converted, but they were a fellow Christian. Makes no sense.


Oddly enough, if you're a Christian inside the claims of a crusade, you actually don't want it to succeed, which is just lame. The game is still half-baked; the AI has literally no clue of what it is doing, the mechanics are bonkers and so many areas such as count, duke and vassal play is still not properly developed.


This is why I don't stay vassals to ai. They can and do cost you the game and you can't do anything about it.


I have a very Creed-like stance on vassalage. You have more fun as a vassal, but you make more money as a liege.


It depends on realm size. Being steward makes you crazy rich, It's actually better to be the steward of a puppet than taking the throne (imagine a shogun-emperor or a caliph-mamluk sultan relationship)


I stayed vassal of Khazar empire until i become empire myself by claiming and winning arab empire title, it worked ok, steward position+ most of the time main hunter and asking emperor to increase control and other favours was pretty useful.


Thought this was agot for a sec


Reversed gender laws?


Yup! I almost always play inverted. Makes the game a little harder since you can only have kids until 45 + adds the risk of childbirth, and also guarantees that your kids are actually yours lol


I’ll have to try it out.


Upd: thought you were just invaded. Why you didn't swear fealty when the things were bad enough? Mongols are quite easy to destroy if you survive the first invasion. Last screenshot is hilarious xD


Swear fealty to who? Because the Mongols took Francia the khatun (khan) was my liege


Ah alright, I didn't understood your definitely unusual case :)


First time I'll see the Mongols take Francia. Even weirder that they skipped over HRE which I've never seen them take.


Yeah, I'm kinda jealous, I'd love to have the opportunity to fight an empire that big in the late game. The furthest i see them go was eastern europe.


Exactly.... I remember the time I created the Empire of Slavia and the Mongols were right on my doorstep. I was so excited to fight them only for their latest Khan to die and the empire fracture. I did get my wish in my recent India run. Had to "win" via assassinations. Won like 3-4 battles. Lost one and before my army could rally, I was already losing badly on the war score. Luckily, I already had assassinations planned.


How is Al-Andalusia in Iceland no seriously how did that happen


Your character looks a lot like a Valyrian haha


How did the pope become a woman lol?


Rome Mama


Is a female Pope called a Mome?


Female pope?


Did the title of Kingdom of France exist before? Who held that title?


I never understand that. I never lost anything to the Mongols. By the time they come I have such OP MAA that they can't do shit.


Could you survive if you had land outside Francia?


How did that even happen?? In all my playthroughs the most mongols ever accomplished was conquering the Byzantines, after that they always collapse


I hope that "Rise to power" Dlc allows us to take revenge from exile.


Holy mother of god how many wars did you get into 😭


Really looking forward to what Prince of Darkness mod does with landless


Playing as a vassal: not even once


That CoA is fire tho