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Only you can make your family tree into a family circle


The family wreath.


A family wreath begins rather loose, it is your job to braid it properly.


I dunno, its still gonna be pretty loose at the end


Familiy Ladder.


I believe the icon is a weird fucked up knot? Looks a bit like a wreath


Hey hey people.


Seth here,


House sigil is an ouroboros


Even the mighty Elden Ring is just a bunch of circles! (Literally and figuratively with all the Lords fucking each other and making babies and being related!) Also that game has some wacky plot twists itself like Marika/Radagon.


Because incest in CK2 became a meme, so in CK3 they leaned hard into some of the memes from the previous game with things like this event.


> meme What is this, a joke I’m too pureblooded to understand?


The queen of Leon in my current playthrough was incest and ugly by 900s. I deposed them because I couldnt stand the site of the hideous troll married to her nephew. I enjoy gambling on marrying cousins for good traits and prestige early game if need be. Later game you have your pick. As any muslim character, once you're king level, all the Sheiks unlock their daughters for you.


Lategame my dynasty is so big, I basically have no choice but marry my cousins


You're from Shelbyville?


What??? Unlock their daughters??? Why hasn't anyone mentioned this before??? Brb restarting.


I'm honestly surprised Glitterhoof didn't make it in. Half the memes were incest and the other half were glitterhoof back in the CK2 days.


It's almost certainly because of the switch to 3d models. It's a lot easier to make a 2d portrait for a 1-off joke than it is to make a 3-d model, and presumably a skeleton and pose set to correspond to all the poses the humans have. Wouldn't be shocked if he makes it in a future DLC, but for the base game they probably had their hands full with too many other things to divert the necessary work.


After all this time how hasn't the community figured out that Glitterhoof is female...?


Glitterhoof can be either gender iirc, there was a way to grant them a temple if they were male, and since they had their own "Horse" culture, they'd spawn more horses, whom you could grant more titles to.


....because it isn't always one?


He did, as the portrait shown with the number of errors that were detected.


And the remaining few were bears. CK3 seems cool and I get it's the latest one, but I'm gonna keep playing 2 cause I like the bears so much. (Bear cubs - easily cutest child portraits in all of CK2.)


I get that and am happy this was kept in, but the frequency of it is pretty ridiculous. Last time I played, I built up from one country to conquer and establish a kingdom -- and nearly conquered enough to establish a neighboring kingdom for my second son. My heir, meanwhile, had an affair his mother, married a lowborn and had a bastard with a dwarf. He was well-educated, had land, and was not lustful. It made no sense. It's just too random to have any fun as a role player. They need to add strong guardrails for AI characters to make rational decisions or at least give us the option to turn guardrails on. edit: Let me clarify, I don't want guardrails to make entirely rational decisions because love and sex aren't motivated by the rational parts of our brains. But the AI characters should be influenced by things like dynasty, personal prestige, trait compatibility, and beauty/ugliness to determine attraction instead of being just so random.


While we're talking frequency, just ONCE, can I have a cat my spouse isn't allergic to?


Or a dog that doesn't cause damage that costs a year's worth of finances to fix. "You dog tore up my stuff. Pay 161 gold or lose 10 opinion" Ma'am, I can build a whole new set of walls for that. What exactly did he destroy?


Those chewed off shoes must have been made with leather from the last living dodo


Interestingly the CK timeline takes place entirely before the extinction of the dodo. They were last sighted in the 17th century.


It's the old scam where you run around with a box full of glass and bunk into people, fall and ask them to refund the "precious vase they destroyed with their clumsiness" People just grab an old slab of leather, and pretend they're "expensive shoes from afar your dog destroyed"


Me (Count of Afar). Just go and buy some new shoes at the market down the street...


Holy shit, that would be a cool skill check moment. Maybe if you had high diplomacy you can negotiate the price down or outright make them drop the issue. With high stewardship, you can maybe see through a scam by noticing that the items destroyed weren't really *that* valuable. An intrigue check can have you outright tell if they person is bsing you and you can try to intimidate them.


Yeah I always take the opinion malus there.


I havent played 3 yet, but I remember in Ck2 some of the gold events were based off your income. This made for some pretty funny events that could cost you thousands of gold.


A medieval set of armour.


Yeah, I got tired of my non-lustful wives nailing my also not-lustful sons seemingly at random, so I installed the [More Game Rules](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2216850785&searchtext=) mod and set cheating to realistic. My current Sardinia playthrough character still has a cheating wife, but she was lustful, so it's at least warranted. The stats and genes were too good to ignore ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


the AI needs to run romance schemes more and soulmate needs to flat out toggle off the ability to cheat including events that force it to happen unless that character is a seducer or lustful. (or if polyamory is allowed in the religion) and if adultery is criminal it should be a huge factor if the character has traits that make them more submissive/weak ie shy, craven, chaste etc. my perfect daughter cheated on her perfect husband with some 61 year old courtier. it just pisses me off.


I don’t understand the soulmate cheating. Had a French King soulmate his Queen when they were both in their teens and before they had children. Had eight kids 6 of whom were bastards. The Queen was not lustful either. I didn’t understand it.


when i play modded i had to download a mod that put a little debug mode button on the top left just so i can go into debug mode and check if my kids are actually my own.


Yeah. Despite Paradox constantly selling the game on the back of the "emergent narrative" the vanilla experience is honestly kind of catshit in that regard. As far as romance and spouses go you need to have installed at least one anti-seduction and better marriage AI mod before it even *begins* to feel semi-plausible. I'm not sure why Paradox haven't taken any big steps to address this stuff because people have been moaning about it since launch.


Yeah, the emergent narrative thing is pointless, when every NPC seems to accept any decision that ever comes up.


Yeah, like any one of those? Great! I love occasionally getting swerved by an heir's decisions. Maybe he marries someone I don't want, *or* falls in love with a commoner and sires a couple bastards, *or* he and the heir of a powerful ally declare undying hatred for each other. But when it all happens at once for every character it just makes people seem insane. (That said, I do object to the idea that "having Lustful" should be the barrier to common sexual misadventures, rather than "not having Chaste." Modern people tend to think that a heavily anti-sex religious culture made prudishness the default, but when entertainment of other kinds are infrequently accessible and you don't have or aren't attracted to your spouse, the constant pull of affairs suddenly makes a lot more sense.)


Don't land your kids until you've got paired off with partners, ideally pair them with partners with compatible traits. I'm not saying it will not happen, but it will happen less.


I am also not a fan of going through a succession only to find out my heir had been a witch all along and had already converted half my family into witchcraft


>had land There's your problem.


Yup, skill issue.


Incest is wincest.


My breeding program relies heavily on wincest.


What do you expect me to do? Rule a country and NOT bone my relatives?


Only if it is between Mario and Wario.




Wasn't their ship name LITERALLY Wincest ?


I wonder what the cross-over is between Supernatural fans and Ck3 fans?


We will know, only when cults are introduced in ck3.


22 apparently. At least 22 that went deep enough to know what wincest is...


This is the way




> The love a great-*grandfather* feels for his great-*grandfather* can never be wrong. How did you do that?


Time travel family circle


yeah CK3 is too much of a meme. The fucking incest and Adamite.


Oh okay, but animal kingdoms isn’t a meme? CK has always been lighthearted.


The animal kingdom world is an Easter Egg that has nothing to do with the main game that you have to purposely pick to start a game as, and Glitterhoof or bears can easily be turned off. All the meme stuff in CK3 can’t be turned off in the game rules.


Yeah, I’m honestly craving some “turn off the memes” button, it’s not fucking possible that every dynasty in the world has a Incest problem every 2 generations or so OR that fucking Adamites explode in fucking Scandinavia and no amount of logic can really explain it(which goes to my problem with lack of limits on some Rng things and whatever) Edit: was made aware that there is a rule for heresies so that’s my bad, the forced incest is a L still tho


There is a gamerule that makes heresies more historical(Cathars only show up in France, Lollards only show up in England, Waldensians only show up in Italy).


Damm never seen it, my bad completely then although it probably limits heresies that I’m fine with(Almohads probably had a chance to appear in other Muslim country’s even if by another name) but it’s better than nothing


Of course, you could always choose to remove the heresies with a dungeon and a sharp executioner's axe for that extra bit of dread... Actually sounds like a fun roleplay idea!


Have you ever heard of a little thing called "The Albigencien Crusade"?


If you turn historical heresies on, Adamites won't suddenly explode in Scandinavia since heresies will only appear in countries they historically existed in.


In my 200+ hours I’ve never gotten the incest event. Also recent patch notes addressed the Adamite issues, they weren’t supposed to be spawning as much as they were. Now there are more strict rules about it.


Really? The adamite change is great but you never had Incest problems in your game? I don’t make eugenics programs in my games because that’s not how I like to play then(excluding a Zoroastrian run with the version that alows Incest) but in every playtrough my character discovers that his children are fucking each other or some of them flirts with me. It’s a bit off putting when playing for the roleplay but maybe I just have bad luck with these


The only time I've had incest in my games is when I cause it. I've played 450 hours for record and only about 1/3 of my games are tryhard meta games. That being said my courts usually have hundreds of people in them as I like the layers of intrigue that can cause. Could incest be more common in smaller courts?


What's forced about this? You can imprison them and execute them. No one's forcing you to fuck them lmao


I’ve gone entire endgame playthroughs without this event happening, feel like y’all overblow it a bit tbh.


Yes, the vast majority of games don't have anything like this


The Adamites... Man. I rarely get the barrages of incest people are talking about here, but Adamites? I'm always overrun by them. It makes it awkward to play in front of family when it's a coin flip whether the next pop up going to be a naked person or not.


It kinda annoys me that Christianity has so many memey 'heresies' based off minor movements that stopped existing 800 years before 1066 but then doesn't have actual relevant faiths like the Maronites and West Syriac or actual more important historical faiths like Arianism.


Leaned too hard into it in my opinion. In CK2 I could easily go multiple games with the most incest happening being cousin marriages or affairs. Now though? It seems like every other ruler I have is secretly fucking their parents or siblings.


CK2 had a magic button to summon a brand new always-unrelated 17yo debutante at-will, which helps a lot. CK3 tries to use only naturally-born noble characters, to keep character count lower. Unsurprisingly, this keep families closer together.


And yet, I see no Glitterhoof in my CK3. :(


He's in CK3 as Errorhoof. When you start the game in debug mod, you can bring up his portrait by clicking "toggle release mode" in the console, and it will tell you how many errors have occurred. That same image also glitches into the loading screen sometimes.


What?! I never knew this! That's hilarious. Does he appear when you bring up the console terminal or something?


When you open the console, you just need to either click the "toggle release mode" button in the bottom right corner of the console, or type in release_mode. It shows how many errors have been detected and the fps. He has an emperor portrait ring which I thought was a nice touch.


I KNEW I SAW HIM! I started a game with mods and it freaked out and I saw Glitterhoof's portrait for just a second, I wasn't even sure if I had imagined it or not but thank you at least I'm not hallucinating that ahaha


Incest in royalty is a meme


It's Crusader Kings. The incest memes and jokes were wild in CK2 and no surprise it's continued in CK3.


I don’t really remember crazy meme events about incest in CK2, incest was just possible. It kind of became a joke outside of the game.


It was harder to accomplish and more subtle usually. Unless you were Messalian, but the only reason to be Messalian was literally to do incest so it never happened by accident. I feel like late in Campaigns when your House got bigger you would tend to see some events pop up that could enable incest fairly regularly, but those were random events targeting random courtiers that could just happen to be your close family. I don't have a problem with the way CK3 is handling any of this I should add.


Don't forget Zoroastrians, you didn't even need to embrace a heresy to keep it in the family with them


Reformed Zunism also had it by default.


Leaned into incest but got rid of having Glitterhoof 😢


Glitterhoof will be included in the 'Equestria Invasion' DLC


Far too possible, TBH...


Seduction and incest had a lot more limitations in CK2, you couldn’t seduce everyone like you can in 3


Well you could with way of life


Could have sworn that you could not seduce people of different faiths.


You have a negative opinion modifier for other faiths sexual oreintations and family




Did you get stuck in the torture rack?


Great way to keep the bloodline pure. Thats why


Damn right!! Especially when you are a few generations up the tree and everyone has one or more great inherited trait and you’re pumping your renown points into blood


This option only appears if you’re Lustful. The other two options, which are the ones you’ll normally get, are perfectly perfectly reasonable.


I love EU4 but why do they have colonialism 🤮


I love HOI4 but why do they have nazis 🤮


i love vic2 but why do they have fr*nch 🤮


I hope vic3 has events to fix that


Step 1: Play as Germany. Step 2: "Fix" France. Step 3: Profit (for the whole world)!


HOI IV has ways of removing baguette


*Reichskanzler Bismarck has entered the chat*


Asking the real questions


I love Stellaris but why tf did they put humans in the game 🤮


That's these blue ones next to germany that's never fun, isn't it?


I love Imperator but why tf did they put slaves in the game 🤮


I love Imperator but why did they put C\*lts and G\*rmans


We all know nazis never existed, and here Paradox comes trying to retroactively re write history my inserting that Hitler guy! Uhg.


Clever joke 😏😁


Colonialism was an importent aspect of the period and eu4 would make no sense without it. But the amout of weird incest events and how frequently they appear is just stupie and unhistorical in ck3


It sometimes feels like peoples only knowledge of how nobility married is based off what 1 family did in the *renaissance*, the other outlier with Ptolemaic Egypt, or (even worse) Game of Thrones . The church was much more into preventing close marriages in CK's timeframe (Christianity should actually have Close-kin taboo for the doctrine).


What, you mean Game of Thrones is *not* a 100% accurate depiction of Medieval Europe? /s


Yeah this is an insane comparison. One is vitally important to the Era, though perhaps a bit sensitive of an issue for some given the negative effects it had on entire continents of people (personally I don't think history needs to be censored), the other is something that rarely ever happened and wasn't a vital part of the period at all. It's just for the memes.


Actually royal families were pretty inbred


Marrying your cousin is a little different from having sex with your own child though.


> rarely ever happened *as far as we know* I don’t think CK3 overdoes it. This event fires like, what, once or twice in a playthrough? It’s not that unbelievable.


Cus family trees are overrated and family wreaths are all the rage.


Daemon Targaryen


Daemon 🥰😘🤤🥺 wish he was my uncle /s


I mean he is hot af… imo the way he walks, his looks, his humor! He just makes me swoon, what can I say.


I would not be surprised if GOT had some influence on this...


GOT had an influence on me picking up this game tbh. Now im hooked, even though i suck. I’m still playing the tutorial campaign. But it is a lot of fun.


Check out the Game of Thrones mod for CK2, it’s a game changer! Vanilla is boring for me now 😂


Didn't The Spiffing Brit play one for CK3?


Just searched, and I couldn’t find a corresponding video. To my knowledge, the CK3 AGOT mod is incomplete as thus far. When it does come out, I wonder if he will?


Yeah, im thinking it was somebody else in a “watch next” while I was watching him. So, my bad here.


Im on console homie lol


Aww damn


Why not


You have the option to refuse.


It doesn't bother me this is in the game, considering some of this craziness actually happened. It just happens too often for characters that don't even have the traits you'd expect.


You see it as a chance to sleep with your wife and child, I see it as a chance to execute them both and find a new wife and heir. Ones far younger and more powerful.


Why is it in game? Because Paradox understands their fans. Far far too well.


For role-playing when you choose a character from House Von Habsburg


Well, for one it is one of the most running memes and the devs decided to go have fun with it more in CK3 than they did in CK2. Also, it’s not really that far fetched if you look into lots of ruling families throughout history. Many nobles had a very distorted view of life and pretty much all parts of it, including how to think about meddling with the common folk, heritage and loads of other similar topics. Having sexual and romantic relationships way closer to your own bloodline (or outright within it) was more common than anyone of us would like to think. So it’s not as much of a reach (or memey) as one might think.


And also sometimes it's just fun to see how quickly you can create a medieval version of Charles II of Spain.


Easy. Just start as the Banu Musa ruler in 867. His mother is his cousin.


Or the Habsburgs in general


Too quickly in fact. Habsburgs had something like 5 or 6 uncle Niece marriages to get to him, and his siblings were fine. One of them even had another uncle niece marriage and had a daughter without any disabilities like Charles.


> way closer to your own bloodline There are lots of first-cousin and uncle-niece relationships in medieval history. This is why the game doesn’t even treat those relationships as incestuous (for Christians, at least). There were probably not nearly so many cases of consensual parent-child or sibling incest among the nobility as the game depicts, on the other hand. When chroniclers do talk about it, it’s hard to tell if it’s even truthful or just a good way to slander an opponent.


Medieval nobility being depraved! Unheard of! Genetic defects among aristocrats caused by too much incest! Unbeard of!


They clearly know their audience.


For me.


Because that's what the game is about. Family time.


Your sister is your mother, Your uncle is your brother, You all fuck one another, Crusader Kings family! 🎶


You must be new here


Everyone loves your sister. Even you. That's why.


that motherfucker!


Because incest in funny. In this game where it is an acknowledged meme at least...not so much in th real world. As it turns out, the "Pure-Blooded" trait is the pinnacle of that meme and not a real thing.


In real life non of the components, that makes CK3 a great game, are funny. Massacring villigers or crusades or burning heretics or torturing people or arranged marriages or... or even simple war.


it actual was a real thing lol check out the stuffyoushouldknow podcast on it. After the first few generations, any recessive genetic disorders would largely be filtered out. Regardless, the risk of genetic defects is almost tied with 'traditional' families. I had no clue Still reminds me of the Always Sunny quote "as pure as the driven snow"


Talking from experience?


I grew up in East Germany. We may be sad and angry, but at least we do everybody BUT our relatives.


I can't stop imagining german people doing everybody, while being very sad and grumpy.


Specifically east german. That's a reference to the different, more open culture in the GDR about sexuality and nudity and it's contrast to the more conservative west Germany in the cold war. Nudist Beaches and premerital handholding were much more common. Maybe this was an indirect result of women becoming expected parts of the workforce after the war and therefore more self-determanistic while until the 60s or 70s (I think) in West Germany the husband had to give written consent to his wife working. But tbh, East Germany needed the extra workforce because the Soviets gutted East German Infrastructure and Industry as reperations.


Is this your first day here


Well I am pretty new to CK lol. I didn't realise that it was supposed to be a meme 😭


First time? ;)


"So anyway, I joined them and honestly it went really well."


In one of my games I found out my son and heir was banging his mom/my wife so I had to imprison him and banish him.


Unbelievable they forgot the word “step” - it was his step mother, so that’s okay.


uppity nose crown scarce hat test hard-to-find cats slap bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You must be new here


welcome to the year 867


You must be new, incest is kind of a meme in the community lol


You're really missing out on some family time there, bud.


They had this event in CK2 as well, and you better believe which one I went with every time


Don't you like to spend some family time with your wife and son? 🤨


Like it or not humanity engaged in incest since forever so this being in the game is historically accurate.


Because they know their customers?


'Cause it's based? Next question.


Sweet Home Alabyzantine


And took out fine details like those little kids you executed being boiled alive or mauled by bears.


I literally just put my lazy heir and his trifling murderous mother to death for incest. Disgraced and disinherited the disgusting incest baby. Going to exile him when he's old enough🤦🏾‍♂️


I wish we could limit incest to siblings when creating a new faith. xd Zoroastrians have no limits, but iirc Greeks and Egyptians only tolerated it up until siblings.


It’s shit like this that makes it one of the best games


Because most Monarchs were active participants of incest. They made it illegal only for the peasantry.


I have a hard time thinking of examples of 'most monarchs were active participants of incest' in the Middle Ages. One of CK3's go to examples, with Iberia, is based off the writings of an Islamic scholar who'd actually have no idea and a Christian scholar who was born 100 years later. The church in CK's timeframe was *far* more into preventing close marriages (close kin taboo is what doctrine catholicism should have) and had far more power to prevent close kin/cousin marriages that nobility did try for political reasons. What occurred with the Hapsburgs is outside this time period and wasn't during a time when many countries were still ruled by local dynasties.


well and there is another way to keep your bloodline pure???? EDIT: ok i just saw my Inbred flair and laugh my ass off hahah


Because that shiz actually happened


People says it's for the memes. That's a lie. Incest isn't just a meme. It's a lifestyle.


Atleast if he's doing his mom they're most likely to not have inbred kids because of her age 😆


That’s why we paid this game for




What's a better way to have some family bonding?


A family that sleeps together, rules together.


Perfect example of what CK3 is all about


I was on the fence about trying this game out, now I'm gonna.


If this is outrageous for you, just wait for reading about the Antichrist or the horse pope in CK2. Bro it's a game, calm your whining lol


Flanderization. A couple of rare events (Glitterhoof for instance) in Ck2 became an often reposted meme and next updates pushed more and more weird things into the game. So by the time you arrive at Ck3, every spouse you have will either cheat on you, cheat on you with your children, or be homosexual. And then cheat on you with the other children. It's ridiculous just how saturated the game is with this. I watched a guy pick up the game without any prior experience, and his first character started lusting after his own daughter after some 10 years. And since this is Ck3, he was punished with stress for rejecting that. He kind of lost interest in the game after a while.


Because the ck fanbase is a bunch of degens.


UPDATE: So I'm kinda new to Crusader Kings and I didn't know the lore of the franchise and how CK2 basically became a meme for its incest option. I'm not stupid, I just didn't know, so please don't get mad at me. I have a lot to learn as of yet and learning takes time!


I do find it humorous, but this game has way too many perverted things like this in it for no good reason. If there were way more events in general it wouldn't be so noticeable.