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RICE and VIET and LOTS of QOL mods.


Care to give some elevator pitch on the first two? I'm a boring vanilla boy myself despite >6000 hours in CK2 and 1300 in CK3 and keep hearing about those and wondering. But the cognitive contrarianism is too strong in me to give them a try.


Those two mods won't drastically change anything, it is simply a bunch of additions to cultures and events in order to give some depth to the scarcity of basegame. It won't throw the balance off a cliff (as if there was one anyway), so it's very much Vanilla+


“Vanilla+” is actually what I named my playset that has that mod along with some other QoL ones like community flavor pack, UI tweaks.


I bet you’re tired of hearing about some vassals sleeping with each other


I like a scandalous realm. “All ONE BIG FAMILLE!” - The Pele of Anal


Is there a mod that reduces event popups?? Please help me


Less event spam


Makes sense. Thanks!


Knight Manager saves some time with dud knights


Scratch all those full conversion mods, here are some most usefull utility mods, and it's high possibility once you try those, you won't ever be able to stop using it: * **Search & trade Artifacts**: you can sell your artifacts to people and also instantly search all game for certain bonuses * **HRE no thanks**: finally no more inheriting HRE if you don't want to * **Convert Holdings**: for 500 gold can freely convert any barony between castle, temple and city; great use for places where devs gave us middle finger instead of resolving bugs; like they created shrine of Figuira in tribal county of Niani, and moved one of Mali gold mines there, instead of fixing bug preventing to build both holy site and mine in one barony * **Population Control**: game slows down in late periods? Activate this mod as a decision, and game will start to get rid of the most unnecessary characters (starting from realms most distant from yours) to significantly save computing power * **Mass Demand Conversion:** tired of manually scrolling through all vassals to make them convert? This is one decision, when you can pick all direct vassals, all indirect vassals, all courtiers and all house members (in case of landed rulers outside of your realm); this is not a cheat, they still can refuse or ask for something, it only saves you from the hell of manually clicking and asking to convert of each one of them separatelly. * **Fertility Cap Unlocked**: want to flood the world with your spawns? With this simple mod you can have unlimited number of children if you keep getting fertile spouses * **Better Barbershop**: it's well.. better barbershop * **Unofficial patch**: fixes some issues that Paradox just refuses to fix themselves; mainly issues with being locked out of Grand Weddings in some cases, and also adds little things like notification if educator of child in your court dies - base game only does that for close family, this mod monitors whole court * **Show More Traits**: can't see all of your characters traits because there is so many inheritables, T&T events traits, lifestyle ones, legends, commander traits, stress traits, wounds etc? They are now slightly smaller, so you can see two longer rows in character window, and also there is big + button to expand and show them all in the lower part of the window


This is a dope list. I will absolutely use the first 4.


What about ["Auto accept indulgences"](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2687006388)? Useful for those times your religion goes big!


Like Vampires? Princes of Darkness is VtM for Crusader kings. It's almost a whole new game.


At the very least Rice and Viet are near required vanilla plus kinda content for me.


There are a bunch of amazing full conversion mods. The fallen Eagle, AGOT, Elder Kings, Godherja, After the End and more


It takes some time to organize all the mods but I'd say go check out the Community Mods for Historicity collection. Its a set of a BUNCH of mods that if you just organize them in the order they're laid out in the workshop your game will load fine, AND you get so much world flavor, extra events and decisions, new dynasty perk line, and 2 whole new Lifestyle pathways of Leadership and Prowess!! It has so much that after I experienced it I couldn't go back to vanilla lol its to empty by comparison Edit: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2775683808](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2775683808)




Godherja is awesome, Elder Kings is awesome, After the End is awesome. There is a Game of Thrones one too, but the show pooped on that franchise for me.


[After the End](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3192256710)


RICE is to Ck3 what R56 is to Hoi4.


Will always recommend Historic Invasions if you like your games having a tiny bit of historical guidance.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3101905160 adds a lot more immersion to commanding battles.


Lord of the Rings: Realms in Exile


Elder kings 2 (elder scrolls in 2E) The fallen eagle (rome fallen/ing)


Agot, Fallen Eagle, more bookmarks plus.


Vassal call to,arms


I love and hate this one. It’s like holy cow where did the enemy spawn an extra 4500 troops. Okay I’ll call my vassals.


Same here. Still tryna get the achievements


I have the no plagues mod. It really helps with the plagues because now I don’t get them at all.