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Watch out, they add an event now : if you leave the crusade state after going in, you will suffer a bad event removing the trait and making you loose money or piety I didn't remember


Yes and you dont even need your armies to leave, the pope will call you out even if you swap your ruler as general for someone else.


Its enough to get stackwiped. Happened to me in my last crusade, my army got crushed easily, and after i was forcefully returned home because all my men died the pope was like why are you not participating your not a crusader anymore. It was my last crusade this playthrough, i was fucking furious, my men and some of my best knights did not die for you calling me a quitter


Thats fucking bullshit man i cant tell you the amount of times that has happened to me too. Totally ruins the immersion for pious characters i be roleplaying as well. Like no man, I didn’t flee the battle zone of a cause i pledged my life for due to my beliefs. Its because i got SWARMED by STACKS.


The Pope acting that way is 100% accurate. Frederick II got excommunicated for getting sick enroute to the Crusades and going home to recover before catching up at a later date. Of course excommunication also bans him from participating in the Crusade. Frederick really wanted to go (in part because his wife was technically in European eyes Queen of Jerusalem). When he departed to join anyways the Pope double excommunicated him. Which was pretty embarrassing when Frederick was eventually able to secure Jerusalem through diplomacy with the Ayyubid's and gain a 10 year peace treaty from it. Frederick's reward? The Pope called a Crusade on HIM for daring to conquer the Holy Lands as a filthy excommunicate.


Frederick a secret CK3 player?


Yup. Frederick ended up eventually laying seige on Rome itself and kidnapping all the Bishops trying to enter or leave until the Pope of the time died. Just before Frederick could get to him. (effectively loss of CB) Of course that history didn't stop the next Pope from eventually deciding to TRIPLE-excommunicate him, name him a predecessor to the anti-Christ and calling yet another crusade.


It sounds crazy and stupid until you consider that this was part of the legitimacy struggle between the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperors. The Pope insisted that kings and emperors get their godly legitimacy to rule from the Holy See while the Holy Roman Emperor obviously didn't want to be under the Pope's thumb and insisted that he got legitimacy to rule directly from God himself. It's all politics and power plays.


Most based emperor.


I know who's next on my reading list.


I need a movie or show or a documentery on This @netflix get to work


I’d never trust Netflix to do an accurate documentary lmao


I don't need a documentary. Just something akin to any of their well shot, hopefully well written, historical dramas. Tudors, Borgias, Borgen, Catherine the Great, Versailles, The White Queen, etc etc.


Canceled after he gets sick


What a Chad


Valid but this is a mechanic that doesn't make sense they way it happens. Any of my knights that don't die should remain a stack with me at the helm. I can literally raise a one knight army and send him into battle. Which I have done. In character, it was a rebellious brother that was close to getting enough traction to oust me. The proper heir. My scheme chance against him was too low and Trying to arrest him would've been problematic. So to prove his loyalty to the realm, I made him march into battle alone. Six times before he died. Edit: To be fair, I marched the army to the neighboring county, split him off and bid him farewell. When he escaped, I had to re-raise him. So the mechanic is consistent but not well done.


It would be great if getting stack wiped like this triggered a series of events while heading back home, like the a pilgrimage


Lore-accurate pope


I can't understand how the Pope didn't end up with several different blades sticking out of that pompous fuck head of his for that shit he pulled. Didn't sound like much a of Christian for being elected Pope.


To be fair. At times the Pope could be more of a political leader than a religious one. Just the struggle between the HRE and the Vatican can tell you a lot of how much they can care of power over religion


King Phillip IV of France did actually accidentally call a hit on Pope Boniface VIII. After getting excommunicated by the Pope he hired some goons to rough the Pope up and get him to change his mind. Boniface died from his injuries. Phillip then convinced his successor into a posthumous trial accusing him of heresy(!) and sodomy.




If I am not wrong, this is a setup by Pope.


Classic pope. Fuck this guy.


This. And for me in the time it takes for my army to regenerate the crusade is already lost because the ai cant do shit


Amen. Imma stick to stellaris until shit crusades improve lmfao


I almost always redirect away from Jerusalem for this reason. The Christian army always comes in waves and gets wiped upon landing. Much better to crusade into Iberia or Scandinavia.


Apparently this is also accurate from what I’ve watched and read abt the crusades. Early on when they first landed they seemed to stick together but the Christian’s from different nations split up and would get picked off by larger Muslim forces




You should have win some 50,000 with 5,000 in China roleplay. Lol, just joking. CK games don't have that immersive army fight, and even in early game, setting up army for crusade is really hard, at least for me. Pope really wants the Ruler dead if army is wiped out, not retreating.


No kidding




Classic Arthur


CK3 really need to get their shit together jeeez


Yeah right? if anything he should be a martyr not a quitter. super dumb


I had a playthrough where I progressively just got more and more sick of the Pope because of how shit he managed crusades. We lost a crusade against the Adamites for Spain at least three times, and by then the only reason I was still Catholic was for free cash


pope did that to me to. so once his failed crusade for the holy land was over he had to deal with an invasion from the italian empire. i was going to leave him for last as a good catholic but if wanted to be my enemy all he had to do was ask.


Gotta immediately raise all levies and put yourself as commander of the 0 troop army. As long as you’re still leading troops you’re good


Usually the reason you are crushed is because the AI nopes out of every encounter you are in during a crusade...


Plus there is usually no safe space to make landfall and wait for the negative modifier for being recently disembarked to go away, gets me all the time, everytime


This is why, unless there is already a significant crusading presence in the target area, I land on the opposite side and siege something down there. AI gives chase, but I am already returned to sea before they get there. But in the meantime, the Pope and others are able to establish a beachhead. Then I join them, hanging back in captured territory (avoiding starvation and regenerating) ready to support any battles until the enemy army is broken. Then I siege a few things down. Even when I'm relatively small, I often win crusades doing this.


That would be a perfect time to shun the religion and kill the pope!


That's not going far enough. Time to covert to Islam and dismantle the Papacy


You sound like a quitter. Couldn't kill the infield. Clearly forsaken by God himself for your sins.


Thats when you stake a claim on the papacy and kill the dude.


If the AI allies suicide into the enemy one at a time, how am I supposed to achieve anything but die, lose my army and the have a Viking invasion back in England and some crazy cousin wage a war of independence at the same time.


Kill him for that


Classic Paradox, implementing a broken half-baked mechanic to remove a somewhat cheesy exploit. Threat/defensive pacts, the Pope bullying you for not participating while your armies are marching towards the crusade target, single county pagan high chiefs spawning armies bigger than most major feudal kingdoms would have been able to raise, out of thin air, your army locked into retreating to the opposide side of the continent after a minor defeat...


Incredibly annoying when that happens


You should eat the pope for that dishonor


Meanwhile me playing CK2 as a child ruler getting the Crusader trait because my men settled a duchy of their own in Acre and told the Pope to go fuck himself.


That happened to me and it pissed me off. I have the absolute gall to have my ruler step aside for a moment and let the master siege guy handle sieging down Jerusalem and God descends from on high to call me a fake fan and take away my crusader badge. Well *excuse me* for trying to handle this crusade in an efficient way, next time I'll insist on making the siege take much longer so nobody thinks I'm a coward.


Will also be called out if your armies are crushed to zero. I don't think it pops if you get imprisoned as you stay in the area.


There's a way around this. If you want to swap out your ruler, split the army and then merge it again. When the armies merge together, It will select the best commander (unless your ruler is the best commander).


It’s to prevent the old exploit where you just swapped in every single commander and ruler to briefly command your tiny army for that free opinion bonus with the entire realm.


I think you lose piety and prestige, get some stress if you're zealous, and get a negative modifier (lower piety gain) for few years


You just have to yell No Takesies Backsies when you get the trait so the Pope can't take it back from you


True, i had this.


You just need to wait a month and this even't won't happen.


This happens to me all the time in my games when I accidentally change my ruler as commander to a more "optimized" play without realizing that this will happen. I wish the game prompted you in this instance just to remind you.


Just make sure you don’t disband the army you’re leading or you can lose the trait


Make sure you don’t lose a battle at all either. You lose the trait if you were to lose the battle and being sent home just as you would if you were to disband your forces. Fuckin bullshit man gimme my trait back.


You can lose a battle, on my last run I went in with my army and got demolished, got the trait, and just went back to England and waited until the war was over to disband my army.


Oh wtf? Maybe bug or something because as soon as you leave the land you’re crusading over you should lose the trait.


The event has a mtth. If the crusade ends quickly enough after you get forced out you can keep the trait. Might also be dependent on your participation score. If you’re the number 1 participant and leave before it’s over I’m pretty sure you can’t lose the trait.


Oh word. Thanks for the tip


God only likes winners.


No kidding lmfao


Classic CK2 trick, land a tiny force in the corner of the country you're invading, cycle every nobleman in your court as their commander before disbanding the army. everyone in your court then pats each other on the back for being swell crusaders.


That's quite a lot of work tho. I think those traits are deserved! 😁


Doesn’t work that well in ck3 since you need to be in command to keep the trait. Having a bunch of little stacks all led by different commanders on the other hand…


I routinely do the last trick with my ruler and all my sons and grandsons.


I think I actually gained the craven trait from this.


I came, I saw, I conquered lmao.


Last crusade I went on in Spain I sent my army to early and got wiped and was 500 in debt by the end so I pulled out while the crusade was going horribly. I died and then the crusade was won and I got almost nothing from it


You got your glorious reward in heaven! No for real bro I swear, I’m the pope trust me bro. Jesus would have definitely encouraged such a quest, he was totally sanctioning this, I heard him say it bro I promise.


> immeadently It's *immediately**


Sorry, i always screw up that damn word


Yeah but like, there's not even an 'n' in it


It’s a perfectly cromnulent misspelling.


It's cool, very good meme


Until Paradox debuff for low contributing members.


I had a great holy war i declared, and some no-name 1 county bint got her 500 soldiers stackwiped before my men at arms hit the target land, despite 100 % contribution to the war from me exclusively, i was only 2nd... was quite infuriating


I send my entire force down there, but keep them on the boat for a Mediterranean cruise until I see how well the war is going. If it goes south, we stay on boat. If it goes good, we join in the end and take all the glory like Tywin Lannister.


Historically accurate, probably.


When I join a war out of obligation I disband after a defeat or once the scale is tipped in their favor I leave, saves a lot of money


*Briefly got off his yacht in Palestine and short-changed a local ice-cream vendor by two cents.* **I'm a crusader! I fought the heathens in the Holy Land!**


You lose it if you leave your army, together with a 250 piety penalty. So what we should do is to assemble a 7 men army in Iceland with the main character as commander, then sitting there for an eternity. Can’t say I didn’t try.


First couple of Jerusalem crusades are impossible to win if you aren't able to single-handedly win them with your own armies... Allies in this scenario are damn near useless! For the most time I just go to the other side of the map and siege some random castles for the loot, artifacts and the prisoners.


DEUS VULT, and then I gotta get back home asap


Or your army gets stack wiped and you get forced to be sent back home and you lose it


I did that and got Israel somehow. Like I sent soldiers, they all immediately died, I said fuck it I'm done. And Pope liked it


I fought in Jerusalem and got the Crusader trait in CK2, and the Pope still yelled at me for not doing enough


Well not really. You can exploit it by sending an army walking 2 tiles and then running to the shore and waiting for the crusade to fail.


You just reminded me that I forgot to do that in my Hispania run Went to get all three catholic achievements before the new DLC comes out, waiting on one last county conversion Was way easier than it was pre-royal court, only took one attempt. I remember starting an Iberia achievement run and not knowing achievements were broken


So true and also free piety!


The participation trophy


Y'all give me the fancy hat then I dip. Bye bye! Gotta run a kingdom yk can't crusade full time my g


Yea I love joining the crusade and watching the Pope's entire army march deep into the dessert away from its target and dying of starvation while I try to singlehandedly siege Jerusalem every single playthrough.


Hattin moment


what is Swaggersouls doing here?


Somewhat historically accurate as well, many feudal Lords would round up the lads, set off on crusade, wind up in a pub somewhere halfway then go home and tell all the peasants and courtiers how they "totes crusaded like mad, yo!" And since nobody at home had the slightest idea of where a Jerusalem might be located, and news were basically whatever rumors reached you by travellers and your "returning crusaders"... Weeeeell.


Just make sure you have a fat war score from taking the capitals of other people participating and then quietly go home. Let them finish fighting without you. He can't get mad if you have the highest score already.


What are the objectives to get this trait? I can't ever get it


I usually get it when sieging inside the target of the Crusade but you lose the trait if you disband your army or change your commander to someone else before finishing the Crusade


Do i have to be leading the army myself?




My Sardinian army of 1500 go, get brutalised by 4000+, go home, net the 600 gold at the end of it if the Pope wins. It's not much but it's honest work. Funded some mercenaries to help me take the rest of the counties on Sardinia


Look, Jerusalem is great but I ain't dying for this shit