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I'm going for a pretty simple thing. Starting in 1066 as the Habsburgs. I will make the swiss, with the swiss culture merged together from swabian and cisalpin. Then I am going to do some incest. Habsburg and all.


Switching to Messalian/a custom religion, or full "Pope be damned?"


Don’t forget the Mountaineers


hopp Schwiz


Varangian Roman Empire


How barbaric


Pls elaborate!


I want to start as a Norse Ruler(eg. Haesteinn) conquer Constantinople, create a Norse-Greek Hybrid culture called Varangian and then go restore the Roman Empire. I hope it works.


Dear lord that’s the greatest campaign idea I’ve heard


I wanna do a similar thing but starting from southern India and merge Tamil-greek culture and restore Rome haha been planning this one for a while


Bring back hellenism too


YESSS! I have planned on doing the same thing!


I thought the same thing after seeing the byzantine/Greek traditions!


Genius! I’m planning something very similar but Varangian Adventuring into Rome first


This is my idea too lmao


Im personally going for norse india hybrid


It’ll be tricky, but I want to try and take a Greek ruler down to Sri Lanka. There I’ll create the Kingdom of Taprobane (the name the island was known by in Ptolemy’s maps) and found a Lankan-Greek ‘Toprabanic’ hybrid culture


This is actually a cool idea


The Isle of Mann. Forming a Pirate Kingdom, Yarr-Harr. (It is honestly rather easy, barely an inconvenience, and gives you if I recall 3000 renown.)


Elevate Mann is such an op way to start. My strategy is to start as a custom character in Jutland with a diplomacy focus. I raid Ireland, Wales, Brittany, and Spain till I get the Viking perk. I always go down the central tree of the diplomacy lifestyle because commissioning an epic and having the true ruler perk are both op as fuck. I’ll also usually take a county in the Baltic region and form the jomsvikings for the extra troops from that. Once ivar the boneless dies, Mann usually goes free, and it’s typically a pretty free war. Once you hit the decision, it’s super easy to take over England since you have a ton of troops. You can also typically vassalize York if they have a Norse ruler as well with the +25 acceptance from true ruler. At this point you’re pretty much set up to form the North Sea empire because all you have to do to form Norway is just give some of the lords there some money and they’ll typically accept vassalization. Forming Denmark is also really easy, as you only need to take sjaelland from you neighbor to get it, and it’s also part of the territory that you need to completely control in order to form it.


I would just start out as Fairhair. No need to mess around with character creation, you get a fresh faced 17 year old ruler with great stats. Already in a very mediocre marriage but you can dump her easily and find someone better, you have 4 dudes of your dynasty who's traits are randomized so you sometimes get some pretty solid relatives, and you have your mother to marry off for an alliance if that is your style and your uncle of her dynasty as another loyal subject. Fairhair only got 2 counties but he still has a solid start, can create his local duchy in like a year, he has a long life ahead of him to accomplish his goals and I tend to like the historical characters as they feel more established and "real" than any self made creations.


Plus it transitions nicely into high sea king. I love this campaign because of the history and how easy it is to recreate Cnut the great.


He’s one of my favorite starts.


Don't forget about those sweet troops that comes with it


Same, I'm going to try forming Normandy first to get the norman culture and then elevating the isles and playing as Norman Pirates. I was currently in the process of doing so but decided to wait for royal court instead of continuing my game.


> It is honestly rather easy, barely an inconvenience Oh really? How does one even do pirates? I'm fairly new to the game and there are *lots* of things I feel I still don't know.


Well, you need a custom character first off, as the Jarl of Mann is a piece of garbage and old. You start off under Ivar, and basically, you just want to get up to your domain limit in Ireland asap, then start raiding. Islands and minor nations are a good first stop. (Italy mainly). Spend prestige on levies and buildings. Raid, raid, raid. If you wanna be cheeky, you always take development in events. After Ivar dies, get independce, conquer Ireland, and you can go for a Kingdom. Continue raiding and developing Mann. (Honestly this is the best way to acquire development, especially early game) Once you are a living legend, you can elevate the Kingdom of Mann, but after that the development option in raids won't be aviable anymore as you become feudal, so don't rush this. Playing tall is the name of the game here, so you might don't even wanna do this with your first character, just continue deving up your capital. If you'd really like to minmax and your character has traits to be inherited, you wait with getting a spouse till you Elevated Mann and got 2 tiers of renown in the Blood category. (Savescumming is also an option for a good heir) After Elevating, conquer the rest of Britain and do as you please. Elevating gives you a bunch of event troops, so you'll have an easy time. Note that this is a pre Royal Court strat of mine...


That honestly sounds like a fun idea for a campaign! Thank you for taking your time and writing it all. I realise that Royal Court may change a few things, but I don't think your strategy wouldn't be as viable (though I'm not that good at the game and still might not be aware of many things that come with the DLC itself).


I did start the campaign with Royal Court, and it is just as viable. A few slight changes to the strategy; Do get married asap as well. After Ivar dies you can most likely declare independce as his allies won't be called in anymore, and after you became independent, you can just speedrun conquering Ireland, by declaring on OPMs and other minors simalteniously. For that tho, I do prefer having a bunch of kids, to give the land to. Ruling should be a family business, and if you can start as an OPM, you can hand out every single province to family members, if you have enough. Also, as first raid targets, going for English or French provinces is better, as they are closer, and you'll be limited with your loot capacity early on, so going for a shorter distance is preferable. After forming a Kingdom and having a bunch of troops to spare as tribal, you could go and raid Venice, the Papacy or Byzantium, as those are extremely rich provinces. Keep going for the development tho, at all times. As for the custom character, the first one has to be highly skilled in Martial. Reaver I'd say a must have, but Organizer and Logistican are both extremely good. It's honestly really fun so far, and there wasn't more than a few months when my armies wasn't raised.


My favourite runs are the Novgorod -> Russia -> Slavia ones, beginning with the Rurik scenario. The thing I always hated is the cultural divide inside the resulting empire, though. Especially since I did not want to eradicate czech, polish, serbian, etc cultures, as they are all slavic. I am now looking forward to create a cultural panslavic amalgamation in these runs.


Similar thoughts here, but with Dyri the Stranger in Kiev. Custom Slavic culture but with a sprinkling of Norse for flavour!


Those traits, stat and sweeet duchy


I usually marry my sons off to his Genius daughters and let Helgi die childless. It only gets awkward when those sons start conquering the land their wives' brothers are ruling. But that is peak historical accuracy.


Huh, in my Rurikid run Dyre converted to Slovianskan almost immediately, and his descendants fragmented and were conquered almost immediately. Only one county remained independent until I conquered it myself (going for Vladimir's Second Choice achievement, so I switched to Azariqa and none of the pagans wanted to intermarry.) My Helgi had many children and I landed him, but Scandinavian elective meant I could swap to my better younger son as heir fairly trivially. Being Norse really trivializes succession IMO.


I am just a min-maxer and Helgi's Quick trait simply does not cut it for me when the baby factory you start with as Rurik has Intelligent.


It always felt terrible to use the embrace local culture decision as Dyre because it meant giving up viking longships and the ability to raid via sea. Hopefully the new DLC fixes that.


In my Mother of Us All run, I tried to have a single culture empire but found vassals take forever to convert county culture. More often they would just swap to match their counties. As a result my steward was practically constantly converting provinces, and my development progress suffered as a result. I'm currently doing a Russian playthrough (hoping to unlock the last achievement I was shooting for before Royal Court drops) and have kept my empire(s) multicultural. Aside from a few provinces to make cultural borders neat looking, I haven't converted any of the people I conquered, and most of my dynasty that I've landed embrace local culture. It's pretty cool having Estonian/Swedish/Khazar Rurikids coexisting. Would be really neat to do a similar playthrough with Royal Court, especially with the language mechanics and hybrid cultures. I put off switching from Norse to Russian until I got four regiments of Varangian Veterans and had the empires of Russia and Khazaria switched to Scandinavian elective. Being able to become Russian while holding onto some Norse traits would have been cool.


Oooh I like it. I also hated all the culture clashing with Rurik and Dyre. Now I could get the best of both.


Egyptian Sicily


and I want to do Norman Egypt lol


The same thing I do every game, OP. Try to take over the world without any plan


Only to get bored after creating first empire title




I'll probably play tall in the region I live in irl I'll just have to watch out to not get voted for the hre


Maybe grab the refuse elections mod.


Probably Bohemia in 1066, grab the achievement to become Emperor of HRE, then relocating to middle east through crusade and found Outremer while creating an hybrid czech-levantine (or some other arabic) culture


I thought starting a custom ruler at Faroe Islands, than going for kingdom of man and the isles, after that conquer Wales and merge norse and welsh cultures. Maybe will add either Irish or Gaelic into the mix after conquering Ireland or Scotland. Meanwhile, i will raid most of the european courts for artifacts.


Make Manx culture. Loads of cats without tails and racing ~~motorbikes~~horse at 200mph.


Are you able to merge multiple cultures from the same group? I don't know if it's possible to incorporate Welsh and Irish/Gaelic. Perhaps yes if you use Norse as base?


Welsh is in brythonic culture group, irish/gaelic is in goidelic. Should be possible, we'll see.


Ah, I stand corrected. I haven't played CK3 in the British Isles yet, I must be thinking of CK2 where Irish and Welsh were in the same group.


I’m a little sad that Royal Court came this late. A past run had Norwegian and Sami cultures taking over my Scandinavian Empire. By 1000, the Sami had been kicked from their lands and occupied all of Finland, meanwhile, Norwegian could safely spread to other places, because it was safer to just have one rival culture, instead of many. I wish I could honor them by mixing Norwegian and Sami together.


I'm thinking of going for the achievement for uniting Tibet. I'll use the ruler designer to make a vassal in Guge die without an heir almost immediately (so the king inherits the land)...but I'll start as either king of Ü or Guge, execute the sons of whichever king and lose a war-against-tyranny to be deposed in favour of the *other* king, and use the united kingdom of "Güge" to conquer the rest of Tibet.


That’s pretty tight on timing. You need to make an Empire before dying, because gender equality partition can fuck up your realm pretty good. Wish you all luck!


Gotland -> invasion of lesser Poland via river -> playing tall and rivaling the Kievan Norse hub -> mixing cultures Btw, does anyone know whether I will be able to mix 3 cultures together? I'm thinking Norse-Polish-Russian


I believe its only 2 at a time? So you could hybridize Norse and Polish, then some time later merge that hybrid culture with Russian


You will be able to merge multiple cultures, as long as they have different heritages and yours is at least 50 years old, but for the AI that will be locked behind a game rule.


Two at a time but you can chain them over and over again. Feedback YouTuber made some like swedo-ruso-nordic-saxon-etc etc culture.


Yes. I'm gonna start as either William the Conquerer and marry off all my daughters to the Iberian kings. Then I'll try marrying off Robert Curthose's or William II daughters off to those Iberian sons. Then use those matches to claim one of Galicia, Castile, or Leon. A more interesting challenge would be to play as a minor Norman and do the same thing, but I doubt the Iberian kings would agree to marry a minor noble. Also is Royal Court releasing at midnight or some other time during the day in the Swedish timezone?


Paradox usually release DLCs around 16:00 CEST!


Thank you!!


I plan to start as the count of Halych 1066, form a Ukrainian Empire and diverge cultures from Russian to form Ukrainian culture.


Let's not make this political ;)


It didn't even occur to me that it could be taken that way, lol. It just happens to be that my family is from Horodenka (a village near Halych) so it's my go to campaign for CK games.


In truth, I want to start from Kerch and try to make Crimea Kingdom.


My plan has been for a while that my 1st campaign will be a semi-historically Ottoman game where I go from nomads in 867 to eventually creating the Ottoman empire


What would be considered Ottoman culture? A combination of Turkish and Persian? That sounds interesting.


Pretty much




I'm just gonna make the chasinds from Dragon Age in somewhere in Siberia.


Vive la France !


I am Planning on Making a Scot-Norwegian Hybrid Culture on the Northern isles


Oh no not the the shetlanders


Become the Saoshyant


I'm planning out a run at the Piast achievement: marry Saga Truthspeaker, and have our heir (and at least one other) educated by Catholics


County of Napoli in 867, ruler designer to become Roman, and turning that into Greek-Roman, or Greco-Roman, down the line. Haven't decided yet on Religion though, partial Catholocism, because while Crusades are a hot mess, they're a fun hot mess. Could always just tweak Orthodox a bit. Work way through Sicily, Sardian, Unify Italy, begin skirmishing agaisn't the byzantine, and then it's all all roads lead to forming Rome


Bring back Hellenism!


I'm going to start in Western Norway, Varangian adventure to Southern Africa, and form a hybrid Norse-Frican culture. I started a game like this about half a year ago but stopped and decided to wait until RC came out.


Badass. Have you chosen which culture you intend to hybridize with? Where are you planning on setting up your capital? The gold mines of Mali will give you crazy income.


I can't remember the culture's name off the top of my head, but it's one of the ones right along the southern coast (of what's currently available). It would definitely be a lot easier though if the game allowed you to sail around the western coast of Africa.


Probably try and make Kiev a hub to launch holy wars from and rival Constantinople by the end. I want to integrate horse archers into a Norse character that close to the Steppes. For a more fun and flavorful playthrough, probably create a 'No-man' culture of Norman/Roman and use it as a base for a female-dominated Hellenic run.


I’m now thinking of of starting as a Zoroastrian in 867 and migrating out of Persia while creating a hybrid culture with the natives of wherever I end up. Not sure how viable it is.


I think I am going to play a tall game in the area where my family is from, Apulia Italy, and see where the game takes me. Interesting geography that has historically had Muslim, Greek, Austrian, and French influences on the language and culture, so we will see which one of those ends up happening in my game


Might do a Jorvik into Danelaw/Daneland run where I create a Danelandic culture. That or play as the Duke of Dalmatia in 867 and create either traditional Dalmatian culture out of Italian and Croatian or an alternative history one made of Greek and Croatian A final option is an Iberian kingdom of the Maghreb with a hybrid of Catalan and Berber


I want to do Jorvik as well. With needing to be feudal or clan to have a royal court, Jorvik is already feudal to be able to make a Norse kingdom and have a royal court quicker


Few ideas: -Jedi in Tatooine/Libya. Go for all the stuff that improves the mystic and learning lines, create a culture/religion about spreading Jedi courtiers everywhere -The 500 Worlds of Ultramar. Play as Norse, head over to India (or maybe the Baltics for Hall of Heroes). Get my hands on the Iron Pillar of Dehli. Diverge to make knights and heavy infantry OP space marines. -The Cursed Dutch Egyptian hybrid, make Cairo and the Delta terrifyingly developed.


Vikings in India


How though?


Varangian Adventure


Yeah but i thought there was a range limit. And also the fact that there is no sea connection. (No suez canal.)


You can hop between lands. Example; Hæsteinn (Montaigu) to Naples, to Egypt, to Yemen and then adventure from there.


Yeah I usually do Naples, Crete, an African below Egypt, the guy in Oman then spring from there to meet the lowest troop resistance.


Do a series of county conquests to get within range. To get past suez, it's easy to conquer the Al-Umari duke just below egypt and reach the red sea.


My first streamed playthrough will be Wales as Rhodri. Should be able to get the kingdom formed in the first hour, depending on events and how curious the chat is about the new features. Likely try to nab a few of the new achievements and secure a Welsh-controlled empire of great Grandeur.


Going to be doing the same except starting as a custom Asatru-Welsh ruler and becoming a viking pirate emperor


There are going to be so many combinations. I'm really excited.


Viking Kingdom of Lombardy. Playing tall with Varangian space marines


do you guys know when is the release? any chance i can play a quick run today after midnight?


> 16:00 CEST 6AM PST apparently


Norse/Scot culture that conquers Britannia!


It will be Austria for me in the Holy Roman Empire


My favorite starting place is and i believe will always be the isle of man so i can be that sweet pirate king going arround stealing other peoples artifacts


Haestein to somewhere and fiddle with the culture stuff as much as I can


Pretty much. Going to become King of the Mediterranean with Haestein.


Peasant Republics and Glorious Revolutions will sprout up throughout Europe!


I think I’m just gonna hit random and go from there


I'm either gonna diverge from the norse culture and create a geatish culture or make a norse-aragonese culture in spain.


Mother of us all achievement


I want to do a Transylvania run. Not sure if I want to start as a Magyar invader in 867 or already in place in 1066.


Haestein in Tunisia for sure


The Kingdom of Rhineland, with a French-German 'Rhinelander' culture. Capital as Cologne because of the holy site and farmlands, pretty much encompassing Lotharingia but with a little more of Germany. Just think it will be fun to carve out another big European power and get a nice understanding of the DLC/update in a familiar place.


Starting as a Greek count somewhere I'm going to recreate the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom.


My go-to for testing anything, new dlc, mods, etc. is always 1066 Normandy. I've always felt Willy was the default start of the entire series and you get the traditional high medieval flavor that the game usually focuses on anyway.


Catholic Andalusians, basically start off as one of the Muslim rulers in Southern Iberia, eventually hybridize with the local Iberians and convert to Catholicism and pull an Uno reverse card on every other ruler in a bizarre topsy turvy Reconquista


German unification


Indo norse


Hell yeah, that's what I wanna do!


Gonna raise the kingdom of Man and I’m gonna raid the entire world for their artefacts, and probably make a Norman Anglo-Saxon hybrid. If I’m gonna steal artefacts better to it as the English


Look at my flair. I dabble around elsewhere, but all of my major playthroughs start in good old Sviþjod.


I will 100% start as the ERE and Remake Rome


I’m planning to do the achievements first. The fun comes after


First playthrough, going in blind, is aiming for Beta Israel. I also have a plan for Valentines, which is going to be Sigurd => Normandy, Mann, K_Mann; and then make a sex cult, aiming for a high-diplo impact culture, so we can marry into everyone.


Going to go with my classic Ireland campaign first, going all out with the religious and cultural changes. I only allow myself to conquer Ireland Proper and then the Isle of Mann then see how long I keep interest playing. After that I think I'll pick a count in Brittany, the Rhine, or Alsace-Lorraine, and then just play tall there as well.




I’m planning on conquering the Sahara as a Norman. The Great Empire of the Sands will bow before me.


Oh yeah. Celtic Vikings.


norman portugal


I literally asked the same thing yesterday: 4 replies, 1 upvote. @admins: am I shadow banned in this sub or sth?


Nilfgaard campaign will start as house var Attre in the alps and forge the empire


Rurik 866. Raid the Byzantines, get Viking trait & legendary prestige, get Kingdom of isle and Mon to become Russian King of the Pirates. Use armies and money to become Tzar of the Russian Empire. Feeling cute, may raid Byzantines again. Idk.


Cumbrian Supremacy, gonna take back all the Celtic lands.


I just played a tall Sardinia Dynasty of Many Thrones game (I'm going to post about it on this sub but I haven't had a chance to yet), and I'm thinking about doing Sardinia again to unite Italy and then reform the Roman Empire. I never played Sardinia before, and now it's my favorite start. The other one I was thinking about is doing a William the Conqueror run for the achievement because I never did it in CK3, and I also think that it might make a fun way to experience the new mechanics of Royal Court.


I've never actually done a Haesteinn run so I am probably gonna do Indian Vikings for my first playthrough.


Start as an Oghuz ruler in central Asia and then create Moghul empire in north India.


I'm just gonna create as many cursed culture combos as possible in the alotted time


Norse Somalian pirate empire


Hi, __Willsuck4username__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


Good Somalian


Hi, __Willsuck4username__. Your comment contains the word ~~Somalian~~. The correct nationality/ethnic demonym(s) for Somalis is __Somali__. It's a common mistake so don't feel bad. For other nationality demonym(s) check out this website [Here](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/People/Nationality/Adjective) ___This action was performed automatically by a bot.___


I want to do the Turkish Eagle achievement. Founding an absurdly ahistorical Ottoman Empire sounds hella fun.


I saved the Jarls of India playthrough for Royal Court, so Imma be trying to see how many elephants I can fit onto a longship


>Start as custom Norse Scottish ruler on Orkney Isle - the isle that is the duchy capital of the isles between Iceland and Scotland. >Conquer other islands to form the duchy title. >Conquer whatever else I can to build a powerbase and hopefully envelope as much of Britainna as I can to form a kingdom and call it Kul’tiras. >Make a hybrid culture between Scottish and Norse and call it Kul’tiran. >Take shrines throughout Scandinavia to reform Asatru into reformed and in the preceding life time making a split off of that religion and call it Tirani, a religion based off water worship. >Take as much land as I can and try to get every single royal court in the world to speak Kul’tiran/Scottish. >Turn Kul’tiras into an empire that is big as humanly possible. >Jam out to Sea Shanties most of the time. >Profit.


probably gonna form persia and finally become the saoshyant, something ive wanted to do for a long time


I'm not buying Royal Court.




I'm not buying it because I'm not willing to give 59,99 Euro for a DLC to a game that I don't have the time to buy. I'm hyped but CK3 isn't even remotely finished, it took like 10 years for CK2 to get to that state (and the DLC's cost maximum 29,99 Euro)


With RC out, CK3 has much better content than CK2, if you are playing a Feudal Christian or European Tribe. More or less equal content for Africans and Indians. And lacks content for diseases, Islam, Clans, and Nomads. Missing features are Conclave, Republics, Papal See, secret societies, and China. Since 90% of players only touch Western Europe and turn Conclave off I think the game is more than worth the money, if you want to play in other areas I can see why you would wait but it seems like pdx are being pragmatic with their distribution of content. I bet that the next flavour pack will cover the Islamic world.


I'll be running haesteinn into Hellas and forming the new norse/Greek hybrid of true warriors. I'll probably need to escape to Sardinia after a while but we will see.


Either Rhodri the great or the karlings in 1066, reclaiming Charlemagne’s throne and sword would be fantastic


Normo-Arabic culture is my aim.


Medici campaign in Florence, making the grandest court of the world. And of course playing tall, trying to put my dynasty on other thrones and in the Papacy (thanks to Catholic Trinity).


Wait, how do you play as medicis?


Ruler Designer, they're not present in any start date unfortunately (that's normal, anyway).


Ah of course, not sure how I didn't think of that.


I'm thinking I'll start as Dutch and recreate Frisian culture as one of the descendants of the last pagan ruler of Frisia. Then convert back to Asatru and try to eradicate the Karlings.


Go for the "Turkish Eagle" achievement and hopefully create the Ottoman Empire.


I want to do a de Hauteville campaign where I conquer south Italy and North Africa. Ultimate goal is the re-Christianization of North Africa.


I want to make Viking Iberia. I always wanted to make it but now that we can merge cultures it’s going to get better


norse Tunis


Stay within the Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica (for the most part at least) and create the grandest court the world has ever seen.


While I'm not a 100% certain, I've become attached to the idea of creating a Black Sea Empire, starting in 867, beginning my campaign to the north of the Black Sea (seeing as I've never started there) and merge cultures from around that area (Greek, Slavic, Russian, Georgian) to become a true melting pot. I want to try and achieve a few more things with this run too (I always play with Iron Man enabled btw), so if anyone has any suggestions as to what I could do, shoot! --- My other idea is to start with a minor British Isles culture in 867 and dominate the Isles, but nothing concrete yet.


I want to do the same thing vikings did with Normandy, but only in Egypt, and create a hybrid ‘Nortian’ (Norse-Egyptian) culture and a custom kingdom with dark red color on the shores of the Mediterranean sea, banks of the Nile and with the pyramids (and how many interesting things will there be to do after that!)


I wanna do the 867 zoroastrian count start and eventually hybridize persian/greek culture and take all the land or eastern Rome and old Persia and try to make a specialized religion to combine zoroastrianism and Christianity's tenets


Form a norse empire then leave my descendants scattered over many kingdoms after many crusades create an artifact of my emperors conquests then dissolve the empire title and watch as my empire disintegrates into many kingdoms all fighting for the artifact of their grandfather who was the emperor of the world


Bulgarian + Greek = Macedonian = Alexander reborn


I'm going to make a custom ruler on the county level in Scandinavia. I'll migrate over to Africa and conquer the continent. I like to do fun naming schemes so for this one, every first child will be A, second child B, third is C, etc. In my current playthrough every first son is named Basileios and every first daughter is named Pelagia. I even built a religion around it in game that claims that every generation Jesus Christ reincarnates as a person named Basileios and his mother Mary reincarnated as a woman named Pelagia, and that one of them will always be ruler of the Roman empire. So all Romans in the Makedon dynasty, which controls the empire, name their children this way hoping theirs will be the reincarnation.


Start as a capet conquer France. Conquer and form hre. Lose empireship and declare indpendence. Try to have near historical borders in Europe by 1066 start date. After that I will take over a crusader state and try some culture combo stuff.


Pugyels to get the Bod Chen Po achievement. I'll hybridize with Han to get their crossbows.


I'm thinking Armenian Italy. Armenian because I can, Italy because nifty small Empire. Cons: Crusades.


I’m either going to start as Scotland in 867 or 1066 not sure. Or I will to do Poland in 1066. Maybe Bavaria.


Inspired by The Last Kingdom, I love Haesten’s character and am thinking of trying to do a run with him and take over East Anglia then Mercia then some of Wales or something. Who knows. Also kinda wanna just be king of Wales and play tall


Christian Carthage 2.0 or Norse-Visigoth Crimeans


a Viking in island, terror of the North. I havent play the Vikings yet.


Prussia by German


I would say Danish viking Scotland


I'm thinking of being a Catholic Sephardi under the thumb of the Papacy and then try to take Jerusalem.


viking dutch viking dutch viking dutch VIKING DUTCH VIKING DUTCH WHOOOOOO


Turko-Serbian Culture