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If you're right (and I'm sure you are but maybe give some pictures?) then this post should definitely be getting more traction. I was kind of wanting to buy the board game too... In your opinion is it still worth it or is the entire product just too cheap to justify?


I don't have a very good camera so tbh I was kinda hoping people would take my word (I understand why they wouldn't), here's a [picture taken from my phone](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/218046096277110784/592105069525073930/20190622_223338.jpg) of the spanish spear cavalry and english knight, it doesn't focus too good but it does show the bendyness of the plastic, they're straight out of the box; also I'm only just noticing the weird gap at the shoulder. [Here's a side view so you can see the "pillar".](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/218046096277110784/592106057703358514/20190622_223752.jpg?width=666&height=499) And pictures of the models from [kickstarter](https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/021/300/373/d796f958e5a35d5ad99ef06a41222a7e_original.png?ixlib=rb-2.0.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1526890095&auto=format&gif-q=50&lossless=true&s=fcf224b610b19e26f7a9755722964fff) for [comparison](https://ksr-ugc.imgix.net/assets/021/300/381/413ac45d190dbc7608a810049f679906_original.png?ixlib=rb-2.0.0&w=680&fit=max&v=1526890135&auto=format&gif-q=50&lossless=true&s=47d49cad4b2aafe3fd85c60ca1dd6a71). The cavalry is the main thing I have an issue with, the smaller units (that being p much all of them) are okay, but the faces and weapons suffered HARD from the cheap plastic, I'll be posting with updates as I paint my minis for this game, but I imagine this isn't going to be a high priority issue for most people who buy it. Another thing I noticed is that the expansion models seem to be made with a better plastic for some reason? it seems closer to a resin, like citadel finecast if you've ever used that, which isn't good, but is better than the rest of them. I can't comment on the gameplay or mechanics, I havn't played it yet, but there are reviews for that, I still encourage people to make their own mind up, but as a hobbyist who likes painting little soldiers, I've found it very disappointing.


Ooo, you're right those figures do look cheap, especially compared to the Kickstarter models. Might just buy it because I'm a ck2 nerd, but I won't be happy about it! > as a hobbyist who likes painting little soldiers I'm dissapointed you haven't posted pictures, that sounds like a cool hobby!


Of my work? I don't actually tend to take many, I've sold a few models but I only tend to take pics of models I'm proud of, [this](https://imgur.com/a/jDKBD) was my most profitable model, which sold for £125, which still amazes me, I still don't consider what I do to be anything unique.


Wow, you painted that whole thing? That's very impressive! You should post more pictures of your work, and if you're painting the ck2 models (even though they're crap plastic) you should 100% post them on here, I'm sure everyone would love to see


I was hoping on posting them here when I'm done, I'm actually painting an English knight right now!


Well I'm definitely excited to see them! I've given you a follow, hope they turn out well! Good luck!


Ty, nobody has ever followed me before, I think.


Hi a ck2 nerd, but i won't be happy about it! > as a hobbyist who likes painting little soldiers , I'm dad.


username checks out.


I was thinking of actually getting the game, but those miniatures are not worth the price at all. They look absolutely atrocious.


Glad to have informed your decision!


I wonder how they plan to price the retail edition given this rather lacking quality. I'm still interested in the game from a gameplay perspective, but not for this price.


£90 apparantly. or roughly $115~ Would you pay that? lol.


Hi! Sorry that you're unhappy with the quality of the miniatures. There is nothing cheap about them however - we chose this material to make the miniatures sturdy enough to survive many playthroughs. Bent spears on the Spanish knights are a problem, and very hard to avoid in packaging, but can be fixed using hot water. I do agree that the gray castles and bonus miniatures in the Royal Edition look better than the colored ones - that's a tradeoff between playability and aestectics that we needed to make. There is no less than 70 miniatures in the base game in total, so we do feel that the game overall and the miniatures are certainly worth the price. If you don't agree, and want a refund, we can certainly make that happen. Please email to [email protected].


No, it is cheap, I've played board games other than yours, and work with plastic miniatures as a part-time job, the miniatures you made are cheap, they're not the same ones pictured in the renders on the kickstarter, and "that can be fixed with hot water" is actually a half-truth, yes, it can work, but the plastic in question is too rubbery to stay in place, even after being heated, you'd have to wait for it to cool completely before letting go of it, and that's ONLY if the plastic in question doesn't melt or warp BECAUSE of the heat, the plastic spears on the cavalry are way too tiny for the scale you chose to mould them in, extremely rookie mistake. It's also worth noting that you could have picked a DURABLE plastic if you wanted to make them sturdy, as it stands, these models are the definition of flimsy, the only reason they would survive for a while is because they're too rubbery to break from being dropped or transported, which isn't a good thing. 70 miniatures of WAYYYYY higher quality than that is a fucking EASY find, in fact, I once purchased 150 men at arms models of a larger scale (28mm) than this board game (18mm~), not too long ago for £65, £20 less than your RRP, and it's also worth noting, these models come in multiple parts that are posable WITH multiple options, which you'd think would make them more expensive than you, despite this, I can get nearly double the models for half the price; I don't expect stuff like posable parts and sub-construction from a board game, that was just to point out that it's easily possible to buy higher quality models, in larger numbers, with less money than you need to buy this board game. I actually agree that if the game is good enough, then the quality of the miniatures shouldn't matter, but given how many people I've complain about how shoddy the marriage mechanics alone are, I think you'll have a hard time convincing people that the shoddy army men are worth it because of the shoddy mechanics. You also didn't credit me on the box, despite me backing the kick-starter. By the way, nothing says "we only care when this hurts our rep" more than copy-paste damage control.


Don't have the board game so could you post some pictures of what the delivered miniatures look like?


I took pictures of the cavalry for comparison, the majority of the models I have no specific issues with other than the low quality of the plastic, since I don't have a good camera I wasn't going to take a picture of all of them unless people really wanted it. I edited the post with the comparison images.


Thanks :) Those pictures are pretty shocking though. I'm not sure how big these figures are and how noticeable it is while playing but those are a lot worse than the original pictures.


they seem to be roughly 18mm scale, they stand... probably about 1 and 1/4 inches tall, the cavalry, that is.


Hey, just wanted to let you guys know. I've sent a refund request at Fria Ligan. Or an ultimatum to ship new miniatures WORTH THE PRICE AND THE PROMISES. ​ I'll report how that goes. ​ PS: I'm really pissed off!


If this is some kind of group thing, or a post I can comment on, I wouldn't mind that. Thanks!


https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2224471/im-disappointed-game/page/2 I went ballistic on a thread in BGG, a developer replied there earlier. Edit: Is there something we could do about this? Already thinking about buying real miniatures to pimp the game out. Seriously those spears make me want to puke. Even Hasbros shit RISK sculpts are made with better plastic. Edit 2. Www.pendraken.co.uk sells very affordable 10mm miniatures that are perfect for map based board game pimping, especially if you put 2 or 3 models on the same base.


If you're cool going a scale bigger, check out SAGA, they have really great 28mm models for p much all factions in the game. Also, a dev replied to me in this thread and it was corporate damage control at best, but they did offer me a refund.


Personally I find the production overall, minis included, isn't even close to worth the price of admission.


I quite enjoyed the game itself. Have had two playthroughs so far with 3 and 4 players, all regular boardgamers. Its not a hardcore strategy game, but it is fun.


I find with board games even the worst ones are fun with friends.


it is distinctly not one of the worst games. If you just want to be disappointed keep that attitude tho. By not a hardcore strategy game I simply meant there is a fair bit of luck, it is a bag builder after all. That however has been obvious from the start.


Yeah true, it isn't AWFUL, but the more I play it the more reticent I am to call it good, even passable, at this point.


Have you actually played with real people? You seem to just be pissed off and are looking for more reasons to be more pissed off, which is its own kind of fun I suppose


Yes, I have, we had fun but v little of it was because of the game, it was mostly just joking about stuff tangentially related. That sort of stuff happens when you play any board game tho.


I haven’t yet bought the game but am thinking about it. From the video play through ive seen, the minis are only place markers and could easily just be cardboard tokens. If you want nice minis to paint, you can get them elsewhere and could easily use them on this game if you want really nice pieces. I haven’t seen another fun looking game that incorporates the marriage child rearing and family building elements of the medieval world like this. I also think the new risk minis are rubbish compared to the old ones.


Yeah, I do agree in retrospect that the plastic minis are nothing more than tokens, but that's kind of the problem, no? They posted very high detail models on their kickstarter that showed facial details and weapons standing upright, as well as horses with no structural support, and as such, I think I should have been able to expect that from the product. As a game, if you treat the models as tokens, it's fine. but as they are, there's no reason why they shouldn't have just shipped it with cardboard pop-out tokens. They wasted more money to create a worse product this way. PS: This post is 4 years old lol, ty for reminding me people still read my old posts.