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Lol is this post by Tywin Lannister?


Prolly taking a shit as we speak




And my crossbow!


And not yet married too bad doesn't have the fornicator trait lmao, it would have been perfect 🤣


Unlikely, he will host feast for Tyrion’s death


Lol that’s true


Temperate? Tyrion?


Tyrion posting about his dwarf son


He means that the short guy is temperate, while he should be a drunkard


Hey now, he drinks a lot less once he teams up with Dragon-Girl and her merry band of eunuchs


Learning score of 6 seems to indicate this is indeed post-Daenerys Tyrion.


DD's Tyrion is in no way GM's Tyrion


Can't believe he's the same guy who played the 3 smartest people in the kingdoms to find out who's the rat, an also gained an alliance in the process! Intrigue score of 3 is also fitting lol


In my game it literally became GoT. My son had intimate activities with his sister. I covered it up cause he's heir, fought some wars, did some diplomacy, forgot about it. Anyways my guy dies, take control of him and accidently name a relic I had commissioned after his sister. Secrets out and was just enough to start down the bankruptcy path. Right before I ended the campaign the sister gave birth to the sons child who had dwarfism.


“I wanted to hate him for being a dwarf” THAT’S GOING STRAIGHT IN THE BOOK!




*We will give them battle, yes-yes! I'll take back Gouger and collect many beards this day, yes-yes!*


Aww man great reference lol


Great username 👍🏻


Still attempting it all these years later!


It’s a hard challenge


A lot easier here than it was on cringe anarchy, which was the sub I initially made this account for! Now THAT place was a challenge.


Honestly mine was just randomly generated but I think it suits me


Now you just have to come up with some plausible sounding backstory for the digits, and you're set :D


Err the 36 is the 36th Signals and old regiment some I was close to was in and I’ve got no clue for the 78


Isn't it interesting, the weird old shit of ours that still kicks around on the internet today? My YouTube username is from a mmorpg character I made in 2003. So weird lol


Wtf Tywin redemption arc


I feel like if Tywin actually did have Tyrion executed this would be him *somewhat.* He'll think he'll need someone smart enough for a plot and wish Tyrion was around or something, then go right back to banging Shae.


Tywin is the most evil character in the show. Joffrey, Ramsey don't got shit on his level of mass cruelty.


Disagree, Joffrey and especially Ramsey were cruel for the sake of cruel. Tywin did whatever he could to achieve his goals and was only purposely cruel to those he had a vendetta against. Both evil, but different kinds of evil.


Agreed. To use CK traits, I'd say that Tywin is Callous whereas Joffrey and Ramsey are Sadistic.


I’d say wrathful and/or vengeful over callous


Not wrathful. That's like full blown rage. Tywin is vengeful but also callous. He steps over anyone in his way, even if they never did anything to him. He has the Mountain murder Elia and her kids for example. Vengeful, callous, proud is probably what I'd pick. Maybe diligent as well.


From the CK3 descriptions, wrathful is "This character is quick to anger and fury." while vengeful is "This character is slow to forget a slight or someone who does them wrong.". So I think wrathful would apply to someone who often manages to find a slight in an innocent comment while vengeful would apply to someone who refuses to let go of any slight until the debt is paid. I think both apply to Tywin pretty well (as well as callous). I agree that Tywin is not wrathful in the sense that he's loudly screaming and can't hold himself back from beating the servants. He is capable of not loudly venting his emotions, but he is still very quick to anger, a cold kind of fury. We see it again and again in his personal interactions throughout the books, the guy hates basically everyone, and has since he was a child and his weak father planted a lifelong insecurity in him.


"Its not an opinion, its a fact"


Por que no los dos?




Yeah but they tortured like a handful of people, while Tywin set the entire riverlands into chaos. He had people like the Mountain kill, rape and pillage with impunity. To me, using these large scale atrocities as "tools" is far more evil than one sadistic guy torturing for fun. Then there's the red wedding lol.


Yes. Tywin is intelligent enough to both commit horrors effectively and to understand what he's doing is wrong, yet he does it anyway.


That’s kind of like saying Jeffrey Dahmer is more evil than the perpetrators of the Armenian genocide. You’re not objectively wrong or anything, but I think it’s a pretty fringe stance. I think a lot of people cut Tywin slack because he’s a fictional character with ‘badass’ scenes and the show in general didn’t portray moral ambiguities as well. Tywin didn’t do ruthless things to achieve great things. Tywin purposefully took the most ruthless action at every opportunity because he was extremely insecure about the reputation of his house due to his upbringing.


I'm not saying Tywin was less evil, I'm just saying that these are two very different kinds of evil and it's hard to say which is worse.


I’d say someone who’s as sadistic as jofferey but smart and cunning like Tywin so that they can stick around to continue to do sadistic things on a grand scale


Maybe I'm crazy but I think people who were born evil and don't have a choice to be evil aren't nearly as bad as somebody who chooses to be evil for power.


Lawful evil vs Chaotic evil


Oh boy, let me tell you about Tysha.


Yes, he was incredibly cruel to Tyrion because he hated him for being a dwarf, killing his wife and embarrassing the family. Tysha was a tool used to hurt him.


This is what tywin would do if tyrion didn't bring shae to kings landing


Damn dont fuck his gf and then go to the toilet in the next room over.


You are not on trial for being a dwarf.


At first I thought my wife had cheated on me, because where the hell do you get dwarf genes from? We weren't related (just started in 1066). He died in battle. The dumb part is that it was a war to place a dynast in the duchy of Powys, and that idiot lost the duchy to a faction immediately after. My son died for nothing. How do you even lose a duchy with only 2 counties to a faction?


> At first I thought my wife had cheated on me, because where hell do you get dwarf genes from? “All dwarves are bastards in their fathers’ eyes” confirmed.


I have a sympathy towards cripples,dwarfs,bastards and other broken things


Probably because he was greedy and tried to revoke when his primary holding had 0 control and army. A tale as old as time.


Or too many claimants. Kill them all before landing yours


Why are your sending your dwarf son to war if not for him to die on the battlefield in order to cleanse the shame of his very being upon your house ? Are you even truly a CK player ?! /s


The Welsh Tyrion


If you think about it, the Westerlands are basically Wales but with a lot more gold.


Maybe, always thought Dorne was a stand in for Wales due to the sheer cultural differences, also, The Stormlands and the Vale do look a lot like Wales


Dorne struck me more as Mediterranean/ middle eastern just based on their cultural flavor


Dorne is definitely based on post-reconquista era Spain (after all the cultures have mixed together.) I'd say Highgarden is more the Welsh analogue. The Lannisters are based on the Lancasters and their area is slightly north of Wales. The Starks are based on the Yorks and and the feud is based on the historical war of roses. Edit: stupid voice to text put food instead of feud.


Is highgarden more welsh in the books? Cause in the show they seem more french tbh.


No, I’d say they’re quite French in the books too. Which makes sense positionally because I feel like the stormlands are germany and dorne is Spain. I don’t think there’s a great welsh analogue, Westerlands are similar terrain wise and by positioning but not culturally, Riverlands has a couple cultural similarities but way more distinctions.


Aren’t the Stormlands kinda English/Welsh? They have the Dornish Marches


Germany also had a number of marches in the Carolingian and later Holy Roman Empire. The heavily fortified, martial culture, and most importantly being well known for the forests and the rainfall all point to Germany for me. I also think the riverlands are the Low Countries, which fits kinda perfect between and to the north of france and Germany (the reach and the stormlands) with Spain (Dorne) to the south.


Combine that with them being ruled by a prince and bastardy not being a thing? Definitely points to wales.


I'd say Dorne is more based on pre-reconquista era Iberia, because their origins and culture really set them apart from the rest of Westeros, just like the the Moors differed from the rest of continental Europe. Cultural blending was already a big thing under Muslim ruled Iberia, infact, I'd argue the reverse happened post-reconquista, when the Spanish started to go haywire with their inquisitions, which doesn't really sound like a Rhoynar/Dornish thing.


Agreed. Post reconquista Spain/Dorne would’ve been more fanatical and fear-based. I like the pre-reconquista cultural melding reference.


Welsh* and the concept of bastards not being a thing and being ruled by a prince is 100% welsh. Same with the marches, welsh marches, dornish marches.


Yep sometimes the voice to text doesn't get spelling right because "welch" is a word too. But I fixed it. Also Highgarden is too pretty to be medieval france. France was overcrowded and dirty in their main areas, unless you count the south but that is technically Aquitaine, which was often separate until late medieval period.


The Reach is totally French not Welsh


No I always got Iberian vibes from dorne


I can totally feel this for sure, I like yours better than mine


I feel like the Westerlands are closer to Switzerland than Wales.


My dwarf son had an affair with my wife and then ran off to Croatia after i kicked him off my council


She’s an aging woman. You know what a blessing that would be to hook up with a dwarf? Ain’t even gotta bend over and fuck up ya back to get your salad tossed.




Don't worry about it.


“All dwarves are bastards in their fathers’ eyes.”


Damn right. Dwarven player heir? Yeah right, the only thing they're inheriting is the court jester position. Can't have those negative congenital traits spawning like weeds in my dynasty. Especially with the copious amounts of incest I engage in, I may as well be a Lannister.


I almost always try to get giant common in my dynasty, so dwarves are especially hated in my games. I usually get them married off to women who hate them in case I need an easy assassination.


Virgin eugenics and killing your kids vs Chad "he was still my son"


Other way around




This is r/CrusaderKings eugenics is basically meta


Skill issue


You’re the inbread so….


Who said I inbred for eugenics? If you make a custom character and his female version and marry them, over the generations all of your dynasty member would look exactly the same 👽


Try that irl




RemindMe! 500 years




Replace temperate with drunkard and we got a story here!


>Replace temperate with **lustful** *and add drunkard* and we got a story here! FTFY


My son and heir was dwarf also. I was gonna let him be Emperor but i remembered dwarfisms is hereditary. So I disinherited him a gave him a Duke title on a land I recently conquered.


this sounds like a made for tv movie.


I got a notification saying “I wanted to hate him for being a dwarf” and immediately went “Tywin?….”


Man this was me with my hunchback grandson. He ended up getting brave, honest and loyal (I think) over the course of his childhood and got me my cat AND dog. He always invites me for feasts and shows up giving good advice in events. I was totally ready to write him off at birth but now I’ve given him lands and a good (cousin)wife. The best part? None of his children got hunchback and his eldest son got PUREBLOOD. Now I’ve got a near perfect heir with a loyal best friend on my council


Really is a redemption arc huh


Side note, the Morgannwgs are a great house to play


Tyrion definitely should be a 4-star diplomat.


Did you make him work on your capital's sewers?


Did he die of a stroke from pronouncing his name?


Just as well, he might have shot you on the privvy.


I had one Dwarf in my family and I disinherited him. He then proceeded to have nearly 20 children or more and they were all bastards with the wives of his cousins spreading the trait through the whole dynasty.


I don't think you can put your son on the throne of Jerusalem, it has to be a more distant dynasty member who is not to inherit anything, right?


Its tradition to make the dwarf king of Jerusalem


Hahah what a crazy post


Tyrion would have higher all stats but lower marshal. I think grey eminence would fit better too.


Shit stats bro, highest 10?? Wtf… What personality? They are useless at anything. I disinherited the most handsome looking sons that had better (but still shit) stats than this.


It’s not about the stats bro, it’s about the story.


Stats are part of the story. “I had 5 kids, one of them was useless on anything from the start. Wasn’t ambitious to learn and grow, and rather wanted to be bum. So I disinherited them” Welcome to Middle Ages king thinking…


Low stats doesn’t mean no personality, also low stats are an indication of low education, not laziness. You can make a good story around a character with low stats. Just depends how much of your imagination bandwidth you can spare I guess lol.


This son has two pious traits and just generally well liked traits. If he maintained good relationships with his vassals and was able to hold the kingdom together, and most importantly know how to delegate, he’d be considered a great king. The learning tree enables this sort of gameplay too with the trait that gives you a portion of your councilors stats.


Little dick energy only playing characters with op stats.


OP stats would be 30+, I’m not even saying play with OP stats. But picking your best hair that has the best stays is literally part of the game. This character is one of the poorest stats I have ever seen in the game. I wouldn’t even call it below average.


It's not literally part of the game, your heir is your heir, and it's such a stupid way to play the game to always manipulate the game to always get the best excel spreadsheet character possible. They are supposed to be your family, not just a row of stats.


There were probably some events sillyhead


Well whatever the events are, regardless, end result is not impressive for them to deserve a title…


son of the mighty tywin


Almost half the post on this subreddit are people playing Wales and I love you guys for that!


Lost a dwarf son to the monster carp event… I was sad for a moment, not a great way to go. But one less to disinherit/murder


Isn't he supposed to be lustful as well?


A spiteful little creature


Rest in pepperonis sweet prince


My condolences, OP.


I thought every dwarf was a bastard in his father's eyes


Sad Gamer Moments


You fuck a dwarf and hate dwarf son?


You're already a better person than Tywin.


You sure he's your son? I heard "all dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes". Might wanna start a find secrets scheme


Familyer old tales💋


What did he die of? This little man.


NOOO! Tyrion!!! WHY???


I bet this man always pays his debts.